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An American Time Capsule: Three Centuries of Broadsides and Other Printed Ephemera


Mr. Field to Mr. Fish. Washington, June 27, 1870 Hon. Hamilton Fish. Sir: [Regarding the International ocean telegraph company].

Mr. George Boardley, respectfully informs his friends and the citizens of Boston and vicinity, that he will deliver a lecure! at Joy St. Church, Monday evening, Feb. 28, 1859 ... Boston, Feb. 1859.

Mr. Greeley and the reformers. Mr. Greeley's friends [From the Evening Post] [And] Some sample reformers. The men who support Greeley [From the Detroit Tribune.] [n. p. n. d.].

Mr. Huntington's address to the public. An address to the public by Mr. Huntington, on the renewal (for a limited season) of his lectures & recitations ... [s. l., 1841?].

Mr. Jauncey heartily thanks his worthy friends in this City, for the general contempt they have shewn to the many false and malicious reports which his inveterate enemies have circulated to his prejudice ... New York, January 20th 1769.

Mr. Jefferson's last letter. The following letter is supposed to be the last production of the pen of the illustrious Thomas Jefferson, It was written to the Mayor of Washington, in reply to an invitation to attend the celebration of the Jubilee

Mr. Kendall's address to the people of the United States. [Washington, D. C. 1840].

Mr. King, professor of elocution, announces to the public that he will pronounce readings and recitations to be preceded by a short lecture: ... Washington, 1834.

Mr. Love's motion. December 19th, 1810. Read, and ordered to lie on the table. Washington City: Printed by R. C. Weightman, 1801.

Mr. Macon's motions to exclude belligerent armed vssels from our ports; to prohibit the admission into our ports of vessels belonging to, or coming from, belligerent ports, and the importation of merchandise the growth, &c. of belligerent domini

Mr. Potter's appeal to the Citizens of Nash, Franklin, Warren and Granville. [1830?].

Mr. Rivington, Friday noon, 12th August, 1774 Before I exercise my right, of calling upon you for the name of the author whose illiberal invective appear'd in your yesterday's paper, I intend to publish some remarks that occurr'd to me on readin

Mr. Stanford's motion, relative to a recession of the Territory of Columbia. 29th November, 1804. Referred to a committee of the whole House, on Wednesday next. 31st December, 1804. Order of the day postponed until Monday next. Washington City:

Mr. Train's great speech in England, on the American question. [1861?].

Mr. Vernon segars, sold here. Sold also at wholesale by all the principal segar dealers throughout the country. J. W. Jerauld, principal agent, No. 77 Hanover Street, Boston [1865?].

Mr. W. H. Crisp, Lessee and manager of Crisp's gaiety, New Orleans; Savannah and Augusta, Georgia; Memphis and Nashville, Tennessee; Montgomery and Huntsville, Alabama; and manager of the Parodi grand Italian opera company. Mr. & Mrs. W. H. Cris

Mr. Warren, wishing to establish a well regulated Winter Theatre and such a one as may be an ornament to the City of Washington proposes to the present stockholders an advance of not more than $60 on each and every share of their stock ..

Mr. Wd7. Your city and county tax ... Boston. September 1, 1849.

Mr. Well's report on revenue ... The rum manufacturers and Congress. From the Miner's Journal of January 16th, 1868.

Mr. [blank] Wd6. Your city and county tax ... Boston, September 1, 1851.

Mr. [blank] You being a training soldier in the Company of militia under the command of [blank] are hereby required in His Majesty’s name, to appear at your colours upon Thursday the 22d current [blank] at nine o’clock in the morning, on the sec

Mrs. Barney's letter to the President Jackson. Baltimore. June 13th, 1830.

Mrs. J. Morse's Celebrated Vegetable Syrup-Pills, for rickets, debility, weakness, &c.

Mrs. J. Morse's celebrated vegetable extract for rickets, weakness, debility, dropsy, dysentary, diarrhoea, ulcers in the head, internal inflamation, cutaneous erruptions caused by impurity of the blood, &c.

