Central Plains Region

Services For Federal Agencies
in Lee's Summit, Missouri


NARA's Central Plains Region (Lee's Summit) provides storage of inactive records created or received by Federal agencies in New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and for most records created or received by the Department of Veterans Affairs Regional Offices nationwide. It is the first stop for records after they leave the physical custody of the agency of origin. Agency records stay in the facility, where they are tracked through an automated database, until they are either destroyed through recycling or accepted by NARA as permanent records. All Federal agency records management and interaction with the center is governed by the Code of Federal Regulations as it relates to records management. Access to all records stored at the facility is controlled by the agency of origin.

Storage Service

NARA RCP provides storage in a safe and secure environment that meets the requirements of 36 CFR 1228 for all types of records. Records centers are authorized to store those records of a Federal agency that are properly covered by a NARA-approved records disposition schedule or the General Records Schedule (GRS). Agency offices may choose to transmit the SF 135 (and box listings) electronically using email. You may obtain an electronic version of the SF 135 by visiting the records center program's forms web site.

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Reference Service

The facility provides reference service with a turnaround time of 24 hours to Federal agencies. Agency reference requests can be processed by mail or electronically through the Centers Information Processing System (CIPS). Agencies can also make reference requests by mail. More information is available from leessummit.reference@nara.gov at 816-268-8150.


The facility offers records management workshops to Federal personnel on a reimbursable basis as well as free management briefings on agency records responsibilities. Workshops tailored to specific agency needs are also available. More information is available from Stacie Byas at 212.401.2320, and AJ duFresne at 212.401.1624.

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NARA's Lee's Summit Facility Main Page

The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001
Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272