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2009-2011 Affirmative Action Plan Guidelines
Required Biennium
The Governor’s Affirmative Action Office has developed guidelines for the Affirmative Action Plan to be used by all state agencies. The guidelines are consistent with the directives required by the Governor. (ORS 182.100, 243.305, 243.315, ORS 659, and 240.379 and Executive Order No. EO-96-38, Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.)
Each state agency will be required to develop and submit, in hard copy, to the Governor’s Affirmative Action Office their Affirmative Action Plan. The cover page should include your agency name, year and your logo or seal.
The following is an outline of all the information to be included in the 2009-2011 Affirmative Action Plan:
I.      Cover Letter – current date and signed by the Agency’s Director/Administrator
II.     Description of Your Agency
A.    Mission, What We Do, and Goals of the Agency overall.
B.     Name of Agency Director/Administrator, address, and phone number
C.     Name of Governor’s Policy Advisor for your agency
D.     Name of Affirmative Action Representative and phone number
E.      Organizational Chart
III.     Affirmative Action Plan
A.     Agency Affirmative Action Policy
B.     Status of Contracts to Minority Businesses (ORS 659A.015)
C.     Training, Education and Development Plan and Schedule of:
1.      Staff
2.      Volunteers
3.      Providers
4.      Vendors
D.     Status of Cultural Competency Assessment/Implementation Services
E.      Programs [the following are some examples of programs, if your agency has other programs please include them in this section]
1.      Internship Programs
2.      Community Outreach Program
3.      Diversity Awareness Program
IV.      Roles for Implementation of Affirmative Action Plan
A.     Responsibilities and Accountabilities
1.      Director
2.      Managers and Supervisors
3.      Affirmative Action Representative
V.        2007 – 2009
A.     Accomplishments
B.     Progress made or lost since previous biennium
VI.      2009 – 2011
A.     Goals
B.     Strategies and time lines for implementation
VII.     Appendix A
A.     Agency’s Policy Documentation
1.          ADA and Reasonable Accommodation Policy
2.          Discrimination and Harassment Free Workplace (Statewide Policy No. 50.010.01)
3.          Employee and Training Policy
4.          Veterans Preference in Employment
5.          Other agency documentation in support of its affirmative action plan
VIII.        Appendix B
A.     Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA)
B.     Disability Discrimination Title I of the Americans with Disability Act of
C.     Equal Pay and Compensation Discrimination Equal Pay Act of 1963, and
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
D.     National Origin Discrimination Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
E.     Pregnancy Discrimination Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
F.     Race/Color Discrimination Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964           
G.     Religious Discrimination Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
H.     Retaliation Title VII of the Civil Agency Affirmative Action Policy
I.      Sex-Base Discrimination Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
J.      Sexual Harassment Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
In addition, some agencies may have additional requirements to be met, either from a federal funding agency or from Executive Order 11249 (OFCCP regulations)and should be included in the plan.
Each agency’s Affirmative Action Plan must be approved by the Governor´s Affirmative Action Office. Upon approval the agency plan shall be effective for the current biennium.
If you have any questions about updating your agency's affirmative action plan please contact our office at 503.378.6518 or email your request to katherine.manglona-santos@state.or.us

Page updated: January 07, 2008

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