[Federal Register: February 27, 2004 (Volume 69, Number 39)]
[Page 9370-9378]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Bureau of Reclamation

Quarterly Status Report of Water Service, Repayment, and Other 
Water-Related Contract Negotiations

AGENCY: Bureau of Reclamation, Interior.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given of contractual actions that have been 
proposed to the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) and were pending 
through December 31, 2003, and contract actions that have been 
completed or discontinued since the last publication of this notice on 
October 28, 2003. From the date of this publication, future quarterly 
notices during this calendar year will be limited to new, modified, 
discontinued, or completed contract actions. This annual notice should 
be used as a point of reference to identify changes in future notices. 
This notice is one of a variety of means used to inform the public 
about proposed contractual actions for capital recovery and management 
of project resources and facilities consistent with section 9(f) of the 
Reclamation Project Act of 1939. Additional announcements of individual 
contract actions may be published in the Federal Register and in 
newspapers of general circulation in the areas determined by 
Reclamation to be affected by the proposed action.

ADDRESSES: The identity of the approving officer and other information 
pertaining to a specific contract proposal may be obtained by calling 
or writing the appropriate regional office at the address and telephone 
number given for each region in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section.


[[Page 9371]]

Contracts and Repayment Office, Bureau of Reclamation, P.O. Box 25007, 
Denver, Colorado 80225-0007; telephone 303-445-2902.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Consistent with section 9(f) of the 
Reclamation Project Act of 1939 and the rules and regulations published 
in 52 FR 11954, April 13, 1987 (43 CFR 426.22), Reclamation will 
publish notice of proposed or amendatory contract actions for any 
contract for the delivery of project water for authorized uses in 
newspapers of general circulation in the affected area at least 60 days 
prior to contract execution. Announcements may be in the form of news 
releases, legal notices, official letters, memorandums, or other forms 
of written material. Meetings, workshops, and/or hearings may also be 
used, as appropriate, to provide local publicity. The public 
participation procedures do not apply to proposed contracts for the 
sale of surplus or interim irrigation water for a term of 1 year or 
less. Either of the contracting parties may invite the public to 
observe contract proceedings. All public participation procedures will 
be coordinated with those involved in complying with the National 
Environmental Policy Act. Pursuant to the ``Final Revised Public 
Participation Procedures'' for water resource-related contract 
negotiations, published in 47 FR 7763, February 22, 1982, a tabulation 
is provided of all proposed contractual actions in each of the five 
Reclamation regions. When contract negotiations are completed, and 
prior to execution, each proposed contract form must be approved by the 
Secretary of the Interior, or pursuant to delegated or redelegated 
authority, the Commissioner of Reclamation or one of the regional 
directors. In some instances, congressional review and approval of a 
report, water rate, or other terms and conditions of the contract may 
be involved.
    Public participation in and receipt of comments on contract 
proposals will be facilitated by adherence to the following procedures:
    1. Only persons authorized to act on behalf of the contracting 
entities may negotiate the terms and conditions of a specific contract 
    2. Advance notice of meetings or hearings will be furnished to 
those parties that have made a timely written request for such notice 
to the appropriate regional or project office of Reclamation.
    3. Written correspondence regarding proposed contracts may be made 
available to the general public pursuant to the terms and procedures of 
the Freedom of Information Act, as amended.
    4. Written comments on a proposed contract or contract action must 
be submitted to the appropriate regional officials at the locations and 
within the time limits set forth in the advance public notices.
    5. All written comments received and testimony presented at any 
public hearings will be reviewed and summarized by the appropriate 
regional office for use by the contract approving authority.
    6. Copies of specific proposed contracts may be obtained from the 
appropriate regional director or his designated public contact as they 
become available for review and comment.
    7. In the event modifications are made in the form of a proposed 
contract, the appropriate regional director shall determine whether 
republication of the notice and/or extension of the comment period is 
    Factors considered in making such a determination shall include, 
but are not limited to (i) the significance of the modification, and 
(ii) the degree of public interest which has been expressed over the 
course of the negotiations. At a minimum, the regional director shall 
furnish revised contracts to all parties who requested the contract in 
response to the initial public notice.

Definitions of Abbreviations Used in This Document

BCP Boulder Canyon Project
Reclamation Bureau of Reclamation
CAP Central Arizona Project
CVP Central Valley Project
CRSP Colorado River Storage Project
FR Federal Register
IDD Irrigation and Drainage District
ID Irrigation District
M&I Municipal and Industrial
O&M Operation and Maintenance
P-SMBP Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program
PPR Present Perfected Right
SOD Safety of Dams
WD Water District

    Pacific Northwest Region: Bureau of Reclamation, 1150 North Curtis 
Road, Suite 100, Boise, Idaho 83706-1234, telephone 208-378-5223.
    1. Irrigation, M&I, and Miscellaneous Water Users; Idaho, Oregon, 
Washington, Montana, and Wyoming: Temporary or interim water service 
contracts for irrigation, M&I, or miscellaneous use to provide up to 
10,000 acre-feet of water annually for terms up to 5 years; long-term 
contracts for similar service for up to 1,000 acre-feet of water 
    2. Rogue River Basin Water Users, Rogue River Basin Project, 
Oregon: Water service contracts; $8 per acre-foot per annum.
    3. Willamette Basin Water Users, Willamette Basin Project, Oregon: 
Water service contracts; $8 per acre-foot per annum.
    4. Pioneer Ditch Company, Boise Project, Idaho; Clark and Edwards 
Canal and Irrigation Company, Enterprise Canal Company, Ltd., Lenroot 
Canal Company, Liberty Park Canal Company, Poplar ID, all in the 
Minidoka Project, Idaho; Juniper Flat District Improvement Company, 
Wapinitia Project, Oregon: Amendatory repayment and water service 
contracts; purpose is to conform to the RRA.
    5. Bridgeport ID, Chief Joseph Dam Project, Washington: Warren Act 
contract for the use of an irrigation outlet in Chief Joseph Dam.
    6. Palmer Creek Water District Improvement Company, Willamette 
Basin Project, Oregon: Irrigation water service contract for 
approximately 13,000 acre-feet.
    7. North Unit ID, Deschutes Project, Oregon: Warren Act contract 
with cost of service charge to allow for use of project facilities to 
convey nonproject water.
    8. Baker Valley ID, Baker Project, Oregon: Warren Act contract with 
cost of service charge to allow for use of project facilities to store 
nonproject water.
    9. Trendwest Resorts, Yakima Project, Washington: Long-term water 
exchange contract for assignment of Teanaway River and Big Creek water 
rights to Reclamation for instream flow use in exchange for annual use 
of up to 3,500 acre-feet of water from Cle Elum Reservoir for a 
proposed resort development.
    10. City of Cle Elum, Yakima Project, Washington: Contract for up 
to 2,170 acre-feet of water for municipal use.
    11. Burley ID, Minidoka Project, Idaho-Wyoming: Supplemental and 
amendatory contract providing for the transfer of O&M of the headworks 
of the Main South Side Canal and works incidental thereto.
    12. Minidoka ID, Minidoka Project, Idaho-Wyoming: Supplemental and 
amendatory contract providing for the transfer of O&M of the headworks 
of the Main North Side Canal and works incidental thereto.
    13. Fremont-Madison ID, Minidoka Project, Idaho-Wyoming: Repayment 
contract for reimbursable cost of SOD modifications to Grassy Lake Dam.
    14. Queener Irrigation Improvement District, Willamette Basin 
Project, Oregon: Renewal of long-term water

[[Page 9372]]

service contract to provide up to 2,150 acre-feet of stored water from 
the Willamette Basin Project (a Corps of Engineers' project) for the 
purpose of irrigation within the District's service area.
    15. Vale and Warms Springs IDs, Vale Project, Oregon: Repayment 
contract for reimbursable cost of SOD modifications to Warm Springs 
    16. Westland and West Extension IDs, Umatilla Project, Oregon: 
Contracts for long-term boundary expansions to include lands outside of 
federally recognized district boundaries.
    17. Greenberry ID, Willamette Basin Project, Oregon: Irrigation 
water service contract for approximately 7,500 acre-feet of project 
    18. Twenty-three irrigation districts of the Arrowrock Division, 
Boise Project, Idaho: Repayment agreements with districts with 
spaceholder contracts for repayment, per legislation, of reimbursable 
share of costs to rehabilitate Arrowrock Dam Outlet Gates under the O&M 
    19. Eighteen irrigation water user entities, Boise Project, Idaho: 
Long-term renewal and/or conversion of 18 irrigation water service 
contracts for supplemental irrigation use of up to 71,018 acre-feet of 
storage space in Lucky Peak Reservoir, a Corps of Engineers' project on 
the Boise River, Idaho.
    The following action has been completed since the last publication 
of this notice on October 28, 2003:
    1. (21) Tualatin Valley ID, Clean Water Services, and the Cities of 
Hillsboro, Forest Grove, Beaverton, and Lake Oswego; Tualatin Project; 
Oregon: Repayment agreements for repayment of reimbursable cost of SOD 
modifications to Scoggins Dam. Agreements were executed in September 
    Mid-Pacific Region: Bureau of Reclamation, 2800 Cottage Way, 
Sacramento, California 95825-1898, telephone 916-978-5250.
    1. Irrigation water districts, individual irrigators, M&I and 
miscellaneous water users, Mid-Pacific Region projects other than CVP: 
Temporary (interim) water service contracts for available Project water 
for irrigation, M&I, or fish and wildlife purposes providing up to 
10,000 acre-feet of water annually for terms up to 5 years; temporary 
Warren Act contracts for use of Project facilities for terms up to 1 
year; temporary conveyance agreements with the State of California for 
various purposes; long-term contracts for similar service for up to 
1,000 acre-feet annually. Note: Upon written request, copies of the 
standard forms of temporary water service contracts for the various 
types of service are available from the Regional Director at the 
address shown above.
    2. Contractors from the American River Division, Cross Valley 
Canal, Delta Division, Friant Division, Sacramento River Division, San 
Felipe Division, Shasta Division, Trinity River Division, and West San 
Joaquin Division, CVP, California: Renewal of up to 114 long-term water 
service contracts; water quantities for these contracts total in excess 
of 3.4M acre-feet. These contract actions will be accomplished through 
long-term renewal contracts pursuant to Public Law 102-575. Prior to 
completion of negotiation of long-term renewal contracts, existing 
interim renewal water service contracts may be renewed through 
successive interim renewal of contracts.
    3. Redwood Valley County WD, SRPA, California: Restructuring the 
repayment schedule pursuant to Public Law 100-516.
    4. El Dorado County Water Agency, CVP, California: M&I water 
service contract to supplement existing water supply: 15,000 acre-feet 
for El Dorado County Water Agency authorized by Public Law 101-514.
    5. Sutter Extension WD and the State of California Department of 
Water Resources, CVP, California: Pursuant to Public Law 102-575, 
conveyance agreements for the purpose of wheeling refuge water supplies 
and funding District facility improvements and exchange agreements to 
provide water for refuge and private wetlands.
    6. CVP Service Area, California: Temporary water purchase 
agreements for acquisition of 20,000 to 200,000 acre-feet of water for 
fish and wildlife purposes as authorized by the Central Valley Project 
Improvement Act for terms of up to 3 years.
    7. City of Roseville, CVP, California: Execution of long-term 
Warren Act contract for conveyance of nonproject water provided from 
the Placer County Water Agency. This contract will allow CVP facilities 
to be used to deliver nonproject water to the City of Roseville for use 
within their service area.
    8. Sacramento Municipal Utility District, CVP, California: 
Amendment of existing water service contract to allow for additional 
points of diversion and assignment of up to 30,000 acre-feet of project 
water to the Sacramento County Water Agency. The amended contract will 
conform to current Reclamation law.
    9. El Dorado ID, CVP, California: Execution of long-term Warren Act 
contract for conveyance of nonproject water. This contract will allow 
CVP facilities to be used to deliver nonproject water to the El Dorado 
ID for use within their service area.
    10. Horsefly, Klamath, Langell Valley, and Tulelake IDs, Klamath 
Project, Oregon: SOD repayment of applicable costs related to work on 
Clear Lake Dam. These districts will share in repayment of costs and 
each district will have a separate contract. Initial contract should be 
ready by April 2004.
    11. Casitas Municipal WD, Ventura Project, California: Repayment 
contract for SOD work on Casitas Dam.
    12. Warren Act Contracts, CVP, California: Execution of long-term 
Warren Act contracts (up to 25 years) with various entities for 
conveyance of nonproject water in the Delta-Mendota Canal and the 
Friant Division facilities.
    13. Tuolumne Utilities District (formerly Tuolumne Regional WD), 
CVP, California: Long-term water service contract for up to 9,000 acre-
feet from New Melones Reservoir, and possibly long-term contract for 
storage of nonproject water in New Melones Reservoir.
    14. Banta Carbona ID, CVP, California: Long-term Warren Act 
contract for conveyance of nonproject water in the Delta-Mendota Canal.
    15. Plain View WD, CVP, California: Long-term Warren Act contract 
for conveyance of nonproject water in the Delta-Mendota Canal.
    16. City of Redding, CVP, California: Amend water service contract 
No. 14-06-200-5272A, for the purpose of renegotiating the provisions of 
contract Article 15, ``Water Shortage and Apportionment,'' to conform 
to current CVP M&I water shortage policy.
    17. Byron-Bethany ID, CVP, California: Long-term Warren Act 
contract for conveyance of nonproject water in the Delta-Mendota Canal.
    18. Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency, CVP, California: 
Execution of a long-term operations agreement for flood control 
operations of Folsom Dam and Reservoir to allow for recovery of costs 
associated with operating a variable flood control pool of 400,000 to 
670,000 acre-feet of water during the flood control season. This 
agreement is to conform to Federal law.
    19. Colusa County WD, CVP, California: Proposed long-term Warren 
Act contract for conveyance of up to 4,500 acre-feet of ground water 
through the Tehama-Colusa Canal.
    20. Madera-Chowchilla Water and Power Authority, CVP, California: 
Agreement to transfer the operation, maintenance, and replacement and 
certain financial and administrative activities related to the Madera 
Canal and associated works.

[[Page 9373]]

    21. El Dorado ID, CVP, California: Title transfer agreement for 
conveyance of CVP facilities. This agreement will allow transfer of 
title for Sly Park Dam, Jenkinson Lake, and appurtenant facilities from 
the CVP to El Dorado ID.
    22. Carpinteria WD, Cachuma Project, California: Contract to 
transfer title of distribution system to the District. Title transfer 
is subject to Congressional ratification.
    23. Montecito WD, Cachuma Project, California: Contract to transfer 
title of distribution system to the District. Title transfer is subject 
to Congressional ratification.
    24. City of Vallejo, Solano Project, California: Execution of long-
term Warren Act contract for conveyance of nonproject water. This 
contract will allow Solano Project facilities to be used to deliver 
nonproject water to the City of Vallejo for use within their service 
    25. Sacramento Suburban WD (formerly Northridge WD), CVP, 
California: Execution of long-term Warren Act contract for conveyance 
of nonproject water. This contract will allow CVP facilities to be used 
to deliver nonproject water to the Sacramento Suburban WD for use 
within their service area.
    26. Truckee Meadows Water Authority, Town of Fernley, State of 
California, City of Reno, City of Sparks, Washoe County, State of 
Nevada, Truckee-Carson ID, and any other local interest or Native 
American Tribal Interest, who may have negotiated rights under Public 
Law 101-618; Nevada and California: Contract for the storage of non-
Federal water in Truckee River reservoirs as authorized by Public Law 
101-618 and the Preliminary Settlement Agreement. The contracts shall 
be consistent with the Truckee River Water Quality Settlement Agreement 
and the terms and conditions of the proposed Truckee River Operating 
    27. Contra Costa WD, CVP, California: Amend water service contract 
No. I75r-3401A to extend the date for renegotiation of the provisions 
of contract Article 12 ``Water Shortage and Apportionment.''
    28. Sacramento River Settlement Contracts, CVP, California: Up to 
145 contracts and one contract with Colusa Drain Mutual Water Company 
will be renewed; water quantities for these contracts total 2.2M acre-
feet. Colusa Drain Mutual Water Company contract will be renewed for a 
period of 25 years, and the rest of the contracts will be renewed for a 
period of 40 years. These contracts reflect an agreement to settle the 
dispute over water rights' claims on the Sacramento River.
    29. San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery, U.S. Department of 
Veteran Affairs, Delta Division, CVP, California: Renewal of the long-
term water service contract for up to 850 acre-feet with conveyance 
through the California State Aqueduct pursuant to the CVP-State Water 
Project wheeling agreement.
    30. A Canal Fish Screens, Klamath Project, Oregon: Negotiation of 
an O&M contract for the A Canal Fish Screen with Klamath ID.
    31. Ady Canal Headgates, Klamath Project, Oregon: Transfer of 
operational control to Klamath Drainage District of the headgates 
located at the railroad. Reclamation does not own the land at the 
headgates, only operational control pursuant to a railroad agreement.
    32. Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency, CVP, California: 
Proposed assignment of 27,000 acre-feet of Broadview WD's entire CVP 
supply to Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency for M&I use.
    33. Orland Unit Water Users Association, Orland Project, 
California: Repayment contract for SOD costs assigned to the irrigation 
purposes of Stony Gorge Dam.
    34. Delta Lands Reclamation District No. 770, CVP, California: 
Long-term operations contract for conveying nonproject flood flows.
    35. Banta-Carbona ID, CVP, California: Proposed partial assignment 
of up to 5,000 acre-feet of Banta Carbona ID's CVP water to the City of 
Tracy for M&I use.
    36. The West Side ID, CVP, California: Proposed partial assignment 
of up to 5,000 acre-feet of the West Side ID's CVP irrigation water to 
the City of Tracy for M&I use.
    37. Centinella WD, CVP, California: Proposed assignment of up to 
2,500 acre-feet of Centinella WD's CVP water to Westlands WD for 
irrigation use.
    38. Widren WD, CVP, California: Proposed assignment of up to 2,990 
acre-feet of Widren WD's CVP water to Westlands WD for irrigation use.
    The following actions have been completed since the last 
publication of this notice on October 28, 2003:
    1. (5) Sutter Extension and Biggs-West Gridley WDs, Buena Vista 
Water Storage District, and the State of California Department of Water 
Resources, CVP, California: Pursuant to Public Law 102-575, conveyance 
agreements for the purpose of wheeling refuge water supplies and 
funding District facility improvements and exchange agreements to 
provide water for refuge and private wetlands. Conveyance agreement 
with Biggs-West Gridley WD was executed on September 23, 2003, and 
conveyance agreement with Buena Vista Water Storage District was 
executed on September 18, 2003. Contracts are still pending with Sutter 
Extension WD and the State of California Department of Water Resources.
    2. (11) Cachuma Operations and Maintenance Board, Cachuma Project, 
California: Temporary interim contract (not to exceed 1 year) to 
transfer O&M responsibility of certain Cachuma Project facilities to 
member units.
    3. (22) Foresthill Public Utility District, CVP, California: Title 
transfer agreement for conveyance of CVP facilities. This agreement 
will allow transfer of title for Sugar Pine Dam and appurtenant 
facilities from the CVP to Foresthill Public Utility District. Title 
transfer completed November 7, 2003.
    4. (46) Melvin D. and Mardella Hughes, CVP, California: Assignment 
of water service contract to Tranquillity Public Utility District for 
agricultural use. Assumption contract executed October 14, 2003.
    Lower Colorado Region: Bureau of Reclamation, P.O. Box 61470 
(Nevada Highway and Park Street), Boulder City, Nevada 89006-1470, 
telephone 702-293-8536.
    1. Milton and Jean Phillips, BCP, Arizona: Colorado River water 
delivery contract for 60 acre-feet of Colorado River water per year as 
recommended by the Arizona Department of Water Resources.
    2. John J. Peach, BCP, Arizona: Colorado River water delivery 
contract for 456 acre-feet of Colorado River water per year as 
recommended by the Arizona Department of Water Resources.
    3. Sunkist Growers, Inc., BCP, Arizona: Colorado River water 
delivery contract for 924 acre-feet of Colorado River water per year as 
recommended by the Arizona Department of Water Resources.
    4. Brooke Water Co., BCP, Arizona: Amend contract for an additional 
120 acre-feet per year of Colorado River water for domestic uses, as 
recommended by the Arizona Department of Water Resources.
    5. Miscellaneous PPR No. 11, BCP, Arizona: Assign a portion of the 
PPR from Holpal to McNulty et al., and assign a portion of the PPR from 
Holpal to Hoover.
    6. Beattie Farms SW, BCP, Arizona: Contract for 1,110 acre-feet per 
year of fourth priority water for agricultural purposes.
    7. Maricopa-Stanfield IDD, CAP, Arizona: Amend distribution system 
repayment contract No. 4-07-30-W0047 to reschedule repayment pursuant 
to June 28, 1996, agreement.
    8. Indian and non-Indian agricultural and M&I water users, CAP, 

