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Auction raises funds for employee-giving campaign

October 8, 2008

Bid for breakfast or lunch with director

A private breakfast or lunch with Laboratory Director Michael Anastasio, artwork, handmade jewelry and crafts, gift baskets, and homemade food items are just some of the items Laboratory employees can place electronic bids on to raise money for the Laboratory's employee-giving campaign.

The Experimental Physical Sciences Directorate (ADEPS) is sponsoring Bid&Buy to raise funds for the giving campaign. Items are being accepted for the online auction. Contact Theresa Quintana of Polymers and Coatings (MST-7) at 7-6887 or bidbuy@lanl.gov by e-mail to donate items for the online auction.

A signed football by Hall of Fame National Football League coach Don Shula, a framed print of quarterback Dan Marino during Hall of Fame induction ceremonies in 2005, an oil painting, and a signed print by Northern New Mexico artist Secundino Sandoval also will be available for employees to place a bid.

Beginning October 16, employees can go to the Bid&Buy Web site to review auction items and place bids. Employees are encouraged to bookmark the auction Web site. Bidding ends at noon on October 23. All proceeds go to the Laboratory's employee-giving campaign.

Through Tuesday, $514,000 had been raised in pledges and donations in this year's employee-giving campaign. The campaign is scheduled to end October 24. Los Alamos National Security, LLC plans to match employee contributions dollar for dollar, up to $1 million.

Read a memo from Director Anastasio.

Lab employees are reminded that annually they have to renew their pledges made via payroll deduction to continue contributing to the campaign.

Debbi Wersonick of Community Programs said Laboratory organizations are encouraged to sponsor employee-giving campaign events. Contact Wersonick at 7-7870 or sonic@lanl.gov for guidance on hosting special events.

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