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An American Time Capsule: Three Centuries of Broadsides and Other Printed Ephemera


The general meeting of 1883 ... Concord. Mass. June 28, 1883.

General order No. 329. "We pledge ourselves anew to the constitutional doctrines and traditions of the Democratic party, as illustrated by the teachings and example of a long line of Democratic statesmen." Democratic national platform, 1880 ...

General order no. 15. Camp Cairo, 1861.

General order, no. 29. February 1, 1864.

General order. Headquaters. Department of Western Virginia, Charleston, Va., Sept. 24, 1862. General Order, No. The money issued by the Confederate government is secure, and is receivable in payment of public dues, and convertible into 8 per cen

General order. Philadelphia, 16th September 1814. To General Bloomfield, Commandant of the fourth military district, having on the 15th instant, made a requisition for an additional military force, I do therefore, order into the service of the u

General order. The attention of officers and others in the naval service is called to the following section of an act of Congress, approved July 14, 1862, viz ... Gideon Welles, Secretary of Navy. Navy department. July 17, 1862.

General orders.

General orders .... Andrew Jackson. Major-General 2d Division, Tennessee. November 24, 1812.

General orders No. 27. The following general order of the President, received through the War department, announces to the army, the death of the illustrious ex-president, General Andrew Jackson. Washington, June 16, 1845.

General orders for the Second Division of the Massachusetts' militia ... Given under my hand in Newbury-port, this first day of December, Anno Domini, 1786. Jonathan Titcomb, Major-General. Newbury-Port. Printed by John Mycall [1786].

General orders. Head quarters 2nd division. Nashville, May 24, 1914. Brave Tennesseans, of the 2nd Division ... Andrew Jackson, Major-General Com'd'f 2d Division, T. M. [Nashville, 1814.].

General orders. Head-Quarters, Boston, July 7, 1794 ... By order of the Commander in Chief, William Donnison Adjutant General. [Boston: Printed by Adams and Larkin, 1794].

General orders. Head-quarters, Boston, June 13th, 1797. [Signed] William Donnison, Adjutant general. [Boston: Printed by Young and Minns, 1797.].

General orders. Head-quarters, at Boston, July 14, 1807. By His Excellency James Sullivan, Esquire, Governor and Commander in chief. The President of the United States, having required of the executives of the several states their respective pro

General orders. Head-quarters. Roxbury, May 1, 1798 ... By order of the Commander in chief. William Donnison, Adjutant-General. [Boston: Printed by Young and Minns, 1798].

General orders. Headquarters, Baltimore, October 28th, 1828. My fellow citizens- Behold I am faithful and true and in righteousness I will judge and make war. Behold my sign the Hickory tree! Look how he is shaking the great men, and make them f

General orders. Headquarters, Boston, July 7, 1800 ... By order of the Commander in Chief, William Donnison, Adj. Gen. [Boston, 1800].

General orders. Headquarters, Boston, March 1, 1794 ... By order of the Commander in Chief. William Donnison, Adjutant General. [Boston: Printed by Adams and Larkin,1794].

General orders. Headquarters. Hartford Dec. 31, 1812. [regarding alterations in uniforms] ... By order of the Commander in Chief, Ebenezer Huntington, Adjutant General State of Connecticut.

General orders. Headquarters. Hartford December 31, 1812. [regarding alterations in uniforms] ... By order of the Commander in Chief, Ebenezer Huntington, Adjutant General State of Connecticut.

General orders. Headquarters. Roxbury, March 30, 1799 ... By order of the Commander in chief. William Donnison, Adj. Gen. [Boston] Printed by Young and Minns, printers to the state [1799].

General orders. Lancaster, 13th July 1807. The President of the United States having required a draft of fifteen thousand six hundred and thirty-five men, as the quota of Pennsylvania, towards a detachment of one hundred thousand militia, the go

General orders. Nashville July 3, 1815.

General orders. State of Kentucky. Adjutant General's office. Frankfort Feb. 5, 1814 ... P. Butler, Adj. Gen.

General orders. State of Kentucky. Frankfort, March 22, 1811.

General orders. The General Assembly having by an act, passed at the last session, authorized the Captain General, to prescribe an uniform dress for the militia ... that the uniform dress for the militia of this state shall be as is hereafter pr

General orders. The commander in chief, is highly pleased with the martial spirit which pervades the greater part of the officers and other patriotic citizens, composing the militia of this commonwealth, and he hopes they will not relax in their

General orders. [regarding uniform dress]. Norwich, July 30, 1822. Eben. Huntington, Adj. Gen.

General railroad time card. Winter arrangement, 1865 and 1866. Boston c. 1865.

A general state of the Commonwealth's revenue for the year 1807 ... Auditor's office 30th November, 1808.

General statement, shewing the cost of articles bought by the agent for manufacture in the penitentiary, of tools and machinery for carying on the factories, cost of rations, &c.- ... Richmond, December 1st, 1808.

General's Lee's farewell address to the Army of Northern Virginia. April 10th, 1865. Petersburg, Ege's print. [1865].

