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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Endangered Species Federal Register Publications
June, 1998


These Federal Register documents do not include those published for foreign endangered or threatened species. They also do not include documents related to the administration or implementation of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered and Threatened Species (CITES). Federal Register publications available on this site reflect the domestic mission of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Endangered Species Program, which is the conservation and recovery of listed species of plants and animals native to the United States and its territories.

Other Federal Register publications with relevance to endangered species issues may be found here.

6/4/98: Finding on Petitions To Change the Status of Grizzly Bear Populations in the North Cascades Area of Washington and the Cabinet-Yaak Area of Montana and Idaho From Threatened to Endangered
Summary (html)
Full Text (pdf)

6/9/98: 12-Month Finding for a Petition To List the Lesser Prairie-Chicken as Threatened and Designate Critical Habitat
Summary (html)
Full Text (pdf)

6/10/98: Determination of Threatened Status for the Klamath River and Columbia River Distinct Population Segments of Bull Trout
Summary (html)
Full Text (pdf)

6/10/98: 90-day Finding and Commencement of Status Review for a Petition To List the Westslope Cutthroat Trout as Threatened
Summary (html)
Full Text (pdf)

6/10/98: Proposal To List the Coastal-Puget Sound, Jarbidge River and St. Mary-Belly River Population Segments of Bull Trout as Threatened Species
Summary (html)
Full Text (pdf)

6/12/98: Notice of Availability of the Technical/Agency Draft Recovery Plan for Helianthus eggertii (Eggert's Sunflower) for Review and Comment
Summary (html)
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6/15/98: Reopening of Comment Period and Notice of Public Hearings on Proposed Threatened Status for the Plant Helianthus paradoxus (Pecos Sunflower)
Summary (html)
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6/17/98: Notice of Determination To Retain Endangered Status for the Bruneau Hot Springsnail in Southwestern Idaho Under the Endangered Species Act
Summary (html)
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6/17/98: Listing of Several Evolutionarily Significant Units of West Coast Steelhead
Summary (html)
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6/17/98: Notice of Reopening of Public Comment Period on the Proposed Rule to List the Cowhead Lake Tui Chub as Endangered
Summary (html)
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6/17/98: 90-Day Finding for a Petition To List the Spruce Creek Snail of Florida as Threatened and Designate Critical Habitat
Summary (html)
Full Text (pdf)

6/22/98: Reopening of the Comment Period on the Proposed Endangered Status and Notice of Availability of the Draft Conservation Agreement for Review and Comment for Pediocactus winkleri (Winkler cactus) in Central Utah
Summary (html)
Full Text (pdf)

6/22/98: Notice of Availability of a Draft Revised Recovery Plan for Higgins' Eye Pearly Mussel, Lampsilis higginsi, for Review and Comment
Summary (html)
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6/23/98: Proposed rule; availability of draft San Xavier talussnail conservation agreement.
Summary (html)
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6/29/98: Notice of 12-Month Finding on a Petition To List the Northern Goshawk in the Contiguous United States West of the 100th Meridian
Summary (html)
Full Text (pdf)

6/29/98: Notice of Availability of a Revised Draft Recovery Plan for the Mobile River Basin Aquatic Ecosystem for Review and Comment
Summary (html)
Full Text (pdf)

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