[Federal Register: May 12, 2004 (Volume 69, Number 92)]
[Page 26435-26464]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]

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Part II

Department of Housing and Urban Development


Notice of Funding Availability for Housing Counseling Training; Notice

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[Docket No. FR-4873-N-01]

Notice of Funding Availability for Housing Counseling Training

AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing--Federal Housing 
Commissioner, HUD.

ACTION: Notice of funding availability.


Overview Information

    A. Federal Agency Name: Department of Housing and Urban 
Development, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing--Federal 
Housing Commissioner.
    B. Funding Opportunity Title: Housing Counseling Training.
    C. Announcement Type: Initial Announcement.
    D. Funding Opportunity Number: FR-4873-N-01; OMB Approval Number: 
    E. Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Number: Housing 
Counseling Program 14.169.
    F. Dates: The application is due on June 14, 2004.

Full Text of Announcement

I. Funding Opportunity Description

    Program Purpose. Funds are available to provide, under cooperative 
agreements with HUD, a broad array of activities designed to improve 
and standardize the quality of counseling provided by housing 
counselors working for HUD-approved housing counseling agencies.

II. Award Information

    A. Available Funds: This NOFA announces the availability of 
approximately $7.75 million, which includes up to $3,750,000 in Fiscal 
Year (FY) 2004 funds, $3,802,048 from FY03, and such additional 
carryover funds that may become available.
    B. Match: No specific ratio is required.
    C. Anticipated Awards: HUD's goal is to fund an organization, or a 
consortium of organizations, to deliver the full spectrum of activities 
eligible for funding under this NOFA. Should this not be possible, HUD 
reserves the right to make multiple awards under this NOFA.
    D. Award Instrument: HUD expects to use a cooperative agreement, 
but reserves the right to use the award instrument it determines to be 
most appropriate. All awards will be made on a cost reimbursement basis 
in accordance with, and subject to, the requirements in OMB Circular A-
87, Cost Principles for State, Local, and Indian Tribal Governments; or 
OMB Circular A-122, Cost Principles for Non-Profit Organizations, as 
applicable to your organization. These awards are also subject to the 
administrative requirements established in OMB Circular A-102, 
implemented at 24 CFR part 85 (Administrative Requirements for Grants 
and Cooperative Agreements to State, Local, and Federally Recognized 
Indian Tribal Governments); OMB Circular A-110, implemented at 24 CFR 
part 84 (Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, 
Hospitals and Other Non-Profit Organizations); and OMB Circular A-133 
(Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations), 
implemented at 24 CFR parts 84 and 85. If you receive an award, you 
must comply with and are required to ensure that any subrecipients also 
comply with the above requirements. OMB circulars can be found at 

    Awards made as cooperative agreements will entail significant HUD 
involvement including but not limited to the following items:
     Review and approval of proposed courses, including course 
     Review and approval of evaluation instruments and 
methodology for determining value of courses and impacts; and
     Review and approval of the geographic coverage of the 
training, as well as the type of training and number of courses to be 
    1. Award Adjustments. HUD reserves the right to adjust funding 
levels for each applicant. Once applicants are selected for award, HUD 
will determine the total amount to be awarded to any grantee, based 
upon the scope and geographic coverage of services to be provided and 
funds available.
    2. Award Period. Cooperative agreements will be for a period of up 
to thirty-six (36) months.
    Applicants selected for award must receive prior HUD approval to 
incur costs prior to the date of the grant agreement. HUD will not 
approve pre-award costs incurred more than ninety (90) calendar days 
prior to the effective date of the grant agreement. All pre-award costs 
are incurred at the applicant's risk and HUD has no obligation to 
reimburse such costs.

III. Eligibility Information

A. Eligible Applicants

    1. Eligible Applicants. Applicants must be public or private 
nonprofit organizations with at least two years of experience providing 
the specific services they are proposing to provide under this NOFA.
    A consortium of organizations may apply for funding under this 
NOFA, but one organization must be designated as the primary applicant. 
Furthermore, applicants may utilize in-house staff, sub-grant 
recipients or consultants, and networks of local organizations with 
requisite experience and capacity.

B. Cost Sharing or Matching

    No specific ratio is required.

C. Other

    1. Eligible Activities. Applicants must propose to develop and 
implement a comprehensive and ongoing training program for housing 
counselors, which may be conducted on-site, through satellite 
broadcast, or through computer training software, on the full range of 
housing counseling services and practices. Consistent with Rating 
Factor 5 (Achieving Results and Program Evaluation), applicants must 
also identify program outputs and outcomes that will allow the selected 
grantee or grantees and HUD to measure actual achievements against 
anticipated achievements. Outputs and outcomes must be objectively 
quantifiable. Applicants must identify not only how many counselors 
they expect to train over the course of the grant, but how they will 
measure and validate the effectiveness of the training, for example, by 
developing and administering tests (pre-tests and post-tests), or other 
means to measure a counselor's competence in each area of training, 
both before and after training. The success of the grantee's 
performance would be measured, in large part, by the percentage of 
counselors who achieve a satisfactory test score or otherwise 
demonstrate a satisfactory level of competence in the area of training. 
A counselor may be permitted several opportunities within a certain 
period after receiving the training to demonstrate a satisfactory level 
of competence in an area of training (for example, through on-line 
testing). Applicants must also describe their proposed fee structure 
for the training to be offered, including providing for the maximum 
number of training scholarships. Scholarship eligibility may be based, 
in whole or in part, upon the attainment of a satisfactory level of 
competence. To be considered eligible for funding, an application must 
address a minimum of five of the training topics listed below. When at 
least five of the listed topics are addressed, applicants may propose