The general. Boston, Impressions Workshop, 1966.

Generic names for the county and people of the United States of America ... [New York, 1803].

Geneva forever! a slogan for civilization by John Judson Hamilton.

Genl. R. E. Lee's farewell address to the army of northern Virginia. Baltimore. Schmidt & Trowe 1883.

Gent's outfitting house. No. 12 Elm Street Boston [Circular] [1862].

Gentlemen of the Senate and of the House of representatives. Called by your joint and unanimous suffrages, to fill the office of chief magistrate, under the constitution adopted by the people of this commonwealth, I repair with a full sense of m

Gentlemen of the house of representatives. Whereas, by a wise dispensation of the Providence of God, you have been deprived of your clerk, and whereas, it is necessary to elect one to fill the station, I have concluded to submit my claims for yo

Gentlemen, At this perilous crisis of our national affairs, it is confidently believed you will cordially co-operate with the friends of peace in all proper measures to soften the calamities and shorten the duration of war. With this confidence,

Gentlemen, The evils which we have long forseen are now come upon this town and province the long meditated stroke is now given to the civil liberty of this country? How long we may be allowed the enjoyment of our religious liberty is a question

Gentlemen,- I proposed, last spring to make gifts to five hundred males and five hundred females, inhabitants of this state ... Gerrit Smith. Peterboro. January 4 1850.

Gentlemen. At a numerous and respectable meeting of Republican Citizens from all parts of the Commonwealth, assembled at Boston, on the 8th day of February instant, the duty has been assigned us to make known to you their unanimous determination

Gentlemen. It is proposed to form a company by the name of the Louisians Settlement Company, for the purpose of purchasing of the United States, the territory of Louisiana, lately ceded by France ... [1803].

Gentlemen. The selectmen, by the order of the town, have directed me to inclose the following address, to communicated to the inhabitants of your town with their wishes that it may produce those conciliatory effects ... [Boston, 1786].

Gentlemen. The state of publick affairs undoubtedly still demands the greatest wisdom, vigilance and fortitude … Signed by the direction of the Committee of Correspondence for the town of Boston [William Cooper] Clerk. Boston, September 21, 1773

A genuine letter from a well-known patriot at St. James’s to his friend in Boston, relative to the present distracted state of American affairs. Dated London, November 28, 1774. [Boston? 1775].

Geo. H. Snelling, Esq:- Dear Sir,- In answer to your note, of the 31st ult., I reply that in my opinion, there are no practical difficulties to be apprehended in the modification proposed by you in the plan for filling the marshes at the bottom

Geo. S. Bennett United States deputy marshall Let the public mark this man, and let the nation fear for its safety when lecherous, drunken tyrants are in power ... [Signed] Justice. Cincinnatti, O. February 1st, 1856.

George Blanchard ... Gentlemen can, at all times, find a rich and splendid assortment of ready made clothing & furnishing goods; viz. cloaks, coats, pants, vests, shirts, drawers, cravats, hosiery, gloves, umbrellas, canes, combs, brushes, perfu

George Clinton's legacy. The following protest was submitted to his scrutiny, and fully received his approbation, containing, among many other sound political doctrines as his last will of political sentiments addressed to the American people, w

George E. White (formerly of the firm of Parker, White & Gannet, of Boston,) has taken the store No. 55. Cliff Street near the corner of Beekman Street, New York, for the purpose of transacting a general commission business ... [New York, 1860].

George N. Sanders on the sequences of southern secession. New York, 30th October, 1860. To the Republicans of New York who are for the republic. [New York, 1860].

George N. Sanders to President Buchanan. New York, 30th July, 1860.

George Washington first president of the U. S. Drawn with the pen by P. M. Collins. Prof. of penmanship. [New York? c. 1855].

George-Town. November 6, 1790. Sir. Having established a post from Fredericksburg, though the Counties of King George Westmoreland, Northumberland, Lancaster, and Richmond with a view of promoting my interest, and accommodating the public, in th

Georgetown College, District of Columbia, 182 The College is situated on an eminence on the Maryland side of the Potomac [Course of instruction and terms.] [182- ].

Georgetown College, District of Columbia. This college stands on a peculiarly healthy eminence, on the modern bank of the Potomac river, commanding a beautiful prospect ... The following is a list oof the present officers ... [Washington, D. C.

Georgetown College, District of Columbia. [Washington, D. C.] P. Force, 1842.

Georgetown, April 21, 1854 R. R. Sheckell, Esq. Dear Sir: We are in reciept of your letter of the 19th inst., of the following tenor: Gentlemen: Believing that the time has arrived when the interests of the town requite that the views and opinio

Georgetown, D. C. July 16, 1847. Sir: You are respectfully invited to attend at the commencement of Georgetown College which will be held in the College Hall, on Tuesday, the 27th instant, at half past nine o'clock. A. M ... Thomas F. Mulledy. P

Georgetown, D. C., July 16, 1846. Sir: You are respectfully invited to attend at the commencement of Georgetown college, which will be held in the college Hall, on Tuesday, the 28th instant,at half past nine o'clock, A. M ... Thomas F. Mulledy.

