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Oregon PRAMS Results


    • During the 3 months before you got pregnant, how many alcoholic drinks did you have in an average week?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^  2002*  2003*
    • During the 3 months before you got pregnant, how many times did you drink 5 or more alcoholic drinks at one sitting?   1998-99^
    • During the 3 months before you got pregnant, did you drink 5 or more alcoholic drinks at one sitting?   2000^  2001^
    • During the 3 months before you got pregnant, how many times did you drink 5 or more alcoholic drinks at one sitting?   2000^  2001^  2002*  2003*
    • During the last 3 months of your pregnancy, how many alcoholic drinks did you have in an average week?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^  2002*  2003*
    • During the last 3 months of your pregnancy, how many times did you drink 5 or more alcoholic drinks at one sitting?   1998-99^
    • During the last 3 months of your pregnancy, did you drink 5 or more alcoholic drinks at one sitting?   2000^  2001^
    • During the last 3 months of your pregnancy, how many times did you drink 5 or more alcoholic drinks at one sitting?   2000^  2001^  2002*  2003*

    • Did you ever breastfeed or pump breast milk to feed your new baby after delivery?   2000^  2001^  2002*  2003*
    • Are you still breastfeeding or feeding pumped milk to your new baby?   2000^  2001^  2002*  2003*
    • For how many weeks did you breast-feed your new baby?   1998-99^
    • How many weeks or months did you breastfeed or pump milk to feed your new baby?   2000^  2001^  2002*  2003*
    • How many weeks old was your baby the first time you fed him or her anything besides breast milk?   1998-99^
    • How old was your baby the first time you fed him or her anything besides breast milk?   2000^  2001^  2002*  2003*
    • This question asks about things that may have happened at the hospital where your new baby was born:
      • Hospital staff gave you information about breast-feeding   1998-99^
      • Your baby stayed in the same room with you at the hospital   1998-99^
      • You breast-fed your baby in the hospital   1998-99^
      • Hospital staff helped you learn how to breast-feed   1998-99^
      • Your baby was fed only breast milk at the hospital   1998-99^
      • Hospital staff told you to breast-feed whenever your baby wanted   1998-99^
      • The hospital gave you a gift pack with formula   1998-99^
      • The hospital gave you a telephone number to call for help about breast-feeding   1998-99^
    • This question asks about things that may have happened at the hospital or birthing center where your new baby was born:
      • Staff gave you information about breast-feeding   2000^  2001^
      • Your baby stayed in the same room with you   2000^  2001^
      • You breast-fed your baby   2000^  2001^
      • Staff helped you learn how to breast-feed   2000^  2001^
      • Your baby was fed only breast milk   2000^  2001^
      • Staff told you to breast-feed whenever your baby wanted   2000^  2001^
      • The staff gave you a gift pack with formula   2000^  2001^
      • The staff gave you a telephone number to call for help about breast-feeding   2000^  2001^
    • This question asks about things that may have happened at the hospital where your new baby was born:
      • Hospital staff gave me information about breastfeeding   2002*  2003*
      • My baby stayed in the same room with me at the hospital   2002*  2003*
      • I breastfed my baby in the hospital   2002*  2003*
      • I breastfed my baby in the first hour after my baby was born   2002*  2003*
      • Hospital staff helped me learn how to breastfeed   2002*  2003*
      • My baby was fed only breast milk at the hospital   2002*  2003*
      • Hospital staff told me to breastfeed whenever my baby wanted   2002*  2003*
      • The hospital gave me a gift pack with formula   2002*  2003*
      • The hospital gave me a telephone number to call for help with breastfeeding   2002*  2003*
      • My baby used a pacifier in the hospital   2002*  2003*
    • During your most recent pregnancy, what did you think about breast-feeding your new baby?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • Did any of these things prevent you from breast-feeding or stop you after you had started?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • What were your reasons for stopping breastfeeding?   2002*  2003*

