PROFILE: Virginia Regional Medical Program .GRANTEE: Medical College of Virginia 12th and Broad Streets Richmond., Virginia 23219 PROGRAM COORDINATOR: Eucene R. Perez, M.D. 700 East Main Street Richmond, Virginia 23219 Originally prepared by: Jam--s A. Smith Operations Officer Original date: September 15, 1969 Up-dated:, VIRGINIA Regional Medical Program Table of Contents Geography II. Demography' III. Politics IV. Historical Review V. Core Staff VI. Organization VII. Funded Operational Projects I. IcLeoFra _plly The Virginia Regional Medical Program which is headquartered in the State Capital of Richmond, services the entire state of Virginia with a land area of 39,838 square miles. The population of the state is 4,692,675 covering 96 counties (and-37 independent cities) with an average density of 100 people per square mile. The Virginia Reaional Medical Program is divided into five distinct 0 areas which are identical and correspond to the same five regions of the Virginia Hospital Association. T V , IEIDT VIRGINIA REGIONAL i-CAL PROGRAM T AREA 91---L.,NEA@L ION AREA 3 Li. of Va. School of Medicine AV, vial RE@A 4 AREA .",EAST AREA oil #.Or cm AREA 5 N 0 R T H 0 A R 0 L I N A Medical College of Va. II. Demography A. Population: As of 1968, roughly 4.7 million 1. Roughly 57% urban 2. Roughly 81% white 3. Median age: 27.1 years (U.S. - average 29.5 years) B. Land area: 39,838 square miles C. Health statistics: Mortality rate 1. Rate for Heart Disease - 317/100,000 (low) 2. Rate for Cancer - 129/100,000 (low) 3. Rate for CNS vascular lesions - 89/100,000 (low) D. Facilities statistics 1. Medical College of Virginia 2. University of Virginia Medical School 3. Within this state, there are 43 nursing schools which offer LPN programs, and 33 that offer RN programs (including 21 Diploma degrees, 6 Associate Degrees, and 6 Baccalaureate Degrees). 4. There are 11 Schools of Medical Technology, 2 of which are affiliated with medical schools (the others are affiliated with hospitals). 5. There are 4 cytotechnology facilities within the state, 2 being affiliated with medical schools and the other 2 being affiliated with hospitals. 6. There are 20 X-ray technology facilities in Virginia, of which 2 are affiliated with medical schools. 7. The total number of hospitals in Virginia is 156 (of which 107 offer general medical services) with 40,116 beds. 8. There are 150 nursing homes within the state (55 having extended care facilities) with 7,879 beds. E. Personnel facilities: 1. There are 5,018 M.D.'s (123/100,000) and 38 D.O.'s (1/100,000) within this region. 2. There are 15,883 nurses (R.N.) and 5,743 (LPN) nurses. 111. Politics A. Governor: Mills E. Godwin, Jr. (D), 1966-1970 B. Senators: 1. Harry F. Byrd, Jr. (D), 1948-1971 2. William B. Spong, Jr. (D), 1966-1973 Member, Public Works Committee C. Congressmen: 1. David E. Satterfield (D) Member, Veterans' Affairs Committee 2. John 0. Marsh, Jr. (D) Member, House Appropriations Committee 3. William L. Scott (R) Member, Veterans' Affairs Committee IV. Historical Review 1965 Physicians, Hospital Administrators, Voluntary Health Agencies and Medical Educators meet to discuss PL 89-239. 1966 Governor appoints a Regional Advisory Committee of 14 members comprised of physicians and com- munities leaders. Dr. Mack Shonholtz., Com- missioiier of Health, appointed as chairman. Executive committee of 6 formed to do preliminary planning, consider a coordinator and prepare the planning grant application. 1966 Initial Planning Application 1. University of Virginia Medical School desig- nated as the applicant organization. 2. Initial regional boundaries to follow state lines. 3. Preliminary planning calls for the establish- ment of regional cooperative arrangements for research, training demonstration and continuing education in the areas of heart, cancer, stroke and related diseases. Review Committee and Council's critique of planning proposal are as follows: 1. Proposal shows an awareness of the medical need in the region with evidence of joint involvement and participation of the Medical Schools, State Health Department and practicing physicians. 