[Federal Register: February 5, 2004 (Volume 69, Number 24)]
[Page 5567]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



[Docket No. FR-4912-N-02]

Notice of Availability of a Final Environmental Impact Statement 
for the Salishan Revitalization Project, City of Tacoma, WA

AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and 
Development, HUD.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The Department of Housing and Urban Development gives notice 
to the public, agencies, and Indian tribes that a final Environmental 
Impact Statement for the Salishan Revitalization Project, City of 
Tacoma, WA will be available for a 30-day review period beginning 
today. This notice is given on behalf of the City of Tacoma, WA as the 
responsible entity for compliance with the National Environmental 
Policy Act (NEPA) in accordance with 24 CFR 58.4, and the City of 
Tacoma, WA jointly with the Tacoma Housing Authority (THA), and under 
their authority as lead agencies in accordance with the Washington 
State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)(RCW 43.21). This notice advises 
that a NEPA/SEPA Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for the 
redevelopment of the Salishan housing project will be available. A NEPA 
Record of Decision (ROD) will be issued after the 30-day availability 
period. This notice is given in accordance with the Council on 
Environmental Quality Regulations at 40 CFR 1500-1508. The City of 
Tacoma's SEPA regulations (TMC 13.12.460 and TMC 13.12.680) provide a 
14-day Hearing Examiner appeal period from the date of the issuance of 
the FEIS and a 15-day period from FEIS issuance limiting any land use 
action on the proposal (with a potential extension of the limitation on 
action as a result of any appeal). The NEPA review period and SEPA 
appeal period will run concurrently from the issuance of the FEIS.

DATES: Comments Due Date: Comments must be received by March 8, 2004. 
Comments are to be submitted to Karie Hayashi at the address below.

ADDRESSES: The FEIS is available on the Internet and can be viewed or 
downloaded at: http://govme.cityoftacoma.org/govme/panelBeta/permitInfo/LandUse/landUse.
 Hard copies of the FEIS are available from: 

Karie Hayashi, Land Use Administration Planner, City of Tacoma, 747 
Market Street, Tacoma, Washington, 98402; e-mail: 
khayashi@cityoftacoma.org; phone: (253) 591-5387; fax: (253) 591-5433. 
The document can also be viewed at the following libraries: Pierce 
County Library, Main Branch, Tacoma Public Library, and the University 
of Washington, Tacoma Campus Library.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Karie Hayashi, Land Use Administration 
Planner, City of Tacoma, 747 Market Street, Tacoma, Washington 98402; 
Phone (253) 591-5387 fax: (253) 591-5433; e-mail: 

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Salishan Public Housing Development 
(Salishan) was originally constructed in 1942 as wartime housing. 
Located in what is known as the East Side neighborhood, Salishan is 
bordered on the west by Portland Avenue and on the east by Swan Creek. 
There are currently 786 housing units on the site and other related 
community/social service buildings.
    In 2000, THA submitted a successful HOPE VI grant application for 
the redevelopment of Salishan. The amount of the HOPE VI grant awarded 
in connection with the Salishan revitalization project was $35 million. 
Under the proposed Revitalization Plan, existing housing will be 
demolished and Salishan will be redeveloped into a mixed-use, mixed-
income community of approximately 1,270 to 1,500 units. The project 
will require the relocation of all existing residents. The new unit mix 
will incorporate low-income, affordable, and market rate housing with 
single- and multi-family dwellings, and senior and special needs 
housing. The redevelopment project will also include a mixture of 
commercial uses and improvements to community facilities such as 
expanding the existing health clinic, day care, family investment 
center, and gymnasium. Alternatives that were considered in the EIS 
included a no action alternative, a 1,270-unit alternative, and a 
1,500-unit development. The FEIS identifies a Preferred Alternative 
(the 1,500-unit development), which was chosen following review of 
public and agency comments and the analysis in the Draft EIS.
    Issuance of the FEIS will trigger a 30-day review period, after 
which a ROD will be issued. The issuance of the ROD will conclude a 
planning and environmental review process, which started with the 
notice of intent to prepare an EIS dated February 28, 2003. A 30-day 
scoping period was subsequently initiated and a public scoping meeting 
was held on March 19, 2003. The Draft EIS was made available for a 45-
day comment period on September 5, 2003 (68 FR 52417). A public comment 
meeting to take oral comments on the Draft EIS was held on September 
22, 2003.

    Dated: January 28, 2004.
Roy A. Bernardi,
Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development.
[FR Doc. E4-182 Filed 2-4-04; 8:45 am]