
The BLM greatly appreciates the energy and enthusiasm of the thousands of volunteers who contribute their time and experience to the public lands in Oregon and Washington. Volunteers blanket our public lands with important accomplishments and valuable achievements.

In Fiscal Year 2007, OR/WA BLM ranked at the top nationally as one of the best state volunteer programs. Volunteers range from Girl Scouts and senior citizens to corporate executives and Members of Congress. They all have one thing in common: enjoyment and appreciation for our public lands.

Summary of BLM State Office Volunteer Contributions, Fiscal Year 2007

There are many different types of volunteer opportunities available and many fall into one of the following categories: fish and wildlife; recreation; rangelands; forests; geology, energy and minerals; archeology; history; watersheds; administrative support; public information; wild horses and burros; engineering and surveying; data management; and planning.

Get Involved!

Volunteers can work individually or as part of a team and on short-term or long-term projects. Most BLM volunteers serve part-time, such as on weekends or during a certain season.