2. Existing programs in heart, cancer, stroke and continuing education are good and provide a framework for planning. 3. Plans for post-graduate clinical scholarships and traineeships for practicing physicians are impressive. January 1967 01 Planning award $226,800 DC Both Medical School appoint Regional Medical .Program committees. June 1967. Dr. Eugene R. Perez appointed as full time coordinator of VRMP. Fall 1967 Recruitment of staff and office space slow. VRMP office temporarily located at the Richmond Academy of Medicine. January 1968 01 Planting grant extended for 2 months with no additional funds. VRMP office established at 700 East Main Street, Richmond, Virginia. Transfer of fiscal agent from the University of Virginia in Charlottesville to the Medical College of Virginia in Richmond. New grantee is the Medical College of Virginia. Continuation application submitted as the Asso- ciation for the Virginia Regional Medical Pro- grams - A voluntary non-profit organization. March 1968 Submitted first operational proposal. July 1968 Review Committee recommends site visit to region and resubmission of application in October cycle. September 1968 Site visit: Dr. Michael E. DeBakey, Mr. John Thompson, Dr. Donald Chadwidk, Dr. Bryant Jones, Miss Cecilia Conrath, Jessie F. Salazar. Positive features: 1. Strong tie with '@tate Health Department. 2. Good involvement in the Medical Education pro-. grams of the two State Medical Schools. Recommendations: 1. Strengthen VRMP central staff. 2. Increase RAG representation. November 1968 Review Committee and Council's critique of Operational application. 1. Little relationship between planning and pro- posed operational activities. 2. Noted strong commitment of Medical Society and State Health Department to PIIP. 3. Concurred that strengthening of central RI@ C> staff would help produce more effective planning. 4. Lack of broad representation-on RAG. Recommendations: Approval of Core activities with continuing support of planning activities rather than becoming operational at this time. February 1969 Supplemental plannina award - $475,255 DC C> March 1969 Governor of Virginia appoints 9 additional mem- bers to RAG for a total of 20 members. Four standing committees on heart, cancer, stroke and related diseases formed to replace previous task forces. AuQust 1969 Operational Grant application submitted to the Division of Regional Medical ProLalrams. V. Core Staff A. The Cor e staff Regional office is located on 700 East Main Street, in Richmond, Virginia. B. Approximately one half of the Core staff are full time partici- pants in the Regional Medical Program. The remainder of the staff is composed of Medical School representatives serving part time (50%) and the Medical Consultants serving 25% part time. For a more detailed chart of the Core staff, see Appendix. BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION 1) Eugene R. Perez, M.D. a) Born San Juan Bautista, California b) B.A., University of California (Berkeley) c) M.D. and M.S., McGill University (Montreal) d) Surgical Internship and Residency, University of California (San Francisco) e) Past State Director of Pan American Medical Association f) Dir'ector of the Virginia Regional Medical Program and Assistant Professor of Medical Education, Medical College of Virginia. 2) David K. Pechmann a) B.S., West.Chester State College b) R.P.T., Medical College of Virginia c) M. Ed., Temple University d) M.H.A., Medical College of Virginia e) Deputy Director', Virginia Regional Medical Program 3) Frederick L. Beamer, Jr. a) B.S. (Rural Sociology) Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1952 b) M.S. (Rural Sociology) Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1960 .c)Court Social Worker, City of Harrisonburg, Department of Welfare, 1955-1956 d) Field,Consultant, Virginia Heart Association,- 1956-1969 e) Community Liaison Officer, Virginia Regional Medical Program 4) Mrs. Ann S. Cann a) West Virginia Business Colle ge b) Concord State Teachers College c) Virginia Comriionwealth University, Academic Division (RPI) d) Director of Public Information, Virginia Heart Association 1963-1968 e) Director of Public Relations, Central YWCA, 1961-1963 f) Assistant Public Relations Director, United Givers Fund 1960-1961 g), Communications and Public Information Officer, Virginia Regional Medical Program. 