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additional topics. Training topics include the following:
    a. General Housing Counseling. Teach counselors the principles and 
applications of housing counseling from the industry's and the 
counselor's point of view. Review the skills and tools needed to be an 
effective housing counselor. Provide overviews of the national picture, 
pre- and post-purchase counseling for homeowners, delinquency, and 
default counseling.
    b. Credit Counseling for Prospective Homeowners. Train counselors 
in conducting results-oriented individual counseling sessions for 
prospective homebuyers, including triaging customers, developing 
corrective action plans and timelines for success, and facilitating 
progress as customers overcome obstacles and move toward mortgage-
readiness. Train counselors regarding state-of-the-art software 
designed specifically for credit rebuilding, debt reduction, automated 
budgeting, and downpayment savings accumulation. Use sample customer 
cases to identify obstacles and simulate counseling sessions.
    c. Matching Clients with Loan Products. Train counselors in 
industry practices, analysis of financials, risk elements, and general 
concepts affecting conventional and government mortgage loan decisions. 
Provide counselors with effective procedures and techniques that will 
translate into appropriate loans and satisfied housing counseling 
clients. Review case studies to illustrate the functional areas of the 
underwriting process, from the application to the loan sale.
    d. Homebuyer Education Programs. Teach counselors how to deliver a 
comprehensive homebuyer education program to turn prospective 
homebuyers into satisfied homeowners. Teach counselors to use the best 
materials and methods to train homebuyers how to shop for a home, get a 
mortgage loan, improve their budget and credit profiles, and maintain 
their home and finances after purchase.
    e. Section 8 Homeownership. Train counselors in how to effectively 
approach and partner with Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) in the 
implementation of a Section 8 Homeownership Program. Review the unique 
characteristics of the program and the voucher holders as they relate 
to the counseling component. Share effective and proven implementation 
    f. Helping Homeowners Avoid Delinquency and Predatory Lending. 
Teach counselors to conduct educational seminars and advise clients 
regarding how to avoid predatory lenders and common lending pitfalls. 
Give counselors the knowledge and tools to help unwary borrowers avoid 
inflated appraisals, unreasonably high interest rates, unaffordable 
repayment terms, and other conditions that can result in a loss of 
equity, increased debt, default, and foreclosure. Train counselors to 
help clients manage debt, avoid predatory lenders, and avoid mortgage 
default. Teach counselors how to read the warning signs of debt 
problems and how to recognize predatory lenders, as well as identify 
available resources to help keep homeowners out of financial trouble. 
Review state and federal regulations, including RESPA and the Truth in 
Lending Act.
    g. Foreclosure Prevention. Train counselors on the protocol for 
counseling homeowners in financial distress. Address all aspects of 
default and delinquency, including reasons for default, ways to 
maximize income and reduce expenses, calculating delinquencies, 
understanding the players in the mortgage marketplace, loss-mitigation 
options for FHA-insured and other loans, information about foreclosure 
laws and timelines, tips on effectively intervening with lenders and 
servicers, managing multiple mortgages or liens, and the pros and cons 
of refinancing.
    h. Home Equity Conversion Mortgages (HECM). Train counselors about 
reverse mortgages for older homeowners. Teach them to understand 
products and programs, analyze plans and compare their costs and 
benefits, and identify alternatives. Also, review relevant counseling 
skills and ethics.
    i. Home Maintenance and Financial Management for New Homeowners. 
Train counselors in how to advise individuals and conduct workshops 
aimed at ensuring the long-term success of new homebuyers, including 
home maintenance and repair, financial management, insurance, and 
record keeping.
    j. Web-based Client Management Systems. Train counselors in how to 
effectively utilize web-based housing counseling client management 
    k. Counseling Individuals and Families Who are Homeless or at Risk 
of Becoming Homeless. Train counselors about the various social 
services available to which they should be referring homeless and 
potentially homeless families and individuals. Provide information on 
federal, state, and local homeless programs and how clients can access 
these programs. Share strategies on how to partner with local public 
service providers to ensure that clients receive attention and 
assistance quickly and efficiently. Review the unique characteristics 
of the homeless population to help counselors understand the types of 
financial, physical, and social problems facing the families and 
individuals who seek their assistance.
    2. Threshold Requirements. Applications will be declared ineligible 
for any of the following reasons:
    a. DUNS Number. HUD will not rate and rank applications that do not 
include a valid Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number 
administered by Dun & Bradstreet.
    b. Compliance with Fair Housing and Civil Rights Laws. An 
applicant, or any of the organizations that partner with an applicant 
for the provision of services in conjunction with this NOFA, must meet 
the following Civil Rights Threshold Requirements:
    (1) With the exception of federally-recognized Indian tribes and 
their instrumentalities, all applicants and their subrecipients must 
comply with all Fair Housing and Civil Rights laws, statutes, 
regulations, and Executive Orders as enumerated in 24 CFR 5.105(a), as 
applicable. A federally-recognized Indian tribe must comply with the 
non-discrimination provisions enumerated at 24 CFR 1000.12, as 
    (2) If an applicant has been charged with a systemic violation of 
the Fair Housing Act alleging ongoing discrimination, is a defendant in 
a Fair Housing Act lawsuit filed by the Department of Justice alleging 
an ongoing pattern or practice of discrimination, or has received a 
letter of findings identifying ongoing or systemic noncompliance under 
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation 
Act, or Section 109 of the Housing and Community Development Act, and 
if the charge, lawsuit, or letter of findings has not been resolved to 
HUD's satisfaction before the application deadline stated in this NOFA, 
the applicant may not apply for assistance under this NOFA. HUD will 
not rate and rank an application. HUD's decision regarding whether a 
charge, lawsuit, or a letter of findings has been satisfactorily 
resolved will be based upon whether appropriate actions have been taken 
to address allegations of ongoing discrimination in the policies or 
practices involved in the charge, lawsuit, or letter of findings. 
Examples of actions that may be taken prior to the application deadline 
to resolve the charge, lawsuit, or letter of findings, include but are 
not limited to:
    (a) Voluntary compliance agreement signed by all parties in 
response to the letter of findings;

