Kayaker's Portable Toilet

Kayakers Portable Toilet


  • All parts and materials were obtained at a local RV sales/service retailer for $16.77 (2001).
  • One 3 inch diameter ABS pipe, cut length to fit storage location, such as behind kayak seat, and capacity needs. Capacity with 3 inch diameter tube is approximately 4 inches of linear tubing to contain 1 use for 1 person for 1 day.
  • Two end cap adapters, also called termination adapters.
  • One 3 inch end cap.
  • One 3 inch end cap with hose attachment threads for cleaning.
  • ABS glue/cement and primer
  • Two bayonet hooks


No tools are needed to assemble this toilet. Spray the inside of both end caps and let them dry. Then use ABS cement to glue the two end cap adapters to each end of the pipe and be sure to push down tight to get a good seal. Attach end caps with bayonet hooks.


The toilet in the photo above was made with 12 linear inches of 3 inch diameter ABS pipe. The final size is 151/2 linear inches, with the addition of the end cap adaptors, and provides adequate capacity for 1 person on a 4 day, 3 night trip. This toilet, or "Torpedo" as some local boaters call it, meets the requirements of a water tight, washable, reusable toilet for the Rogue River.

Make "deposit" on a large coffee filter (10"-12") or large paper towel and place in the tube along with toilet paper. Replace end cap.

Due to the use of coffee filters or paper towels and the small dimensions of the "Torpedo" toilet, this system cannot be cleaned in the SCAT Machine. Coffee filters and paper towels cause SCAT Machine breakdowns. The "Torpedo" toilet is set up to be cleaned at an RV dump station. To clean the toilet at a dump station, attach a water hose to the end cap with hose threads. Remove the opposite end cap and place the tube upright over the dump station receiving hole. Turn on water to flush unit. Both end caps can be removed for more thorough cleaning if necessary.

Keep a wet paddle and a clean river.