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An American Time Capsule: Three Centuries of Broadsides and Other Printed Ephemera


State of Wisconsin. Proclamation To the people of Wisconsin [Requesting volutneers for increasing the Union army] ... Done at Madison this 8th day of Juoy, A. D. 1862. By the Governor. Edward Salomon.

State of Wisconsin. Proclamation. Whereas, it has pleased Almighty God to take from the people of this state its chief magistrate the Hon. Louis P. Harvey, who, on the 19th day of this month, lost of life .... I do hereby recommend that for thir

State of [Arms] Connecticut. By His Excellency Robert A. Hurley. Governor: A proclamation pursuant to statutory enactment, I call for the observance of Wednesday, November eleventh, next, as Armistice day in thanksgiving that a war that engulfed

State of monies transferred to the United States, and of the proceeds of foreign loans applied to discharge the interest on the foreign deby, during the years 1791, 1792, and 1793.

A state of the Earl of Stirling's title, to that part of New-England, now commonly called Sagadahook. [Woodbridge? James Parker? 1768].

State of the Massachusetts-Bay. In the House of representatives, December 9, 1776. Whereas great inconveniences, may take place from our not knowing the number of male inhabitants in each town and plantation in this state, from sixteen years old

State of the New-York Hospital for the year 1820. [New York.] Printed by Mahlon Day, No 84 Water Street [1821].

State of the finances of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, till October 1st, 1790. [Philadelphia, ca. 1790].

A state of the finances of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: Printed by Hall and Sellers [1787].

State platform. National progressive party of the State of New York. Adopted by the State convention, Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1912. New York 1912.

State prison report. New York State-Prison, February 11, 1805 ... [New York, 1805].

State rights & nullification ticket. For State convention. Samuel E. Nelson. Thomas G. M'Fadden. John L. Felder. [1832?].

The state senatorship. An open letter form Harry T. Newcomb, candidate, subject to the decision of the democratic primaries, for the office of State Senator, to his opponent, Honorable Blair Lee, the present State senator. Bethesda, Md. June 30,

A stated meeting will be held at the Society's Rooms, in Tremont Street, on Thursday next, 14th instant, at eleven o'clock. A. M ... Charles Deane, Recording Secretary. Boston, Sept. 11, 1865.

Statement alleged loss in weight in a single cargo of Dry java sugar imported at New York by the American sugar refining co. of New York, as shown by the difference between the original weight in Java, as per ocean bills of lading, and the Unite

Statement in relation to the White Sulphur Springs property ... [by] Jeremiah Morton. April 2, 1874.

Statement of L. G. Martin, William C. Clay, Joseph Warren, and John H. Murphy, relative to their election as delegates and alternates to the Republican national convention from the fourth Congressional district of Maryland. Baltimore, Md. May 15

Statement of deaths, with the diseases and ages, in the City and liberties of Philadelphia from the 1st of January, 1831 to the 1st of January, 1832 ... Samuel R. Franklin, Health officer. Health office. Philadelphia January 1st, 1832.

Statement of facts in relation to a bargain between Thomas Herbert and Fielder B. Poston, with respect to the appointment of Wood Measurer for the first Ward ... F. B. Poston. Washington, D. C. June 2, 1832.

Statement of the amount of internal duties imposed by the United States (except those on house-hold furniture, on watches and on stamps) paid by each person in the first collection district of Vermont during the year one thousand eight hundred a

A statement of the amounts of internal duties imposed by the United States, (excepting those on household furniture, on watches, and om stamps) paid by each person in the 18th collection district of Massachussetts, during the year 1815. [Boston

Statement of the amounts of internal duties imposed by the United States, (excepting those on household furniture, on watches, and on stamps,) paid by each person in the fifteenth collection district of Pennsylvania, during the year 1816 ... Wil

Statement of the annual revenue and expenditure of the United Churches of Christ-Church, St. Peter's Church, and St, James's Church, in the City of Philadelphia ... Published by the vestry. William Tilghman, John B. Wallace. Church-wardens. [Phi

Statement of the commerce of each state and territory, commencing on the 1st day of October 1824, and ending on the 30th day of September, 1825. Treasury department, Register's office, March 25, 1826. Joseph Nourse, Register. [Washington, 1826.]

