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Consumer Help
Consumer's Bill of Rights
All consumers receiving services offered by Oregon professionals licensed, certified or registered by the Oregon Health Licensing Agency have a legal right to: 
  • Receive competent professional services

  • Verify the names, titles and credentials of professionals providing services

  • Receive clear explanations of the services offered and cost for the services

  • Refuse any services offered

  • Receive information on complaints that have resulted in final action

  • File a complaint with the Oregon Health Licensing Agency regarding a practitioner, facility, or an unlicensed uncertified person practicing

  • Request reasonable accommodations to access professional services as outlined in the Americans with Disabilities Act

  • Be treated with courtesy and respect

  • Have service options and consequences explained
This statement of consumer rights in Oregon has been adopted by the Oregon Health Licensing Agency regulated professions.

Page updated: April 25, 2007

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