FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION







                           ADVISORY COMMITTEE







                        Friday, August 27, 2004


                               8:00 a.m.



                           5630 Fishers Lane

                               Room 1056

                       Rockville, Maryland 20852





         Jennifer A. Dunbar, M.D., Acting Chair

         Kimberly Littleton Topper, M.S.




         Paula L. Knudson

         William Gates, M.D.




         Scott M. Steidl, M.D.

         Jeffrey Lehmer, M.D.

         Vernon Chinchilli, Ph.D.






         Jose S. Pulido, M.D., M.S.




         Elaine King Miller, Ph.D.




         Peter A. Kresel, M.B.A.


         FDA STAFF:


         Jonca Bull, M.D.

         Wiley A. Chambers, M.D.

         Jennifer D. Harris, M.D.



                            C O N T E N T S

      Call to Order, Jennifer A. Dunbar, M.D.                    4


      Conflict of Interest Statement,

         Kimberly Littleton Topper, M.S.                         5


      Introduction, Wiley Cambers, M.D.                          7


      Eyetech Pharmaceuticals Presentation:

         Introduction, David Guyer, M.D.                        30


         VEGF Overview and Macular Degeneration

           Pathophysiology, Antony P. Adamis, M.D.              36


         Pegaptanib Clinical Efficacy, David Guyer, M.D.        51


         Pegaptanib Clinical Safety,

           Anthony P. Adamis, M.D.                              79


         Pegaptanib Benefit/Risk Profile,

         Donald J. D'Amico, M.D.                               102


      Committee Discussion                                     114


      FDA Presentation, Jennifer D. Harris, M.D.               129


      Committee Discussion                                     153


      Open Public Hearing:

         Daniel D. Garrett, Prevent Blindness America          192


         Ellen Hofstadter                                      196


         Nikolai Stevenson, Association for

           Macular Diseases                                    198


         Carl R. Augusto, American Foundation for

           the Blind                                           201


         Bruce P. Rosenthal, OD, FAAO Lighthouse

           International                                       207


         Bob Liss, OD                                          210


      Committee Discussion                                     211


      Questions                                                217




                         P R O C E E D I N G S


                             Call to Order


                DR. DUNBAR:  I would like to call the


      Dermatologic and Ophthalmic Drugs Advisory


      Committee meeting to order to review NDA 21-756,


      for Macugen, and I would like the committee members


      to introduce themselves.  I am Jennifer Dunbar,


      from Loma Linda, California, and I would like the


      committee members, starting on my left, to


      introduce themselves.


                DR. GATES:  I am William Gates, from


      Nashville, Tennessee.


                DR. LEHMER:  I am Jeffrey Lehmer, from


      Bakersfield, California.


                DR. PULIDO:  Jose Pulido, Rochester,




                DR. STEIDL:  Scott Steidl.  I am a retina


      specialist from the University of Maryland, in




                MS. KNUDSON:  Paula Knudson, with the


      Texas Health Science Center, in Houston.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Vern Chinchilli, Penn




      State Hershey Medical Center.


                DR. BULL:  Good morning, Jonca Bill,


      Director of the Office of Drug Evaluation V, in the


      Office of New Drugs here, at FDA.


                DR. CHAMBERS:  Wiley Chambers, Deputy


      Director for the Division of Anti-Inflammatory,


      Analgesic and Ophthalmic Drug Products.


                DR. HARRIS:  Jennifer Harris, medical


      Officer, same division.


                MR. KRESEL:  Peter Kresel.  I am the


      industry representative, Irvine, California.


                MS. TOPPER:  Kimberly Topper, FDA, the


      Executive Secretary for the committee.


                DR. MILLER:  Elaine King Miller, Amarillo,




                DR. DUNBAR:  Now we will ask Ms. Topper to


      read the conflict of interest statement.


                     Conflict of Interest Statement


                MS. TOPPER:  The following announcement


      addresses the issue of conflict of interest with


      regard to this meeting and is made a part of the


      record to preclude even the appearance of such at




      this meeting.  Based on the submitted agenda for


      the meeting and all financial interests reported by


      the committee participants, it has been determined


      that all interests in firms regulated by the Center


      for Drug Evaluation and Research present no


      potential for an appearance of conflict of interest


      at this meeting with the following exceptions:


                Dr. Jennifer Dunbar has been grated a


      waiver under 18 U.S.C. 208(b)(3) and 21 U.S.C.


      505(n) for her spouse's ownership of stock of the


      sponsor.  The stock is valued from between $25,001


      and $50,000.


                Dr. Jose Pulido has been grated a waiver


      under 21 U.S.C. 505(n) for his children's ownership


      of stock in the sponsor.  The stock is valued from


      $5,001 to $25,000.


                A copy of the waiver statements may be


      obtained by submitting a written request to the


      agency's Freedom of Information Office, Room 12A-30


      of the Parklawn Building.


                In the event that the discussions involve


      any other products or firms not already on the




      agenda for which an FDA participant has a financial


      interest, the participants are aware of the need to


      exclude themselves from such involvement and their


      exclusion will be noted for the record.


                We would also like to note that Dr. Peter


      Kresel has been invited to participate as a


      non-voting industry representative.  Dr. Kresel is


      employed by Allergan.


                With respect to all other participants, we


      ask in the interest of fairness that they address


      any current or previous financial involvement with


      any firm whose products they may wish to comment


      upon.  Thank you.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Now we will ask Dr. Chambers


      to give an introduction of the issues that we will


      review today.




                DR. CHAMBERS:  Thank you, Dr. Dunbar.  Let


      me start with welcoming everybody.  Good morning.


      I want to particularly welcome the advisory


      committee members, and the time that they have


      taken both to review the material and to both




      travel and attend today.




                We are here today to discuss Macugen, and


      this is the Dermatology and Ophthalmology Advisory


      Committee meeting.  Those of you who think you


      should be some place else, we would welcome the


      open seats if you want to give them up.


                My name is Wiley Chambers.  I am the


      Deputy Director for the Division of


      Anti-Inflammatory, Analgesic and Ophthalmologic


      Drug Products, and it is our Division within the


      Office of Drug Evaluation V that will be reviewing


      this application today.




                This application, unlike many others--or


      at least the section that we will be reviewing


      today, unlike many others, is part of the


      continuous marketing application Pilot 1 NDA


      submission which was part of PDUFA 3, which is the


      Prescription Drug User Fee Act that was enacted


      into law in 2002.  This allowed for the


      presubmission of individual modules in different




      sections that would then be reviewed, and comments


      given back.  This would not be a final action but


      it would be comments on a particular section, with


      the goal of speeding ultimate approval of


      particular applications by being able to give


      interactive comments early on.  The action on the


      actual NDA will only be taken after all the modules


      are submitted and reviewed.




                Today's discussion is clinical only.  We


      are only dealing with the clinical section. We are


      not dealing with the pharm. tox. section.  We are


      not dealing with the chemistry manufacturing


      section.  So, no one should expect that we will


      take an action on this NDA today, tomorrow or the


      next day because there are other modules which are


      being reviewed in their own time course.


                The expectation is that we will give


      comments back to the sponsor of the application


      within approximately six months of the time when


      the module was submitted, and so we have scheduled


      this meeting to deal with the clinical issues and




      our clinical feedback.  As you will hear later on,


      we have particular questions that are geared toward


      this application, but we are looking primarily to


      see have we missed anything; are there other areas,


      while we are still within the review period, that


      we should be looking at further, or are there


      issues that you think need to be further explored


      before an application would be acted on one way or


      the other?




                I am going to spend some time today going


      through basic clinical trial design issues for


      products for macular degeneration in general.




                The Division gives guidance as trials are


      performed on a way to do a particular trial.  We


      don't believe there is a single method to do all


      clinical trials.  We have tried to give what we


      think is a good way to do trials that will give


      answers that we can then interpret.  We clearly


      recognize that there may be additional ways and


      there may be reasons to have variance from what we




      recommend.  But just so that everybody is in the


      same page, I am going to go through what we


      generally recommend to sponsors of trials so you


      know where there are potential differences, which


      you may either agree with or disagree with, but


      more for informational purposes.


                We ask that trials be parallel on design


      trials; randomized by person as opposed to


      randomized by eye; double-masked, meaning at least


      the investigator and the patient are masked to what


      treatment they are receiving; and to try to


      incorporate dose ranging within the study


      development plan.  That does not mean every trial


      but it means that there be an exploration to dose






                The inclusion criteria for at least wet


      macular degeneration, using that term as broad as


      that is, is that we expect patients to have


      choroidal neovascularization documented by fundus


      photography and/or angiography.  We expect there to


      be specific observable features, including




      membranes greater than a particular defined size


      and with particular diagnostic features such as


      leaking on fluorescein, such as leaking on


      indocyanine green or ICG, but define a particular


      population for which we could then label the






                We try to get the trials in total to be as


      general as possible while still identifying a


      population that the product works for.  Patients


      with concurrent ocular diseases that may be


      associated with choroidal neovascularization we


      think should be excluded to avoid any kind of


      confounding issues.  In this particular case that


      generally means excluding people with presumed


      ocular histoplasmosis and excluding high myopia,


      primarily because these things can also cause


      choroidal neovascularization and we want to try and


      figure out which disease the product is working on.




                We ask for replication.  So, we want


      safety and efficacy, supported by at least two




      independent trials of at least two years duration.