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    (b) HUD-approved conciliation agreement signed by all parties;
    (c) Consent order or consent decree; or
    (d) Judicial ruling or a HUD Administrative Law Judge's decision 
that exonerates the respondent of any allegation of discrimination.
    c. HUD will not make an award if the applicant or the applicant's 
organization has been presently debarred, suspended, proposed for 
debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered 
transactions from any federal department or agency.
    d. Delinquent Federal Debt. Consistent with the purpose and intent 
of 31 U.S.C. 3720B and 28 U.S.C. 3201(e), no award of federal funds 
will be made to an applicant that has an outstanding delinquent federal 
debt unless: (1) The delinquent account is paid in full; (2) a 
negotiated repayment schedule is established and at least one payment 
is received; or (3) other arrangements satisfactory to HUD are made 
prior to the deadline submission date.
    e. False Statements. A false statement in an application is grounds 
for denial or termination of an award and grounds for possible 
punishment as provided in 18 U.S.C. 1001.
    f. Additional requirements: Agencies selected as grantees or sub-
grantees must also comply with the following requirements:
    (1) Salary Limitation for Consultants. Funds may not be used to pay 
or to provide reimbursement for payment of the salary of a consultant 
at more than the daily equivalent rate paid for Level IV of the 
Executive Schedule, unless specifically authorized by law.
    (2) Accessibility. All grant recipients and subrecipients must make 
training facilities and services reasonably accessible to persons with 
a wide range of disabilities or provide other means of accommodation 
for the disability. In addition, counseling training must train 
counselors in the accessibility requirements applicable to eligible 
counseling activities and accessibility requirements under the Fair 
Housing Act, including requirements for reasonable modification.
    (3) Reports. All grant recipients will be required to report to HUD 
on a quarterly basis, unless otherwise specified in the cooperative 
    (4) Code of Conduct. Entities that are subject to 24 CFR parts 84 
and 85 (including most nonprofit organizations and state, local, and 
tribal governments or government agencies or instrumentalities that 
receive federal awards of financial assistance) are required to develop 
and maintain a written code of conduct (See Sections 84.42 and 
85.36(b)(3)). The code of conduct must prohibit real and apparent 
conflicts of interest that may arise among employees, officers, or 
agents; prohibit the solicitation and acceptance of gifts or gratuities 
by your officers, employees and agents for their personal benefit in 
excess of minimal value; and outline administrative and disciplinary 
actions available to remedy violations of such standards. Self-recusal 
will not eliminate a potential or apparent conflict of interest. Prior 
to entering into a grant agreement with HUD, the applicant will be 
required to submit a copy of its code of conduct and describe the 
methods it will use to ensure that all officers, employees, and agents 
of the organization are aware of the code of conduct.
    (5) Financial Management Systems. Applicants selected for funding 
must provide documentation demonstrating that the applicant's financial 
management systems satisfy the requirements in the applicable 
regulations at 24 CFR 84.21(b) and 85.20. Consistent with the 
requirements of the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 (31 U.S.C. 
7501-07), if the applicant expended $300,000 or more in federal awards 
in its most recent fiscal year, such documentation must include a 
certification from or most recent audit by the applicant's independent 
public accountant that the applicant maintains internal controls over 
federal awards, complies with applicable laws, regulations, and 
contract or grant provisions, and prepares appropriate financial 
statements. The applicant will have at least 30 calendar days to 
respond to this requirement. If an applicant does not respond within 
the prescribed time or responds with insufficient documentation, then 
HUD may determine that the applicant has not met this requirement and 
may withdraw the grant offer.
    (6) Indirect Cost Rate. Applicants must also submit documentation 
establishing the organization's indirect cost rate. Such documentation 
may consist of a certification from the most recent audit or indirect 
cost rate agreement by the cognizant federal agency or an independent 
public accountant. If the organization does not have an established 
indirect cost rate, the organization will be required to develop and 
submit an indirect cost proposal to HUD or the cognizant federal agency 
as applicable, for determination of an indirect cost rate that will 
govern an award. Applicants that do not have a previously established 
indirect cost rate with a federal agency shall submit an initial 
indirect cost rate proposal immediately after the applicant is advised 
that it will be offered a grant or, in any event, not later than three 
months after the effective date of the grant. OMB Circular A-122 sets 
forth the requirements to determine allowable direct and indirect costs 
and the preparation of indirect cost proposals. The circular can be 
found at http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb.

    (7) Applicants are subject to a name check review process. Name 
checks are intended to reveal matters that significantly reflect on the 
applicant's management and financial integrity or if any key 
individuals have been convicted or are presently facing criminal 
charges. If the name check reveals significant adverse information that 
reflects on the business integrity or responsibility of the recipient 
or any key individual, HUD reserves the right to: (a) Deny funding or 
consider suspension/termination of an award immediately for cause; (b) 
require the removal of any key individual from association with 
management or implementation of the award; and (c) make appropriate 
provisions or revisions with respect to the method of payment or 
financial reporting requirements.
    (8) Pre-Award Accounting System Survey. HUD may arrange for a pre-
award accounting system survey of the applicant's financial management 
system in cases where the recommended applicant has no prior federal 
support, HUD program officials have reason to question whether the 
applicant's financial management system meets federal financial 
management standards, or the applicant is considered a high risk based 
upon past performance or financial management findings. HUD will not 
make an award to any applicant that does not have a financial 
management system that meets federal standards.
    (9) Participation in HUD-Sponsored Program Evaluation. As a 
condition of the receipt of financial assistance under this NOFA, all 
successful applicants will be required to cooperate with all HUD staff 
or contractors performing HUD-funded research and evaluation studies.
    (10) Ensuring the Participation of Small Businesses, Small 
Disadvantaged Businesses, and Women-Owned Businesses. HUD is committed 
to ensuring that small businesses, small disadvantaged businesses, and 
women-owned businesses participate fully in HUD's direct contracting 
and in contracting opportunities generated by HUD financial assistance. 
State, local and tribal governments are required by

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24 CFR 85.36(e) and non-profit recipients of assistance, including 
subrecipients, are required by 24 CFR 84.44(b) to take all necessary 
affirmative steps in contracting for the purchase of goods or services 
to assure that minority firms, women's business enterprises, and labor 
surplus area firms are used whenever possible or as established by HUD 
in the award agreement.
    (11) Executive Order 13166, Improving Access to Persons With 
Limited English Proficiency (LEP). Executive Order 13166 seeks to 
improve access to persons with limited English proficiency by providing 
materials and information in languages other than English. Applicants 
obtaining an award from HUD must seek to improve access to program 
benefits and information for persons with limited English proficiency.
    (12) Executive Order 13279, Equal Protection of the Laws for Faith-
Based and Community Organizations. HUD is committed to full 
implementation of Executive Order 13279 in the operation of its 
    (13) The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 1201 et 
seq.), the Age Discrimination Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 6101 et seq.), and 
Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 (20 U.S.C. 1681 et 
    (14) Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing. Under Section 808(e)(5) 
of the Fair Housing Act, HUD is obliged to affirmatively further fair 
housing. HUD requires the same of its funding recipients. Successful 
applicants will have a duty to affirmatively further fair housing 
opportunities for classes protected under the Fair Housing Act. 
Protected classes include race, color, national origin, religion, sex, 
disability, and familial status. An application must include specific 
steps to:
    (a) Overcome the effects of impediments to fair housing choice that 
were identified in the jurisdiction's Analysis of Impediments (AI) to 
Fair Housing Choice;
    (b) Remedy discrimination in housing; or
    (c) Promote fair housing rights and fair housing choice.
    Further, the applicant has a duty to carry out the specific 
activities provided in the responses to the individual rating factors 
that address affirmatively furthering fair housing. These requirements 
apply to all HUD programs announced via a NOFA.