[[Page 9374]]

New and amendatory contracts for repayment of Federal expenditures for 
construction of distribution systems.
    9. San Tan ID, CAP, Arizona: Amend distribution system repayment 
contract No. 6-07-30-W0120 to increase the repayment obligation by 
approximately $168,000.
    10. Central Arizona IDD, CAP, Arizona: Amend distribution system 
repayment contract No. 4-07-30-W0048 to modify repayment terms pursuant 
to final order issued by U.S. Bankruptcy Court, District of Arizona.
    11. Imperial ID/Coachella Valley WD and/or The Metropolitan WD of 
Southern California, BCP, California: Contract to fund the Department 
of the Interior's expenses to conserve All-American Canal seepage water 
in accordance with Title II of the San Luis Rey Indian Water Rights 
Settlement Act, dated November 17, 1988.
    12. Coachella Valley WD and/or The Metropolitan WD of Southern 
California, BCP, California: Contract to fund the Department of the 
Interior's expenses to conserve seepage water from the Coachella Branch 
of the All-American Canal in accordance with Title II of the San Luis 
Rey Indian Water Rights Settlement Act, dated November 17, 1988.
    13. Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, CAP, Arizona: O&M 
contract for its CAP water distribution system.
    14. Arizona State Land Department, BCP, Arizona: Colorado River 
water delivery contract for 1,534 acre-feet per year for domestic use.
    15. Miscellaneous PPR No. 38, BCP, California: Assign Schroeder's 
portion of the PPR to Murphy Broadcasting.
    16. Berneil Water Co., CAP, Arizona: Partial assignment of 200 
acre-feet of water per year to the Cave Creek Water Company.
    17. Canyon Forest Village II Corporation, BCP, Arizona: Colorado 
River water delivery contract for up to 400 acre-feet per year of 
unused Arizona apportionment or surplus apportionment for domestic use.
    18. Gila Project Works, Gila Project, Arizona: Title transfer of 
facilities and certain lands in the Wellton-Mohawk Division from the 
United States to the Wellton-Mohawk IDD.
    19. ASARCO Inc., CAP, Arizona: Amendment of subcontract to extend 
the deadline for giving notice of termination on exchange.
    20. Phelps Dodge Miami, Inc., CAP, Arizona: Amendment of 
subcontract to extend the deadline for giving notice of termination on 
    21. Gila River Indian Community, CAP, Arizona: Amend CAP water 
delivery contract and distribution system repayment and operation, 
maintenance, and replacement, contract pursuant to the Arizona Water 
Settlements Act, when enacted (Federal legislation pending).
    22. North Gila Valley IDD, Yuma ID, and Yuma Mesa IDD, Yuma Mesa 
Division, Gila Project, Arizona: Administrative action to amend each 
district's Colorado River water delivery contract to effectuate a 
change from a ``pooled'' water entitlement for the Division to a 
quantified entitlement for each district.
    23. Indian and/or non-Indian M&I users, CAP, Arizona: New or 
amendatory water service contracts or subcontracts in accordance with 
an anticipated final record of decision for reallocation of CAP water, 
as discussed in the Secretary of the Interior's notice published in the 
Federal Register on July 30, 1999 (64 Fed. Reg. 41456).
    24. Litchfield Park Service Company, CAP, Arizona: Proposed partial 
assignments of subcontract for 5,590 acre-feet of CAP M&I water to the 
Central Arizona Water Conservation District, which is exercising its 
authority as the Central Arizona Groundwater Replenishment District, 
and to the cities of Avondale, Carefree, and Goodyear.
    25. Shepard Water Company, Inc., BCP, Arizona: Contract for the 
annual delivery of 50 acre-feet of fourth priority water per year for 
domestic use.
    26. Jessen Family Limited Partnership, BCP, Arizona: Partial 
contract for delivery of Colorado River water for agricultural 
    27. City of Somerton, BCP, Arizona: Contract for the annual 
delivery of up to 750 acre-feet of Colorado River water per year for 
domestic use as recommended by the Arizona Department of Water 
    28. Various Irrigation Districts, CAP, Arizona: Amend distribution 
system repayment contracts to provide for partial assumption of debt by 
the Central Arizona Water Conservation District and the United States 
pursuant to the Arizona Water Settlements Act, when enacted (Federal 
legislation pending).
    29. Mohave County Water Authority, BCP, Arizona: Amendatory 
Colorado River water delivery contract to include the delivery of 3,500 
acre-feet per year of fourth priority water and to delete the delivery 
of 3,500 acre-feet per year of fifth or sixth priority water.
    30. Harquahala Valley ID, CAP, Arizona: The District has requested 
that Reclamation transfer title to the District's CAP Distribution 
System and to assign to the District permanent easements acquired by 
the United States. Title transfer of the District's CAP distribution 
system is authorized by Public Law 101-628 and contract No. 3-07-30-
W0289 between the District and Reclamation, dated December 8, 1992.
    31. All-American Canal, BCP, California: Agreement among 
Reclamation, Imperial ID, Metropolitan WD, and Coachella Valley WD for 
the federally funded construction of a reservoir(s) and associated 
facilities that will improve the regulation and management of Colorado 
River water (Federal legislation pending).
    32. Tohono O'odham Nation, CAP, Arizona: Amend CAP water delivery 
contract pursuant to the Arizona Water Settlements Act, when enacted.
    33. Central Arizona Water Conservation District and the Arizona 
Department of Water Resources, CAP, Arizona: Arizona Water Settlement 
Agreement to address outstanding CAP water allocation issues, subject 
to completion of final record of decision for reallocation of CAP water 
as discussed in the Secretary of the Interior's notice published in the 
Federal Register on July 30, 1999 (64 FR 41456).
    34. Sunrise Water Company, CAP, Arizona: Proposed assignment of 
subcontract for 944 acre-feet of CAP M&I water per year to the Central 
Arizona Water Conservation District, which is exercising its authority 
as the Central Arizona Groundwater Replenishment District.
    35. West End Water Company, CAP, Arizona: Proposed assignment of 
subcontract for 157 acre-feet of CAP M&I water per year to the Central 
Arizona Water Conservation District, which is exercising its authority 
as the Central Arizona Groundwater Replenishment District.
    36. New River Utilities Company, CAP, Arizona: Proposed assignment 
of subcontract for 1,885 acre-feet of CAP M&I water to the Central 
Arizona Water Conservation District, which is exercising its authority 
as the Central Arizona Groundwater Replenishment District.
    37. Cibola Valley IDD, BCP, Arizona: Contingent upon completion of 
sale documents, proposed assignment and transfer of a portion of Cibola 
Valley IDD's right to divert up to 24,120 acre-feet of Colorado River 
per year to the Mohave County Water Authority, the Hopi Tribe, and 
    38. Metropolitan WD and others, BCP, Arizona and California: 
Contract to provide for the recovery by Metropolitan WD of interstate 
underground storage credits previously