    • Your infant was brought home from the hospital in an infant car seat   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • Your baby always rides in an infant car seat   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • Your home has a working smoke alarm that has been tested in the last year   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • Your hot water heater has been turned down or set to 120 degrees F or below   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • Are any firearms now kept in or around your home? Include those kept in your home, in a garage, outdoor storage area, car, truck, or other motor vehicle.   2000^  2001^
    • Are any of those firearms kept loaded?   2000^  2001^
    • Are all of the firearms in your home stored in a locked place?   2000^  2001^
    • Is all of the ammunition stored separately from the firearms?   2000^  2001^

    • Is your baby alive now?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^  2002*  2003*
    • Is your baby living with you now?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^  2002*  2003*
    • Counting yourself, how many people live in your house, apartment, or trailer?
      • Adults (people aged 18 years or older)   2002*  2003*
      • Babies, children, or teenagers (people aged 17 years or younger)   2002*  2003*
    • What were the sources of your family income during the past 12 months?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • What were the sources of your household's income during the past 12 months?   2002*  2003*
    • What is your family income, before deductions and taxes? Family income before you got pregnant:   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • Before you got pregnant with your new baby, what was your monthly family income (before deductions and taxes)?   2002*  2003*
    • What is your family income, before deductions and taxes? Family income now:   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • How many people does this income support? Number of people before you got pregnant:   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • How many people, including yourself, depended on this income?   2002*  2003*
    • How many people does this income support? Number of people now:   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • Body Mass Index   1998-99^  2000^  2001^  2002*  2003*

    • Where did you have a pregnancy test?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • How many weeks pregnant were you when you were sure you were pregnant?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • How many weeks or months pregnant were you when you were sure you were pregnant?   2002*  2003*
    • When you got pregnant with your new baby, were you trying to become pregnant?   2002*  2003*
    • When you got pregnant with your new baby, were you or your husband or partner using any kind of birth control?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • When you got pregnant with your new baby, were you or your husband or partner doing anything to keep from gettting pregnant?   2002*  2003*
    • Why were you or your husband or partner not using any birth control?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • What were your or your husband's or partner's reasons for not doing anything to keep from getting pregnant?   2002*  2003*
    • When you got pregnant, what kinds of birth control were you or your partner using?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • When you got pregnant with your new baby, what kinds of birth control were you or your husband or partner using?   2002*  2003*
    • When you got pregnant,with your new baby, would you have used a different birth control method if you had insurance that paid for it?   2002*  2003*
    • Where were you or your partner getting your birth control method(s)?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • When you got pregnant,with your new baby, where were you or your husband or partner getting your birth control method(s)?   2002*  2003*
    • When you got pregnant,with your new baby, would you have used a birth control method if you had insurance that paid for it?   2002*  2003*
    • Did you know there was free or low cost birth control at health departments and Planned Parenthood clinics?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • Before you got pregnant,with your new baby, did you know there was free or low cost birth control at health departments and Planned Parenthood clinics?   2002*  2003*
    • Had you ever read or heard about emergency birth control (the "morning-after" pill)?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • Before you got pregnant,with your new baby, had you ever heard or read about emergency birth control (the "morning-after pill")?   2002*  2003*
    • Before you got pregnant, did your health insurance cover the cost of birth control?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • After your new baby was born, did a doctor, nurse, or other health care worker talk with you about using birth control?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • Are you or your husband or partner using any kind of birth control now?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • Are you or your husband or partner doing anything now to keep from getting pregnant?   2002*  2003*
    • What are your reasons for not using any birth control now?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • What are your or your husband's or partner's reasons for not doing anything to keep from getting pregnant now?   2002*  2003*
    • What kinds of birth control are you or your partner using now?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • What kinds of birth control are you or your husband or partner using now?   2002*  2003*
    • Where are you or your partner getting your birth control method(s) now?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • Where are you or your husband or partner getting your birth control method(s) now?   2002*  2003*
    • Does your health insurance cover the cost of birth control now?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^