      We are looking for robustness in the findings.  We


      want independent trials, and to that extent we mean


      geographically separate so that we know the product


      does not just work in Washington, D.C. or does not


      just work in Boston or one particular city where


      the water supply is unique.  These trials conducted


      to date were each multicenter trials and so,


      obviously, clearly meet that criteria.


                Actually, before I go on let me say one


      thing about the two-year trial.  We have asked for


      trials to go on for two years and we have had


      discussions at this advisory committee before about


      how long trials should go on for.  We have


      recognized that endpoints may be acceptable at a


      one-year time point but we have asked that trials


      continue on for two years.  So, while you may not


      hear two-year data, you can rest assured that the


      trial will continue to go on for two years and we


      will ultimately have that information which we will


      factor into our decision.  But we believe that,


      because of the age of the population, one year is a




      significant portion in the rest of their lives.


      Consequently, if the product is showing benefit at


      one year we believe we could potentially approve a


      product and label it as working for however long it


      works for, but we think that duration needs to be


      at least one year, but have not been wedded to


      anything more than that.  If you end up disagreeing


      with that, as with anything that I say today,


      please feel free to make those comments to us.




                The clinical trial program we think should


      be able to identify adverse events that occur at


      least at a one percent adverse reaction rate.


      People may argue that one percent is too low, too


      high.  It is, for lack of a better figure, what we


      have picked.  That means you need at least 300


      patients studied fully through that to be able to


      determine that.  We generally recommend at least


      500 patients so that we are not dealing with,


      "well, I've got 299" or "I've got 298" or "I've got


      301."  We know in this population, because of the


      natural age and normal life span, people are not




      going to necessarily survive through the


      trial--just not related to the drug but related to


      other reasons.  So, we start out asking for people


      to do trials of 500 patients or more.


                We like the concentration to be studied


      that is going to be marketed, we like


      concentrations that are above what is going to be


      marketed to be studied to try and exaggerate


      potential adverse events so that we can get a


      handle of potential adverse events that may occur,


      even if they are not going to occur on the final


      product that is approved, so that we have some idea


      of what to look for.  And, we would like the


      frequency of dosing to be at least as frequent as


      proposed for marketing.  You will see in the trials


      we discuss today dose-ranging studies that look at


      different concentrations.




                The duration, as I mentioned, should be at


      least 24 months but, as I also said, the endpoint


      could be as short as 12 months.






                We do not require multicenter trials.  It


      is certainly easier to enroll larger number of


      patients with multicenter trials.  Our preference,


      if a company is going to do a multicenter trial, is


      that there be at least 10 patients per arm per


      center.  We have set that number so that we can


      look at investigator interaction.  Now, that is


      frequently a difficult thing, to enroll that many


      patients per arm per center, particularly if you


      have a multi-arm study and you are doing dose


      ranging.  That dramatically increases the number of


      patients you would have at a particular center.


                You need to recognize that if we do not


      have that many we are probably not going to be able


      to look for investigator interaction at any one


      particular center.  We will do some other things to


      look at that question but to get a true, you know,


      is there one investigator that is disproportionate


      to other investigators really requires more


      patients than you will see in these particular


      trials.  This is not an uncommon problem that we


      have.  We don't have a solution.  Generally, if you




      are able to enroll a large number of patients at


      any one center you probably wouldn't do a


      multicenter trial.  So, again, we welcome


      suggestions on how to get around this.




                Stratification is not necessary.  If there


      is a chance of imbalance in factors that someone


      believes may influence the results, and in this


      case there have been discussions about whether


      occult versus classic potentially would influence


      the results or whether baseline visual acuity would


      potentially influence the results.  We have


      suggested that people stratify so that they have a


      higher chance of having an equal distribution


      between the individual groups--again, not required.


      The hope is that randomization will take care of it


      but stratification frequently helps.




                Control agent--we have asked that at least


      one of the clinical trials that is performed


      demonstrates superiority to a control.  We have not


      defined what that control has to be.  It could be




      the vehicle; it could be a sham; it could be a


      lower dose; it could be a different product.  By


      saying at least one trial has to demonstrate


      superiority, that means we also potentially would


      accept an equivalence trial.  In today's discussion


      we are going to deal primarily with superiority


      trials but, recognize, we potentially would accept


      either a superiority trial or an equivalence trial.


                We prefer a vehicle control given our


      druthers of different choices, and we prefer that


      because it minimizes the bias.  There is some


      animal evidence--we are not aware of any human


      evidence to date but there is some animal evidence


      that mechanical manipulation may initiate


      inflammatory mediators that may help the condition.


      Consequently, by not having something that


      simulates that same pathway, there may be some


      influence going on by the way you deliver the


      product, in this case the intravitreal injection,


      that may be a positive effect.  But there are


      ethical issues, and I am sure we will probably get


      into some of that, with giving vehicle controls.




                One of the most common reasons cited for


      not giving a vehicle control is the risk of


      endophthalmitis.  We recognize that there is a


      theoretical risk of getting endophthalmitis in the


      vehicle group.  The clinical trials that were


      performed here had cases of endophthalmitis that


      were in the active control group.


                I just want to be on record for stating


      that, to the agency's knowledge, we have not had a


      case of endophthalmitis in the vehicle control


      group in any trial that has run that, and there


      have been trials that have run it.  So, we continue


      to think it is not unethical to run a vehicle


      control.  Should we get an endophthalmitis case,


      which I am not hoping for anyone, we may change


      that opinion but at the present time we continue to


      recommend vehicle controlled trials.


                We do reluctantly accept sham controls,


      but we have put a condition any time we have


      accepted sham controls, and that has been that we


      have wanted additional doses, in other words, more


      than one dose tested to try to aid in the masking




      of the trial.  You will see that in the case of


      these trials today there are multiple doses, in


      addition to the sham, that is conducted.  Again, we


      recognize that having a sham increases the chance


      of bias influence in the results, although just


      having a sham does not necessarily create bias.




                Dose ranging--we prefer to try and bracket


      the dose that will ultimately be marketed, in other


      words, study doses that are higher and study doses


      that are lower than that which will be ultimately


      marketed so we get a better understanding of the


      drug product.




                Efficacy has been discussed a lot.  We


      have a number of parameters that we readily accept


      as being acceptable.  We have other parameters


      which we think may in the future be acceptable or


      we will be willing to entertain if there is


      validation, and validation does not necessarily


      need to occur in this particular trial.  The thing


      that we readily accept as being important is a




      change in visual function.  So, our guidance to


      people when we are having discussions about


      clinical trials is that there be statistical


      significance in clinical relevance in visual


      function at more than one time point.  By visual


      function we mean visual acuity, visual fields or


      color vision.




                The evaluations we expect to be carried


      out include, obviously, best corrected distance


      visual acuity.  By that, we generally mean using a


      chart that has equal number of letters per line and


      equal spacing between lines.  The ETDRS is one type


      of chart that meets that, and based on the


      validation information that was conducted at a four


      meter distance so that is our preferred both


      distance and test but we are willing to recognize


      other equivalent tests of best corrected distance


      visual acuity.


                We expect best corrected visual acuity to


      be measured at every visit, and we expect those


      visits to occur no less frequently than every three






                We expect to have dilated seven field


      fundus photography sometime during the trial.  We


      expect to have fluorescein or indocyanine green


      depending on what exactly is being studied during


      the trial, and we have not specified exactly when


      that has to be.  We expect dilated ophthalmoscopy


      to be performed both for evaluation and for safety


      at every visit.  We expect a dilated slit lamp exam


      for the same reason.  We expect to have endothelial


      cell counts, not necessarily in every trial but


      somewhere within the development plan, and have at


      least one study that includes it at the beginning


      and end of the trial, and the same thing standard


      systemic clinical and laboratory evaluations.




                Two meters versus four meters has been a


      source of a lot of controversy.  It is my


      understanding it stems primarily from the


      practicality of being able to have exam rooms that


      are four meters.  In my father's day and age, it


      would have required 20 foot length and his exam




      rooms were set up to do that.  That is not the


      current trend now.  People use exam lanes that are


      much shorter.  But the subject has been studied.


      It was the source of a lot of discussion in the


      past, and there is a paper that set out four meters


      as a standard that was published in Ophthalmology


      in 1996 for exactly the purpose of discussing what


      the best distance is.


                It does not mean that you can't


      theoretically correct.  You know, two meters, four


      meters--you can use the same distance and make the


      charts smaller so you are looking at the same angle


      that gets subtended.  The issue is the variability


      that occurs when measuring at two meters versus


      four meters and the potential for any bias if the


      patient is allowed to lean.  Now, if we would strap


      down or lock every patient into an exam seat and


      never let them move at all, it probably wouldn't be


      an issue but we don't do that.  Just so people get


      a feel, at a two meter distance 17 inches is equal


      to one of one line.  Those of you sitting in the


      various seats, if you are leaning backward or




      leaning forward, just sitting in your same seat can


      easily do 17 inches.  We don't have any reason to


      believe that people are attempting to bias the


      results or attempting to lean, and visual acuity is


      a very common measure in ophthalmology so everybody


      is aware to try to keep people from leaning or keep


      that from influencing what goes on.  But studies


      have been done that show poor reliability at one


      meter versus four meters.  So, the assumption is


      that there is also more variability at two meters


      than there would be at four meters.  The overall


      impact on a particular trial is not known, and the


      only way to know that for sure would be to do both


      two meters and four meters, which we do not have


      data to discuss today.