Georgia Republican extra, Savannah, 25th April, 1804. Judge Bowen having ordered the Charge given to the Grand Jury on Monday last, to be published in the Georgia Republican, the editor felt himself bound by his duty to refuse the publication an

Georgia resolutions. In the House of representatives Wednesday, 20th December, 1826. [Atlanta?].

Georgia. By His Excellency Sir James Wright, Baronet, captain-general, governor, and commander-in-chief, of His Majesty's said province, chancellor, vice-admiral, and ordinary of the same. A proclamation [Inviting settlement of certain lands upo

Georgia. House of Assembly, 15th July 1783. Ordered that his honour the Governor and council be recommended and requested to transmit to the executive and legislative powers or departments, in every state in the United States, a list of persons

Georgian colonial history attractively arranged and illustrated ... Newburyport, Massachusetts. Towle Mfg. company, silversmiths [1900].

Georgianna Lovering or The Northwood tragedy ... Nashua, New Hampshire. 1872.

The "German vote" in Chicago. [Chicago, 1900].

Germantown Friends' protest against slavery 1688. [Facsimile].

Gerrit Smith on the bailing of Jefferson Davis ... Peterboro, June 6, 1867.

Gerrit Smith to Dr. Cuyler. Temperance and civil government. Peterboro, January 1, 1868.

Gerrit Smith to General Ashley [Regarding anti-slavery amendment] Peterboro, February 6, 1865.

Gerrit Smith to General Lee. Peterboro, September 25th, 1868.

Gerrit Smith to George Thompson. England needs to soothe America. Peterboro, January 25th, 1862.

Gerrit Smith to Herschel V. Johnson, Peterboro, October 22, 1867.

Gerrit Smith to Horace Greeley. A plea for the South ... Peterboro, March 6th, 1865.

Gerrit Smith to Mr. Garrison. Let us deal Impartially with the sinning South and the sinning North'. Peterboro, March 20th, 1867.

Gerrit Smith to President Grant ... Peterboro. November 4th, 1868.

Gerrit Smith to Senator Sumner. The negro is our friend and savior ...... Peterboro, February 5, 1866.

Gerrit Smith to Susan B. Anthony. Peterboro February 5th 1873.

Gerrit Smith to Susan B. Anthony. Peterboro, February 5th, 1873. Miss Anthony. Dear Friend ... Gerrit Smith.

Gerrit Smith to his townsmen. To the town of Smithfield. Petersboro, October 6th, 1862.

Gerrit Smith to the vice president. Peterboro, May 14, 1870.

Gerrit Smith. To the rank and file of the Democratic party. To the masses of the Democratic party. Petersboro. October 20th, 1864.

The Gerry-mander : a new species of monster, which appeared in Essex South District in Jan. 1812. [Salem, Mass. : s.n., 1812]

Get what you really want! Don't buy what you don't need. Think first how many hours of work each purchase will cost you. Steady saving will bring a home, a business, or something else worth while within your reach. Saving money is easy with War

Gettysburg address delivered at Gettysburg Pa. Nov. 19th, 1863. [n. p. n. d.].

The Gettysburg address. [Chicago, The Lakeside press 1950].

A gift book for all seasons!!! Lucas Brothers, ... have just published a new, much enlarged, and spendidly illustrated edition of Flora's dictionary, by Mrs, E. W. Wirt of Virginia ... [n. d.].

Gillooly. by Samuel Thompson Wyman. Lynn, Mass. 1904.

Girard Bank. Philadelphia, November 14th, 1839. I am instructed by the Board of directors to transmit to you the annexed account of the proceedings of the stockholders at their annual and adjourned meetings, held on the 5th and 13th instant, the

Give "treasures and trinkets" to the Fund for Our Aviators. New York, N. Y.? [s. n.] 1918?.

Give us something to melt! Silverware, coins, jewelry, anything for Our Aviators. New York, N. Y., [s. n., 1917?].

Give us the old ticket. The people want it. Five millions of Democrats voted for it in 1876 They will vote for it in 1880. Tilden, Hendricks and victory! ... Give us the old ticket again. Give us Tilden, Hendricks and victory with three cheers a

Glass ware prices current. Charles T. Carney, wholesale druggist, No. 138 Washington Street. Boston. importer of, and dealer in drugs, medicines, chemicals, and chemical apparatus ... Philadelphia. Duross, Printer, Black Horse Alley [n. d.].

Glastenbury, Conn., June 1st, 1861. Gents.: As manufacturers of the genuine Yankee soap, we frequently receive letters from merchants from various parts of the country, inquiring for our soap ... Jas. B. Williams & Co.

The Globe--- Extra. How some people live. A correspondent of the New York Daily Times, writing from Paris, mentions the calling or business by which some persons live there. We will copy a portion of his letter ... [Washington, D. C. 1853?].

The Globe. Francis Preston Blair, will publish in the City of Washington, a newspaper entitled. The Globe ... [Washington, D. C.] 4th Dec. 1830.

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