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Accessibility Program Links

Following is a list of links related to BLM’s Accessibility Program:

Beneficial Designs, Inc. – Beneficial Designs works toward universal access in many arenas, including outdoor recreation, through research, design, and education. The organization develops assistive and adaptive technology; performs rehabilitation research, contract design, legal consultation, standards development; and serves as a rehabilitation information resource. 
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Information Technology Centers (ADA & IT) – The ten nationwide ADA & IT centers provide training, information, and technical assistance on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and accessible information technology (IT) to businesses, consumers, schools, and government agencies.
C.A.S.T. for Kids Foundation – “Catch A Special Thrill.” The C.A.S.T. for Kids Foundation brings together partners, including BLM, and volunteers with disabled and disadvantaged children for a day of fishing in the outdoors. C.A.S.T. furthers its mission through these events by increasing awareness of disabled and disadvantaged children in the communities and teaching appreciation for natural resources, creating a rare and positive experience for youth with disabilities.
Center for Universal Design – The Center for Universal Design is a national research, information, and technical assistance center that evaluates, develops, and promotes universal design in housing, public and commercial facilities, and related products. – is a collaborative effort among 22 federal agencies, including Department of the Interior.  It is the Federal government’s one-stop Web site for people with disabilities, their families, employers, veterans and service members, workforce professionals, and many others.
National Center on Accessibility – Through the comprehensive services of research, technical assistance, and Education, NCA focuses on universal design and practical accessibility solutions creating inclusive recreation opportunities for people of all abilities. It is the the premier training resource for access for people with disabilities in recreation.
Northern Virginia Resource Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Persons (NVRC) – The NVRC is a nationally recognized center that provides information to and about deaf and hard of hearing people through education, advocacy, and technical assistance. 
U.S. Access Board – The Access Board is an independent Federal agency devoted to accessibility for people with disabilities. Created in 1973 to ensure access to federally funded facilities, the Board is a leading source of information on accessible design. The Board develops and maintains accessibility design criteria, provides technical assistance and training on these requirements and on accessible design, and continues to enforce accessibility standards that cover federally funded facilities.
U.S. Department of Justice / ADA Home Page – The ADA Home Page provides information on design standards, technical assistance, and enforcement of accessibility regulations.
Wilderness Inquiry, Inc. – In addition to providing integrated outdoor adventure experiences, Wilderness Inquiry also conducts a variety of programs and services, including research and training, designed to promote involvement in outdoor pursuits for people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities. The BLM is part of a Federal interagency Memorandum of Understanding with Wilderness Inquiry to collaborate on projects to promote access to outdoor recreation for people with disabilities.
Graphic Artists Guild – This site provides downloadable international symbols for accessibility designed to help advertise access services to customers, audiences, staff and other targeted publics.