5) Clark 0. Martil'i a) Born Chicago, Illinois b) B.S.$ University of Virginia c) Master of Business Administration, George Washington University d) Research Contract Adminisilrator, University of Virginia, 1961-1967 e) Director of Administration, Office of Sponsored Programs,, University of Virginia, 1967-.1968. f) Program Development and Management Officer, Virginia Regional Medical Programs 6) Barbara B. Peace a) St. Mary's Junior College, Raleigh, North Carolina b) North Carolina Baptist Hospital School of Medicine Record Library Science, Winston-Salem, North Carolina c) Petersburg Recreation Department; Supervisor@ 1961, 1962 d) Petersburg General Hospital; Chief, Medical Records Librakian, 1964-1968 e) Veteran Administration Hospital; Chief, Medical Record Library, 1968-1969 f) Medical Record Officer, Virginia Regional Medical Programs 7) Faye L. Peters, R.N. a) Mary Washington College, Fredericksburg, Virginia b) Medical College of Virginia, Ric'@-imond, Virginia c) University of Virginia, Roanoke Center, Roanoke, Virginia d) Past Director, School of Nursing, Community Hospital of Roanoke Valley, School of Nursing e) Past Associate Director, Nursing Education, Lewis-Gale Hospital School of Nursing, Roanoke, Virginia f) Past Instructor, Lewis-Gale Hospital School-of Nursing, Roanoke, Virginia g) Nurse and Allied Health Officer, Virginia Regional- Medical Programs h) Faculty , Medical Coll.ege of Virginia, School of Nursing, Department of Continuing Education 8) Margaret W. Proctor a) A.A., Richmond Bland College, 1965 b) B.S., (Sociology) Richmond Professional Institute, 1968 c) Additional studies in Psychology, Virginia Commonwealth University, 1969 d) Petersburg Recreation Department; Supervisor, 1964 e) Survey Officer, Virginia Regional Medical Programs 9) Wilma W'. Schmidt a) University of Pittsburgh b)'Arlington County Unit- American Cancer Society, 1955-1@67 c) D.C. Tuberculosis and Respiratory Disease Association, 1968-1969 d) Colimiunity Liaison Officer, Virginia Regional Medical Programs 10) Patricia A. Westrick a) A.A., St. Petersburg Junior College b) B.A., (Education) University of Florida c) Palm Beach County Board of Public Instruction; Teacher, 1965-1966 d) Orange County Board of Public Instruction; Teacher, 1966-1968 e) South Carolina Regional Medical Program; Program Representative, 1968-1969 f) Community Liaison Officer, Virginia Regional Medical Programs VI. Overall Organization A. Chart of organization - see attached B. Governor's VRMP AdvLso rou 1. Consists of 20 members 2. New members are nominated for the Governor of Virginia's consideration and appointment. 3. RAG has final authority for approval of all activities proposed during the planning and operational phases of the program and on all matters of policy related to the program. 4. Membership of RAG shall. be a minimum of 20 5. Members may be appointed by the Governor to serve for staggered terms of (1) (2) (3) (4) years and shall be eligivle for re-appointment for a full term of four years. 6. Membership must include broad representation of the health and social groups who will be served by the Regional Medical Program. 7. RAG meets 3 times a year on the third Thursday of March, July and November. C. Executive Committee 1. Contains 6 members of RAG 2. Authorized to act for RAG in the interims between meetings of the Regional Advisory Group; subject to its approval. D. Coordinating, Planning and Evaluation Committee 1. Contains 6 members with Dr. Perez, ex-officio Chairman without vote 2. Shall serve one year term and be eligible for re-appointment on an annual basis. 