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Emergency Management Strategic Health Care Group
National Disaster Medical System

The National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) is a federally coordinated initiative that augments the nation's emergency medical response capability.  The four federal partners in NDMS are Department of Health and Human Services (U.S. Public Health Service), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Department of Defense, and Department of Veterans Affairs.  The overall purpose of NDMS is to establish a single national medical response capability for:      

NDMS has two major components:

In peacetime, NDMS will only be activated when state resources have been overwhelmed by a disaster and a request has been made for federal assistance.  The Department of Defense can activate the system for casualties of an overseas armed conflict.

The NDMS is based on the use of metropolitan areas that were selected primarily for their concentration of hospitals and their proximity to airports.  The linkages between NDMS and non-federal hospitals are made by the NDMS Federal Coordinating Centers (FCCs) that are designated to oversee NDMS activities in these geographical areas.   Each FCC coordinates all aspects of NDMS implementation, planning, exercise and operation within the designated area of responsibility.

VA's Role in NDMS

Some VA medical centers are designated as NDMS FCCs.  They have the responsibility for the development, implementation, maintenance and evaluation of the local NDMS program.  EMSHG's Area Emergency Managers (AEMs) are assigned to each VISN to support this effort and assist local VA management in fulfilling this responsibility.

FCC Guide


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OPHEH | Environmental Agents | Occupational Health | Women Veterans Health | Environmental Epidemiology | Public Health

The Emergency Management Strategic Healthcare Group is a part of the Office of Public Health and Environmental Hazards

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Reviewed/Updated Date: November 19, 2007