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Transactions of the ASABE

An International Journal of the American Society of Agricultural
and Biological Engineers

Purpose and Scope:
Transactions of the ASABE, an international journal published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, contains peer-reviewed technical articles on the current research being conducted to help solve problems in agriculture, food and other biological systems. Every technological advancement necessarily begins with research, and Transactions of the ASABE presents cutting-edge research on a broad range of topics including agricultural machinery, drainage, irrigation, electronics, biological engineering, forestry, food engineering, agricultural structures, crop production, natural resources, soils, and more. To qualify for publication, the material must represent original, important contributions to the research or design literature and meet other rigorous criteria during the peer-review process. The journal also serves as an information network, providing names and addresses of the people and organizations conducting research in these and related areas of interest.

Intended Readership:
Engineers from a variety of disciplines including agricultural, biological, mechanical, civil, and electrical turn to Transactions of the ASABE for answers to engineering challenges dealing with agriculture, food, natural resources, and other biological systems. Others including soil and plant scientists, agronomists, food scientists, biologists, animal scientists and related specialists also turn to the journal when working on interdisciplinary projects related to these areas.

Bibliographic Information:

2009 Volume No. 52
Number of Issues per Year: 6
Frequency: Bimonthly
ISSN: 0001-2351
Months of Publication: Feb, April, June, Aug, Oct and Dec
Print Format: 8 ½ in. x 11 in.
Online Subscriptions: I.P. access
Transactions of the ASABE is peer reviewed

Indexing and Abstracting:
Transactions of the ASABE is Indexed and Abstracted in · AGRICOLA · CAB International Abstracts · Cambridge Scientific Abstracts · EiCompendex Plus · Environmental Periodicals Bibliography

Current Prices
Order Information

Advance Pricing
2009 Subscription Rate-Print

2009 Subscription Rate-Online
If you are interested in online access for your institution, please complete the price quote form and send it to Donna Hull at the address, phone, fax, or e-mail listed.

Guide for Authors

Division Editors:
Paul H. Heinemann, Penn State University
James A. Lindley, Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM)
Kyle R. Douglas-Mankin, Kansas State University
Virendra M. Puri, Penn State University
Kenneth A. Sudduth, USDA-ARS
Fredrick W. Wheaton, University of Maryland
Roy E. Young, Penn State University
Naiqian Zhang, Kansas State University

Published By
Transactions of the ASABE is published by the American Society of Agricultural
and Biological Engineers

American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers
2950 Niles Road, St. Joseph, MI 49085 | phone 269.429.0300 | fax 269.429.3852 | hq@asabe.org

©2008 American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers