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Mount Rushmore National MemorialSome of the lights used to illuminate the memorial at dusk.
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Mount Rushmore National Memorial
Photo Gallery
  • Unless identified as being in the public domain, or as being a National Park Service Photo, the Museum Collection does not hold Copyright to the images or artwork in the collection. It is the responsibility of the borrower to obtain copyright permission prior to publication or reproduction of an image in excess of "fair use."
Did You Know?  

Did You Know?
A committee of Rapid City Women's Club headed by Mrs. C.C. Warren and Mrs. Gutzon Borglum created this 39ft by 67ft flag for the dedication of the Washington figure on July 4, 1930. This flag was later used by Gutzon Borglum to dedicate each of the other presidents.

Last Updated: January 16, 2008 at 14:48 EST