Rogue River Ranch

Rogue River Ranch
Rogue River Ranch

The Rogue River Ranch is on the National Register of Historic Places and is nestled in the heart of the Rogue River's wild section. Once a major Native American habitation site, the area has enjoyed a rich human history of over 9,000 years. After Europeans arrived, the site evolved into a small gold-mining community, with up to 100 residents trying to scratch a living from the gold-bearing gravel bars of the mighty Rogue River.

The ranch structures remaining today represent the center of the old community, which had a trading post with upstairs lodging, a blacksmith's shop, and numerous outbuildings that filled the early residents' social and commercial needs.


The ranch can be accessed by boating, hiking, or driving. The ranch is 22 river miles and 23 trail miles from Grave Creek. The drive to the ranch is 37 miles from Grave Creek. Most people take two days to float, three days to hike, and two hours to drive to the ranch.

Native Americans

Archeological excavations have shown that Native Americans used the Marial area for gathering at seasonal camps and then later on as permanent camping site. Two different ancient peoples have been noted to frequent the area, the Takelma and the Athabascan. While speaking different languages the basic way of life was the same with hunting, fishing, and gathering being the major occupations. Major food sources were fish, deer, acorns, and camas.

The native way of life ended abruptly in 1850s.