Mrs. MacPherson's most respectful compliments to Mr. M'Clennachan, and would be extremely obliged to him, if he would give up any farther pursuit after Mount Pleasant, as it would add a great deal to the happiness of her and her dear family. Mon

Mrs. Young, with an efficient corps of professors, will, on the 17th of September, 1855, establish at her residence No. 436 G street, a French seminary for young ladies ... [Washington, D. C. 1855].

Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co., Ill. July 12, 1860. Friends of republicanism ....

Multiplication table. Requiring but half the usual labor to learn it. [n. p. c. 1854].

Multum in parvo. private advice to all $50 for 50 cts ... A Naramor. Berlin Heights, Erie Co. Ohio [c. 1867].

Municipal election, Monday, Dec. 14th, 1868. Important notice to Republican voters! ... [Boston 1868].

Municipal suffrage for women. (An address before the Massachusetts Legislative Committee on Election laws, January 27, 1904 by Mrs. Charles E. Guild, President of the Massachusetts Association opposed to the further extension of suffrage to wome

The murder at Fall River. Alexander B. Beard, author. West Manchester. N. H. [18--?].

Murder on the high seas. This was written on the ninth of May, two days after the "Lusitania" was torpedoed without warning by a German submarine .... Theodore Roosevelt. New York May 11, 1915.

... Murder will out !! Truth is mighty and shall prevail! Four years ago I charged General Andrew Jackson, in an address printed and published in Nashville, with various acts of cruelty and dishonesty when acting officially ... [Signed] Jesse Be

Murder will out!! Truth is mighty and shall prevail ! Four years ago I charged General Andrew Jackson, in an address printed and published in Nashville, with various acts of cruelty and dishonesty when acting officially ... Jesse Benton. City Ho

Murder! $500 reward. A reward of $500 will be given for the apprehension, and safe delivery in the jail of Chillicothe of the murderer of Frederick Edwards, committed at Bourneville, Ross county, O. on the night of the 19th of Nove

Musicale. Mr. John Powell, pianist; Mr. Vernon Stiles, tenor ... Tuesday, March 21, 1916 The White House. [Washington, D. C., 1916].

Musicians' military & civic ball, complimentary to the Lowell cornet band, at French's Hall, on Thursday evening. Nov. 16th, 1854.

Mutual insurance. Insurance against loss by fire. The Windham County mutual fire insurance company, incorporated by the General Assembly, of the State of Connecticut, at their session in May 1826, hath been organized according to the charter .…

Muzzle your dogs. Reading, May 15th, 1877. At a meeting of the Board of Selectmen, held this day for the purpose, the following order was passed: "It is ordered that on and after May 20th all dogs within the limits of the Town of Reading shall b

My November guest. [New York, The Poets' Guil. ca. 1930].

My dear Sir: In order to complete the Congregational church in this city thirty thousand dollars will be required ... O. O. Howard. Chairman building com. Washington, D. C. June 10, 1867.

My dear Sir: The Republican state committee have issued a circular to the County committee in the state, proposing to make the October campaign more lively and earnst than any previous campaign ... E. M. Spaulding. Chairman Orleans County Republ

... My dear Sir: We take pleasure in calling your attention to this great consolidated through passenger and freight express route from the East to the South and West, via the Bellefontaine, Terre Haute and St. Louis railroad lines ... Boston [1

My present engagements render it necessary that all accounts connnected with the newspaper I lately publishd should be settled as promptly as practicable. Enclosed is a bill for the amount due on your subscription to the National Journal ... You

My son, fear thou the Lord, and the king: and meddle not with them that are given to change, Proverbs. Chap. 24. verse 21. Forasmuch as there are many persons who seem very found of having the Town of Boston incorporated, and tell of many advant

The Mystery. Baltimore. John S. Mayfield. 1956.

[On weights, measures and coins.] Portion of report. [Dated January 10, 1791.

Nach einem einmüthigen Schlusse der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Sonodal Bersammlung, in Germantaun, den 12ten Juny, 1805 wurde folgendes den Grundgesetzen der Ministerial-Ordnung einverleibet. [1805].