[[Page 9375]]

placed in underground storage in Arizona by the Central Arizona Water 
Conservation District under agreements executed in 1992 and 1994, and 
to document the Arizona Water Banking Authority's responsibility in 
agreeing to Arizona's forbearance in the use of Colorado River water to 
permit the Secretary to release that quantity of water for diversion 
and use by the Metropolitan WD.
    39. Wellton-Mohawk IDD, BCP, Arizona: Amend contract No. 1-07-30-
W0021 to revise the authority to deliver domestic use water from 5,000 
to 10,000 acre-feet per calendar year, which is within the District's 
current overall Colorado River water entitlement.
    40. Fisher's Landing Water and Sewer Works, LLC, BCP Arizona: 
Contract for 87 acre-feet annually of Colorado River water to be used 
to account for domestic water use on residential properties located 
within the Castle Dome area of Martinez Lake.
    41. Green Valley Water Company, CAP, Arizona: Assignment of 
subcontract entitlement of 1,900 acre-feet of M&I water per year to 
Green Valley Domestic Improvement District.
    42. Midvale Farms Water Company, CAP, Arizona: Assignment of 
allocation for 1,500 acre-feet of M&I water per year to the City of 
    43. Yuma County Water Users Association, BCP, Arizona: Supplemental 
contract for O&M of the Yuma Project, Valley Division.
    44. Forbearance agreements, BCP, Arizona and California: Develop 
and execute short-term agreements to implement a demonstration 
forbearance program to evaluate the feasibility of acquiring water, 
through a voluntary land fallowing program, to replace drainage water 
currently being bypassed to the Cienega de Santa Clara.
    The following actions have been discontinued since the last 
publication of this notice on October 28, 2003:
    1. (3) National Park Service for Lake Mead National Recreation 
Area, Supreme Court Decree in Arizona v. California, and BCP in Arizona 
and Nevada: Agreement for delivery of Colorado River water for the 
National Park Service's Federal Establishment PPR for diversion of 500 
acre-feet annually and the National Park Service's Federal 
Establishment perfected right pursuant to Executive Order No. 5125 
(April 25, 1930).
    2. (4) Miscellaneous PPR entitlement holders, BCP, Arizona and 
California: New contracts for entitlement to Colorado River water as 
decreed by the U.S. Supreme Court in Arizona v. California, as 
supplemented or amended, and as required by section 5 of the Boulder 
Canyon Project Act. Miscellaneous PPRs holders are listed in the 
January 9, 1979, Supreme Court Supplemental Decree in Arizona v. 
California et al.
    3. (8) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Lower Colorado River Refuge 
Complex, BCP, Arizona: Agreement to administer the Colorado River water 
entitlement for refuge lands located in Arizona to resolve water rights 
coordination issues, and to provide for an additional entitlement for 
non-consumptive use of flow through water.
    The following actions have been completed since the last 
publication of this notice on October 28, 2003:
    1. (24) California Water Districts, BCP, California: Incorporate 
into the water delivery contracts with several water districts 
(Coachella Valley WD, Imperial ID, Palo Verde ID, and The Metropolitan 
WD of Southern California), through new contracts, contract amendments, 
contract approvals, or other appropriate means, the agreement reached 
with those water districts to (i) quantity the Colorado River water 
entitlements for Coachella Valley WD and Imperial ID and (ii) provide a 
basis for water transfers among California water districts.
    2. (29) The United States International Boundary and Water 
Commission, The Metropolitan WD of Southern California, San Diego 
County Water Authority, and Otay WD, Mexican Treaty Waters: Agreement 
for the temporary emergency delivery of a portion of the Mexican Treaty 
waters of the Colorado River to the International Boundary in the 
vicinity of Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico.
    3. (30) Gila River Indian Community, CAP, Arizona: Operation, 
maintenance, and replacement contract for an archeological repository 
named the Huhugam Heritage Center.
    4. (33) Cities of Chandler and Mesa, CAP, Arizona: Amendments to 
the CAP M&I water service subcontracts of the cities of Chandler and 
Mesa to remove the language stating that direct effluent exchange 
agreements with Indian Communities are subject to the ``pooling 
    5. (43) Allocation agreement for water conserved from lining the 
All-American and Coachella Canals, BCP, California: Parties include the 
United States, The Metropolitan WD of Southern California, the 
Coachella Valley WD, the Imperial ID, the City of Escondido, Vista, San 
Luis Rey River Indian Water Authority, and the La Jolla, Pala, Pauma, 
Rincon, and San Pasqual Bands of Mission Indians.
    6. (53) City of Tucson, CAP, Arizona: Partial transfer of 4,454 
acre-feet of M&I allocation from the City of Tucson to Wells Fargo Bank 
of Arizona, Trustee, for the town of Oro Valley.
    7. (54) Arizona American Water Company (Sun City Division), CAP, 
Arizona: Subcontract with Central Arizona Water Conservation District 
for water service of 4,189 acre-feet of M&I water.
    8. (55) Arizona American Water Company (Sun City West Division), 
CAP, Arizona: Subcontract with Central Arizona Water Conservation 
District for water service of 2,372 acre-feet of M&I water.
    9. (56) Arizona American Water Company (Agua Fria Division), CAP, 
Arizona: Subcontract with Central Arizona Water Conservation District 
for water service of 11,092 acre-feet of M&I water.
    Upper Colorado Region: Bureau of Reclamation, 125 South State 
Street, Room 6107, Salt Lake City, Utah 84138-1102, telephone 801-524-
    1. Individual irrigators, M&I, and miscellaneous water users, 
Initial Units, CRSP; Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico: Temporary 
(interim) water service contracts for surplus project water for 
irrigation or M&I use to provide up to 10, 000 acre-feet of water 
annually for terms up to 10 years; long-term contracts for similar 
service for up to 1,000 acre-feet of water annually.
    (a) United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Aspinall Unit, CRSP; 
Colorado: Contract for 25 acre-feet to support an augmentation plan to 
provide water for the Hotchkiss Fish Hatchery ponds, used to grow out 
endangered fish, which is a part of the Endangered Fish Recovery 
    (b) Upper Gunnison Water Conservancy District (Upper Gunnison), 
Aspinall Unit, CRSP, Colorado: A 40-year contract for 500 acre-feet of 
M&I water to support Upper Gunnison's plan of augmentation for non-
agricultural water uses within the Upper Gunnison District. The 500 
acre-feet of water is to be resold by Upper Gunnison under third-party 
contracts approved by Reclamation, to water users located with Upper 
Gunnison's boundaries.
    (c) Hawk Haven LLC, Aspinall Unit, CRSP: Hawk Haven LLC has 
requested a 40-year water service contract for 1 acre-foot of water out 
of Blue Mesa Reservoir to support their plan of augmentation, case No. 
03WC091, District Court, Water Division 4.
    (d) Robert V. Ketchum, Aspinall Unit, CRSP: Robert V. Ketchum has 
requested a 40-year water service contract for 1 acre-foot water out of 
Blue Mesa Reservoir to support his plan of augmentation, case No. 
02WC252, District Court, Water Division 4.