                We think it is more significant for those


      trials that have a feature that allows there to be


      a potential in masking, such as sham.  We think it


      is more of an issue in an equivalence trial than it


      is in a superiority trial.  These trials that we


      are talking of today are superiority trials; they


      are not equivalence trials.  But there are issues.






                Our recommended endpoints to date have all


      been, as I mentioned earlier, visual function.  We


      think at some point in the future we will end up


      accepting anatomical changes but we have not yet


      found anatomical changes that correlate directly


      with visual function.  So, currently we readily


      accept doubling of the visual angle, which on the


      ETDRS chart at four meters would be 15 letters or


      more; a halving of the visual angle, in other


      words, showing improvement in vision; a quadrupling


      of the visual angle, which would be 30 letters or


      more.  These are all looking at percentage of


      patients that have this particular finding because


      we think a doubling of the visual angle is a


      clinically significant difference that would not


      occur within the variation of day-to-day visits.




                We have also been willing to accept a


      difference in the group mean.  We do not know


      exactly how much of a difference in group mean


      would be clinically significant so for




      consistency's sake we have said we will readily


      accept a mean change of 15 letters.  That does not


      mean that something less than that may not be


      statistically significant.  We are just not ready


      to accept without question anything less than 15






                Let me just briefly talk about equivalence


      trials just so you know the full scope of what we


      have talked about with individual sponsors.  We


      believe it is possible to do comparison with an


      active agent which has already demonstrated


      repeated success.  Visudyne is currently approved


      for predominantly classic choroidal


      neovascularization in atrial macular degeneration


      and a couple of other things.  So, for that


      particular indication we would accept an


      equivalence trials if one wanted to conduct it.


      The way we have set up equivalence trials is that


      we have asked that at least 50 percent of the


      established treatment effect be preserved so that


      95 percent confidence intervals be drawn around




      those parameters to protect at least 50 percent of


      the treatment effect.  Again, it is not a


      particular issue for this product but it may be an


      issue for other products.


                The analyses that we ask to be conducted


      always include intent-to-treat with last


      observation carried forward and per-protocol with


      observed values only.  We recognize these as


      differences in the data available for analysis.


      The intent-to-treat last observation carried


      forward is the fullest data set we can obtain.  It


      is everybody that was randomized in the trial and


      it is creating a value for everyone whether real of


      extrapolated.  A per-protocol analysis is the


      minimal data set.  It is only those patients that


      fully met the protocol and only the values that we


      have there.


                We don't believe that either one of these


      two analyses is the best analysis or is the most


      proper or is the most representative.  We think


      they are extremes and we ask that both be conducted


      and we look for differences between these two




      analyses.  If there are no differences between


      these analyses we assume that, regardless of how


      much inclusion/exclusion, your results are pretty


      much the same and you can accept either one.  If


      there are differences we ask for additional


      analyses to try and explore which one is likely to


      be telling a better picture or why it is telling a


      different picture.


                Other analyses which you would have seen


      in the briefing package include things like


      worst-case analyses where we treat all dropouts in


      the control as being successes and all dropouts in


      the test product as being failures.  This is not a


      correct test.  This is not an accurate test.  We


      are making assumptions in the worst direction to


      look and see how robust the findings are.  We don't


      expect the product to win on a worst-case analysis,


      but it does give us an idea of what the limits of


      potential analysis results could be.




                As a general rule, we ask for alphas to be


      0.05.  This is the common 5 percent for two-tailed.




      In other words, p is less than 0.5.  We ask for


      power to detect a difference to be 80 percent or


      greater, and we ask that any time anybody looks at


      the data, any kind of look any time during the


      evaluation that there be an adjustment in the


      statistical plan, in other words, correction for


      that alpha for any look that occurs.  All of our


      analyses that you see in any of our data sets will


      include these features.




                The last one I want to talk about is


      pediatrics.  There is an agency initiative to try


      and include, when possible, pediatric patients in


      the drug development of particular products.  So, I


      am covering it for completeness. In this particular


      case, choroidal neovascularization is rarely seen


      in pediatric populations and we have not asked the


      sponsor of this application or any of the


      applications that just deal with choroidal


      neovascularization to include pediatric patients


      because the population we don't think is relevant


      in this particular case.  But as a general rule we




      do ask for pediatric patients to be included during


      the development.


                I am happy to take any questions and,


      again, I thank everybody for your time, and look


      forward to a fruitful discussion.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Are there any questions at


      this point regarding Dr. Chambers' presentation?


      If not, at this point then I would like to open the


      forum for the sponsor, Eyetech Pharmaceuticals and


      I will ask that the sponsor introduce each of their


      speakers within their presentation.


                  Eyetech Pharmaceuticals Presentation




                DR. DYER:  Good morning.




                Today we will discuss the first anti-VEGF


      therapy for the eye and the first treatment to


      target the underlying biology of neovascular


      age-related macular degeneration.  Pegaptanib


      sodium achieved statistical significance for


      clinically meaningful, prespecified primary


      endpoint in replicate trials with strong supportive




      data in secondary endpoints.


                The efficacy was against usual care


      controls, and this pharmacological agent also shows


      a favorable safety profile and provides a treatment


      benefit to many patients for whom no effective


      therapy presently exists.




                My name is David Guyer.  I am from Eyetech


      Pharmaceuticals.  I previously was professor and


      chairman of ophthalmology at the N.Y. School of


      Medicine and a practicing ophthalmologist


      specializing in macular degeneration.


                Also speaking today will be Dr. Tony


      Adamis, who was an ophthalmologist on the full-time


      faculty at Harvard, and is now with Eyetech.  He


      ran the ocular angiogenesis laboratory as well.


      Our risk/benefit section will be presented by Prof.


      Don D'Amico, from Mass. Eye and Ear Infirmary at






                Neovascular age-related macular


      degeneration represents 90 percent of the severe




      vision loss from this disease.  Many patients note


      a loss of independence and inability to read, to


      ambulate and to recognize faces of their loved


      ones.  This occurs because when the disease forms


      abnormal blood vessels that leak blood and fluid


      waviness or blurred vision can be seen in the


      central area that sometimes can lead to a scotoma


      or blind area centrally that prevents them from


      seeing straight ahead, and in up to a third of


      patients clinical depression can be noted.




                The devastating effects of this disease


      were well summarized in a book by Henry Grunwald,


      who was the former editor-in-chief of Time Magazine


      and U.S. ambassador.  In the book, "Twilight:


      Losing Sight, Gaining Insight" Mr. Grunwald said,


      "after a lifetime during which reading and writing


      have been as natural and necessary as breathing, I


      now feel the visual equivalent of struggling for






                Macular degeneration represents a major




      public health problem and urgent unmet medical


      need.  It is the most common cause of irreversible,


      severe blindness in developed countries.


      Ninety-five percent of retinal specialists believe


      that macular degeneration represents an epidemic,


      and there are 200,000 new cases a year in the


      United States alone, and a prevalence of up to 1.6


      million patients with active bleeding.  Limited


      treatments are available and 85 percent of retinal


      specialists are dissatisfied with current treatment






                Macular degeneration represents a


      progressive disease.  Early on in the disease these


      whitish-yellow spots, called drusen, occur and


      patients can progress to the neovascular form of


      the disease which is where pegaptanib is effective.


      This is an angiogenic disorder and what happens is


      abnormal blood vessels grow behind the retina where


      they leak blood and fluid, as depicted here, and,


      untreated, they lead to disciform scarring where


      fibrovascular tissue destroys and replaces the




      normal rods and cones in the retina.  At this


      point, usually moderate to severe visual loss is






                Let's discuss the therapeutic options


      available for patients with neovascular macular


      degeneration.  In the 1980s, the Macular


      Photocoagulation Study Group showed the beneficial


      roles of thermal laser photocoagulation.  However,


      very few patients are suitable for this treatment.


      The treatment is most suitable when the abnormal


      blood vessel, as seen here on a fluorescein


      angiogram, is away from the center of the macula,


      in what we call extrafoveal or juxtafoveal


      location, because for patients where the blood


      vessel is dead center or subfoveal the laser scar


      itself can destroy the very tissue we are trying to


      save.  Unfortunately, most patients with


      neovascular macular degeneration have subfoveal


      disease where the blood vessel is dead center.




                In the year 2000, photodynamic therapy, or




      PDT, was FDA approved for patients with subfoveal


      predominantly classic angiographic subtype.  Thus,


      for approximately three-quarters of patients with


      neovascular macular degeneration there is no FDA


      approved therapy, although there is off-label use,


      with some limited CMS reimbursement, presently.


                Today we will discuss the first anti-VEGF


      therapy for the eye, a pharmacological treatment


      that targets the protein VEGF that is responsible


      for the hallmarks of all choroidal


      neovascularization.  Increased levels of VEGF lead


      to neovascularization and increased permeability,


      which lead to the clinical features of all


      choroidal neovascularization, and pegaptanib blocks






                VEGF is the common denominator for


      neovascular macular degeneration.  Numerous peer


      reviewed papers have shown that for all


      angiographic subtypes, by immunohistochemistry


      staining, VEGF is present in both autopsy and


      surgical specimens.