Statement of the duties on sugar refined, during the year ending on the 31st December, 1800 ... [Followed by] Statement of the duties on licenses granted to retailers of wines and foreign distilled spirits during the year ending on the 31st Dece

Statement of the expenses of the town of Charlestown, commencing May 18, and ending April 1821. Charlestown, April 1821.

Statement of the mill powers and shares in the proprietors of locks and canals, to which the several manufacturing companies at Lowell, are entitled ... Lowell, December 17th, 1853.

A statement of the national debt, with a requisition of Congress, on the United States. April 27, 1784. Richmond: Printed by Dunlap and Hayes. Printers to the Commonwealth. [1784].

Statement of the number and species of crimes for which prisoners have been convicted, sentenced and confined in the goal of the city and County of Philadelphia, from the beginning of the year 1790 to the conslusion of the year 1815.

Statement of the quantity of improved and unimproved land, and also the population, in the different parts of the county of Sussex, as proposed to be divided, beginning on the Musconetcong river where the East and West Jersey line crosses, and r

Statement relative to the Metropolitan railroad company ... It is now about two years since a number of citizens of Boston signed a petition to the Legislature praying for an act of incorporation, with liberty to build a railroad from Roxbury to

Statement respecting Mr. Jarvis' delinquency. The subscribers, two of the Committee for the sake of Eastern Lands, ask leave to state, for the information of the Legislature, that, before the settlement of the Committee's last account, Leonard J

A statement shewing the profession, residence, place of boarding and the birth place of the Members of the House of representatives of the General Assembly of Tennessee, 1835 ... S. Nye & Co. Printers to the House of representatives [1835].

Statement showing the amount of funds remitted to officers of the Quartermaster department, in the year 1822, and the amount for which accounts were rendered for that year.

Statement showing the amount of funds remitted to the officers of the quarter-master's department in the first three quarters of the year 1823, and the amount for which accounts have been rendered for the same period.

Statement showing the receipts and disbursements of the government from its organization to June 30, 1883, and the amount of losses, and the ratio of such losses per $1,000 to the aggregate received and disbursed, arranged as nearly as pr

Statement showing the weekly and total receipts of cotton into the ports of the United States; also the weekly and total exports of cotton to Great Britain, France, North of Europe, and other foreign ports; together with the stock on hand in the

Statement, shewing the actual situation of the funds of the Towns' branch of the Mutual Assurance Society against fire on buildings of the State of Virginia, on the 19th day of January, 1822 ... Richmond, 19th, January, 1822. [Followed by] State

Statement, supplemental to Memorial of P. P. Pitchlynn, Choctaw delegate. To the Senators and Representatives of the United States in Congress assembled. Washington City, D. C., June 13, 1868.

Statements in connection with the suggested plan of settlement of the affairs of the L., C. & L. R. R. Co. ... [1878].

Statesburg and her church. The following are copies of two interesting old documents found among the family archives of the late Col. John B. Moore of Statesburg, S. C. and through the courtesy of his son, Mr. J. Singleton Moore of Sumter, S. C.

Statesman's manual. Davis & Force of the City of Washington, propose publishing, in the course of the present year, a new and highly important work, under the following title: the Stateman's manual. Being an annual digest of all public documents

Stationery, music, pianos, fancy goods, &c. ... John F. Ellis. Pa. Avenue, between 9th & 10th Sts. Washington, D. C. [1853].

Statistical pocket manual, army, navy and census. The book for the times. [Prospectus] [Boston] [c. 1862].

Statistical tables of the consumption of sugar in the United States, showing the proportion of raw sugar imported from abroad, and of raw sugar produced in the United States, likewise of refined sugar produced in the United States, distinguishin

Statistics of Lowell manufacturers. January 1857. Compiled from authentic sources. [Lowell, 1857].

Statistics of Lowell manufactures, January 1, 1835. Compiled from authentic sources.

Statistics of Lowell manufactures, January MDCCCXLVI compiled from authentic sources. Lowell, Mass. Published by Joel Taylor, at the office of the Lowell daily courier [1846].

