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Colorado State Archives

1313 Sherman, Room 1B20
Denver, CO 80203
Phone: 303-866-2358
Fax: 303-866-2257


Colorado State Archives
About Our Agency

Mission Statement, Services and Functions
The mission of the Colorado State Archives is to ensure the preservation of the state's permanent legal records and information and to promote their use by the citizens of Colorado. Records management, archives management and micrographics quality control are administrative functions provided to state and local government agencies in Colorado to ensure the preservation of Colorado's permanent legal and historical records. Information and research functions provide for citizen access to public records created by the legislative, executive and judicial branches of state government.

The Colorado State Archives is the legal repository for selected historical and contemporary records and information generated by state and local governments in Colorado. The National Association of Government Archives and Records Administration and the Council of State Governments have said that "state archives are the guardians of much of a state's public documentary heritage, resources essential in establishing a citizen's rights, understanding his past, coping with his present, and planning for his future...The value of a state archive stems from the information it contains and the evidence it provides. Its records are essential to administrative and cultural continuity."

Records Management / Records Disaster Recovery / Records Destruction Services
Employees from state and local government agencies can request assistance with records retention and disposition scheduling. By statute, the State Archives sets legal retention periods and disposition requirements for records created by over 240 state agencies, offices of the 64 counties, 280 municipalities, 176 school districts and 1400 special districts. The State Archives advises when and how public records may be transferred, destroyed or if they must be kept permanently. In addition, the State Archives can provide guidance in the recovery of damage to records from disasters. Please see our Records Management Page for detailed information.

Micrographics / Optical Imaging and Disaster Recovery Services
Any agency of state or local government that microfilms or images its records may store the original at the State Archives for back-up or disaster recovery purposes at no cost. Guidelines on micrographics quality and optical imaging are available from our office.

Records Transfer and Storage Services
The State Archives serves as the legal repository for permanent records generated by state agencies. Records are transferred from state agencies in accordance with agency records retention schedules. Some records from local governments may be accepted for permanent storage on a very selective basis.

Research and Reference Services
The Colorado State Archives has a wealth of information for research and reference. We receive additional accessions periodically. We will respond to mail and phone requests but suggest that you conduct any extensive research at our facility whenever possible because of the voluminous nature of our collections. Records deposited at the Colorado State Archives are available for use subject to restrictions or limitations imposed by law, by executive order, by the agency from which they have been transferred, or by the State Archivist. The research and reference functions are cash funded activities of state government, hence fees for service apply. Information about fees is readily available from our staff by asking us in person or by phone. The staff will assist researchers in identifying records that will assist them with their information needs and will retrieve records requested by researchers. Many original records may also be available for viewing in micrographic formats. Records must be used in the Research Room because they may be the only or definitive copy, and may not be withdrawn from the State Archives. The staff will make copies of records upon request. Please see our Resources and Collections page for further descriptions of the records we have.

Website Administration
The State of Colorado Homepage is managed through our office by a team of employees within the Division of Information Technologies, a division of the Colorado Department of Personnel & Administration. Administration of the state website by DOIT began on July 1, 1996. Previously, the site was administered by the University of Colorado at Boulder.

Workshops, Talks, Tours
Workshops are offered periodically for records management, micrographics, records transfer and using the research services. Staff serve the community by speaking to various groups and organizations on a variety of topics concerning Colorado history and the role of the State Archives in preserving records. Tours of our facility are given by pre-arrangement.

Information Management Services
The following publications are provided to educate and inform public officials and records custodians about information issues they may confront.

Other Services
The Colorado State Archivist is on the Colorado Historical Records Advisory Board and is a member of Colorado Preservation Alliance. These organizations improve the housing and care of and promote access to essential historical documentation through education, identifying materials of enduring value to Colorado and coordinating activities statewide.

Micrographics Quarterly: 
Fall 1999
Winter 2000
Spring 2000
Summer 2000
Fall 2000  
Winter 2001  

 State Archivist Terry Ketelsen

Welcome to the Home Page of the Colorado State Archives! I hope you will enjoy your journey through our page and that the information provided is of value to you. The Colorado State Archives has recently been placed into a new division of state government called the Division of Information Technologies, (DOIT) This new division also includes the state computer center, the Information Management Commission, the former division of Telecommunications and the Colorado Financial Reporting System. This restructuring of government will provide state agencies and the taxpayer with an enhanced ability to conduct business in our rapidly changing information technology environment. It is my pleasure to be of service to you and I welcome your comments.

