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Authorization Procedure for Immunity Requests

All requests for immunity in matters assigned to the Criminal Division, and a copy of all such requests from other Divisions, shall be forwarded to the Witness Immunity Unit using the Department's standard immunity request form. A copy of the form is set out in this Manual at 721.

The Witness Immunity Unit of the Office of Enforcement Operations will clear the name of the witness with litigating sections of the Criminal Division, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Internal Revenue Service to determine whether granting immunity to the witness may conflict with prosecutorial interests in other proceedings. Should this review disclose a possible conflict or objection, the Witness Immunity Unit will hold the request in abeyance until the conflict or objection is resolved. Upon completion of its review, the Witness Immunity Unit will prepare a recommendation and a letter of authority to seek an order to compel the witness's testimony for the signature of the Assistant Attorney General of the Criminal Division. If the request is from another Division, the Witness Immunity Unit will prepare a memorandum from the Assistant Attorney General of the Criminal Division to the Assistant Attorney General of such other Division concurring in the request. A copy of the standard letter of authority is set out at in this Manual at 722.

The Witness Immunity Unit will endeavor to process immunity requests within five working days of their receipt. Requests may be sent via secure facsimile (fax) machine to (202) 514-1468, or they may be mailed via approved overnight carrier to Room 945 West, 1001 G Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20001. (For security reasons, completed immunity request forms should not be transmitted by e-mail.) Attorneys for the Witness Immunity Unit may be reached at (202) 514-5541 to discuss issues relating to witness immunity.

Requests for immunity authorizations needed sooner than five working days after their receipt by the Witness Immunity Unit can be expedited, but in all such cases the request should first be discussed with an attorney for the Witness Immunity Unit in order to ensure that special arrangements are � made.

Additional information regarding the steps to follow once authorization has been granted to seek to compel testimony is available in subsequent sections of this Manual:

Obtaining the Court Order Criminal Resource Manual at 723
Expiration of Authority to Compel Criminal Resource Manual at 724
Use of Immunized Testimony by Sentencing Court Criminal Resource Manual at 725
Steps to Avoid Taint Criminal Resource Manual at 726
Civil Contempt Criminal Resource Manual at 727
Criminal Contempt Criminal Resource Manual at 728

[cited in USAM 9-23.110; USAM 9-23.130]