Statistics of Washington. Improvements in 1859. John Sessford. [Washington, D. C. 1859].

Statistics of the Chesapeake and Ohio canal [1841].

Statistics of the Souhegan railroad. Amherst, Sept. 1846.

Statistics of the Sunday Schools of Cincinnati for 1853: collected and published by the Society of religious inquiry and young men's Christian union. [Cincinnati] T. Wrightson printer [1853].

Status of Berkeley and Jefferson Counties, West Virginia. To the Honorable, the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, in Congress assembled. The loyal citizens of Berkeley and Jefferson Counties, West Virginia, in submitting

Staunton, September 3d, 1793. Considering it the duty of the people of this district, to declare their principles and opinions, on subjects which at present agitate the public mind ... and a respectable number having met for that purpose appoint

Steam or other communication with Liberia. An adjourned meeting to aid this object will be held this evening in the 4 1-2 street Church ... when the Hon. Judge Wayne will preside and addresses be made by several distinguished gentlemen ... All w

Steamboat line. Stage notice. fare reduced! Cohasset, Scituate & the Glades on and after Tuesday, June 28th ... Cohasset, June 28, 1850. Propeller Job Press, 142 Washington St., Boston.

Stencils for business purposes and for marking clothing. Cheapest and best! at Metcalfs' 101 Union St. [1868].

Stenographic synopsis or, An abstract of the most approved system of short hand ... By M. T. C. Gould. Utica. W. Williams Printer 1820.

Stenography acquired in fifteen minutes: [n. p.] [c. 1859].

Stock fluctuations, January, 1866 to January, 1867. In bank, insurance, railroad and manufacturing stocks and bonds, land, gas, mining, and other companies sold at the Boston brokers' boards and by auction, with the semi-annual, dividends paid b

The stockholder finance and railways. Vol. XLIV. No. 33. New York, November 10, 1905.

The stockholders. finance and railways Vol. XLIV No. 32. New York November 4, 1905.

Stocks by auction. This day, Friday April 16, 1858. at 12.5 o'clock, at Merchant Exchange reading room. payable and transferable at G. V. Hall's 76 State Street, on Monday next ... Hall & Co. Auctioneers. 29 India Street.

Stoff zum nachdenken für das amerikanische volk ... [Washington, n. d.].

Stolen between the evenings of the 3d and morning of the 5th of July, from the umbrella and parasol warehouse of John I. Smith 232 Pearl St. N. York the following goods ... New York. Oliver & Brother, Steam Job Printers [185-?].

The stolen stars by Gen. Lew. Wallace. Dedicated to the soldiers of the Union. [1864?].

Store of Indian remedies. Doct. Hale, six years with the western Indians ... Adamsville, Cass county, Michigan. [n. d.].

Store to let ... For terms &c. apply to Geo. C. Rand & Avery 3. Cornhill. Boston, April 2, 1859.

The story in color!! Bunyan's Pilgrim's progress. Illustrated by Messrs. Kyle, May, Huntington, Cropsey, Church, Darley, Dallas, and Paul Duggan ... New York. George F. Nesbitt & Co. Printers and stationers. [185-?].

A story of a sewing machine operator. Bertha the sewing machine girl; or, Death at the wheel! By Francis S. Smith. [Louisville, Ky.?] [c. 1871].

The story of the accounts. Extracts from the official figures sent to the supervisors. The armories swindle. A. J. Garvey again-- more plastering. Expenditures on the court-house. [New York. 1871.].

Strangers visiting New York, should not fail to see the greatest wonder of the world! King Solomon's temple, at Temple Hall ... A model of Solomon's temple ... New York, Wynkoop, Hallenbeck & Thomas, Steam Job printers, 113 Fulton St. [1860].

Strawberry Hill, Needham, Massachussets. Christmas 1929. This Christmas I ask my friends to accept with my seasonable good wishes the broadside printed on the reverse of this. It is made up from two little-known versions of Psalm LXXXII: the one

Striped Pig party. Liberal meeting. All who are opposed to the new license law and in favor of its repeal, are requested to meet (without reference to political parties) at the Town Hall, on Monday evening, November 5th at 7 o'clock for the purp

The stripped pig. As sung by Mr. Wills at the Tremont Theatre with great applause, the only correct one published, [1838].