                Pegaptanib sodium is a pegylated modified


      oligonucleotide.  It has a selective vascular


      endothelial growth factor antagonist to isoform


      165. Tony in just a few minutes.  It is a sterile


      aqueous solution in a single-use, pre-filled


      syringe, which is important for safety reasons.


      The recommended dose is 0.3 mg of intravitreous


      injection administered once every 6 weeks.




                We will show you today that pegaptanib met


      a clinically meaningful primary efficacy endpoint


      with statistical significance in replicate,


      well-controlled clinical trials, with a favorable


      safety profile.




                I will now ask Tony Adamis to discuss a


      VEGF overview and macular degeneration




                 VEGF Overview and Macular Degeneration




                DR. ADAMIS:  Thank you, David and good








                In 1971 Judah Folkman first proposed the


      targeting of a specific angiogenic factor as a way


      to treat disease, and specifically a way to treat


      cancer and ophthalmic disease.




                It was in 2004, with the completion of


      pivotal Phase III trials using Avastin which blocks


      VEGF that this theory was in a definitive fashion


      proven correct.  This drug now was approved this


      year as a first-line therapy for colon cancer.  So,


      we entered this era of biological anti-angiogenesis






                The target in that trial and in our trial


      is VEGF, which is an acronym for vascular


      endothelial growth factor.  Prior to that it was


      called vascular permeability factor.  Unlike many


      other growth factor names, these two are very


      appropriate in the sense that they describe the


      central biological functions of this protein.  VEGF




      makes vessels very leaky and VEGF makes vessels


      grow.  The leaky aspect of it was discovered in


      1983 by Harold Dvorak and then the


      neovascularization aspect or biology of VEGF was


      discovered by Napoleon Ferrara, who has been a


      leader in this area, and Dan Connolly, in 1989.


                Since then, if one conducts a MEDLINE


      search, there have been over 11,000 published peer


      reviewed articles on VEGF.  There is a large body


      of knowledge concerning this growth factor.  I show


      you just one example of that here.  This is the


      protein structure of VEGF.  We now can determine


      very precise structure-functional relationships.




                The disease we are here to discuss, as


      David said, is age-related macular degeneration, a


      very prevalent disease in our society and a very


      complex one scientifically when one begins to study


      it.  We are beginning to unravel the earlier stages


      of the disease, the stages where Bruch's membrane


      is altered and gives you those yellow spots, the


      drusen that David showed you in a clinical




      photograph.  We are also starting to understand the


      complex interaction of the different cell layers


      with the vasculature.  But the area or the phase of


      the disease, the late phase of the disease that we


      are studying is the neovascular phase where vessels


      begin to grow up towards the retina.  These vessels


      are abnormal and leaky, and they leak fluid and


      lipid and they damage the photoreceptors which


      sense light, and people lose vision and go blind.


      This process, the angiogenic process, has been very


      well studied.




                As David said, the data indicate that it


      is biologically plausible that blocking VEGF would


      have a beneficial effect in this disease in a broad


      population.  When one looks at surgical specimens


      or autopsy specimens of patients with the disease,


      what is seen is that the common denominator is


      VEGF.  It is present in all angiographic subtypes


      and it is present in all active stages of the


      disease.  So, therefore, the hypothesis that


      blocking VEGF in neovascular MD would have a




      broad-base effect has some broad biological






                But those are not the only data that we


      have.  There is a large body of preclinical


      evidence, roughly 15 years worth, which is


      summarized on one slide here.  Let me just briefly


      walk you through it.  In preclinical models of


      vessel growth in the cornea, in the iris, in the


      retina and in the choroid, if one gives a VEGF


      inhibitor you can prevent the growth of vessels and


      you can prevent the leak that is associated with


      those vessels.  So, VEGF seems to be required for


      those processes.


                Similarly, if one looks at those normal


      tissues and now introduces VEGF into the system,


      either by injecting the protein or genetically


      over-expressing it, VEGF in and of itself is


      sufficient to produce the neovascularization or


      leak that can occur in these tissues.


                Then, so that we have some context in


      which to interpret those preclinical data, surgical




      specimens and autopsy specimens from humans with


      actual corneal neovascularization, iris


      neovascularization, retinal and choroidal


      neovascularization show that VEGF is expressed at


      high levels in those tissues at the time when the


      vessels are growing and leaking.  So, the totality


      of the data supports this approach of blocking VEGF


      in specifically the disease under study today,


      age-related macular degeneration.




                It gets a little more complicated in the


      sense that VEGF really refers to a family of


      related molecules, and I want to talk about one


      specifically, VEGF 165 which is the target of






                We were faced with the paradox a few years


      ago, as we looked at the accumulated data


      concerning the role of VEGF in disease and in the


      normal state.  What we found was that VEGF is


      required for the normal formation development of


      vessels during development throughout the body.  I




      am just showing you here two examples.  These are


      the vessels of the normal colon and these,


      obviously, are the normal vessels of the retina.




                In the same molecule, VEGF was shown in a


      number of definitive studies and laboratories


      around the world that VEGF is required for the


      abnormal vessels that can grow in the colon, and


      this is colon carcinoma, and here is a case of


      age-related macular degeneration.  So, how is it


      that the same protein can cause these vastly


      different phenotypes, these different types of


      vessels?  One set of vessels are normal and they


      don't leak and they behave appropriately; another


      set looked very different and they behave very






                Perhaps, we thought, some of that


      complexity is encoded in these different isoforms.


      Let me just explain what those are.  There is one


      VEGF gene but that gene encodes multiple


      transcripts or mRNAs for VEGF that have different




      sizes that translate into different proteins.  So,


      one of those major proteins or isoforms is VEGF


      165, which just simply means that it is composed of


      165 amino acids.  Another major isoform, especially


      in the eye, is VEGF 121.  We asked the question


      could it be that differential expression or


      synthesis of these isoforms underlies the


      complexity that we see in the vessels in the normal


      and the diseased state?




                So, in an experiment we conducted and


      published last year, we studied the retinal


      vessels.  We studied the normal retinal vessels


      that are developing as the retina forms and we


      studied abnormal retinal vessels in a model of


      retinopathy prematurity.  This is a model where


      vessels grow towards the vitreous and leak and are


      distinctly abnormal.


                What we saw was that when normal vessels


      are developing the isoform expression of the two


      major isoforms, 120 and 164 which are the rodent


      counterparts to human 121 and 165, is roughly equal




      during development.  But rather strikingly, during


      disease when disease vessels are growing there is a


      shift to almost exclusive expression of the 164


      isoform.  So, it was an interesting association


      that we saw of 164 with diseased vessels.




                But to really get at the causality of 164


      in the production of diseased vessels we conducted


      the following experiment.  In a model of abnormal


      vessel growth we gave pegaptanib which blocks just


      164 and compared it to a non-selective VEGF


      inhibitor which blocks all the isoforms.  We saw


      that bpth were equally effective in preventing


      abnormal vessel growth.  Here is the control with


      the abnormal vessels, and both are pretty good at


      inhibiting that.


                We also looked in a model of normal


      retinal vessel development and, again, gave


      pegaptanib and what we saw was essentially zero


      inhibition of normal vessels.  We did not affect


      normal vessels.  Whereas, the non-selective VEGF


      inhibitor had a deleterious effect on these normal




      vessels in the retina.  So, the conclusion we made


      was that VEGF 164 may be preferentially associated


      with disease and targeting it gives you a much more


      selective inhibition in that you are much less


      likely to affect normal vessels in the developing


      animal.  But I will tell you that there has


      subsequently been independent support of this,


      specifically from UCSF, where this is also perhaps


      true in the adult animal.




                To be certain of our conclusion because we


      used a reagent here, pegaptanib in particular, we


      wanted to make sure this conclusion was robust.


      So, we created animals genetically that where we


      deleted specifically the 164 isoform and these


      animals were able to make all the other types of


      VEGFs.  What we see here is that these animals have


      completely normal retinas and normal retinal


      vessels and they are no different than animals that


      make all VEGF isoforms.  In fact, these animals


      grow up to a normal age.  They can reproduce.


      There are no abnormalities we can detect, even




      though they cannot make any VEGF 164.




                So, how was a drug made that specifically


      blocked VEGF 164?  Well, pegaptanib is an


      oligonucleotide aptamer.  It specifically is 28


      nucleotide in life.  Aptamers are molecules that


      will fold in a very specific fashion.  They have a


      three-dimensional conformation such that they will


      bind to the target protein of interest--in this


      case it is VEGF--in a highly specific manner, and


      in the case of pegaptanib with a very high


      affinity.  This binding occurs extracellularly.


      The drug does not enter the cell.  It is all


      happening outside the cell, which is where VEGF is


      residing.  These features make it act very much


      like an antibody but there are some important


      distinctions, aside from it not being an antibody;


      it is an oligonucleotide.


                This class of molecules, in the published


      literature and it has been our experience as well,


      are quite non-immunogenic.  In our preclinical and


      in our clinical examination of pegaptanib we have




      not seen a single instance when an antibody is


      raised to it.  And, as I alluded to, they have this


      remarkable target specificity and this simply


      attests to that.




                This shows that pegaptanib is very


      efficiently binding to human VEGF 165 and murine or


      mouse VEGF 164, but there is no significant, or


      essentially no binding to VEGF 121 or related


      family member of placental growth factor.