[[Page 9376]]

    2. Taos Area, San Juan-Chama Project, New Mexico: The United States 
is reserving 2,990 acre-feet of project water for potential use in an 
Indian water rights settlement in the Taos, New Mexico area.
    3. Various Contactors, San Juan-Chama Project, New Mexico: The 
United States proposes to lease water from various contractors to 
stabilize flows in a critical reach of the Rio Grande in order to meet 
the needs of irrigators and preserve habitat for the silvery minnow.
    4. Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy District, Aspinall Unit, 
CRSP, Colorado: Long-term water service contract for up to 25,000 acre-
feet for irrigation use.
    5. Uncompahgre Valley Water Users Association, Upper Gunnison River 
Water Conservancy District, Colorado River Water Conservation District, 
Uncompahgre Project, Colorado: Water management agreement for water 
stored at Taylor Park Reservoir and the Wayne N. Aspinall Storage Units 
to improve water management.
    6. Southern Ute Indian Tribe, Florida Project, Colorado: Supplement 
to contract No. 14-06-400-3038, dated May 7, 1963, for an additional 
181 acre-feet of project water, plus 563 acre-feet of water pursuant to 
the 1986 Colorado Ute Indian Water Rights Final Settlement Agreement.
    7. Sanpete County Water Conservancy District, Narrows Project, 
Utah: Application for a SRPA loan and grant to construct a dam, 
reservoir, and pipeline to annually supply approximately 5,000 acre-
feet of water through a transmountain diversion from upper Gooseberry 
Creek in the Price River drainage (Colorado River Basin) to the San 
Pitch--Savor River (Great Basin).
    8. Individual Irrigators, Carlsbad Project, New Mexico: The United 
States proposes to enter into long-term forbearance lease agreements 
with individuals who have privately held water rights to divert 
nonproject water either directly from the Pecos River or from shallow/
artesian wells in the Pecos River Watershed. This action will result in 
additional water in the Pecos River to make up for the water depletions 
caused by changes in operations at Summer Dam which were made to 
improve conditions for a threatened species, the Pecos bluntnose 
    9. La Plata Conservancy District, Animas-La Plata Project, Colorado 
and New Mexico: Cost sharing/repayment contract for up to 1,560 acre-
feet per year of M&I water; contract terms to be consistent with the 
Colorado Ute Settlement Act Amendments of 2000 (Title III of Pub. L. 
    10. LeChee Chapter of the Navajo Nation, Glen Canyon Unit, CRSP, 
Arizona: Long-term contract for 950 acre-feet of water for municipal 
    11. Pine River ID, Pine River Project, Colorado: Contract to allow 
the District to convert up to approximately 3,000 acre-feet of project 
irrigation water to municipal, domestic, and industrial uses.
    12. City of Page, Arizona; Glen Canyon Unit, CRSP; Arizona: Long-
term contract for 1,000 acre-feet of water for municipal purposes.
    13. Castle Valley Special Service District, City of Huntington, 
Emery County Project: Assignment of contract for 189 acre-feet of water 
for municipal purposes.
    14. El Paso County Water Improvement District No. 1 and Isleta del 
Sur Pueblo, Rio Grande Project, Texas: Contract to convert up to 1,000 
acre-feet of the Pueblo's project irrigation water to use for 
traditional and religious purposes.
    15. Carlsbad ID and New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission (ISC), 
Carlsbad Project, New Mexico: Contract to convert irrigation water 
appurtenant to up to 6,000 acres of land within the project for use by 
the ISC for delivery to Texas to meet New Mexico's Pecos River Compact 
    16. Animas-La Plata Water Conservancy District, Colorado, Animas-La 
Plata Project, Colorado and New Mexico: Contract to transfer the 
operation, maintenance, and replacement responsibilities of most 
project facilities to the District, pursuant to Section 6 of the 
Reclamation Act of June 17, 1902, and other Reclamation laws.
    17. South Cache Water Users Association, Hyrum Project, Utah: 
Contract to allow the Association to convert up to 1,000 acre-feet of 
project irrigation water annually to municipal, domestic, and 
industrial uses.
    18. Project Operations Committee, Animas-La Plata Project, Colorado 
and New Mexico: Agreement among the United States, the Southern Ute 
Indian Tribe, the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, the Navajo Nation, the San 
Juan Water Commission, the Animas-La Plata Water Conservancy District, 
the State of Colorado, and the La Plata Conservancy District of New 
Mexico to coordinate and oversee the necessary operation, maintenance, 
and replacement activities of the project works.
    19. Southern Ute Indian Tribe, Colorado, Animas-La Plata Project, 
Colorado and New Mexico: Water delivery contract for an average annual 
depletion not to exceed 16,525 acre-feet of M&I water; contract terms 
to be consistent with the Colorado Ute Settlement Act Amendments of 
2000 (Title III of Pub. L. 106-554).
    20. Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, Animas-La Plata Project, Colorado and 
New Mexico: Water delivery contract for an average annual depletion not 
to exceed 16,525 acre-feet of M&I water; contract terms to be 
consistent with the Colorado Ute Settlement Act Amendments of 2000 
(Title III of Pub. L. 106-554).
    21. Navajo Nation, Animas-La Plata Project, Colorado and New 
Mexico: Water delivery contract for an average annual depletion not to 
exceed 2,340 acre-feet of M&I water; contract terms to be consistent 
with the Colorado Ute Settlement Act Amendments of 2000 (Title III of 
Pub. L. 106-554).
    22. Various contractors including the Town of Mancos and the Mancos 
Rural Water Company, Mancos Project, Colorado: Small or short-term 
contracts to carry nonproject water through project facilities for 
municipal purposes under authority of Public Law 106-549.
    The following action has been discontinued since the last 
publication of this notice on October 28, 2003:
    1. (3) Water Service Contractors, San Juan-Chama Project, New 
Mexico: Conversion of water service contracts to repayment contracts 
for the following entities: City of Santa Fe, County of Los Alamos, 
City of Espanola, Town of Taos, Village of Los Lunas, and Village of 
Tao Ski Valley.
    The following actions have been completed since the last 
publication of this notice on October 28, 2003:
    1. (25) Elk Meadows Homeowners Association, Aspinall Storage Unit, 
CRSP, Colorado: Elk Meadows has requested a 40-year water service 
contract for 3 acre-feet water out of Blue Mesa Reservoir to support 
their plan of augmentation, case No. 03WC20, District Court, Water 
Division 4. Contract was executed on October 16, 2003.
    2. (27) Russell, Harrison F. and Patricia E.; Aspinall Unit, CRSP; 
Colorado: Contract for 1 acre-foot of water to support an augmentation 
plan, case No. 97CW39, Water Division Court No. 4, State of Colorado, 
to provide for a single-family residential well, including home lawn 
and livestock watering (non-commercial). Contract was executed on 
November 10, 2003.
    Great Plains Region: Bureau of Reclamation, P.O. Box 36900, Federal 
Building, 316 North 26th Street, Billings, Montana 59107-6900, 
telephone 406-247-7790.