    • Have you ever heard or read that taking the vitamin folic acid can help prevent some birth defects?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • Before you got pregnant,with your new baby, had you ever heard or read that taking the vitamin folic acid can help prevent some birth defects?   2002*  2003*
    • Were you taking the vitamin folic acid most days in the month before you became pregnant?   1998-99^
    • In the month before you got pregnant with your new baby, how many times a week did you take a multivitamin (a pill that contains many different vitamins and minerals)?   2000^  2001^  2002*  2003*

  • HIV
    • At any time during your most recent pregnancy did a doctor or midwife suggest that you get a blood test for HIV (the virus that causes AIDS)?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • At any time during your most recent pregnancy, did you have a blood test for HIV (the virus that causes AIDS)?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • During your most recent pregnancy, did you have a blood test for HIV (the virus that causes AIDS)?   2002*  2003*

    • Before having your baby, who talked to you about immunizations for your newborn baby?   1998-99^
    • After your baby was born, was he or she put in an intensive care unit?   2002*  2003*
    • After your baby was born, how long did he or she stay in the hospital?   2002*  2003*
    • Was your baby seen by a doctor, nurse, or other health care provider in the first week after he or she left the hospital?   2002*  2003*
    • Was your new baby seen at home or at a health care facility?   2002*  2003*
    • Has your baby had a well-baby checkup?   2002*  2003*
    • Where do you usually take your baby for well-baby checkups?   2002*  2003*
    • How many times has your baby been to a doctor or nurse for routine well baby care?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • How many times has your baby been to a doctor or nurse for a well-baby checkup?   2002*  2003*
    • When your baby goes for routine well baby care, where do you take him or her?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^

    • In the hospital or birthing center after your new baby was born, did a doctor, nurse, or other health care worker talk with you about your baby's sleep position?   2000^  2001^
    • After you took your baby home,, did your baby's doctor or staff talk with you about your baby's sleep position?   2000^  2001^
    • How do you put your new baby down to sleep most of the time?   1998-99^
    • How do you most often lay your baby down to sleep now?   2000^  2001^  2002*  2003*
    • How often does your new baby sleep in the same bed with you?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^

    • Just before you got pregnant, did you have health insurance?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^  2002*  2003*
    • Just before you got pregnant, did you have health insurance through the Oregon Health Plan?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • Just before you got pregnant, were you on Oregon Health Plan or Medicaid?   2002*  2003*
    • At the time of your first pregnancy test were you insured for prenatal care?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • If you had insurance for prenatal care, was it an employee benefit?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • Did the Oregon Health Plan pay for any portion of your prenatal care?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • How was your prenatal care paid for?   2002*  2003*
    • What type of insurance paid for your delivery?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • How was your delivery paid for?   2002*  2003*
    • What is your health insurance coverage now?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^

    • During the 12 months before you got pregnant, did your husband or partner push, hit, slap, kick, choke, or physically hurt you in any other way?   2000^  2001^  2002*  2003*
    • During the 12 months before you got pregnant, did anyone else physically hurt you in any way?   2000^  2001^  2002*  2003*
    • During your most recent pregnancy, did your husband or partner push, hit, slap, kick, choke, or physically hurt you in any other way?   2000^  2001^  2002*  2003*
    • During your most recent pregnancy, did anyone else physically hurt you in any way?   2000^  2001^  2002*  2003*

    • This question is about the care of your teeth during your most recent pregnancy.
    • How long has it been since you had your teeth cleaned by a dentist or a dental hygienist?   2000^  2001^  2002*  2003*
    • After your new baby was born, did a doctor, nurse, or other health care worker talk with you about how to prevent your baby from getting tooth decay?   2000^  2001^  2002*  2003*

    • Before your new baby, did you ever have any other babies who were born alive?   2002*  2003*
    • Did the baby born just before your new one weigh 5 pounds, 8 ounces (2.5 kilos) or less at birth?   2002*  2003*
    • Was the baby just before your new one born more than 3 weeks before its due date?   2002*  2003*

    • Thinking back to just before you got pregnant, how did you feel about becoming pregnant?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^  2002*  2003*

