B&a lp4FoRm^,rior4 ImAmrm. MAm^mmmmmT 300 Pbalocce @stacts BOULZVAXD Upbpbcst 04AORLJBC3$tmo P4^w 040 Z077Z , USA , 920 1) 249-01 1 0 RNP OF HAWAII, GUAM, AMERICAN SAMOA, AND THE TRUST TMITORY OF THE PACIFIC ISIANDS RM00001 JULY/AUGUST 1974 REviEw Application: Requests a total of $486,750 as follows: Hawaii Program: $465,746 is requested for nine new projects and one continuation project. Pacific Basin Program: $21,004 is requested for three new projects. This application is the first one completely developed under the leadership of the new RMPH Coordinator.. The application includes CHP comments on all proposals in the State of Hawaii. Since submission of the application, RMPH has -reported to CHP the actions taken by the RAG on all projects, specifically addressing the consid- eration given to CHP comments. Several projects reflect renewed interest and participation in the program by the University of Hawaii. JULY COMt4ITTEE RECOMENDATION: Critique: WO/DRNP 7/15/74 REGIO',QAL MEDICAL PROGRA.M OF liX4AII, GUAM, A"IERICXN SAMOA, AND TIIE TRUST TERRIT'OIZY THE PACIFIC ISLAIQDS 1174-6/74 Funding 7/74 Funding 9/74-6/75 ftequest (2) (3) (4) (5 (7 (6) I.- (5) + (6) Funded Request-'-] P..d(!d'@ Request Total Ho. Component 1/74-6/74 7/74-6/75 7/74-6/75 9/74-6/75 7/74-6/75 oc Hawaii @m. Adm. Stiff 147 846 200,296 200. 200,296 03 cl Rosrch & Anal. 946 137tl2o 1 20 @o' 137,120 'I 137,1 0 Fa 'I. Plng 40 c Strngth. Quall+ty Assurance 32,1143 i-,O.:i 3. Pro Del @iontrng. & Evall 97,6 3 -V 166 63 6.6 166.236; 06 I Future Prgm. Planning )O- I 23 106 236 (Total Program Staff) (220,931) 1541 III 1, 1541@ 15' (541,31 2E lilth. Info. Network 16 840 O,- 3C Waianae Coast 665 i 37 0- 4@l Hlth Screening Elderly !.O-! 77,i@ii D-, -Hospital Manpower 1.0@- 84, 50- @84,550 84,@ 5510 47 Dial. & 'ansplnt Center O-, §5,882 ;-o_ 85,882 -6@ 57 213 48 Hawaii Co. HS/Ed. 14 1642' 78,@5@' :57,213 49 Community Based Clin. En.1 4,490 57,192 :57,11!2 2 5 Quali Assur. Seminars @7,500 56,,606 .-D@ o'- 59-t !591@556 59,556 Organ. Procurment l@6 'I -0- 6 5 Hypertension Dect. & @ea 4 500 iio 18 10,618 i,236 6, 4891@22 -D- 6Dia Ed. 4 5@ @ui Co. liS/Ed. 1674 .1 1, 6@ 674 5 Nursing Ed. Prgms. O-- Coordi. 6 Aethriti§ Center -,O- 461,820 1 1 216,000 2) 00 70 Northern Koolau Family Ed. !.O-, I-), 55,030 55 030 7 71 Prevent. Dentisryi& Ed. 42. 575 42,1575 Clinical Prgm. Ca. Center :.O- 58,874 58,874 D-monstration Peer Review -10- 1 91,774 91,774 Adolescent Obesity 614 43,614 75 Poison' Info. Center O' 20,756 20,'756 76 Health Info. System Plan ).i 50 468 501,468 'o- 77 Pub. Hltb Nurs. Ser. Info. 32 502 502 7 t@6i-,i:im-i-t-ed Care Remodial. 59 535 59,!535 0- 685 tal Projects Hawaii) (tO6, (4 65 4 7.46'! 431,, 637) TOTAL FOtt STATE Or- Hi%4AII) 37 3,746 (327,;572)@ l,lOq6O2) 9081000) (465,746) udesi #6'9 ikrt@r (TOTAI FOR PACIFIC BASIN) (103,@518), (458, 1071) (368,626) 21,004) (3@-9,630' -t!,fe- n@b@di@@uncF -t i-6 § '7 5 O-, ail, s@ GRAND TOTAL @',PH 60',I@46 70'9 7@3,'3'76 @3 5 1119 567, 4'8'6, 7t5O I (E.,lude., ipuly/Aug. Reviw Consideratioa li 486',750 *(Carry &-er Funds Used) -- - --- ---- (To be co-n-d-uc-ted-as -Pro-gra,- It ivity.) Tc d" Funds.) I Of 4. @4 - ecommended $1,100 WO/ Lr,'@ Fl I I 4- "IP Funded $1,04,5,187) I-,-!Pll CC@NTID Page 2 of 2 6/7 1/74- 4 FundinS 7/74-6/75 r@'LtiC[ng 9/74-6/"5 Request (2) (3 (4 (5 (6 (7 (5 (6 Funded Request Funcjcd Request Total Component 1/74-6/74 7/74-6/75 7/74-r,/75 9/74-6/75 @7/74-6-75 Ci)Ol Pacific Basin Administratio 46,780 110,'225 o@.1 I 96. ul@ (Total Administration) (46;780 (110 (108,19,(@ -0 @9 2.2 @5 37 Otology Prgm. (T.T. Palu) 15 000i 38 Hlth. Asst. Trn. (T.T. Tr@', 37i493 :Jo- 7- T. 54 'ftng. Nurse/Tech. rshally 6C)5: -O- 55 lilth. Info. Sysm. (Guam) 2C,4C) .17 @6 59 Otorhinola-ryn. (,.i. Samoa) .0 17 @760 17,760 0 60 Cbmp. Hlth. Info. (A-n.gamoa) 8,975 T 61 Physl.Therapy rghall Ils. 31,150() i 31! 