Nachruf eines lehrers an seine confirmanten Mel. "Ringe recht, wenn Gottes Gnade." [n. d.].

Nachtrag zu den Wörten des Arzneibuches des deutschen reiches. (Phárm. Germàn ed. III.) ... [n. p. 1898].

Names and residences of the clerical and lay delegates constituting the seventeenth general synod of the Evangelical Lutheran church, assembled in Dayton, Ohio. June 14, 1855. [Dayton] Dayton Journal Job office. [1855].

Nantucket as a watering place and summer residence ... Nantucket, Mass. Hussey & Robinson Printers. [186-].

Napoleon. This high bred horse will be let to mare the ensuing season ... Charles Duvall. March 26, 1834.

Nashville, July 6, 1844. Dear Sir:--- The Democracy of Tennessee, acting through the Central Committee appointed by their State convention, propose to hold a mass meeting at this place on the 15th of August next ....

The Nassau Rake. Published by the sophomore class. Princeton. N. J. June 30, 1852.

The nation's great opportunity. Shall it be improved? Dear Sir: Permit me to call your attention to the enclosed paper, and the supplement thereto ... If Congress and the country would not abstain from excessive political strife and party confli

The nation's lament, over the death of General U. S. Grant. By Miss Annie C. S-------, Jersey City. N. J. Copyrighted 1885.

The nation's supreme task ... By Richard H. Edmonds, Editor Manufacturers Record, Baltimore, Md. April 11, 1918.

National Calendar; containing a list of all the officers and agents, civil, military, and naval, of the United States; with the duties, compensation, and place of employment of each officer; to which is added a variety of statistical, and other

National Convention. Chicago, May 20, 1868. Ohio delegation, headquarters, Tremont House. Parlor No. 1 [List of delegates].

National Credit and Character… Printed by Daniel Humphreys, Front Street, near the Drawbridge, Philadelphia.- MDCCXC [1790].

National Democratic ticket. For President of the United States James Buchanan, of Pennsylvania. For Vice President John C. Breckinridge, of Kentucky. [15 districts listed. [Virginia] Lewellen, printer [1856].

The National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers. Central Branch, Ohio. Memorial Day, Friday, May 30th, 1884. Under the auspices of Veteran Post No. 5, Department of Ohio, Grand Army of the Republic, National Home for D. V. S., Ohio ... [Centra

National Independent Political Union. Negro declaration of independence. Republican faithlessness and corruptions exposed and scathingly denounced by colored men ... [Washington, 1876].

National Intelligencer. ---- Extra. President Taylor's inaugural address, Washington, March 5, 1849. This day at 12 o'clock, General Zachary Taylor, President elect of the United States, delivered to the Senate and members of the House of repres

National Republican Young men's meeting. The National Republican young men of the City of Washington, are requested to meet at the City Hall, (Aldermen's room) on Saturday evening next, the 24th inst ... March 22, 1832.

National Republican platform adopted by National Republican Convention, held in Chicago, May 17, 1860. Chicago, Press & Tribune office [1860].

National Republicans of Essex County! Friends of liberty, law and justice! Opposers of tyranny, whether in a president or King. The great contest is at hand! This day and to morrow is the election. [Newark, 1832].

National affair- for the public good. American vines. The law of this commonwealth for promoting the cultivation of the Vine, merits the regard of every friend of our independence and prosperity ... The advantages which will arise to the subscri

National aid to education. [Circular letter by James Mitchell.] Atlanta, March 11, 1886.

National anti-slavery bazaar. Gazette. Vol. I. No. II [Boston, 1846].

National anti-slavery bazaar. Gazette. Vol. I. No. II [Boston, 1846.].

National bazaar, industrial and art exposition, for the benefit of the Garfield monument fund to be held at the U. S. Capitol, November 25th to December 3d, 1882.

The National calendar, and annals of the United States; for MDCCCXXXIV Vol. XII. Containing the names of all the officers and agents of the United States civil, military, and naval (except postmasters,) with their places of employment, compensat

National circular of the several state temperance societies, to the citizens of the United States ... [New York 185-?].