3. Program Director serves as ex-officio chairman without vote. 4. Has authority to create ad hoc committees as necessary. 5. Membership shall be composed as follows: I Representative Medical College of Virginia @IP Committee 1 Representative University of Virginia Medical School RNP Committee 2 Representatives Medical Society of Virginia's Committee I Representative Hospital Association of Virginia 1 Representative from the Chairmen of the Standing Committees of the categorical diseases E. Nominating Committee 1. Membership comprised of not less than 3 nor more than 5 of RAG 2. Shall be appointed each year at least 60 days prior to the November meeting and report to the RAG at the November meeting F. other Committees 1. Standing committees other than those for categorical diseases, and Ad Hoc cou-mittees may be Authorized by the RAG; shall be appointed by the chairman of the RAG. G. Standing Committees on Cate&orical Diseases 1. Membership of 4 categorical committees (Heart Disease, Cancer, Stroke,, and Related Diseases) shall be appointed by the Coordinating, Planning and Evaluation Committee. 2. Each standing committee shall consist of no less than 10, nor more than 20 members. H. Medical Society of Virginia Heart, Cancer and Stroke Committee 1. Consists of 10 members 2. Serves as liaison with the Medical Society of Virginia. 3. Provide the opportunity to review projects and keep abreast of plans and projects of the V@IP. VIRGINIA REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGRAM ORGANIZATION CHART FOR PLANNING AND OPERATION GOVERNOR'S REGIONAL ADVISORY GROUP '@l Executive Committee Coordinator Director e Medic@-,' School Hospital and Relat Adi-ninistritive and He,,ilth,Organizations Representatives Plann-Lng Staff Coordinating, PI,,,-inning, Consultants and Medical Society of Virginia Heart, Cancer, StL-oke Committee Stro He,,-i@t Disease Cancer ke I aL-ed Diseases -L-ee Co.,nmi @e 0 Committee 'i Committee comm4,L VII. FUNDED OPERATIO14AL PROJECTS Core (based in Richmond, Virginia) Objectives: To support six professional staff, already employed, and thirteen professionals to be named, plus nine secretarial and clerical positions (28 total). APPENDIX VIRGliNIA r\l---G@Oi@'Al, 1\11@-'DICAL PP\OGI@Ai'\i Project @-velopiiiciit Cycle 1969 - C Preliminary: (Generation, Infoi.-iii@l Written Concept) @-ve opiiieiit: yc e CLIt-Off I JUN. 1969 .JUN Concept ,ipproval by CPE Committee U -@1969 RevieA, @iiid visits by staff, review by consultants or JUL. ad boc committees. Concurrence by participants. AUG. Rewrite and signatures. VRMP D-:3,,idline I OCT. 1969 for review SEPT Committee Review Standina committee on Heart2O OCT. 19'09 OCT. Cancer'-91 OCT. 19'09 it Stroke 22 OCT.. 1969 NOV. Related Diseases 23 OCT. 19,o'9 (Committee of 'i%i.-clical Society of Va. 29 OCT. 1-969) Coordinatino-, Plaiinino, at-id Evalu(-Ltion Committee 6 NOV. 1969 Reo,ional'Advisory Group 20 NOV. 1969 FEB. National Deadline I DE@ C. 19'9 0 Z) 0 'EB. 1970 DRMP Review Committee 2@-2'T, MAR. National Advisory Council 23- 24 MAR. 1970 APR. (Proliible earliest startiiicT date ILMAY 1970 III---GIONAL,IZATION liivolveiiieiit Plaii 0 c ldciitificitioll of Nccds -i iiLl Olil)ort LI 11 i t iCS 1)@ita l@eview I),itii Aiiilysis Lil)-I)atc Assess Resources Evilu"ltioil:. III-oicci I)roject V.1 I Liat ioil Set I"l-oJ,ec I)i,iorities ]:)efiiie Olijcctivc.,; OI)CI-,Itc III-oic i.