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News and Views


            WASHINGTON – Congressman Jerry Lewis urged his fellow House members Monday to listen to Gen. David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker and support the continued efforts of the U.S. military leaders to stabilize Iraq and continue America ’s fight against terrorism.

            Lewis issued the following statement Monday:

            “Everyone knows the integrity and intellect of Gen. Petreaus, but Ambassador Crocker is equally insightful, and the two of them make up a magnificent team to represent America ’s interests in fighting this war against those who would attack us and undermine freedom.”

            “They have presented an unassailable report that the efforts by our armed forces have produced success, reducing violence not only in Anbar Province but in a number of areas throughout Iraq . Religious and ethnic killings have declined dramatically, and the plan has reduced truck bomb attacks by nearly half. The political climate is still troubling, but the Iraqis clearly understand that they must come together if they are to set their nation on a path to stability and peace.”

            “The American people understand that we must trust thoughtful military leaders like Gen. Petreaus to complete the work of stabilizing Iraq and allowing our troops to come home. Polls show two-thirds or more believe Congress should not force a politically-motivated decision on these leaders.”

            “Our success or failure in Iraq will be watched closely by Syria and Iran and Afghanistan . The future actions by these nations will almost certainly be determined by our actions in Iraq . America is the last bastion of protection for freedom and stability in the world, and we must make it clear in Iraq that we will not turn away from that responsibility.”

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