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Food for Progress
Commodity Fact Sheet

Seasoned, Soy Fortified Rice

The rice shall be long, medium, or short grain milled rice grading U.S. No. 5 or better, except the rice shall be reasonably well milled and not contain more than 20 percent broken kernels.

The rice shall meet the specifications of the class and grade offered as defined in the AUnited States Standards for Milled Rice,@ in effect at the time the contract is made.

The seasoned, soy fortified rice shall be a uniform blend of rice, soy (in the form of textured soy vegetable protein concentrate), seasonings, vitamins, and minerals that is consistent from package to package and shall meet the following nutritional profile per 100 grams of uncooked product:


  Minimum Maximum
Protein (Nx6.25). At least 75% of the protein provided must achieve a 0.9 or higher WHO/FAO Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score 22 grams N/A
Calories 300 Kcal N/A
Sodium N/A 500 mg
Calcium, USP-FCC 650 milligrams 1,900 mg
Phosphorus, USP-FCC 650 milligrams 1,900 mg
Magnesium, USP-FCC 279 milligrams 550 mg
Iron, USP-FCC 25 milligrams 50 mg
Zinc, USP-FCC 15 milligrams 30 mg
Iodine, USP-FCC 160 micrograms 320 mcg


The seasoned, soy fortified rice shall be packaged in 500 to 600 grams pouches or bags constructed of metalized polyester and polyethylene film.

Source: USDA:FSA:PDD:EOB, March, 2002 (Contact 202-690-3565)

Last modified: Monday, April 14, 2008 06:13:23 PM