Strode's hydraulic ram ... The undersigned calls the attentions of citizens of towns, railroad companies, farmers, plumbers, and the public in general to his improved patent improved hydraulic rams ... Philadelphia. Crissy & Markley, Job and Boo

Strong's new valentines, for 1869 ... New York 1869.

The study of French simplified!…258 Washington, Boston, Mass [1861].

Stylized flowers of Ephrata. A study in Pennsylvania folk art, being a page from the Ephrata ABC Book done in 1750 ... Ephrata, Pa., Restored Press of the Brotherhood of the Cloister, 1966.

The sub-marine voyager. By Mrs. M. G. Horsford. [n. P. [c. 1854].

The subscriber owes it to his detestation of slandering and to his regard for truth, to offer a few more remarks on the guilt of the Chief Clerk of the Navy Department ... Thomas Ewell.

The subscriber, by the liberality of his creditors, being in a situation to enter into new engagements, hereby gives hotice, that he means to transact business for the present, and until further notice, only upon commission ... W. B. Magruder. B

The subscribers being appointed ny the vestry of St. Paul's church, to draw up and cause to be printed and distributed among the members of said church, a full expose of the concerns of the same, as well regarding the expense of the building and

Subscription list for the Utica Garfield monument fund ... [Utica, 1881].

Subscription, to defray the expenses of the meeting of the friends of the National Institute to take place during the first week in April ... [Washington, D. C. n. d.].

... Substance of a speech delivered by the Hon. J. R. Poinsett at a public meeting held at Seyle's 5th Oct. 1832. published by request. Charleston. The Irishman Extra Oct. 6, 1832.

Substance of an address delivered by James M. Garnett to the people of Essex, at their late election for a member of Congress, held on the 17th April [1815?].

Substitute (proposed by Mr. Chamberlayne,) for the bill, to reduce into one act the several acts and parts of acts for establishing a public jail and penitentiary-house, and for the punishment of crimes. Presented January 29th, 1821. [Richmond,

... A substitute for taxation ... G. [Washington, 1862].

Success assured! ! -- Bear in mind -- Remember that the Brown County Agricultural and industrial fair to be held at Aberdeen, Dakota, September 16th, 17th, and 18th, will be the best county fair in Dakota this year [1885]. [Aberdeen? 1885].

Sudden death! By the squire of Krum Elbow ... New York 1936.

Suffolk ff. George the third by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, defender of the faith. &c. To the sheriff of our county of his under-shefiff, or deputy, Greetings. Whereas on the day of in the year of our reigh befo

Suffolk, ss. At the Superior Court &c. August 1774. Whereas the Honourable Peter Oliver, Esq Chief Justice of this court, stands charged and impeached of divers high crimes and misdemeanors and more especially with bribery and corruption in his

The sugar question (First paper.) "The Parsee merchant" reviewed [by] J. E. Searles, Jr Washington, D. C., January 30, 1879.

Sugar tariff schedules ... Hon. J. G. Carlisle, Committee on ways and means, H. R. Dear Sir: Kindly substitute the following statement in place of the one sent you on Saturday, in which I noticed a clerical error and ommision after I mailed your

Sugar trade of the United States, annual statement, showing the import and construction of unrefined for the year ending December 31st 1862, (exclusive of California and Oregon) New York 1863.

Sugar trade of the United States. Annual statement of the import, export, stock, and consumption of unrefined for the year ending December 31st, 1859, (exclusive of California and Oregon) [New York 1860].

Sugar trade of the United States. Annual statement showing the import, export, stock and consumption of unrefined for the year ending December 31st, 1861 (exclusive of California and Oregon. New York 1862.

Sugar trade of the United States. Annual statement, showing the import and consumption of unrefined for the year ending December 31st, 1864 (exclusive of California and Oregon) New York 1865.

Sugar trade of the United States. Annual statement, showing the import and consumption of unrefined, for the year ending Dec. 31st, 1863 (exclusive of California and Oregon. New York 1864.

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