-oject, t llrioi,it-ics 1)cr,,itioii Iilipleiiiciitatioii Personnel Title of Inst. Time or Fringe Position Affil. Efforts %Hrs. Salary Benefits Total Eugene R. Perez, M.D. Director mcv 100 33,000 3,000 36,000 David K. Pechmann Dty. Dir. mcv 100 17,600 1$600 19,200 Ann S. Cann Comm. Off. 100 10,450 950 11,400 Faye L. Peters Nurse Off. mcv 100 11,000 1,000 12,000 C. 0. Martin Proj. Dev. Off. 100 15,400 1,400 16,800 Barbara Peace Medical Records 100 13,000 900 10,800 Margaret Proctor Survey Off. 100 9,900 900 10,800 Wilma Schmidt Comm. Liaison Off. 100 9,900 900 10,800 Frederick Beamer Comm. Liaison Off. 100 9,900 900 10,800 Patricia Westrick Comm. Liaison Off. 100 9,900 900 10,800 To be named Comm. Liaison Off. 100 9,900 900 10,800 e named Comm. Liaison Off. 100 9,900 900 10,800 'j-,,,,mas Edwards, M.D. Heart Consultant 25 6,250 937 7,187 Carrington Williams, M.D. Cancer Consultant 25 6,250 937 7,187 David Scott, M.D. Stroke Consultant 25 6,250 937 7.187 James Tromater, Ph.D. Ed. Research, Eval. 50 5,000 750 5,750 W. R. Southward, M.D. Biostatistics & 50 531000 750 5.750 Epidemology M. Pinson Neal, M.D. Med. School 50 14,773 2,603 17,376 Rep. MCV William Hunt, M.D. Med. School 50 14,773 2,603 17,376 Rep. UVA To be named Secretary MCV 50 2,851 119 2,970 To be named Secretary UVA 50 2,851 119 2,970 ,on-tiel Title of Time or Fringe me Position Efforts Salary Benefits Total Norma L. Doeppe Sr. Secretary 100 5,909 247 6,156 To be named Secretary 100 4,728 197 4,925 Judy F. Moore Secretary 100 5,253 219 5,472 Daronda Brooks Secretary 100 5,253 219 5,472 Patricia Clements Secretary 100 5,253 219 5,472 To be named Secretary 100 5,253 219 5,472 To be named Secretary 100 5,253 219 .5,472 TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$283@202 Brief CLirriculLiii, Vltc"c -L@lenc Reyes Perez, 1\4. D. San Juan Bautista, California Education: Bachelor of Arts University of Ciliforiiia (Berkeley). Doctor of Medicine and Master of Surgery McGill University (Montreal). -ilifornia Surgical Internship -iiid Residency University of C@ Medical Scl-iool Hospital (San Francisco). Teach Assistant in Surgery Universities of California and McGill. Instructor in Clinical Suracry Stanford University Medical School. Past xperi iice-. U. S. Army Medical Corps 19,111-1945, Lt. Col. , Chief of Suru.-r@,. Private practice of general suruery in San jos,-@, California 1946-1960. Numerous civic activities, most important being: San Jose Syn-ipl-iony Association, Mayor's Committee for Finance, and Santa Clara County Republican Central Committee. Various positions in Surgery, Adn-iinistratio-Li, and Medical Education 1960 to present. Offices field and Professional Or@aiiizations: Past President Nortl-ierii California Chapter American Colleoe of Surgeons and San Jose Suraical Society, and State Director of Pan American Medical Association. Memberships in numerous organizations, most important being: American Medical Association, -American -Collece of Suraeons, American Society of Abdoi-ninal Surgeons, Am--ricin Hospital Association, Association of Hospital Directors of Medical Education, a-,id Association of American Medical Colle,-es. Present Position: Director of Virginia Rouioii,: I Mc-,dical Prooram, and Assistant ...-Professor of Medical Education, Medical College of Virginia. Education: B. S. )Dccyree West Cl-icstc,,r State Col.leo-C 0 0 R. P. 1'. Degree - 1\lodical. Colleo-c, of Vircyi.iiia t, tD M. Ed. r e e- 'rei-i-iple University 0 1\4. 1 1. A. D--grce. 1\4cdic,,i]. of Virgi-i-ii@,i Also Studied ,it: LJr,,,j.nus Colle@,o and I\Iortl-iwestei-yi LJni,.,Cl-sity Appointi-iients: Guest 1-ccturer - \Tir(yi@-iia Pol.3,techiiic InStitLItC, Teiiii)le University University of Virgi.iiia. Teacliino- Assistant - Uiiivcrsit), of Veri-iioiii- I-ecturer - 1\4-@dical Coll.oo-c oil Virginia Past ]--xpl-]:ie-fice: LJ.S. Navy - World Wir 11, Ko--,.-caii Coiifl.ict ,Q, Po@ic(,, TiiTic Apprentice Scai-n@in to Senior G---@ide Public Scl-io,.)l St@i-ff, Assistant Cl-ijef and Chief Pi'-iysical Tlierapjs,L- ill COI!Iil)Ll@.-lit@', LJnivecsit@7 and Vetera,@is Adiiii.iistra',Iio-,l 1,@o pl;tal---; AOtiiiiiisti.-@i-l-ivc S@,1,17f Jefferson i\,Icclic@il Colle.,-e I-lospital; Adi-iiiiiisti,,ator, Veri-iio,,it Relial)iliti'Lioii Ilospital; Assistant L,'XeCLItive Director, 1-10SPil-1,11 Council of the, Natioi,,al Capical Ai.-c!a; Financial MLti-iacenil,-@nt COIISLtltaii',--, @lospital Associa?t-i.oii. Professional An-ici-icaii Coli'Jeo-c o-j' lio-@pical Adiiiinistrators Ai-nei-icaii I-losl)i.tal AssociiLioii Aiiic-,i.