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Sustainable Agriculture in King County, Washington

Best Management Practice (BMP) Cost-Sharing Guidelines

  1. For livestock BMP's, livestock must be present on the property. For crop farms, evidence of farming must be available.
  2. Application for cost sharing must be approved by authorized King County staff before work is started on a project. All practices must have the prior approval of the landowner in the case that the applicant is not the landowner.
  3. All cost-share practices must be included in farm management plan and have demonstrated positive effect on water quality and salmonid habitat. Practices applied for will be prioritized by staff based on their benefit to water quality and salmonid habitat.
  4. The Farm Management Plan must be on file with the King County Clerk or with the King Conservation District / NRCS office in Renton in order to be eligible for cost sharing. All work completed must be in accordance with the King County Livestock Management Ordinance #11168 and constructed to NRCS specifications where applicable.
  5. Any necessary permits are the sole responsibility of the applicant and must be obtained prior to the start of the project.
  6. Accurate records must be maintained for submittal for equipment hired and/or materials purchased.
  7. The maximum cost-share amount from this fund may not exceed $5,000 per applicant. Exceptions may be made for significant ecologically beneficial practices needed to complete the whole farm plan.
  8. Work must be completed within twelve months from date on approval letter. There will be no exceptions.
  9. It is to be understood that no funds will be disbursed until all receipts have been submitted to the Livestock Programs office and it has been determined that the applicable BMPs have been installed in accordance with the King County LMO #11168 and to NRCS specifications where applicable. Recipients of cost-sharing funds agree that in order to monitor the extent of BMP installation, access by County staff will be required. It is understood that advance notice will be given the applicant.
  10. The Livestock owner agrees to reimburse the county its share of cost-sharing money granted in the event the livestock owner removes, alters or fails to maintain the BMPs implemented. Landowner agrees to maintain BMPs for the lifespan of the practice as stated in the application.
  11. Cost-share will not be approved on properties cited with a violation of the Livestock Management Ordinance.

King County Best Management Practices Allowable for Cost-Sharing

The total allowable cost-share per applicant shall be $5,000.00.

Buffer Fencing: Cost sharing for buffer fencing (fencing that excludes livestock from streams or wetlands) shall be 75% of the total cost up to $3.50 per foot for materials and labor. If a more expensive type of fence is used, the applicant will pay for the difference. NO COST SHARE SHALL BE GRANTED FOR PERIMETER FENCING.

Cross Fencing: Cost sharing for cross fencing shall be 50% of the total cost, up to $2.00 per foot for materials and labor. If a more expensive type of fence is used, the applicant will pay for the difference.

Gutters, Downspouts and Outlet Piping: Cost sharing for gutters, downspouts, and outlet piping shall be 50% of the total cost, up to $7.00 per foot. Cost sharing for gutters, downspouts, and outlet piping available only on buildings ten years old or older.

Manure Management System: Cost sharing for manure storage facility shall be 75% of the total cost on an approved design on a case by case basis. (Storage bins: 1 large animal per bin AND maximum of $315.00 per bin cost share amount) Dairy lagoons must meet dairy specifications as defined by NRCS.

Machinery Rental: Cost sharing for machinery rental to implement a specific BMP shall be 50% of the total cost, up to $45.00 per hour including machinery rental and operator. Cost sharing will be allowed on uses specified in Farm Management Plans only. Does not apply to personal labor or equipment.

Pasture Seed: Cost sharing for pasture seed shall be 50% of the total cost, up to $45.00 per acre.

Pasture renovation: (which includes the above Machinery Rental and Pasture Seed) shall be 50% of total cost up to $300.00 per acre based on NRCS calculations for tilling and seeding as defined in Farm Management Plan.

Stream Crossings: Cost sharing for stream crossings shall be 50% of the total cost on an approved design, excluding permit fees. (These will be allowed on a case by case basis and work is dependent upon all necessary permit processes).

Livestock Watering Systems: Cost sharing is available for livestock off-channel watering systems at 50% of the total cost of the system as approved.

Buffer Re-vegetation: Cost sharing for buffer re-vegetation is highly encouraged. Cost sharing is available up to 75% -provided a planting plan is submitted with application. Projects will be evaluated on a case by case basis. Applicant will be referred to appropriate sources of information and aid in the procurement of the desired plants from sources readily available to the county. Landowner will be assisted in contacting other possible sources of funding such as fish groups or Small Habitat Restoration projects to enable increase of environmental benefits.

Confinement Area/Heavy Use Protection Area: Cost sharing is available up to 50% of the approved design. (This includes fencing and footing material) Maximum allowable amount for cost share is $650.00 per animal unit as designated in the applicant’s Farm Management Plan at time of application.

Clean Water Diversion: Cost sharing is available up to 50% of the approved design.

This list is not all-inclusive. Applicants may submit a formal request for cost sharing on BMPs not included. Cost share on water quality and fish habitat BMP’s will be evaluated on a case by case basis.

Please Note: The cost share percentages quoted above are for 2004. The funding availability, lifetime maximum, allowable practices and cost-share percentage for this program are subject to change without formal notice, though every effort will be made to alert program participants and prospective applicants.

Please call the King County Livestock Programs office at 206-263-6566 for more information.

Cost-Sharing Application

Request for Best Management Practices Cost-Sharing

For questions about Livestock Best Management Practices page please contact Rick Reinlasoder, Livestock Program Specialist.