IV. Application and Submission Information

A. Address To Request Application Package

    Electronic Submission. Applications must be submitted through 
Grants.gov at http://www.grants.gov. Prepare all of the required files 

in accordance with the instructions in this announcement prior to 
starting the transmission process. If you encounter problems contact 
the Grants.gov Customer Support Center at 800-519-4726 or at 
support@grants.gov. The customer support center is open from 7 a.m. to 

9 p.m. eastern time. Only applications submitted through Grants.gov 
will be considered for award.
    1. Electronic Signature. Applications submitted through Grants.gov 
constitute submission as electronically signed applications.
    2. Grants.gov Registration. It is recommended that applicants begin 
completing the six ``Get Started'' steps no later than thirty days 
prior to the application due date. The ``Get Started'' section of the 
site, found at http://www.grants.gov/GetStarted, provides all 

information needed to understand and execute the process. Information 
required to ``Get Started'' may also be found in Section IV.F. of this 
    3. Copies of the application package and related instructions for 
this NOFA may be downloaded from the grants.gov Web site: http://www.grants.gov/FindGrantOpportunities.
 To find this opportunity, 

applicants must enter either the funding opportunity number, FR 4873-N-
01, or the CFDA Number, 14.169.

B. Content and Form of Application Submission

    1. Application Submission. Applications for this NOFA must be 
submitted electronically through the Grants.gov web portal. Once the 
application package is downloaded and completed, the ``submit'' button 
will be activated to allow the application to be submitted 
electronically through the Grants.gov portal. The applicant will be 
notified by e-mail that the application was successfully submitted 
through the portal.
    2. Proof of Timely Submission. The Grants.gov portal will time and 
date stamp all applications when they are successfully transmitted to 
Grants.gov. The Grants.gov time and date stamp will constitute proof of 
timely submission of an application. The applicant will receive an e-
mail notification of the time and date stamp and the Grants.gov 
tracking number. Applicants may not submit portions of an application 
through the Grants.gov portal; however, a complete, revised application 
may be submitted prior to the deadline date. In the event that two or 
more applications are received from the same applicant with the same 
project title, the application with the latest transmission time stamp 
prior to the closing due date and time will be considered for review.
    3. Use the checklist below to organize the application. Unless 
indicated below, all applicants must submit the following:
    a. DUNS number. Block 5 on Form SF-424 should be used to enter the 
DUNS number. See Section IV.F.1. for more information about DUNS 
    b. Forms. The standard forms, certifications, and assurances are 
listed in Appendix A of this NOFA (collectively, referred to as the 
``standard forms''). All of the standard forms required for this NOFA 
are available on the Grant.gov Web site. (Please note that forms may 
vary slightly in appearance on the Grants.gov Web site.) Additional 
information may be attached to the Project Narrative Attachment form 
and the Other Attachments form.
    c. Nonprofit Status. Each applicant is required to submit, for 
itself and for any organization with which it is partnering for the 
purpose of this NOFA, a legible copy of the document that supports the 
applicant's claim to be a nonprofit organization (for example, a 501(c) 
letter issued by the IRS). The documentation must contain the official 
name, address, and telephone number of the legal authority that granted 
the nonprofit status. Branches or affiliates of the applicant that are 
part of the proposed work plan must also be nonprofit entities. These 
documents should be scanned and submitted electronically to HUD and 
attached to the Other Attachments form, which is part of the Grants.gov 
package. Applicants with problems scanning documents should call the 
contact named under agency contacts for advice and guidance related to 
submission of these documents to meet the established deadline date and 
time requirements.
    d. Narrative Statements. Provide narrative statements addressing 
the Rating Factors in section V below. Responses to the rating factors 
should provide HUD with detailed quantitative and qualitative 
information and relevant examples regarding the housing counseling 
training and other work of the organization that is related to the 
proposed activities. These narrative statements will be the basis for 
evaluating the application. Applicants will submit these narrative 
statements in the Grants.gov application package for this NOFA under 
the Project

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Narrative Attachment form. Please note that the Project Narrative 
Attachment form can contain multiple narrative attachments required to 
be submitted as part of your application submission for this NOFA. The 
Other Attachments form also allows applicants to add files, including 
scanned documents, as needed in accordance with the application 
checklist contained in this NOFA.
    e. Prohibition Against Lobbying Activities. Applicants are subject 
to the provisions of Section 319 of Public Law 101-121 (approved 
October 23, 1989) (31 U.S.C. 1352) (the Byrd Amendment), which 
prohibits recipients of federal contracts, grants, or loans from using 
appropriated funds for lobbying the executive or legislative branches 
of the federal government in connection with a specific contract, 
grant, or loan. Applicants are required to certify, using the 
certification found at Appendix A to 24 CFR part 87, that applicants 
have not and will not use appropriated funds for any prohibited 
lobbying activity. In addition, applicants must disclose, using 
Standard Form LLL, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities, any funds other 
than federally appropriated funds that have been or will be used to 
influence federal employees, members of Congress, or congressional 
staff regarding specific grants or contracts. Federally recognized 
Indian tribes and tribally designated housing entities (TDHEs) 
established by federally recognized Indian tribes as a result of the 
exercise of a tribe's sovereign power are excluded from coverage of the 
Byrd Amendment, but Indian tribes and TDHEs established under only 
state law must comply with this requirement.

C. Submission Dates and Time

    Completed applications must be submitted on or before 8 p.m. 
eastern time, June 14, 2004.