-icaii I'Ltl-)IjC lle,,:ilth Associi-icion As'sbciitioi-i of Scliqols of Allied 1.)rofessioiis Ilospital Fin,,ii@ciil A.,-,,socil',,-j.oii National Education Associati.oi.i Virgi.nia Hospital Association PI-osciit Positioi-i: ID@-piitv Dii-ccto@l-, \',Il.,-(,-iiii.@i I'\c,,,-iorial 'i\loclical Pi.-oo-i-ai-n 21. Novoiiil,),@r 1968 Brief Curriculum Vit@IC Clark 0. Martin Birthplace: Cliicago, Illinois Education: Bacl-iclor of Sciences - University of Virginia Master of Business Administratioi-i - George Wqshiii(yton University Past Experience: -1941. Banking and Accountino, Norfolk, Virainia, 1938 C> U. S. Navy 1941-1961 Ensign to Commander, Supply Corps University of Viruin'La 1961-1968 Research Contract Adi-iiinistrator 1961-1967 Director of Adi-ninistratio-ii, Office of Sponsored Proc-rams 1967-1968 Present Position: Proj ecL- Development and Management Officer' Viro-inia Regional Medical Proyrarp. Brief Curriculum Vitae I\Ars. Ann S. Caiiii Birthplace: Hiliton, West Virginia Education: West Virginia Business College, Bluefield, West Virginia Concord State Teachers, Princeton, West Virginia Virginia Commonwealth LJiiiversity, Academic Division (BPI) Richmond, Virginia Past Experience: Director of Public Information, Vi@ginia 1-ieart Associition t963-1968-, Director of Public 'Relations, Central. YWCA (and PR Consultant, John Price johes, Inc. ) 1961-1963; Assistant Public Belations Director, United Givers Fund 1960-1961. P-- evious experience included three years in administrative positions with the United States Governiiiei-it in Iliclimoiici and Ft. Belvoir, Vir(Tinia. Professional i\4em q-lii s Riciiii-ioi-id Public Relations Association (Past member Board of Directors) Associated Business Editors of Virginia (Past mei-nber Board of DirectorsN Virginia Chapter, American Societv for I-lospital Public Relations Directors Present Position: Communications and Publ.ic Information Officer Virginia Begional i\/Icdical Program March 1968 to present CU E,-tyc! T,. Peters, R.N. tLI c at io ii: Mary Washington Collc-Tc@, ri-edericksbui- Virginia 9 Medical Colle@e of Virginia, ]Richmond, Virginia 0 Ui-iiversity of Virginia, Roanol<-Ie Center, Roanoke, Virginia Past Experience: Director, School of NLirsincy - Coi-nn-iiiiiity I-lospital. of Roanoke Valley School. of Nursing, Roanoke, Vircrinia Associate Director, Nursing Education - Lcwis-Galc @lospital School of Nursin(y, Roanoke, Virginia Instructor - Lewis-Galc I-Tospitil School of Nursing, Roanoke, Virginia Current Meii-ibersliips: American Nurses' Association Virginia Nurses' Association National Leacrue for Nursin(y Vircririia Lea(Tue for Nursincr Medical College of Virginia Alunini Association and Nursina Section rrent Professional Activities: Virginia Nurses' Association - tloadclul-irter Committee; Chairman, Coni,.,niLteo on Convention Pro(yrani; Short and t,oncy Term Goals Committee Vireinia Leac-ue for Ntirsiiio- Mei-i-ibership Coniii-iittce 0 C3 In Medical Colleae of Viryinia Alumni - N@irsiiic, Section Bv-Laws Committee 0 4D Second Vice President, District V - Virainia Nurses' Association Virginia Division, American Cancer Society - Professional Fducatioii Con-intitte@-I Past Activitics: Virginia Lcaoue for Nursing - President and Board LMeiribcr Virginia Nurses' Association - President and Board of Directors, District 11 Gover-nor's Vental I-lealth Studv Commission National Leaaue for Nursin,--, Council of Diploma Proura.,iis Committee on Resolutions Roanoke Cha:pter, American Red Cross Disaster Committee Roanoke Chapter, Ai-rericiii Cancer Societv - Professional Education Committee, Chairman of Nurses' Seminar Committee Nunie-roLis Comniittecs on State iiid District Level in Nursiiic, Orcranizations Present Position: @Turse and Allied lIeLiltli Cf-.fl,@er -- Vii-o-ifiia P\e lotial '.\/i'cdical Pi-oc.-i-aiii Faculty Appointment Cc)11(2c--c of Vir(-iiiia, School Of Department of Cotitiiit,@i,,i,- EdLicatioii