                So, what we would expect when pegaptanib


      is administered to the eye is that you would have


      selective VEGF inhibition of 165 which was


      associated with pathology and in our animal model


      spares the normal vasculature, and we would have


      two very important biological responses as a


      function of that blockade: vessel growth would be


      inhibited, as would permeability, and the thinking


      was this would translate to a better visual








                The last thing I would like to talk about


      is how we chose our dose.  This drug is


      administered to the eye nine times a year, and


      there are three doses that we chose.




                Let me show you the data that we had in


      hand when we were planning these trials.  We knew


      from our pharmacokinetic experiments that when


      pegaptanib is given to the eye via intravitreous


      injection it slowly exits the eye and it can be


      measured in the plasma.  Actually, the plasma


      levels mirror the levels that one sees in the


      vitreous.  So, by sampling the blood you can infer


      what is happening in the eye.


                The other important thing that we learned


      here is that when the drug exits the eye, at least


      in this rabbit model, you have thousand-fold less


      concentration in the plasma than you do in the eye.


      In a more relevant primate model we saw that this


      held up in the sense that it was 800 times less in


      the plasma than it was in the eye.






                We learned from those studies that the


      half-life in the primate vitreous is approximately


      four days.  We also had data that we had collected


      in tumor models and in a model of retinopathy


      prematurity that when you give pegaptanib


      intravenously the amount of pegaptanib that is


      needed to inhibit the VEGF is about 1 ng/mL.


                We also had another inhibitory


      concentration that we had determined in vitro in


      tissue culture in various assays of calcium


      mobilization and endothelial cell proliferation.


      The relevant concentration in tissue culture of


      pegaptanib that was required to inhibit VEGF was


      significantly lower.  It was 0.01 mcg/mL or 10




                When we started out it was not entirely


      clear which of these inhibitory concentrations


      would be most relevant when you are injecting the


      drug into the eye.  So, we postulated that if this


      is the most relevant inhibitory concentration, then


      a 3 mg dose, given every 6 weeks would sufficient


      block VEGF for the entire 6-week period.  If, on




      the other hand, this was the relevant


      concentration, the 3 mg dose, the 1 mg dose and the


      0.3 mg dose would actually all three be sufficient


      to block VEGF for the entire 6-week period, and


      perhaps that may translate to a plateau of the dose






                To summarize what I have just discussed,


      VEGF appears to be an important control point for


      neovascularization and vascular permeability, the


      pathologies that lead to vision loss in age-related


      macular degeneration.  Pegaptanib specifically


      targets the VEGF isoform VEGF 165, which we believe


      is operative in disease.  I have shown you data


      from ROP but this has also been shown to be true in


      choroidal neovascularization, diabetic retinopathy


      and other conditions.  And, pegaptanib dosing is


      based on pharmacokinetic data which were collected


      prior to the conduct of this study.




                At this point, Dr. David Guyer will return


      and David will talk to you about our clinical




      efficacy data from the pivotal trials.


                      Pegaptanib Clinical Efficacy




                DR. GUYER:  In this section we will show


      you that pegaptanib met a clinically meaningful


      primary efficacy endpoint with statistical


      significance in independent, well-controlled,


      replicate trials, with a favorable safety profile.




                The macular degeneration program consisted


      of 6 trials, 1,281 patients and over 10,000


      treatments at 117 sites in 21 countries.  The dose


      ranges that were studied ranged from 0.25 mg to 3


      mg per eye.




                These are the six trials.  EOP1003 and


      1004 are pivotal trials, sham-controlled,


      double-masked, randomized trials.  There were 622


      patients in the predominantly ex-U.S. trial and 586


      in trial 1004 in North America.  The other four,


      smaller trials were pharmacokinetic trials and


      open-label single or multiple dosing trials with,




      or without PDT, for the total exposed of 1,281.




                The Phase I/II program showed that


      pegaptanib appeared safe in all tested doses and


      regimens with no dose-limiting toxicities.  There


      were no unexpected retinal or choroidal


      abnormalities noted by angiography as read by an


      independent reading center.  As Tony mentioned,


      these trials established the dosing regimen based


      on pharmacokinetics.




                The study objective of the pivotal trials


      was to establish a safe and efficacious dose of


      intravitreous pegaptanib sodium in patients with


      subfoveal choroidal neovascularization secondary to


      age-related disease.




                The development of these pivotal studies


      was done in conjunction with our expert advisory


      panel, whose names are listed on this slide.




                The study design was two randomization,




      double-masked, sham-controlled, dose-ranging trials


      of pegaptanib 0.3 mg, 1 mg and 3 mg and sham.  The


      treatment regimen was every 6 weeks and the


      prespecified time point for the primary endpoint


      was 54 weeks.  PDT, photodynamic therapy, was


      permitted per the FDA-approved label at the masked


      investigator's discretion.  Since shams could have


      PDT, this represented a usual care control group.




                Independent monitoring was done both by an


      independent reading center that confirmed the


      eligibility prior to randomization, and an


      independent data safety monitoring committee, or






                These were the members of the IDMC.  It


      was chaired by Prof. Alan Bird, who is here with us






                Because of the biology of neovascular


      macular degeneration and the mechanism of action of


      pegaptanib, we designed a trial with a very wide




      range of inclusion criteria which included a broad


      range of visual acuities, 20/40 to 20/320, and


      broad angiographic criteria including all subfoveal


      angiographic subtypes; lesion sizes up to and


      including 12 total disc areas in size; greater than


      or equal to 50 percent of the total lesion size


      needed to be active choroidal neovascularization;


      and for minimally classic and occult disease


      subretinal hemorrhage and/or lipid and/or recent


      change in vision was necessary for inclusion.




                Ocular exclusion criteria included


      previous subfoveal thermal laser therapy, and to


      avoid older chronic cases any subfoveal scarring or


      atrophy or greater than or equal to 25 percent of


      the lesion being scarred or atrophic.  Causes of


      choroidal neovascularization other than age-related


      diseases were excluded, and if a patient had recent


      intraocular surgery or was thought to perhaps need


      cataract surgery in the near future, they also were


      excluded.  Finally, no more than one prior PDT


      treatment was allowed.






                The general exclusion criteria included a


      history or evidence of severe cardiac disease such


      as myocardial infarction within the last 6 months,


      ventricular tachyrhythmia or unstable angina;


      evidence of peripheral vascular disease; or


      clinically significant hepatic or renal


      dysfunction; or a stroke within the last 12 months.


      Our population, however, was very characteristic of


      your typical elderly population in that 50 percent


      of the patients had systemic hypertension; 25


      percent were on statins; and 20 percent had


      cardiovascular disease.




                Stratification at randomization included


      study center, a history of prior PDT use and


      angiographic subtype.




                Our primary efficacy endpoint, which was


      prespecified, was the percent of patients losing


      less than 15 letters from baseline to week 54, the


      same endpoint that was used for marketing approval




      of Visudyne.


                This is an ETDRS chart where 5 letters


      equal 1 line, and the 15-letter change or 3-line


      change represents a doubling of the visual angle


      which is a clinically meaningful change to an


      individual patient.




                Our primary endpoint used in


      intent-to-treat, or ITT, population included


      patients receiving at least one treatment and a


      baseline visual acuity measurement.  The last


      observation carried forward, or LOCF, was used to


      impute missing data.  We will also discuss


      supportive visual and angiographic endpoints, as


      well as exploratory or subgroup analyses.




                This table shows the various study visits.


      Of note, a telephone safety check was done 3 days


      after treatment.  Tonometry or measurement of


      intraocular pressure was done both before treatment


      and 30 minutes after, and fundus photography and


      fluorescein angiography was done at baseline and




      weeks 30 and 54.




                In order to preserve the integrity of the


      masking there were two physicians involved in the


      trial.  One physician administered the study


      treatment and the second physician was involved in


      any patient assessments or decisions.  Patients


      were also masked in that the sham procedure was


      identical to the active drug procedure except for


      the actual penetration into the vitreous.  This


      meant that they had application of a lid speculum,


      instillation of topical medications,


      subconjunctival anesthetic, and pressure against


      the globe using a needle-less syringe.


                The visual acuity examiners were also


      masked to both he treatment arm and also to


      previous vision assessments, and the reading center


      was not aware of the patient's treatment arm.




                This slide represents the patient baseline


      characteristics for both trials 1004 and 1003.


      What we can see in each trial is that the active




      doses and the sham are well balanced with respect


      to sex, age, initial visual acuity, angiographic


      subtype, prior use of PDT and lesion size.  The


      only difference between the two trials was that


      there was slightly more prior PDT use in trial


      1004.  That was the North American trial, and that


      was because Visudyne was approved and reimbursed


      earlier in the United States than in Europe.  Out


      of 9 possible injections, on average all patients,


      treated and sham, received 8.5 of the 9 injections,


      and overall there was about a 10 percent rate of


      discontinuation in the trial.




                We prespecified to use a Hochberg


      procedure to account for the multiple doses in this


      pivotal trial.  As per agreement with the FDA, it


      was decided to unmask study 1004 first--that was


      the trial that was recruited first, thus, the


      results were available earlier--in order to


      determine which doses to formally analyze in the


      study trial study, 1003.