D. Intergovernmental Review

    Executive Order 12372, Intergovernmental Review of Federal 
Programs. Executive Order 13272 was issued to foster intergovernmental 
partnership and strengthen federalism by relying on state and local 
processes for the coordination and review of federal financial 
assistance and direct federal development. HUD implementing regulations 
are published in 24 CFR part 52. The order allows each state to 
designate an entity to perform a state review function. The official 
listing of State Points of Contact (SPOCs) for this review process can 
be found at http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/grants/spoc.html. States not 

listed on the Web site have chosen not to participate in the 
intergovernmental review process and, therefore, do not have a SPOC. If 
a state has a SPOC, an applicant from that state should contact the 
SPOC to see if the SPOC is interested in reviewing the application 
prior to submission to HUD.

E. Funding Restrictions

    Ineligible Applicants. HUD will not consider an application from an 
ineligible applicant: See Section III.A. for information on applicants 
eligible for funding.

F. Other Submission Requirements

    1. DUNS Number, Registration with Central Contractor Registry (CCR) 
and Registration with a Credential Provider. For requirements of who 
has to submit a DUNS number, please see the interim rule published on 
March 26, 2004 (69 FR 15671). Additional information about HUD's DUNS 
requirement is available from HUD's grants Web site: http://www.hud.gov/grants/index.cfm.
 All applicants for federal grants or 

cooperative agreements must provide a Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) Data 
Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number when applying on or after 
October 1, 2003. Beginning October 31, 2003, applicants applying online 
for funding assistance also need to register with the Federal Central 
Contractor Registry and register with a Credential Provider. The 
Grants.gov Web site has online instructions for all registration 
requirements. Applicants are urged to read the information available on 
the Grants.gov Web site, at http://grants.gov/GetStarted. Please allow 

up to two weeks to complete this registration process.

V. Application Review Information

A. Criteria

    Applications will be evaluated competitively according to the 
Factors for Award described below, and ranked against all other 
applicants. All applications will be scored and ranked in HUD 
1. Factors for Award Used To Rate and Rank Applications
    a. The factors for award, and maximum points for each factor, are 
outlined below. These factors will be used to evaluate applications. 
The maximum score is 100 for all applicants.
    b. HUD may rely on other information, such as performance reports, 
financial status information, monitoring reports, audit reports and 
other information available to HUD in making score determinations under 
any Rating Factor.
    c. All responses to the factors for award, submitted as narrative 
statements should be submitted under the Project Narrative Attachment 
form found on the Grants.gov Web site for this funding opportunity. 
Applicants should clearly label each narrative with the Factor Title 
and number related to the response.
    d. Where a factor for award requests submission of a standard form, 
the standard form can be found in the Grants.gov electronic application 
2. Rating Factor 1: Capacity of the Applicant and Relevant 
Organizational Staff (30 Points)
    HUD uses responses to this rating factor to evaluate the readiness 
and ability of an applicant to begin the proposed work program 
immediately, as well as the potential for an applicant to cost-
effectively and successfully implement the proposed activities 
indicated under Rating Factor 3.
    a. Relevant Staff (10 points). In rating this section, HUD will 
consider the degree to which the applicant and, if applicable, 
partnering organizations, have sufficient personnel with the relevant 
knowledge and experience to implement the proposed activities in a 
timely and effective fashion. Specifically, scoring will be based on 
the number of years of relevant and recent housing counseling training, 
housing counseling material production, and other related experience of 
program managers and staff.
    Submit the names and titles of employees, including subcontractors 
and consultants, who would perform the activities proposed in Rating 
Factor 3. Clerical staff should not be listed. Describe each 
employee's, subcontractor's, or consultant's relevant professional 
background and experience. Experience is relevant if it corresponds 
directly to projects of a similar scale and purpose. Provide the number 
of years of experience for each position listed, and indicate when each 
position was held. Individual descriptions should be limited to one 
page. List recent and relevant training received.
    b. Experience (15 points). Applicants should carefully document 
recent experience, and the experience of organizations with which it is 
partnering, in providing the eligible activities listed in Section III 
of this NOFA that it is proposing to offer through this NOFA. Indicate 
the types and complexity of the services provided and the outcomes for 
counselors as a result of the training and other services. Describe the 
level of effort and time