Terry Ketelsen, State Archivist
Department of Personnel & Administration
Division of Information Technologies
Colorado State Archives
1313 Sherman Street Room 1B-20
Denver, CO 80203
Toll-free within Colorado 1-800-305-3442

History of the Colorado State Archives

In 1943, the Colorado legislature created the position of State Archivist to oversee the retention and disposition of public records. The first State Archivist, Herbert O. Brayer, filled the office as a staff member of the Colorado State Historical Society. Dolores C. Renze, one of three women to hold such a position at the time, succeeded to the office in 1949, retaining the position until 1973. During her tenure, the State Archives and the Public Records became a division within the Historical Society. In 1959, the State Archives became independent of the Society. George E. Warren became State Archivist in 1974 and retired in 1987. Terry Ketelsen was then appointed to his current position as State Archivist. The State Archives has been housed in four different state buildings during these years, including the old Woodward mansion at 1530 Sherman Street. Records were housed in tunnels under the capitol complex and in rented storage space in nearby buildings before its move into the Centennial building in 1976, where the State Archives now occupies the three lower floors. The State Archives also stores records in a satellite storage facility southeast of Denver near Simla, Colorado.

In 1996, the State Archives was merged with the divisions of Telecommunications, General Government Computer Center, and Colorado Financial Reporting System (COFRS) to form the Division of Information Technologies (DOIT). This realignment has provided the opportunity for more accessible and useable electronic information.

How to Contact the Colorado State Archives

Our public office hours are 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, holidays excepted. Please note that we are closed on Wednesdays to public access.

By Mail
Please direct all correspondence to:

    Colorado State Archives
    1313 Sherman Street, Room 1B-20
    Denver, CO 80203

By Electronic Means (E-mail & Interactive Request Form)

Information or Records Requests: If you are looking for a specific record, wish to make an information request or wish to know how much a search would cost then please use  our on-line request form. We will answer these requests within 10-14 business days with the exact costs or a cost estimate of the research that you are requesting. If you need immediate assistance please call us at: 303-866-2390, between the hours of 9:00a.m. and 4:30p.m. MST, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday. If you are a K-12 student and need general information about Colorado and its history then please use this form also. We will be happy to e-mail K-12 students with web links to information. Unfortunately, we cannot send information to students through the mail.

Records Management (for state and local government agencies only): Due to the State government's difficult financial situation and significant staffing reductions at the State Archives, we are asking that all records management questions be e-mailed to us at: archives@state.co.us. Please put "Records Management" in the subject line and include in your e-mail your name, name of your agency, phone number, address and a detailed message regarding your questions.

Comments About the Web Site: If you wish to comment about the Web site please e-mail us at: archives@state.co.us. Please use our on-line request form for general questions or for record or information searches. Because of the possibility of viruses and spam, we will not open attachments. We will also not open e-mails that do not specify the nature of your request in the subject line or do not have a clear or appropriate subject line entry.

By Phone
For Research/Information assistance please call between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Mountain Standard Time, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday, holidays excepted.

    (303)866-2358 or (303)866-2390
    Call toll-free in Colorado only at 1-800-305-3442.

For all other services, such as  Micrographics Quality Control or Archives Management please call between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Mountain Standard Time, Monday through Friday, holidays excepted.


By Fax
Please direct all fax requests to the Colorado State Archives at:


Our Website Address is http://www.colorado.gov/dpa/doit/archives/

If You Are Visiting
The Colorado State Archives is located in the basement of the Centennial building, one block south of the State Capitol building in Denver. The street address is 1313 Sherman Street; Floor 1B, Room 20. Our Research Room hours are 9:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. There is street meter parking available for very short visits, allowing 15 minutes for $.25. Nearby parking lots usually have space available and range from $4.00 to $9.00 for the day. Handicapped spaces are available on Sherman Street and on E. 13th Ave. We are in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and make every effort to accommodate all persons. If you will call us prior to your visit, we are happy to advise you if the record you are seeking is available and thus save you time in waiting for record retrieval upon your arrival in our office.

Map to State Archives

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