[[Page 9377]]

    1. Individual irrigators, M&I, and miscellaneous water users: 
Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South 
Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming: Temporary (interim) water service contracts 
for the sale, conveyance, storage, and exchange of surplus project 
water and nonproject water for irrigation or M&I use to provide up to 
10,000 acre-feet of water annually for a term of up to 1 year.
    2. Green Mountain Reservoir, Colorado-Big Thompson Project, 
Colorado: Water service contracts for irrigation and M&I; contracts for 
sale of water from the marketable yield to water users within the 
Colorado River Basin of western Colorado.
    3. Ruedi Reservoir, Fryingpan-Arkansas Project, Colorado: Second 
round water sales from the regulatory capacity of Ruedi Reservoir. 
Water service and repayment contracts for up to 17,000 acre-feet 
annually for M&I use.
    4. Garrison Diversion Unit, P-SMBP, North Dakota: Renegotiation of 
the master repayment contract with Garrison Diversion Conservancy 
District to conform with the Garrison Diversion Unit Reformulation Act 
of 1986; negotiation of repayment contracts with irrigators and M&I 
    5. City of Rapid City, Rapid Valley Unit, P-SMBP, South Dakota: 
Contract renewal for storage capacity in Pactola Reservoir. A temporary 
(1 year not to exceed 10,000 acre-feet) water service contract has been 
executed with the City of Rapid City, Rapid Valley Unit, for use of 
water from Pactola Reservoir. A long-term storage contract is being 
negotiated for water stored in Pactola Reservoir. Legislation is 
pending for change in the authorized use of Pactola storage.
    6. Mid-Dakota Rural Water System, Inc., South Dakota: Pursuant to 
the Reclamation Projects Authorization and Adjustment Act of 1992, the 
Secretary of the Interior is authorized to make grants and loans to 
Mid-Dakota Rural Water System, Inc., a non-profit corporation, for the 
planning and construction of a rural water supply system.
    7. City of Berthoud, Colorado-Big Thompson Project, Colorado: Long-
term contract for conveyance of nonproject M&I water through Colorado-
Big Thompson Project facilities.
    8. City of Cheyenne, Kendrick Project, Wyoming: Negotiate a long-
term contract for storage space for replacement water on a daily basis 
in Seminoe Reservoir. A temporary contract has been issued pending 
negotiation of the long-term contract.
    9. Highland-Hanover ID, Hanover-Bluff Unit, P-SMBP, Wyoming: 
Negotiate long-term water service contract; includes provisions for 
repayment of construction costs.
    10. Upper Bluff ID, Hanover-Bluff Unit, P-SMBP, Wyoming: Negotiate 
long-term water service contract; includes provisions for repayment of 
construction cost.
    11. Fort Clark ID, P-SMBP, North Dakota: Negotiation of water 
service contract to continue delivery of project water to the District.
    12. Western Heart River ID, Heart Butte Unit, P-SMBP, North Dakota: 
Negotiation of water service contract to continue delivery of project 
water to the District.
    13. Lower Marias Unit, P-SMBP, Montana: Water service contract with 
Robert A. Sisk, Sisk Ranch, expired in July 1998. Initiating long-term 
contract for the use of up to 552 acre-feet of storage water from Tiber 
Reservoir to irrigate 276 acres. This action will combine the two 
contracts presently held by Robert Sisk. Temporary/interim contracts 
are being issued to allow continued delivery of water and the time 
necessary to complete required actions for the long-term contract 
    14. Lower Marias Unit, P-SMBP, Montana: Negotiating for a long-term 
water service contract with Julie Peterson for the use of up to 717 
acre-feet of storage water from Tiber Reservoir to irrigate 239 acres. 
Temporary/interim contracts are being issued to allow continued 
delivery of water and the time necessary to complete required actions 
for the long-term contract process.
    15. Lower Marias Unit, P-SMBP, Montana: Water service contract with 
Ray Morkrid as Morkrid Enterprises expired May 1998. Initiating long-
term contract for the use of up to 6,855 acre-feet of storage water 
from Tiber Reservoir to irrigate 2,285 acres. Temporary/interim 
contracts are being issued to allow continued delivery of water and the 
time necessary to complete required actions for the long-term contract 
    16. Dickinson-Heart River Mutual Aid Corporation, Dickinson Unit, 
P-SMBP, North Dakota: Negotiate renewal of water service contract for 
irrigation of lands below Dickinson Dam in western North Dakota.
    17. Savage ID, P-SMBP, Montana: The District is currently seeking 
title transfer. The contract is subject to renewal pending outcome of 
the title transfer process. A 5-year interim contract has been executed 
to ensure a continuous water supply. The District has requested 
information concerning renewal of the long-term contract.
    18. City of Fort Collins, Colorado-Big Thompson Project, Colorado: 
