
Mid Atlantic Region Employees Receiving 2004 State of the Archives and Archivist's Special Achievement Awards

Outstanding Achievement in Promoting Civic Understanding in a Diverse Society

The second award in the category of Outstanding Achievement in Promoting Civic Understanding in a Diverse Society goes to a team from the Office of Records Services - Washington, DC, and the Office of Regional Records Services.

The team members are: Diana Duff, Walter Hill, Nancy Malan, James McSweeney, V. Chapman-Smith, and Mary Evelyn Tomlin.

V. Chapman-Smith, Regional Administrator V. Chapman Smith, Regional Administrator
The commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education decision served as the centerpiece for collaborative public program initiatives in NW and NR. Outreach efforts and exhibits in honor of the commemoration touched thousands of private citizens, students of all ages, and educators. NARA-sponsored public forums enabled participants from the Civil Rights Movement to give voice to the legacy of the Brown decision. Through the contributions of these nominees, NARA raised public awareness of the Brown decision, opened conversations with members of other races about integration and racial issues, and forged working relationships with groups that champion diversity and represent minorities.

Outstanding Accomplishments in Achieving Organizational Goals

Jefferson Moak, Archivist
Jefferson Moak, Archivist

The third award in the category Outstanding Accomplishment in Achieving Organization Goals goes to a team from the Office of Human Resources and Information Services, Office of Presidential Libraries, Office of Records Services - Washington, DC, Office of Regional Records Services, and Policy and Communications Staff.

The team members are: Robert Bohanan, Stacy Davis, Dorothy Dougherty, Bill Getchell, Meg Hacker, Lisa Haralumpus, Carol Lagundo, Deborah Lelansky, Jefferson Moak, Teresa Palmer, Madeline Proctor, Lydia Reid, Jill Reilly, Sara Schlanger, Jerry Simmons, Gary H. Stern, Nancy Sullivan, Debra Wall, Wendy Wang, Rebecca Warlow, Tim Wehrkamp, Kristen Wilhelm, and Pamela Wright.

When the fiscal year began, only a handful of people actually thought that the agency had a prayer of a chance to meet its 2004 performance plan target of having 30 percent of our holdings described in the Archival Research Catalog. But even before the fiscal year ended, the agency exceeded the target, and we are well on our way to meeting our 2005 target.

Many, many people across the agency deserve credit for making this achievement possible. This was truly an agency-wide effort. A list of those who contributed to this effort would encompass hundreds of people. But this is such an impressive achievement, in the face of great odds, skepticism, and the vagaries of computers working, enhancements being finished on schedule, and upgrades going according to plan, that the critical core of people who made this possible should be recognized. This core team includes representatives from each program office, key people from the IT staff, and the ARC team in NPOL.

These shining stars of ARC, representing a multitude of other stars around the agency, have made the achievement of this organizational goal possible.

Outstanding Accomplishments in Achieving Organizational Goals

The fourth award in the Outstanding Accomplishment in Achieving Organization Goals category goes to a team from the Office of Human Resources and Information Services, Office of Records Services - Washington, DC, and Office of Regional Records Services.

The team members are: Deborah Armentrout, Joseph Byrnes, Stephen Cooper, Susan Cummings, Pat Day, Nina Frederick, David Miller, Michael O'Bryant, Andrew Potter, Deborah Wayne, and David Weber.

David Weber, Director, and David Miller, Senior Records Analyst
David Weber, Director (left)
David Miller, Senior Records Analyst (right)

The redesign of our external records management training program is one of the key elements to the success of NARA's Records Management Initiatives. The National Records Management Training Team was asked to completely redesign the content and format of NARA's traditional training program and to develop an associated program for certification of training in Federal records management.

The team successfully "re-geared" the training to help agency records professionals better support the business needs of the agencies they serve. The new training material highlights the importance of managing agency records as information assets and incorporates the principles of asset and risk management.

Working under a tight deadline, this inter-office team successfully created a new records management training program that reflects NARA's new directions in records management, ensures that NARA training is consistent in content and quality, and fosters an improved level of professionalism in those managing Federal records.

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