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King County's 1996/1997 Beach Assessment

Maury Island Marine Park, Vashon Island

maury island marine park

Site Description

Maury Island Marine Park is one of the newest of the King County parks. It is located on the east side of Maury Island (which is connected to Vashon Island) on the site of an old gravel pit. This gravel operation may be the source of the high proportion of cobbles on the beach. The beach is more than a mile long, and an old wooden dock is located at about the center of the beach.

The open location of the beach does not protect it from the surf. The wave action has created a beach steeper than most of those which we study. The upper beach (above 0 feet) is composed mostly of loose gravel and cobbles while the lower beach (below 0 feet) is flatter and sandy in some areas.

The adjoining upland was mined for gravel until a few years ago and the dock was used for loading barges. There is some evidence of slides along the north section.


This beach was the sixth most diverse of the beaches surveyed, with 38 species of invertebrates identified. There is a patch of boulders on the north beach, which is uniformly covered by acorn barnacles. These barnacles do not appear to have been disturbed in a very long time. Their sizes are very uniform and the edges of their plates show little chipping. Most of the invertebrate species were found at the 0' level except for the limpets, periwinkles and isopods.

Shield LimpetAcmaea pelta
Finger LimpetAcmaea digitalis
Sitka PeriwinkleLitorina sitchana
Checkered PeriwinkleLitorina scutulana
Emarginate dogwinkleNucella emarginata
Moon SnailPolinices lewisi
Fringed DogwinkleThais lamellosa
Hairy ChitonMopalia ciliata
Woody ChitonMopalia lignosa
CockleClinocardium nutalli
Horse ClamTresus sp
Sand ClamMacoma secta
Bay MusselMytilus edulis
Jingle ShellPosodesmus cepio
Sea Slugs
Rough Mantled DorisOnchidoris bilamellata
Shaggy mouseAeolidia papillosa
Sea Stars
Mottled StarEvasterias troschelli
Blood StarHenricia leviuscula
Sunflower StarPycnopodia helianthoides
Purple StarPisaster ochraceus
Acorn BarnacleBalanus glandula
Thatched BarnacleBalanus cariosus
Black Clawed CrabLophopanopeus bellus
Northern kelp crabPugettia producta
Graceful decorator crabOregonia gracilis
Dungeness crabCancer magister
Red rock crabCancer productus
Colonial anemoneCribrina elegantisima
Plumrose AnemoneMetridium senile
Tube worms
Plume worm Eudistylia polymorpha
Parchment tube wormChaetopterus variopodutus
Large speckledKaburakia excelsia
PinkNotoplana litoricola
Brown IsopodIdotea urotoma
Olive-green IsopodIdotea wonesenski
Large Eelgrass IsopodIdotea resecata
Oregon PillbugExosphaerona orgonensis
Beach CockroachLigyda pallasii


Clams are very scarce here, so no formal survey was conducted. Cockles and sand macomas can be found on the sand flats but only a few colonies of horse clams were found on steeper parts of the beach where one would expect to find butter clams and littlenecks. Apparently, the surf washes out the juveniles. The lack of appropriate sandy substrate is another factor.


Some eelgrass is found below 0' tide level. No Sargassum was observed. There are few boulders, overall, on which algae could attach. Much of the upper beach is covered with fist-sized cobbles which would be covered by algae if they were on some of the other more protected beaches, but at this location they are too small to resist being rolled by the surf. That rolling seriously limits algae growth.

Green (Chlorophyceae)
Cladophora sp.
Enteromorpha intestinalis
Enteromorpha. linza
Ulva lactuca
Brown (Phaeophyceae)
Ectocarpus sp.
Red (Rhodophyceae)
Iridea cordata
Porphyra lanceolata
Smithora naiadum


A few Orca cows were observed June 18, 1996. A river otter was found foraging in the brush along the upper beach.


This area is a marine park and was created with boat access in mind. Although there is a maintenance road to the beach, it is closed most of the time, which discourages vehicular traffic. Foot traffic is not discouraged. This beach is not highly used by harvesters, but it is a destination for some boaters.

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Updated: 11/02/98

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