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Nominations sought for unclassified Director's Colloquia

October 8, 2008

Laboratory employees who have suggestions for unclassified Director's Colloquium speakers can send nominations to the Director's Colloquium Committee.

The unclassified colloquium series brings distinguished leaders in science, technology, and policy to the Laboratory for talks that are open to the workforce. Speakers are chosen on the basis of their contributions to leading edge science, technology, and timely issues of national and global concern, in addition to their ability to communicate to a general audience, said Socorro Mondragon, coordinator of the Director's Colloquium series.

A committee will review all nominations for excellence and the speaker's ability to communicate with the diverse Laboratory population. "This colloquium series cannot be successful without active participation from all of us. In addition to attendance at the colloquium, we rely on the Laboratory community for nominations of possible speakers," said Mondragon.

Submit nominations here.

Background on the series, past and upcoming colloquia, and video archives are available from the Director's Colloquium Web page.

For more information, call Mondragon at 7-4868 or socorro@lanl.gov by electronic mail.

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