                So, we proceeded to unmask the first


      trial, study 1004, and we found for the 0.3 mg dose


      67 percent of patients lost less than 15 letters


      compared to 52 percent of sham.  This hit our


      Hochberg adjusted p value at 0.0031.  Note that the


      1 mg dose had a similar response rate, about 66


      percent.  The p value was 0.0273.  The 3 mg


      response rate was higher than the shams at 61


      percent, however, it did not hit the necessary p






                For this reason, prior to unmasking the


      second trial, it was prespecified to the FDA that


      only the 0.3 mg and 1 mg doses would be formally


      analyzed in the second trial.  Then we proceeded to


      unmask the second trial, study 1003.




                This study showed replication of the


      findings of the first trial study, 1004, in that 73


      percent of the patients in the 0.3 mg dose,


      compared to 59 percent of sham, lost less than 15


      letters, again hitting our Hochberg adjusted p




      value of 0.0105.  Again, the response rate in the 1


      mg group was similar at 75 percent and a p value of


      0.0035, and the response rate in the 3 mg group was


      69 percent.  The p value you see here, 0.1252 was a


      nominal p value because we decided, as we


      mentioned, not to formally analyze it.




                So, we can look at the combined data and


      see that 70 percent of the 0.3 mg group, 71 percent


      of the 1 mg group and 65 percent of the 3 mg group


      lost less than 15 letters compared to 55 percent of


      the shams, and for all of these active treatment


      groups we had low nominal p values.


                It is important to emphasize that for the


      0.3 mg group we were able to show independent


      replication in two trials of a statistically


      significant effect in a prespecified clinically


      significant primary endpoint.




                I would like to turn now to some


      supportive visual angiographic analyses.  There are


      a variety of ways of looking at various visual




      outcomes that are standard for reassurance that the


      treatment effect for showing the primary endpoint


      is real.  As we will present, all of these analyses


      were in favor of pegaptanib which gives us


      confidence in this treatment effect.  Because the


      independent trials had the same protocol and


      demographics, and because we prespecified it in our


      statistical plan, we will present these as pooled






                This graph shows the percent responders


      over time.  What we can see is that we were able to


      show that the active treatment group had a


      treatment effect over sham not only at our primary


      endpoint at 54 weeks, but at every studied time


      point the active treatment group did better than


      the sham.




                This is a graph of mean change in visual


      acuity.  Again, the active treatment group is here,


      the sham or usual care group showing a progressive


      decrease in vision, and the difference at 54 weeks




      was approximately 50 percent in favor of the active


      treatment group.




                This treatment effect was early and


      sustained, by as early as 6 weeks, which was the


      first visit after the first injection the


      pegaptanib groups had already distinguished


      themselves from the controls and, as we can see


      here, the 0.3 mg and the 1 mg group had done that


      with the low nominal p value.  This sustained


      itself throughout the 54-week course of treatment.




                Sham eyes were twice as likely to suffer


      severe vision loss than actively treated patients,


      as shown in this graph of percent of patients with


      severe vision loss.  We can see the sham controls


      with severe vision loss compared to the


      active-treated groups.




                At week 54, again, there was a low nominal


      p value for the 0.3 mg and 1 mg group compared to


      sham, with progression to severe vision loss which




      is 30 letters or 6 lines.




                This also was seen for legal blindness in


      one eye, which is 20/200 or worse.  We again can


      see that more sham eyes progressed to 20/200 vision


      or worse compared to actively-treated groups.




                Patients on pegaptanib were also more


      likely to maintain and/or gain visual acuity.  This


      graph shows the prespecified endpoints of


      maintaining or gaining vision that is greater than


      or equal to zero lines gained, as well as greater


      than or equal to 3 lines gained.  These other two


      endpoints were not prespecified but we can see


      again in all cases a treatment effect for


      maintaining or gaining vision compared to sham.




                The next few slides will show the


      distribution of visual acuity change at baseline


      and compared to week 54.  Let's first look for the


      0.3 mg group.  This was the range of visual


      acuities at baseline.  Yellow is the 0.3 mg group




      and blue is the sham.




                After 54 weeks in the trial we can see


      that more patients in the 0.3 mg treated group than


      sham had good visual acuities and more patients


      with sham than treated patients had poorer visual


      acuity.  So, the shift in distribution was in favor


      of our 0.3 mg group, and the p value for this was


      less than 0.0001.




                The same is true, as we can see here, for


      the 1 mg group.  This is the baseline visual acuity


      distribution and at 54 weeks again we can see more


      1 mg treated patients than sham having relatively


      good visual acuities and more shams than treated


      eyes having poorer vision.  Again, this shift in


      distribution is in favor of the 1 mg group had a p


      value of less than 0.0001.




                Finally, we can see that for the 3 mg


      group also.  Here is the baseline distribution and


      at 54 weeks again more 3 mg patients had better




      visual acuities than shams, and more shams had


      poorer vision at the end of 54 weeks than the 3 mg


      treated patients.




                This is a graph of the cumulative


      distribution function of vision.  What it shows on


      the bottom is the change in visual acuity up to


      week 54 and the cumulative proportion on this axis.


      This shows the robustness of the data as it uses


      all of the data points for 54 weeks.


                What we can see first is this S-shaped


      curve.  This is the blue sham patients.  You can


      see here, for example, at minus 15--that is minus


      15 letters which was our primary endpoint, moderate


      for vision loss, and we see minus 30 which, as we


      talked about, represents severe vision loss, and we


      can see the zero or higher time point which


      represented maintaining vision.  What we can see is


      that, whether we are talking about preventing


      vision, maintaining vision or gaining vision, there


      has been a shift in distribution, a shift in the


      distribution of the sham patients in all active




      treatment arms to the right, suggesting benefit in


      all areas.  The area between the lines which


      represents this improvement was highly


      statistically significant for all three doses, for


      the 0.3 mg dose less than 0.0001; the 1 mg dose


      0.0001 again; and the 3 mg dose 0.0017.




                I would like to now turn to the


      exploratory or subgroup analyses.




                It is important to emphasize that this


      study was powered to test for statistical


      significance in the overall study population, that


      is, to test for the primary hypothesis or primary


      endpoint of all subjects.  Nevertheless, it is


      important to explore various baseline


      characteristics such as lesion composition, lesion


      size, baseline vision, age, sex and pigmentation of


      the iris.




                Despite a reduced ability to draw


      statistical conclusions because of decreased sample




      size, in some cases as small as 18 patients,


      multiple subgroup analyses which can both lead to


      false positives and negatives--despite this no one


      subgroup drove the overall effect, as we will show






                We will first look at the 0.3 mg and 1 mg


      doses as was described in the FDA briefing book.


      We have also analyzed and prepared the 3 mg dose


      and if people are interested later we can show you


      that.  We will present this using pooled data


      because it was prespecified and we will show the


      individual trials after.




                Here we can see for the pooled data at the


      0.3 mg dose that in all cases of all patient


      characteristics the 0.3 mg active treated group did


      better than sham.  This was for sex, age and,


      consistent with the biology of this disease and the


      mechanism of action of pegaptanib, for all


      angiographic subtypes, predominantly classic,


      minimally classic and occult, as seen here; also,




      initial baseline visual acuity, size of the lesion,


      race and pigmentation of the iris.




                Here we can see for severe visual


      loss--the first graph was moderate visual loss or


      primary endpoint, but we can see that the


      conclusions we made are supported by severe visual


      loss, or 6-line loss, 30-letter loss in this graph.


      The blue are the sham so all had more severe vision


      loss than actively treated 0.3 mg group for all


      patient characteristics.  So, this supports our


      primary analysis.




                Turning to the 1 mg group, we can see the


      same thing, that in all patient characteristics the


      1 mg group did better than sham.  Again, we can see


      that this information is supported by severe vision


      loss where, again, sham in all cases did worse than


      the actively treated 1 mg dose.




                Let's now turn to the individual trials.


      Individual trials which are under-powered




      inherently have more variability.  Nevertheless, we


      can make the same conclusion, that no one subgroup


      drove the overall efficacy.  Again, for trial 1004


      with the 0.3 mg group we can see the very small Ns,


      sample sizes, for some of these groups and, again,


      we can see support for using severe visual loss as


      another important clinical endpoint.




                For trial 1003, with the 0.3 mg dose we


      can see the same thing.




                For the 1 mg dose, again we can see, in


      trial 1004, that in all cases the treated groups


      did better than the controls and this was supported


      by the severe vision loss in 1004 again.




                And, in trial 1003, again, for moderate


      vision loss treated patients did better than the


      blue shams and support with severe vision loss


      where shams did worse than actively treated


      patients for progression to severe vision loss.






                In order to be sure there were no


      important subgroup relationships, we also performed


      a multiple logistic regression to identify any


      potential factors either influencing the outcome or


      modifying the treatment effect.  Subgroups and


      interactions of subgroups with treatment were






                These are some of the subgroups that we


      evaluated, age, angiographic subtype, use of PDT,


      sex, race, lesion size, status of


      smoker/non-smoker, subretinal hemorrhage, the


      fellow eye vision loss and lipid.




                We found for the 0.3 mg dose that no


      factors were identified as significant treatment


      effect modifiers for 0.3 versus sham, and no


      factors except treatment with pegaptanib were


      identified as significantly influencing the


      response, and this had a p value of 0.0003 in favor


      of treatment.






                For the 1 mg group we again found that no


      factors were identified as significant treatment


      effect modifiers versus sham, and for pegaptanib at


      1 mg there was a relationship between treatment


      with pegaptanib, again at 0.0001, and age which


      favored patients with less than 75 years of age.


