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Our research demonstrates new ways that trees add value to communities, converting results into financial terms to stimulate more investment in trees.

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Pacific Southwest Research Station
800 Buchanan Street
West Annex Building
Albany, CA 94710-0011

(510) 559-6300

 United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.USDA logo which links to the department's national site.Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.

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Center for Urban Forest Research


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Results 1-20 of 61

McPherson, E.G. 29 July 2008. Point/Counterpoint: The Role of Trees in Climate Change. International Society of Arboriculture Annual Conference - View Document [1.71 MB]

Vargas, K.E. 29 July 2008. Urban Forest Project Reporting Protocol and Tree Carbon Calculator. Protocol Public Hearing - View Document [1.18 MB]

McPherson, E.G. 12 March 2008. Urban Forestry Carbon Protocols Webcast. Webcast - View Document [814.8 KB]

McPherson, E.G. 5 March 2008. Greening Oakland's Infrastructure Tree by Tree. City of Oakland Environmental Lecture Series - View Document [3.62 MB]

McPherson EG. January 2008. Trees Pay Us Back - Benefits of Trees in Utah. Utah Green Annual Conference - View Document [3.89 MB]

McPherson EG. January 2008. One Million Trees in Salt Lake City. Utah Green Annual Conference - View Document [3.79 MB]

Peper, PJ. December 2007. STRATUM: The benefits and costs of green infrastructure. Climate change and urban forestry - View Document [2.25 MB]

Vargas, K.E. December 2007. STRATUM: Street Tree Benefits, Costs and Management. Turf and Landscape Institute - View Document [3.92 MB]

Peper, P.J. August 2007. STRATUM: The who, what, when, where and how of street trees. Forests in Settled Landscapes Conference - View Document [2.61 MB]

McPherson, E.G. August 2007. Comparative Analysis of U.S. Municipal Forest Structure. ISA Annual Conference - View Document [4.64 MB]

Vargas, K.E. July 2007. Getting the Most Out of Trees. Sacramento Valley Urban Forest Council Workshop - View Document [3.12 MB]

Vargas, K.E. April 2007. Tree Biology: Roots and Leaves: The Value of Our Tree Canopy. Tree Biology: Roots and Leaves, Western ISA and California Arborist Assoc. - View Document [< 1 KB]

Peper, P. April 2007. Considering the Green Infrastructure: Benefits and Costs. 2007 Rocky Mountain Chapter, American Public Works Association - View Document [3.32 MB]

McPherson, Greg. March 2007. Trees Pay Us Back: Benefits of Trees in the Midwest. Midwestern ISA Conference - View Document [< 1 KB]

McPherson, Greg. March 2007. Benefit-based tree appraisal. Midwestern ISA Conference - View Document [< 1 KB]

Vargas, Kelaine. January 2007. Urban Forest Research in the Temperate Interior West. Idaho Horticulture Expo 2007 - View Document [< 1 KB]

Dietenberger, Mark; Fites, Jo Ann; McPherson Greg; Quarles, Stephel L.; Beall, Frank C; Kennedy, John. November 2006. Firesafe buildings and Landscapes: New research and tools for fire prevention. Third Annual Fire Ecology Congress - View Document [9.67 MB]

Vargas, K.E. September 2006. STRATUM Technology Showcase. 2006 California Urban Forest Conference - View Document [4.24 MB]

Geiger, J.R. February 2006. Midwest Community Tree Guide. Arborist Association Annual conference and Trade Show - View Document [5.97 MB]

McPherson, E.G. April 2006. i-Tree: Demonstrating that Trees Pay Us Back!. - View Document [4.79 MB]

USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.