506 .3i 50.0 4 6 3C,, 50& 62 Iriprv. I.C.U. (Am. Samoa) 3,,508 3: 50Fi 63 Spch & Hearing (Guam) 33,@,40 3J,4@r, !33,41,0i-- 64 Nutrition Ed. (Guam) .1 3,'21, 0 -'O- -0- 65 lilth. Info. Sysm. (Guam) 13:394 l@,39 -0- -C)- 6@ C)L'OlOgy, Cleft Lip (T.T.) 31 237 -a 'i-s@ 828 67 1-ilth..---Asst. Trn-. (@ArTAhy@" l@'7 127,,828 1. I. k' PE, on. 68 Cervix. Ca. Dect 34,000 i :-o_ IY nas)- I T 7 78 Dial. Unit (Guam) ;-o -ililoo'l 'I 1 106 19, ir-n-g-.- -@@r@-n-c,n-t-a,i l@t T. 7; 0- 1 2'. 2, 383 30 -@.E. Hlth.Prsonnel (Guam) 7,5 71 515 Total Basin Projects) @i (61 ii (347 '882 (26Ci, 430) (21!$004) (281@434) 4; 389,6301 TOTAL PACIFIC BASIN 1084,5181 458,107 36 626@ 21,00 -4 Car@y @ef -Fbfids -Uiid) (TO for much larger Cervix.Ca.' application for @Cl-funds.- 7 Total Pacific Basin Program 1 518 45@,@107 @@8 @26, 00@l 389,630 Total Hawaii Program 327,572 602i 08 000! 465,746i 11,373%746 (Fx@lu@@ Art'hrit #69 l@109 A,,,allabl6 Unbudgeted Funds 169,.756 ',763J-376 1 @l GR AN DTOTAL R:-@P[I 605,1846 !Il@67,:709 ;i !1,276,626@ 4861750i y/AZugrRe@,lew Considerati)n 7@@l -4 w?/l p D 7i 11/74 4 T 4 Hawaii RMP ml 000 01 MAY/@IUNE 1.974 RTV'fl--Iw It(--quest: $1,100,000 Committee Reconiinc-ndation: Overal.1 assessment by individual reviewers: Average @Critique: on April 1, 1974, Dr. Satoru Izutsu was appointed as the new Coordinator of the Hawaii RMP. Since that time, many positive changes are occurrin re g in the di' ction of the program. The staff of the program is stable,having remained basically the same during phase-out. The Regional Advisory Group is being oriented to its role and responsibilities to the program. The reviewers, one of whom had been on the January 1974 site visit, were much encouraged by the forward direction the program now seems to have. This particular application, however, reflects activities developed prior to the changes in leadership. The Conmittee anticipates the "new flavor" in the July application. The Committee recommends approval of the application at a reduced level of $1,100,.OOO with the condition that the reduction be equitably applied to the Pacific Basin and to the Hawaii portion of the program. Thus, the proposed figures are $889,.602 for Hawaii and @305,107 for the Pacific Basin. JULY/AUGUST REVIEW: Estimated request as of May 1974: $484,000 WOB/6/6/74 ADDENDUM: The figures shown in the last paragraph (889,602 for Hawaii and 305,107 for the Pac;-fic Basin)'are i.n error. They.-should be. $778,565 for Hawaii and $321,435 for the Pacific Basin in keeping with the @ouncil's recommendation that the reduction be equitably applied. The record of the council meeting will reflect the incorrect figures. This error was discovered after the council meeting. NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL - June 13-14, 1974 6 Council concurred with Committee recommendation. DRMP FUNDING DECISION - $1,045,187 WOB/7.12174