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October Connections newsletter available online

October 8, 2008

Communicating with Laboratory stakeholders is a key function of the Community Programs Office (CPO). The Connections electronic newsletter is one way CPO communicates with the public. In the October issue of Connections read about some of the communications efforts under way in CPO.

Community Programs recently surveyed Connections readers. Learn what some survey respondents had to say about the publication in this month's issue.

Features include coverage of a regional community leaders breakfast in Pojoaque, which drew a large turnout of community leaders. Read about upcoming events at the Laboratory's Bradbury Science Museum, which is part of Community Programs; a business expo the Lab is cosponsoring in Pojoaque later this month; and highlights of a BusinessWeek article that commends Los Alamos and Sandia national labs for moving lab-developed technologies into industry and creating jobs.

Connections is published monthly by the Community Programs Office. It is distributed to interested parties across the state.

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James Maxwell

Cutting-edge innovation captures science "Oscar"

Laser-Weave® technology grows extra-strong fibers at astonishing speeds

Prestigious R&D 100 Award goes to radical technology that will change the insides of toasters to exhaust nozzles in rocket engines, says James Maxwell of Applied Electromagnetics. . .

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Currents, the Laboratory's monthly employee magazine, is now available online.

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