National Cancer Institute,
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Spring 2008, Vol. 3 Issue 1


Declaration of International Cooperation for Traditional Chinese Medicine Research

On November 28-29, 2007, the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of the People’s Republic of China and other ministries of the Chinese government in conjunction with the World Health Organization held the first “International Traditional Chinese Medicine Conference for Cooperation in Science and Technology” in Beijing, China. This conference assembled over 400 researchers, government officials, and TCM practitioners from various countries around the world to discuss TCM research and the role it can play in human health and well-being.

The main purpose of the conference was to present and adopt the Beijing Declaration on the International Science and Technology Cooperation in Traditional Chinese Medicine (Beijing Declaration), a document which serves as a formal indication of China’s interest in soliciting support for international collaboration of TCM research, product development, and practice. The Beijing Declaration was created as an activity of the International Traditional Chinese Medicine Program for Cooperation in Science and Technology, a program instituted by the Chinese government in August of 2006.

The opening session of the conference was given by Vice Premier of China, Ms. Wu Yi, who emphasized the need for greater international collaboration in regards to TCM theory and development. Examples of plenary session topics include the challenges of TCM research, regulatory and globalization issues of the TCM industry, intellectual property rights, and the progress of acupuncture research.

Also during the conference, teh Preparatory Committee of the International Expert Board was formed to establish a group of experts to help advance the TCM field through worldwide collaboration.

OCCAM has identified the exploration of the pharmacopeia of traditional medical systems, such as TCM, for novel anti-cancer therapeutics as a research priority. “OCCAM’s presence at this meeting provided an opportunity to interact with world leaders in this area and express NCI’s commitment to international collaboration,” said Dr. White.   


Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Conference for Cancer Advocates

On January 10-11, 2008, the Annie Appleseed Project brought together cancer advocates, patients, and CAM health care professionals for the conference “Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine”. The conference, held in West Palm Beach, Florida, had 178 registered attendees who represented organizations from across the United States, Canada, and Australia. The meeting featured 21 speakers who collectively shared their knowledge and experience on a variety of topics including cancer CAM research studies; the history and use of some CAM therapies; and ended with a discussion of treatment, integrative oncology, and advocacy. In addition, there were 20 exhibitors representing treatment centers, organizations offering educational resources, and manufacturers of natural products.

OCCAM sent two of its staff members CDR (USPHS) Colleen Lee, M.S., CRNP, AOCN®, Practice Assessment Program Coordinator, and Shea Buckman, M.A., Communications and Outreach Coordinator, to the event. CDR Lee said of the conference, “I wanted a more global idea of what patients are seeking in terms of cancer CAM information. I also wanted to know how patients are incorporating these therapies into the areas of prevention, treatment, and supportive care. The CAM practice community is highly diverse and scattered throughout the country at this time, and the opportunity to interact with this group provided me with insight into their approach to treatment and interest in research.”

The Annie Appleseed Project hopes to sponsor another conference in 2009 that will focus on nurses, dieticians, nutritionists, patients, and advocates.  

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