      This is not to say that older patients did not do


      better.  It just said that there was a favor for


      younger patients even both appear to respond.




                What can we conclude from these


      exploratory or subgroup analyses?  First, we have


      shown that the treatment benefit appears


      well-distributed among a broad patient population.


      Second, the efficacy is not consistently


      concentrated in or absent from any particular


      patient subgroup.  No one subgroup drove the


      overall efficacy.




                The 0.3 mg dose represents the lowest


      studied efficacious dose and it met its primary


      efficacy endpoint with statistical significance in




      independent replicate trials, as we have shown you.


      The efficacy was substantiated in every clinically


      meaningful endpoint tested.  We have seen the


      secondary endpoints.  And, the 1 mg and 3 mg doses


      show no additional benefits over 0.3 mg.  Tony will


      shortly show you that there was no safety


      difference between 0.3 mg and 1 mg as well.


      However, theoretically we all know that a lowest


      dose yields the lowest systemic concentration.  So,


      the sponsor advisory board and independent data


      monitoring committee endorsed the 0.3 mg dose as a


      dose that should be selected.




                I would like to turn now to angiographic


      findings.  We have mentioned to you that we believe


      there are two mechanisms of action for pegaptanib,


      anti-angiogenesis and anti-permeability.  As I will


      now show you, we have anatomical confirmation for


      both mechanisms of action that support the visual


      findings we have shown you today.


                Let's first look at the anti-angiogenesis.


      Here is a patient in the trial with predominantly




      classic neovascularization that showed virtually


      complete regression.  The white large area is the


      neovascularization.  You can see it has almost


      completely regressed after 54 weeks of treatment.


      But this is one case.  So, let's look at the whole






                What we can see is that there was a


      decrease in the lesion size that had a low nominal


      p value in favor of active treatment for the 0.3


      and the 1 mg dose.  So, we have anatomical


      confirmation or support for anti-angiogenesis as a


      mechanism of action that supports the visual






                The second mechanism of action that we


      described was anti-permeability.  Here is another


      patient in the trial that had significant cystoid


      macular edema with neovascular disease.  We can see


      the cystoid-like patterns here.  This is a sign of


      a lot of permeability.  After 54 weeks of treatment


      we can see a great decrease in the permeability.






                Again, we can show that leak size over


      time was less for treated groups than for shams.


      The p values here are noted.




                In addition, we can look at the change in


      leakage to week 54 as a sign of anti-permeability


      action, and we can see that very similar to visual


      distribution curves I showed you earlier, we can


      see again that there was less leakage noted more


      often in actively treated 0.3 mg patients than in


      sham, and more leakage noted in shams than in


      actively treated eyes.  This change in distribution


      had a low nominal p value of 0.0004.  So, again we


      have anatomical confirmation for anti-permeability


      as an important mechanism of action that supports


      the visual findings.




                I would like to now turn to photodynamic


      therapy, or PDT.  I think it is first important to


      have a historical perspective of the use of PDT in


      this trial so you can understand some of the




      challenges we faced when we were designing this




                At the time of starting the trial PDT was


      available primarily in the U.S., and there were


      certainly ethical considerations that required that


      PDT be permitted in patients with predominantly


      classic disease.  However, the PDT usage pattern


      was not yet known.




                So, what we decided to do was to create


      very strict rules for the use of PDT in this trial.


      What that meant was that patients had to have


      predominantly classic disease and the masked


      physician--remember, we had two physicians--the


      masked physician determined if the patient was


      eligible for PDT per the FDA label and then whether


      that PDT was recommended for that individual


      patient.  If so, the treatment was administered per


      the FDA label.


                Now, to ensure that these strict rules


      were being followed, we had a reading center review


      the usage pattern and we found that 92 percent of




      the time the reading center agreed with the


      appropriate use of PDT in this trial.




                PDT use could occur three ways: prior to


      the study, at baseline, and post-baseline and,


      actually, any combination of the three.  It is


      important to emphasize that overall the use of PDT


      was extremely low.  Three-quarters of patients were


      never exposed to PDT in the study eye at any time


      in the time trial.




                Let's examine each one of these three


      scenarios in detail.  First let's talk about prior


      PDT which was stratified and was balanced at


      randomization.  Also, notice the small numbers


      again, emphasizing very little PDT use in the


      trial, 18-29 eyes in the various subgroups, but it


      was stratified and balanced.




                Baseline PDT is the second scenario, and


      the baseline PDT use was again very similar among


      the groups.  We can see here that for the active




      treated groups 10-13 percent of patients had PDT at


      baseline compared to 14 percent for shams and,


      again, look at the very small numbers, 31 to 40


      patients per subgroup.




                Finally, let's talk about post-baseline


      PDT use.  Now, it is important to mention that a


      meaningful analysis of potential post-baseline PDT


      effects on efficacy is limited to the inherent bias


      in the trial.  What I mean by that is, remember,


      the patients were never randomized to post-baseline


      PDT use.  In order to really assess the baseline


      PDT use we would have had to design a trial


      randomizing patients to PDT and baseline.  That


      wasn't this trial.  As an example of this, what is


      called the channeling bias, a patient with a poor


      response might be the patient that would be


      preferentially channeled to get PDT.  What this


      really means is that post-baseline PDT is an


      outcome variable.  So, for this reason, we must


      treat post-baseline PDT in a different way, as I


      will show you now.






                We need to ask was there increased PDT use


      in pegaptanib patients relative to sham that could


      suggest that some of the pegaptanib efficacy was


      derived from PDT?




                The answer to this question was no.  As we


      can see, there was no higher use of post-baseline


      PDT in active treated patients compared to sham.




                The second important question about


      post-baseline PDT use is was there an increase in


      the average number of PDT treatments in pegaptanib


      patients relative to sham?




                Again the answer is no.  As we can see


      again, there was no higher post-baseline PDT use in


      active treatment eyes compared to sham.




                The third important question, which will


      be addressed in detail in Tony's safety section, is


      was there evidence of any adverse events with the




      co-administration of photodynamic therapy and


      pegaptanib that could lead to a drug-to-drug


      interaction?  The answer is no--more on that in


      just a few minutes.




                In summary, pegaptanib met a clinically


      meaningful primary efficacy endpoint with


      statistical significance in replicate, independent,


      well-controlled clinical trials.




                I will now ask Tony to come up and discuss


      our clinical safety database.


                       Pegaptanib Clinical Safety




                DR. ADAMIS:  This is the entire safety


      database.  This includes the patients from the


      earlier Phase I/II trials.  What you see here is


      that the total clinical experience to date includes


      over 1,200 patients in over 10,000 treatments, of


      which 7,500 are intravitreous injections that we


      can monitor for the safety.  There is a slight


      imbalance that you will see in that there are more




      patients receiving 3 mg than 1 mg of 0.3 mg.  That


      is because that was the dose that was used


      throughout most of the Phase I/II program.  In


      addition, we gave doses of 0.25 mg and 2 mg in


      those earlier programs as well.




                The overall safety is shown here.  As


      regards any adverse events, you can see it is


      balanced between all treatment arms and sham.


      There is an imbalance in the serious adverse


      events.  These are largely injection related, and


      we will talk about those in depth in a moment.


                The discontinuations, you will note, due


      to adverse events are low.  They are one percent in


      both the treated and the sham arms.  Similarly, the


      death rate is balanced to two percent.




                Looking at the death rate just a little


      more closely, we can see that there is no evidence


      here of a dose response.




                Let's look at the most frequent non-ocular




      serious adverse events.  This is a busy slide but


      the thing to note here is, first, that there is


      good balance between the treated and the sham arms


      and, secondly, there is no clustering within a


      system organ class.  This is rather diffuse.  These


      conditions are age appropriate.  The mean age of


      this population is 77 years old that we studied.


      These people had a number of concomitant illnesses.


      Fifty percent of them had hypertension; 25 percent


      were on statins; 20 percent had cardiac disease.


      So, we believe it is representative of the






                We looked particularly for VEGF


      inhibition-related adverse events as these have


      been reported with other non-selective inhibitors


      given intravenously at higher doses.  We were happy


      to see that there were no signals here.  The most


      sensitive signal, the one that has been picked up


      with other non-selective inhibitors in smaller


      trials than ours, less powered but nevertheless it


      was evident, was hypertension.  You can see here




      that the rate of adverse events is 10 percent both


      in the treated and in the sham arms--no signal


      there for that very sensitive signal of VEGF


      inhibition.  Thromboembolic adverse events are


      similarly balanced, as are ischemic coronary artery


      disorders, heart failure and serious hemorrhagic


      adverse events.




                Why is it that we did not see any of these


      VEGF inhibition-related phenomena?  There is a


      number of reasons.  Some of these are theoretical,


      some are real but in aggregate they provide I think


      an argument.  Pegaptanib is, as I said, selective


      for VEGF 165 so the other major isoform 121 is


      never blocked.  So, all VEGF is never blocked with


      pegaptanib, even if you gave it at very large


      concentrations.  It just does not bind to VEGF 121.


                Secondly, the concentrations that we see


      when we put 0.3 mg in the eye are many orders of


      magnitude less in the plasma and those


      concentrations are below the inhibitory


      concentration that our models have told us both for




      in vitro and in vivo inhibition of VEGF.  So, we


      believe that these are levels that are below the


      ability of pegaptanib to affect VEGF levels in any


      sort of substantive way.


