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USAID: From The American People TITLE TEXT Technical staff review audit findings related to possible corruption charges in Paraguay. As members of a Forensic Audit Unit in the Controller General's Office, they have been key in more effectively addressing public corruption - Click to read this story
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Combined Statement of Budgetary Resources

U.S. Agency for International Development
For the Years Ended September 30, 2007 and 2006
(Dollars in Thousands)
  2007 2006
  Budgetary Non-
Budgetary Non-
Budgetary Resources:        
Unobligated Balance, Brought Forward, October 1 $3,904,527 $1,422,605 $3,262,407 $1,024,789
Recoveries of Prior Year Unpaid Obligations 199,240 23 276,771
Budget Authority:        
Appropriations 10,920,445 10,321,277
Borrowing Authority 52,026
Spending Authority from Offsetting Collections:        
Collected 978,655 227,843 862,464 447,625
Change in Receivables from Federal Sources (3,435) 3,620
Change in Unfilled Customer Orders:        
Without Advance from Federal Sources 58,516 4,652
Subtotal 11,954,181 227,843 11,192,013 499,651
Nonexpenditure Transfers, Net, Anticipated and Actual 78,398 (332,548)
Permanently not Available (980,038) (1,414,341)
Total Budgetary Resources 15,156,308 1,650,471 12,984,302 1,524,440

Status of Budgetary Resources:
Obligations Incurred:        
Direct 11,523,609 68,154 9,001,401 101,835
Reimbursable 371,418 85,531
Subtotal 11,895,027 68,154 9,086,932 101,835
Unobligated Balance:        
Apportioned 2,703,044 3,663 3,473,858
Exempt from Apportionment
Subtotal 2,703,044 3,663 3,473,858
Unobligated Balance Not Available 558,237 1,578,654 423,512 1,422,605
Total Status of Budgetary Resources 15,156,308 1,650,471 12,984,302 1,524,440

Change in Obligated Balance:
Obligated Balance, Net        
Unpaid Obligations, Brought Forward, October 1 11,666,588 3,772 10,287,030 3,288
Less: Uncollected Customer Payments from Federal Sources, Brought Forward, October 1 (19,930) (11,306)
Total Unpaid Obligated Balance, Net 11,646,658 3,772 10,275,724 3,288
Obligations Incurred Net (+/-) 11,895,027 68,155 9,086,932 101,835
Less: Gross Outlays (8,969,011) (43,235) (7,926,208) (101,352)
Less: Recoveries of Prior Year Unpaid Obligations, Actual (199,239) (23) (276,771)
Change in Uncollected Customer Payments from Federal Sources (+/-) (55,081) (8,264)
Obligated Balance, Net, End of Period        
Unpaid Obligations 14,393,364 28,669 11,170,983 3,772
Less: Uncollected Customer Payments from Federal Sources (75,010) (19,930)
Total, Unpaid Obligated Balance, Net, End of Period 14,318,354 28,669 11,151,053 3,772

Net Outlays:
Gross Outlays 8,969,011 43,235 7,926,208 101,352
Less: Offsetting Collections (978,655) (227,843) (861,043) (447,625)
Less: Distributed Offsetting Receipts (25,925) (41,784)
Net Outlays $7,964,431 $(184,608) $7,023,381 $(346,273)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.


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Mon, 14 Jan 2008 09:12:07 -0500