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required to provide the services and to meet the needs of the 
    Indicate the number of counselors that have participated in your 
training program or otherwise benefited from the relevant services you 
    c. Performance/Grant Requirements (5 points). In scoring this 
section, HUD will evaluate how well the applicant has satisfied the 
requirements, including reporting, on HUD grants received. If an 
applicant has not received a HUD grant, the applicant should base its 
response on activities and requirements under other sources of funding, 
such as other federal, state, or local grant awards.
    An applicant should characterize performance with regard to the 
timeliness and completeness with which the applicant satisfied 
reporting requirements (such as Form HUD 9902.)
    Also, indicate whether or not an applicant fully expended grant 
awards during the specified grant periods. If not fully expended, 
provide an explanation as to the reason why the funds were not fully 
expended on time and the steps taken to ensure that future funding will 
be expended in a timely manner.
3. Rating Factor 2: Need/Extent of the Problem (5 Points)
    This factor addresses the extent to which there is a need to fund 
proposed activities described in response to Rating Factor 3.
    Describe and document the national need, such as the number of 
housing counselors and areas of housing counseling training, the 
application intends to address with the services proposed in Rating 
Factor 3. Responses will be evaluated based on how well they 
demonstrate a grasp of the elements of the problems this NOFA is 
intended to address. Include applicable statistics and analyses, if 
available, contained in data sources that are sound and reliable.
4. Rating Factor 3: Soundness of Approach/Scope of Housing Counseling 
Services (35 Points)
    This factor addresses the quality and effectiveness of the proposed 
work plan. In rating this factor, HUD will evaluate the extent to which 
the applicant presents a detailed and sound approach for providing the 
proposed services. HUD will also evaluate the extent to which the 
applicant demonstrates the cost-effectiveness of its activities, and 
convincingly explains how the proposed activities will yield long-term 
    a. Work Plan (20 points). Applicants should provide a work plan 
that lists the major objectives and activities it intends to undertake, 
and how it plans to provide those services. Include administrative and 
project tasks.
    Applicants should indicate which of the eligible activities it 
proposes to provide or whether certain services will be provided by 
organizations with which an applicant has partnered. An applicant must 
propose to provide at least five of the eligible services listed in 
Section III. However, an ideal applicant eligible to receive the 
maximum number of points will provide, either directly or through 
partnerships, the full spectrum of eligible activities, and the 
proposed program will be national in scope. Explain how proposed 
activities are linked.
    An applicant should indicate whether its proposed training program 
is national in scope. If it is regional in scope, an applicant should 
indicate the geographic area it proposes to cover. Applicants must 
propose to provide training covering at least five housing counseling 
topics listed in Section III, although a comprehensive curriculum is 
preferred and is eligible to receive the maximum number of points. If 
an applicant is proposing to provide training for a limited number of 
topics, the applicant must indicate which of the housing counseling 
topics listed in Section III of this NOFA, as well as any additional 
topics, it is proposing to provide.
    All proposals to provide training must include a description of the 
methodology for measuring the success of the training program. All 
proposals must also include a scholarship element, detailing the full 
or partial costs to be covered, including travel, hotel, and tuition 
expenses. Indicate the number of the scholarships you estimate can be 
offered, and describe plans for determining who will and, if 
applicable, will not receive scholarships. Demonstrating a satisfactory 
level of competence in an area of training may be a basis, in whole or 
in part, for determining scholarship eligibility.
    b. Proposed Budget (10 points). For the work plan proposed above, 
indicate the HUD grant size you are proposing, and submit a proposed 
budget based on this figure, utilizing form SF-424-A. If applicable, 
the budget should highlight portions being proposed as sub-grants to 
partnering organizations. As the grant period is three years, submit a 
single budget that includes the total costs over the entire project 
period. Make a case for why the proposed budget is cost effective in 
achieving proposed results. Responses will be evaluated based on the 
quality, thoroughness, and reasonableness of the cost estimates 
    c. Rationale for Proposed Activities and Methods (5 points). 
Provide a rationale for how the proposed activities and methods most 
effectively address the national need described in Rating Factor 2, and 
explain how your proposed activities will yield long-term results.
5. Rating Factor 4: Leveraging Resources (5 Points)
    Although HUD funding through this NOFA may fully fund an 
organization's proposed program, applicants are encouraged to secure 
the use of other resources to supplement the HUD grant.
    In scoring this factor, applicants will be evaluated based on their 
ability to obtain additional resources for their proposed training and 
other related eligible activities, including direct financial 
assistance and in-kind contributions, which may include services, 
equipment, office space, labor, etc. Resources may be provided by 
governmental entities, public or private nonprofit organizations, for-
profit private organizations, or other entities committed to providing 
the applicant assistance.
    Additionally, resources provided by the applicant, recorded as 
`applicant match' and `program income' on form SF-424, will count as 
leveraged resources.
    Points for this factor will be awarded based on the ratio of 
requested HUD funds to total budget for the proposed activities.

                          Percentage                             Points
1-35..........................................................         5
36-59.........................................................         4
60-79.........................................................         3
80-89.........................................................         2
90-99.........................................................         1

6. Rating Factor 5: Achieving Results and Program Evaluation (25 
    Outcomes are benefits accruing to recipients of the service to be 
offered (e.g., increase in the number of counselors demonstrating 
proficiency after training), and substantive changes to the status quo 
ante as a result of an applicant's activities (e.g., production of 
validated instructional technologies and validation methodologies). 
Outputs are units of service or activity (e.g., instructional units 
developed, number of counselors trained, number tested). Outputs and 
outcomes must be objectively quantifiable. The purpose of this factor 
is for the applicant to identify program outputs and outcomes that will 
allow an applicant and HUD to measure actual achievements against 
anticipated achievements. For this NOFA, HUD will

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give particular weight to an applicant's ability to demonstrate change 
in counselors' knowledge and skills as a result of the training 
offered. Applicants should therefore emphasize a rigorous and objective 
testing protocol as part of their performance evaluation strategy.
    Submission Requirements for Factor 5. Applicants must submit an 
effective, quantifiable, and outcome-oriented evaluation plan. The plan 
must be in narrative form and must also be presented utilizing the 
instructions document (Logic Model form HUD-96010) found in Appendix B 
of this NOFA for measuring performance and determining that output and 
outcome goals have been met. An applicant must submit a program 
evaluation plan that demonstrates how it will measure its own program 
performance. The evaluation plan should identify what an applicant is 
going to measure, how an applicant is going to measure it, and the 
steps in place to make adjustments to its work plan if performance 
targets are not met within established timeframes. Specifically, the 
plan must identify:

--Outputs. Outputs are the direct products of an applicant's activities 
that lead to the ultimate achievement of outcomes. Examples of outputs 
are the number of training sessions to be provided and the number of 
counselors to be trained. Identify interim and full grant term 
projected outputs and timeframes for accomplishing these goals. The 
plan must show how an applicant will measure actual accomplishments 
against anticipated achievements.
--Work Plan Adjustments. Describe steps in place to make adjustments to 
the work plan if outputs are not met within established timeframes or 
if a grantee begins to fall short of established outputs or timeframes.
--Outcomes. Outcomes are benefits accruing to the counselors as a 
result of participation in an applicant's program. Outcomes are 
performance indicators an applicant expects to achieve or goals an 
applicant hopes to meet over the term of its proposed grant. An example 
of an outcome is the percentage of counselors who, following training, 
can demonstrate competence in the areas of training. Another example of 
an outcome is an instructional module, which when administered to 
counselors, produces a measurable increase in counselors' knowledge or 
skills. An applicant should identify how it will determine that a 
counselor has demonstrated competence following training, and provide 
projected outcomes of the number of counselors trained and the number 
of counselors demonstrating competence following training for the full 
grant term, as well as timeframes for accomplishing these goals. The 
plan must show how an applicant will measure actual accomplishments 
against anticipated achievements.
--Information Collection. An applicant should describe its strategy for 
collecting outcome information.

