'b/9/74 TA REQUIREMENTS The marked-up House Health Subcommittee HRP bill (H.R. 16204) contains a number of requirements with respect to the provision of technical assistance. (Copies of the relevant pages from that bill are attached: specifically Sections 1414, 1433, and 1434.) There are essentially four sets of TA requirements or provisions. 1. One-time TA to prospective applicant agencies seeking conditional designation as HSAs (Section 1414). 2. Continuing TA to be provided HSAS and, in certain instances State agencies, relating to - a. specification of minimum data requirements needed to determine (1) health status, (2) status, and (3) use of health resources and services (Section 1433(b)(1)). b. planning approaches, methodologies, olicies, and standards p (Section 1434 (b) (2)) . c. guidelines for their organization and operation with specific respect to (1) structure, (2) conduct of planning and development, and (3) performance of functions (section 1433(b)(3)). 3. Establishment of a national health planning information center in support of HSAs and State agencies (1433(c)). 4. Establishment of centers for health planning to (I.) provide TA to HSAs and State agencies, (2) conduct research, studies, and analyses, and (3) develop health planning approachs, methodologies, policies, and standards. Five such centers are to bb in operation by 6/30/76; $5, $8, and $10 million would be authorized in FYs 75, 76, and 77 respectively.