National Cancer Institute,
NCI CAM News Banner
Spring 2008, Vol. 3 Issue 1

Research Resources

Cancer CAM Research Grant FAQs

The Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine often receives questions regarding the grant funding process. To assist investigators, a few of the more frequently asked questions are answered below.  

Q: Is my project appropriate for this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA)?

A: The research objective and the mechanism of support sections of the FOA generally explicitly define the type of research that will be considered for funding. However, it is often useful to touch base with the responsible program director about topics not specifically identified as relevant.

Q: What is the payline?

A:  The payline represents the cutoff, above which an application will be funded, as determined by its scientific review and priority scores. For the NCI, the payline is determined by the Institute’s Executive Committee (EC). The payline is established based on the number of expected applications and the available funds designated for competing grants. This means that the payline can change throughout the year as NCI can more accurately assess the number of incoming applications and available resources. The current payline for RO1’s is 14 percentile.

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