    • This question is about things that may have happened during the 12 months before you delivered your new baby. This includes the months before you got pregnant.
    • This question is about things that may have happened during the 12 months before your new baby was born.
      • A close family member was very sick and had to go into the hospital   2002*  2003*
      • You got separated or divorced from your husband or partner   2002*  2003*
      • You moved to a new address   2002*  2003*
      • You were homeless   2002*  2003*
      • Your husband or partner lost his job   2002*  2003*
      • You lost your job even though you wanted to go on working   2002*  2003*
      • You argued with your husband or partner more than usual   2002*  2003*
      • Your husband or partner said he didn't want you to be pregnant   2002*  2003*
      • You had a lot of bills you couldn't pay   2002*  2003*
      • You were in a physical fight   2002*  2003*
      • You or your husband or partner went to jail   2002*  2003*
      • Someone very close to you had a bad problem with drinking or drugs   2002*  2003*
      • Someone very close to you died   2002*  2003*
    • Did you have any of these problems during your pregnancy.
      • Labor pains more than 3 weeks before your baby was due   2002*  2003*
      • High blood pressure or retained water   2002*  2003*
      • Vaginal bleeding   2002*  2003*
      • Problems with the placenta   2002*  2003*
      • Severe nausea, vomiting or dehydration   2002*  2003*
      • High blood sugar   2002*  2003*
      • Kidney or bladder infection   2002*  2003*
      • Water broke more than 3 weeks before your baby was due   2002*  2003*
      • Cervix had to be sewn shut   2002*  2003*
      • You were hurt in a car accident   2002*  2003*
    • Did you do any of the following things because of these problem(s)?   2002*  2003*

    • Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your entire life?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • Have you smoked at least 200 cigarettes in the past 2 years?   2002*  2003*
    • In the 3 months before you got pregnant, how many cigarettes or packs of cigarettes did you smoke on an average day?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^  2002*  2003*
    • In the first 3 months of your pregnancy, how many cigarettes or packs of cigarettes did you smoke on an average day?   2000^  2001^
    • In the second 3 months of your pregnancy, how many cigarettes or packs of cigarettes did you smoke on an average day?   2000^  2001^
    • In the last 3 months of your pregnancy, how many cigarettes or packs of cigarettes did you smoke on an average day?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^  2002*  2003*
    • How many cigarettes or packs of cigarettes do you smoke on an average day now?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^  2002*  2003*
    • During your visits to your doctor or midwife for prenatal care or after the baby was born, did someone ask if you smoked, either by questionnaire or in person?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • During your visits for prenatal care or after the baby was born, did your doctor or midwife ever advise you to quit smoking?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • During any of your prenatal care visits or after your most recent delivery, did a doctor, nurse, or other health care worker ever advise you to quit smoking?   2002*  2003*
    • During your visits for prenatal care or after the baby was born, did your doctor or midwife offer advice or help on how to quit smoking?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • After your new baby was born, did a doctor, nurse, or other health care worker talk with you about how second hand smoke could affect your baby?   2000^  2001^
    • During any of your prenatal care visits or after your most recent delivery, did a doctor, nurse, or other health care worker talk with you about how secondhand smoke could affect your baby after birth?   2002*  2003*
    • About how many hours a day, on average, is your new baby in the same room with someone who is smoking?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^  2002*  2003*
    • Which of the following statements best represents your opinion on children's exposure to secondhand smoke?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • Is there anyone (else) in your household who smokes cigarettes, cigars, or pipes?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • Not including yourself, is there anyone in your household who smokes cigarettes, cigars, or pipes?   2002*  2003*
    • Which of the following statements best describes the rules about smoking inside your home:   1998-99^  2000^  2001^  2002*  2003*

    • If you were on WIC (Women, Infants and Children nutrition program) during this pregnancy, how many weeks pregnant were you when you had your first visit for WIC?   1998-99^  2000^  2001^
    • During your pregnancy, were you on WIC (the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children)?   2002*  2003*

    ^1998-99, 2000 & 2001 Data NOT collected under Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) protocol.

    *2002, 2003 Data collected under Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) protocol.

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Page updated: July 01, 2008

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