B. Review and Selection Process

    1. General. HUD will review each application to determine whether 
it meets the threshold requirements found in Section IV and the 
eligibility requirements found in Section III of this NOFA. Only 
applicants that meet all of the eligibility and threshold requirements 
will be rated and ranked.
    2. Rating Panels. To review and rate applications, HUD may 
establish panels which may include persons not currently employed by 
HUD. HUD may include these non-HUD employees to obtain certain 
expertise and outside points of view, including views from other 
federal agencies.
    3. Corrections To Deficient Applications. After the application due 
date, HUD may not, consistent with its regulations in 24 CFR part 4, 
subpart B, consider any unsolicited information the applicant may want 
to provide. HUD may contact an applicant to clarify an item in the 
application or to correct technical deficiencies. HUD may not seek 
clarification of items or responses that improve the substantive 
quality of a response to any rating factor. In order not to exclude 
unreasonably applications from being rated and ranked, HUD may contact 
applicants to ensure proper completion of the application and will do 
so on a uniform basis for all applicants. Examples of curable 
(correctable) technical deficiencies include failure to submit the 
proper certifications, failure to submit an application that contains 
an original signature by an authorized official, and failure to submit 
the requested number of copies. In each case, HUD will notify you in 
writing by describing the clarification or technical deficiency. HUD 
will notify applicants by facsimile or by USPS, return receipt 
requested. Clarifications or corrections of technical deficiencies in 
accordance with the information provided by HUD must be submitted 
within 14 calendar days of the date of receipt of the HUD notification. 
(If the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday, your 
correction must be received by HUD on the next day that is not a 
Saturday, Sunday, or federal holiday.) If the deficiency is not 
corrected within this time period, HUD will reject the application as 
incomplete and it will not be considered for funding.
    4. Rating and Ranking. a. Applications that earn a score of 75 
points or more will be considered eligible for funding.
    b. HUD intends to provide funding for as full a range of the 
eligible activities listed in Section III of this NOFA. To achieve this 
objective, HUD reserves the right to make one award to the highest-
ranking applicant that can satisfactorily provide, either directly or 
though partners, the full spectrum of eligible activities under this 
NOFA. Should multiple organizations apply that can satisfactorily 
provide the full spectrum of eligible activities, the entire amount 
available under this NOFA will be awarded to the highest scorer among 
organizations that fit this description.
    c. In the event that no such comprehensive applicant materializes, 
HUD may make as many grants in rank order as it considers appropriate 
to facilitate the provision of the maximum number of eligible 
     d. If funds remain after funding the highest-ranking applications, 
HUD may fund all or part of the next highest-ranking application. If an 
applicant turns down an award offer, HUD may make an offer of funding 
to the next highest-ranking application. If funds remain after all 
selections have been made, remaining funds may be available for other 
competitions for each program where there is a balance of funds.
     e. In the event HUD commits an error that, when corrected, would 
result in selection of an otherwise eligible applicant during the 
funding round of this NOFA, HUD may select that applicant when 
sufficient funds become available.
    5. Award Size. Award size for a singular activity or range of 
activities will depend upon the cost estimates. Proposed grant size 
will correspond to the number of applications selected for award and 
the scope of the services provided. HUD reserves the right to approach 
the applicant regarding an award covering only a portion of the 
proposed activities. All grantees will receive the lower of either the 
award amount determined by HUD or the amount actually requested by the 
    6. Award Adjustments. HUD reserves the right to adjust funding 
levels for each applicant. Once applicants are selected for award, HUD 
will determine the total amount to be awarded to any grantee, based 
upon the scope and geographic coverage of services to be provided and 
funds available.
    7. Adjustments to Funding. HUD reserves the right to fund less than 

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full amount requested in an application to ensure the fair distribution 
of funds and ensure that the purposes or requirements of this program 
are met.
    8. Negotiation. After all eligible applications have been rated and 
ranked, and selections have been made, HUD requires that all applicants 
conditionally selected for funding participate in negotiations to 
determine the specific terms of the cooperative agreement and budget. 
Negotiations may result in the following adjustments:
    a. Scope of Services Adjustments. HUD reserves the right to require 
an applicant, as a condition of funding, to provide selected services 
contained in its proposal. For example, HUD may provide funds for the 
areas in which grantees have the greatest skill and capability, but not 
fund the applicant for the full scope of proposed services. HUD may 
also require selected applicants, as a condition of funding, to provide 
coverage on a more limited or more extensive geographic scope than 
originally proposed.
    b. HUD will not fund any portion of an application that: Is not 
eligible for funding under this program's statutory or regulatory 
requirements; does not meet the requirements of this NOFA; or may be 
duplicative of other funded programs or activities from prior year 
awards or other selected applicants. Only the eligible portions of an 
application (including non-duplicative portions) may be funded.
    c. Establishment of performance standards and measures. HUD intends 
to measure and address the performance and compliance actions of 
funding recipients in accordance with the applicable standards and 
sanctions established for this program.

VI. Award Administration Information

A. Award Notices

    After all eligible applications have been rated and ranked and 
selections have been made, HUD will notify applicants regarding the 
disposition of their application.

B. Administrative and National Policy Requirements

    1. Environmental Requirements. This NOFA does not direct, provide 
for assistance or loan and mortgage insurance for, or otherwise govern 
or regulate, real property acquisition, disposition, leasing, 
rehabilitation, alteration, demolition, or new construction, or 
establish, revise, or provide for standards for construction or 
construction materials, manufactured housing, or occupancy. 
Accordingly, under 24 CFR 50.19(c)(1), this NOFA is categorically 
excluded from environmental review under the National Environmental 
Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321).
    2. Procurement of Recovered Materials. State agencies and agencies 
of a political subdivision of a state, including PHAs, that are using 
assistance under this NOFA for procurement and any person contracting 
with such an agency with respect to work performed under an assisted 
contract, must comply with the requirements of Section 6002 of the 
Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended by the Resource Conservation and 
Recovery Act. In accordance with Section 6002, these agencies and 
persons must procure items designated in guidelines of the 
Environmental Protection Agency at 40 CFR part 247 that contain the 
highest percentage of recovered materials practicable, consistent with 
maintaining a satisfactory level of competition, where the purchase 
price of the item exceeds $10,000 or the cost of the quantity acquired 
in the preceding fiscal year exceeded $10,000; must procure solid waste 
management services in a manner that maximizes energy and resource 
recovery; and must have established an affirmative procurement program 
for procurement of recovered materials identified in the EPA 
    3. Accessible Technology. The Rehabilitation Act Amendments of 1998 
(the Act) applies to the electronic information technology (EIT) used 
by HUD for transmitting, receiving, using, or storing information to 
carry out the responsibilities of any federal funds awarded. The Act's 
coverage includes, but is not limited to, computers (hardware, 
software, word-processing, email, and web pages), facsimile machines, 
copiers, and telephones. Consistent with the principles of the Act, HUD 
requires the same of its funding recipients. If you are a successful 
applicant, you will be required, when developing, procuring, 
maintaining, or using EIT to ensure that the EIT allows employees with 
disabilities and members of the public with disabilities to have access 
to and use of information and data that is comparable to the access and 
use of information and data by employees and members of the public who 
do not have disabilities. If these standards impose a hardship on a 
funding recipient, a recipient may provide an alternative means to 
allow the individual to use the information and data. However, no 
recipient will be required to provide information services to a person 
with disabilities at any location other than the location at which the 
information services is generally provided.