Long-term contracts for conveyance and storage of nonproject M&I water 
through Colorado-Big Thompson Project facilities.
    19. Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, P-SMBP, North Dakota: Negotiate a 
long-term water service contract with the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe in 
North Dakota for irrigation of up to 2,380 acres of land within the 
    20. Glendo Unit, P-SMBP, Wyoming: Amend long-term water service 
contracts with Burbank Ditch, New Grattan Ditch Company, Torrington ID, 
Lucerne Canal and Power Company, and Wright and Murphy Ditch Company.
    21. Glendo Unit, P-SMBP, Nebraska: Amend long-term water service 
contracts with Bridgeport, Enterprise, and Mitchell IDs, and Central 
Nebraska Public Power and ID.
    22. Helena Valley Unit, P-SMBP, Montana: Initiating negotiations 
with Helena Valley ID for renewal of Part A of the A/B contract which 
expires in 2004.
    23. Crow Creek Unit, P-SMBP, Montana: Initiating negotiations with 
Toston ID for renewal of Part A of the A/B contract which expires in 
    24. Dickinson Parks and Recreation District, Dickinson Unit, P-
SMBP, North Dakota: A temporary contract has been negotiated with the 
District for minor amounts of water from Dickinson Reservoir. Negotiate 
a long-term water service contract with the Park Board for minor 
amounts of water from Dickinson Dam.
    25. Clark Canyon Water Supply Company, East Bench Unit, P-SMBP, 
Montana: Initiating renewal of contract No. 14-06-600-3592 which 
expires December 31, 2005.
    26. East Bench ID, East Bench Unit, P-SMBP, Montana: Initiating 
renewal of contract No. 14-06-600-3593 which expires December 31, 2005.
    27. Lower Marias Unit, P-SMBP, Montana: Initiating long-term water 
service contract with Allen Brown as Tiber Enterprises for up to 1,388 
acre-feet of storage water from Tiber Reservoir to irrigate 694 acres. 
This action will combine the two contracts presently held by Tiber 
Enterprises. Temporary/interim contracts are being issued to allow 
continued delivery of water and the time necessary to complete required 
actions for the long-term contract process.
    28. Helena Valley Unit, P-SMBP, Montana: The long-term water 
service contract with the City of Helena, Montana, expires December 31, 
2004. Initiating negotiations for contract renewal for an annual supply 
of raw

[[Page 9378]]

water for domestic and M&I use from Helena Valley Reservoir not to 
exceed 5,680 acre-feet of water annually.
    29. Canadian River Municipal Water Authority, Lake Meredith 
Salinity Control Project, New Mexico and Texas: Negotiation of a 
contract for the transfer of control (care and O&M) of the project to 
the Authority in accordance with Pub. L. 102 575, Title VIII, Section 
    30. Fryingpan-Arkansas Project, Colorado: Consideration of excess 
capacity contracts in the Fryingpan-Arkansas Project.
    31. Fryingpan-Arkansas Project, Colorado: Consideration of requests 
for long-term contracts for the use of excess capacity in the 
Fryingpan-Arkansas Project from the Southeastern Colorado Water 
Conservancy District, the City of Aurora, and the Colorado Springs 
    32. Town of Deaver, Shoshone Project, Wyoming: Negotiate a long-
term contract for up to 475 acre-feet of irrigation water from the two 
drains below Deaver Reservoir.
    33. Tom Green County Water Control and Improvement District No. 1, 
San Angelo Project, Texas: The District has requested a partial 
deferment of its 2003 repayment obligation. A BON has been prepared to 
amend contract No. 14-06-500-369. A public notice has been published in 
the San Angelo Times.
    34. Debbie A. Axtell (Individual), Boysen Unit, P-SMBP, Wyoming: 
Renew long-term contract for up to 100 acre-feet of irrigation water to 
service 17.2 acres.
    35. Individual irrigators, Heart Butte Unit, P-SMBP, North Dakota: 
Renew long-term water service contracts for minor amounts of less than 
1,000 acre-feet of irrigation water annually from the Heart River below 
Heart Butte Dam.
    The following actions have been completed since the last 
publication of this notice on October 28, 2003:
    1. (32) Pueblo Board of Water Works, Fryingpan-Arkansas Project, 
Colorado: On September 25, 2002, an amendment was executed to extend 
the term of a conveyance contract by 1 year from October 2002 to 
October 1, 2003. Initiating negotiations for renewal of a water 
conveyance contract for annual conveyance of up to 750 acre-feet of 
nonproject water through the Nast and Boustead Tunnel System. Contract 
was executed on September 25, 2003.
    2. (40) Clayton and Debbie Fulfer (Individual), P-SMBP, Boysen 
Unit, Wyoming: Renewal of long-term contract for up to 15 acre-feet of 
supplemental irrigation water to service 5.72 acres. Contract was 
executed on October 16, 2003.

    Dated: January 20, 2004.
Sandra L. Simons,
Acting Director, Office of Program and Policy Services.
[FR Doc. 04-4355 Filed 2-26-04; 8:45 am]