The National committee of the Maryland state fair, appeal to the authors of America, to contribute, by the sacrifice of an hour each of their valuable time, a collective offering, ... for the benefit of the sick and wounded soldiers of the Natio

National convention 1884. Political information. Compliments of the Penn Mutual life insurance co. of Philadelphia. Chas. B. Soule, Calvin S. Smith, Benj. P. Hinman. General agents for Illinois. Office 115 Dearborn St. Chicago.

National currency --- Foreign commerce. A few suggestions repectfully submitted to Congress and the people. [n. p. n. d.].

National debt, currency and taxation. St. Albany, Vt. Dec. 2, 1867. Hon. Benj. F. Butler: Sir:- Allow me to express to you my thanks for your very able speech upon the debt and currency question, and permit me to make a few suggestions for your

The National fair. Circular of the Committee of Superintendence of the National exhibition of American manufacturers and products of mechanical art, at the City of Washingyon, in May, 1846 ... Washington, D. C. March 28, 1846.

The National finances. Views of Henry Carey Baird - Condition of our credit abroad- Lessons drawn from history - Policy of the Treasury department - The remedy for existing evils .... From the Philadelphia Inquirer, March, 26, 1877.

The National flower for America. Buffalo, New York [c. 1897].

National guide. Directory of the Senate and House of representatives. Washington, D.C. December 1869.

A national hymn by F. Marion Crawford ... Sorrento, August 1st, 1887.

A national hymn. Composed to be sung on the 14th of May 1841; the day recommended by the President, to be set apart as a day of fasting and prayer, by the people of the United States, on account of the death of Gen. Wm. H. Harrison by L. Griffin

National inauguration ball, March 4th, 1865 The honor of Mrs. Joseph Wood company is requested.

National institute. The ninth meeting will be held on Monday morning, the 8th of April, at 11 o'clock, in the Unitarian church, near the City Hall. Exercise for the Ninth meeting ... Exercises for the tenth meeting .... [Washington, D. C. n. d.]

National intelligencer and Washington advertiser; v. 3, no. 378, March 23, 1803. Washington, Printed by Samuel Harrison Smith.

The national journal, published at Washington, the metropolis of the United States by Peter Force. The interval from the commencement of the National Journal to the present time, has afforded to the public full opportunity for estimating its pre

National memorial day, 1871. Excursion to Culpeper, Va. Lincoln Post No. 3, Department of the Potomac, G. A. R., has resolved to decorate the graves of the Union soldiers, some 1,5000 in number, at Culpeper, Va. May 30 1871.

National memorial day, 1871. Excursion to Culpeper, Va. Lincoln post No. 3, Department of the Potomac, G. A. R., has resolved to decorate the graves of the Union soldiers, some 1,500 in number, at Culpeper, Va. May 30, 1871 .... [Washington, 187

National monument. Ceracchi, an artist of Rome, influenced by admiration for the revolution lately accomplished by the people of the United States, and by a desire of distinguishing himself as the instrument of erecting a monument worthy of so g

National platform of the Know somethings. Adopted at Cleveland, O., June 14, 1855.

National politics. Speech of Hon. P. S. Brooks, of South Carolina, on resigning his seat in Congress. Delivered in the House of representatives, July 14, 1856. [Washington, D. C. 1856].

The national polity is the normal type of modern government. [A fragment.] ... Francis Lieber. [n. p. n. d.].

The National prison association: its origin, objects, and work. Addressed to the citizens of the United States. [New York 1871.].

National requiem: composed in memory of General Zachary Taylor, president of the United States, who expired July 9, 1850, at Washington City. Lancaster, Ohio. [1850].

National testimonial to William Lloyd Garrison ... [1866].

National thanksgiving November 30th, at 11 o'clock A. M. Strong Place Baptist Church Brooklyn, N. Y. [Bulletin] [Brooklyn, N. Y.] Argus Print. 1876.

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