C. Reporting

    Grant recipients will be required to submit quarterly progress 
reports, comparing actual accomplishments with the goals and objectives 
established for the period, explaining why established goals were not 
met, and highlighting any problems, delays, or adverse conditions that 
materially impaired the ability to meet the objectives of the awards.

VII. Agency Contact

    For further information about this NOFA or application 
requirements, applicants should contact HUD Headquarters, Program 
Support Division, at (202) 708-0317 (this is not a toll-free number). 
Persons with hearing or speech impairments may access any of these 
numbers via (TTY) by calling the toll-free Federal Information Relay 
Service at (800) 877-8339. For technical help with the electronic 
submission procedure, applicants may email support@grants.gov or call 
(800) 518-4726 ((800) 518-GRANTS). The Grants.gov Customer Support 
Center is open from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. eastern time.

VIII. Other Information

    A. Federalism, Executive Order 13132. This notice does not have 
federalism implications and does not impose substantial direct 
compliance costs on state and local governments or preempt state law 
within the meaning of Executive Order 13132 (entitled ``Federalism'').
    B. Section 102 of the HUD Reform Act, Documentation and Public 
Access Requirements. Section 102 of the Department of Housing and Urban 
Development Reform Act of 1989 (42 U.S.C. 3545) (HUD Reform Act) and 
the regulations codified at 24 CFR part 4, subpart A, contain a number 
of provisions that are designed to ensure greater accountability and 
integrity in the provision of certain types of assistance administered 
by HUD. On January 14, 1992, HUD published a notice that also provides 
information on the implementation of Section 102 (57 FR 1942). The 
documentation, public access, and disclosure requirements of Section 
102 apply to assistance awarded under this NOFA as follows:
    1. Documentation. HUD will ensure that documentation and other 
information regarding each application submitted pursuant to this NOFA 
are sufficient to indicate the basis upon which assistance was provided 
or denied. This material, including any

[[Page 26444]]

letters of support, will be made available for public inspection for a 
five-year period beginning not less than 30 days after the award of the 
assistance. Material will be made available in accordance with the 
Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) and HUD's implementing 
regulations (24 CFR part 15).
    2. Debriefing. For a period of at least 120 days, beginning 30 days 
after the awards for assistance are publicly announced, HUD will 
provide a debriefing to a requesting applicant a debriefing related to 
its application. All debriefing requests must be made in writing or by 
email by the authorized official whose signature appears on the SF-424 
or his or her successor in office, and submitted to the person or 
organization identified as the Contact under the section entitled 
``Agency Contact.'' Information provided during a debriefing will 
include, at a minimum, the final score the applicant received for each 
rating factor, final evaluator comments for each rating factor, and the 
final assessment indicating the basis upon which assistance was 
provided or denied.
    3. Disclosures. HUD will make available to the public for five 
years all applicant disclosure reports (HUD Form 2880) submitted in 
connection with this NOFA. Update reports (also reported on HUD Form 
2880) will be made available along with the applicant disclosure 
reports, but in no case for a period of less than three years. All 
reports, both applicant disclosures and updates, will be made available 
in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) and 
HUD's implementing regulations (24 CFR part 15).
    4. Publication of Recipients of HUD Funding. HUD will publish a 
notice in the Federal Register to notify the public of all decisions 
made by the Department to provide: a. Assistance subject to Section 
102(a) of the HUD Reform Act; and
    b. Assistance provided through grants or cooperative agreements on 
a discretionary (non-formula, non-demand) basis, but that is not 
provided on the basis of a competition.
    C. Section 103 of the HUD Reform Act. HUD's regulations 
implementing Section 103 of the Department of Housing and Urban 
Development Reform Act of 1989 (42 U.S.C. 3537a), codified at 24 CFR 
part 4, subpart B, apply to this funding competition. The regulations 
continue to apply until the announcement of the selection of successful 
applicants. HUD employees involved in the review of applications and in 
the making of funding decisions are limited by the regulations in 
providing advance information to any person (other than an authorized 
employee of HUD) concerning funding decisions or from otherwise giving 
any applicant an unfair competitive advantage. Persons who apply for 
assistance in this competition should confine their inquiries to the 
subject areas permitted under 24 CFR part 4.
    Applicants or employees who have ethics-related questions should 
contact the HUD Ethics Law Division at (202) 708-3815. (This is not a 
toll-free number.) HUD employees who have specific program questions 
should contact the appropriate field office counsel or Headquarters 
counsel for the program to which the question pertains.
    D. Paperwork Reduction Act Statement. The information collection 
requirements contained in this NOFA have been approved by the Office of 
Management and Budget (OMB), under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 
(44 U.S.C. 3501-3520) and assigned OMB Control Number 2502-0261. An 
agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to 
respond to, a collection of information unless the collection displays 
a valid control number.
    E. Authority. HUD's Housing Counseling Program, and the training of 
this NOFA are authorized by Section 106 of the Housing and Urban 
Development Act of 1968 (12 U.S.C. 1701x), and is generally governed by 
HUD Handbook 7610.1, REV-4, CHG-1, dated October 27, 1997.

    Dated: April 22, 2004.
Sean Cassidy,
General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Housing.

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[FR Doc. 04-10716 Filed 5-11-04; 8:45 am]