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Volume 3: No. 4, October 2006

Estimating Chronic Disease Deaths and Hospitalizations Due to Alcohol Use in Canada in 2002: Implications for Policy and Prevention Strategies

Condition No. Deaths Caused by Alcohol No. Deaths Prevented by Alcohol
Men Women Men Women
Mental disorders (other than alcohol dependence) 237 78 0 0
Digestive diseases 663 218 2 1
Diabetes 0 0 71 18
Cardiovascular 200 33 678 176
Cancer (malignant neoplasms) 608 283 0 0
Alcohol dependence 198 59 0 0
Total 1,906 672 751 195

Figure 1. Alcohol-attributable chronic-disease mortality in Canada, 2002, people aged 69 years or younger.

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Condition No. Diagnoses Caused by Alcohol No. Diagnoses Prevented by Alcohol
Men Women Men Women
Mental disorders (other than alcohol dependence) 27,015 13,086 0 0
Digestive diseases 11,803 4,429 2,092 2,458
Diabetes 0 0 4,730 1,698
Cardiovascular 32,422 9,578 17,040 4,633
Cancer (malignant neoplasms) 2,367 1,894 0 0
Alcohol dependence 15,416 6,612 0 0  
Total 89,022 35,599 23,861 8,790

Figure 2. Alcohol-attributable Chronic Disease Diagnoses in Canada, 2002, Population Aged 69 Years or Younger.

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This page last reviewed August 03, 2006

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