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Consolidated Statement of Net Cost

U.S. Agency for International Development
For the Years Ended September 30, 2007 and 2006
(Dollars in Thousands)
OBJECTIVES 2007 2006

Peace and Security
Gross Costs $460,211 $567,836
Less: Earned Revenues (1,146) (5,208)
Net Program Costs 459,065 562,628

Governing Justly and Democratically
Gross Costs 1,306,545 1,458,935
Less: Earned Revenues (3,498) (17,197)
Net Program Costs 1,303,047 1,441,738

Investing in People
Gross Costs 3,513,749 3,718,162
Less: Earned Revenues (484,068) (146,009)
Net Program Costs 3,029,681 3,572,153

Economic Growth
Gross Costs 3,103,511 3,915,462
Less: Earned Revenues (102,616) (32,515)
Net Program Costs 3,000,895 3,882,947

Humanitarian Assistance
Gross Costs 1,389,641 844,792
Less: Earned Revenues (3,587) (5,956)
Net Program Costs 1,386,054 838,836

Operating Unit Management
Gross Costs 117,362 56,028
Less: Earned Revenues (210) (606)
Net Program Costs 117,152 55,422

Net Costs of Operations (Notes 17 and 18)
$9,295,894 $10,353,724

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.


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Mon, 14 Jan 2008 09:12:04 -0500