                Third, as I just said, there was an


      absence of sensitive VEGF inhibition signals, the


      most sensitive being hypertension which I showed


      you but also in our 1006 trial, where we looked


      carefully at proteinuria, again there is no


      evidence that this drug is inducing proteinuria in


      either our clinical population or in our


      preclinical models.


                Then, the report recently of


      thromboembolic adverse events occurring in cancer


      patients on chemotherapy and receiving Avastin--we


      think there are a couple of very different things


      about our population and that population that was


      studied.  Number one, cancer in and of itself


      predisposes patients to thromboembolic phenomena.


      They have indwelling catheters; they are bedridden;


      and the cancer itself alters the clotting system.


      Secondly, some chemotherapy has been shown to be




      vascular toxic, to be prothrombotic.  There is a


      published literature on that.


                So, add these two hits to the vasculature


      and then block all VEGF to prevent the endothelium


      from healing itself, one can have a theoretical


      basis for understanding now why thromboembolic


      phenomena may be more prevalent in a population


      with cancer and chemotherapy.  That is not age


      related macular degeneration.  This is a very


      different population that is not, by and large, on


      chemotherapy and do not have cancers.




                Let's look at the ocular adverse events.


      Again, this is a busy slide but we will talk about


      these events in a little more detail.  They are


      listed here, those that occurred greater than or


      equal to 10 percent of patients on either


      pegaptanib or sham.  You can see that there is a


      slight imbalance in eye disorders, and we will talk


      about these, and you see a number of various


      adverse events listed here.






                Let's talk about them in more detail,


      number one that was listed on the previous slide


      being eye pain.  These patients receive nine


      intravitreous injections over the course of a year.


      It is rather remarkable actually that two-thirds of


      them never reported a single instance of pain.  Of


      those patients, approximately the one third that


      did report pain, it was mild or moderate in


      character in 99 percent of them, and only one


      patient exited this trial describing an adverse


      event of pain.


                The other important thing to note here is


      that the eye pain in the sham arm, at 28 percent,


      was significantly higher than what is seen in the


      fellow eye, 2 percent.  So, some of this mild pain


      that these patients experienced--one conclusion you


      can draw is that it may be due to the preparative


      procedure prior to the injection of the drug.  As


      you recall, these patients have a speculum placed


      in the eye.  They have povidone-iodine scrub.  They


      have a subconjunctival anesthetic injection.  These


      things may have contributed to the lion share of




      the reports of pain which, again, was mild.  Then,


      obviously, there is a difference here.  The


      remainder of it here can well be ascribed to the


      actual intravitreous injection itself.


                Of those patients who reported pain, it


      was in a minority of their injections, two in both


      the treated and the sham arms, and the median time


      to resolution was two to three days which is the


      time of the follow-up phone call.




                With regard to vitreous floaters, there


      was more than an imbalance here.  It was 33 percent


      in the treated arms versus 8 percent in the sham.


      Again, there is a slight difference, 8 versus 1,


      between the sham eye and the fellow eye so some of


      this may be due to the preparative procedure but a


      large portion of it, the majority of it, is very


      likely due to the act of giving an intravitreous


      injection itself.  When giving a 90 mcL volume


      injection into the eye, in the average human a


      volume of 4 mL, you are displacing the vitreous and


      it is perhaps not surprising that as a function of




      that you are going to induce floater.  These


      floaters never were severe.  All of them were


      characterized as mild to moderate.  No patient left


      the trial because of floaters.  It was in a


      minority of injections, 1 to 2 injections, that


      these were reported, if they ever were reported,


      and the median time to resolution was 3 days in the


      treated arms versus 7 days in the sham arms.




                We looked at cataract very carefully.  We


      specifically looked at cataract in only the aphakic


      eyes.  One-third of these patients approximately


      were pseudophakic.  What we saw was that across all


      treatment arms there was a slight imbalance, with


      30 percent of the eyes having an adverse event of


      cataract versus 26 in the sham arm.  This slight


      imbalance may be partially explained by the fact


      that the phakic fellow eye also had a slight


      imbalance, 17 percent in the treated versus 15


      percent in the sham arms.


                But we looked at this a little more in


      depth.  The type of cataract that one would expect




      if this was due to a drug toxicity, the type that


      has been amply described in the literature, is


      posterior subcapsular cataract.  So, when we looked


      for that specific type of cataract grading, you can


      see there is zero difference.  It is 11 percent in


      both the treated and the sham arms.




                Nuclear cataract was similarly well


      balanced.  In fact, if you remove the eyes that


      were vitrectomized, which we will talk about in a


      minute, vitrectomy can cause a nuclear sclerotic


      cataract to accelerate.  This is 18 percent in both


      arms and there is, indeed, a slight imbalance in


      cortical of 18 versus 15 percent.


                One piece of objective data we have is


      that the vast majority of these patients came in at


      baseline with cataract and only 3 patients


      underwent elective cataract surgery over the 54


      weeks of the trial in the treatment arms.




                Anterior chamber inflammation was another


      adverse event.  You can see here that there is an




      imbalance slightly with 14 percent occurring in


      study eyes versus 6 percent in the sham eyes, and


      there were zero reports in the fellow eyes.  None


      of these cases of anterior chamber inflammation


      were characterized as severe.  All of them were


      mild to moderate and we believe they were largely


      due to the active intravitreous injection and not


      to the drug itself.  The reports of inflammation


      were all moderate and self-limiting and did not


      increase during the course of the trial.  In fact,


      there was a slight trend to decrease, arguing that


      there wasn't a sensitization to the molecule here,


      in fact, supporting that this was due to the


      injection itself.  The median time to resolution


      was 8-9 days, and no patient left the trial because


      of inflammation.




                We looked at interaction potentially with


      PDT and specifically at ocular adverse events.  You


      can see here that the majority of patients did not


      have the combination of PDT and pegaptanib, but of


      those who did we looked very carefully at the event




      rates and the important thing to consider here is


      the event rate difference in the sham arms


      plus/minus PDT, and does that difference change in


      any sort of meaningful fashion when the PDT is


      given together with pegaptanib.  The answer is that


      from these data there doesn't appear to be a


      difference in those two measures.  The same is true


      with vitreous floaters.  There is a slight


      difference here and there is really no difference


      here in the treatment arms.




                But let's look at it another way.  This


      assessment is looking to see if there was a report


      of an adverse event at any time during the 54


      weeks. For instance, if the patient had PDT at


      baseline but had an adverse event at 54 weeks it


      would be captured and presented in these data.  We


      thought we would try to look at this a little more


      carefully and see if there was a better temporal


      relationship.  So, now we are looking at data of


      patients who had PDT plus/minus 2 weeks around an


      injection of pegaptanib.  These events may more




      likely signify some sort of interaction and, again,


      there are no alarming signals here.


                When one looks at eye pain there is very


      little difference here and there is very little


      difference here between the sham and the treatment


      arms.  The same is true for corneal epithelium


      disorders.  For these two specific adverse events


      one can postulate a mechanism as to why that is.


      There is, you know, the povidone-iodine prep for


      the injection which can affect the epithelium and


      perhaps cause pain.  On top of that is a near


      temporal relationship the placement of a contact


      lens for doing the PDT, and one could understand


      why there might be a slight increase here.  Again,


      no patients dropped out because of any adverse


      events related to a combination of PDT and the use


      of pegaptanib.




                Now let's concentrate a bit on ocular


      serious adverse events.  The three most common we


      are going to discuss in detail here are


      endophthalmitis, retinal detachment and traumatic




      cataract.  The ones below occurred at a very low


      event rate.  When the narratives in the cases were


      looked at in depth there really did not appear to


      be an association with the use of pegaptanib so we


      will not discuss them further here unless you wish


      to discuss it later in the question and answer




                Endophthalmitis occurred in 12 patients


      over 54 weeks.  That translates to a relative risk


      of 1.3 percent of patients developing


      endophthalmitis over the course of one year of


      therapy.  So that we could compare our rate to the


      published literature this was converted to a per


      injection rate of 0.16 percent.  What we learned is


      that the rate that we saw is not an outlier; it is


      within the published norm and reported norm in


      cases of endophthalmitis in patients receiving


      intravitreous injected therapeutics.


                As important as the rate is what happened


      to these patients, what was the outcome.  One


      patient lost severe vision in this trial as a


      function of their endophthalmitis, 1/12, which




      translated to a rate of 0.1 percent over the course


      of the year.  Seventy-five percent of the patients


      who developed endophthalmitis elected to stay in


      the trial.


                Traumatic cataract--you can see there were


      five cases of it and there were five cases of


      retinal detachment, of which three were


      rhegmatogenous in nature.




                I show you here the specific details of


      all 12 cases of endophthalmitis.  What you can see


      here are the starting visions, the visions prior to


      the event, and the change in vision from just prior


      to the event which probably most accurately


      captures the visual loss related to the


      endophthalmitis itself.  What you can see is the


      one patient who lost 11 lines as severe vision




                Let me just tell you anecdotally what


      happened.  It was a protocol violation.  It turns


      out this patient had an active lachrymal sac


      infection prior to the development of the




      endophthalmitis and the injection of the mediation,


      and had an active lachrymal sac infection after the


      event of endophthalmitis.  The patient should never


      have been enrolled because that was an exclusion




                The other patients, as you can see, were


      treated aggressively and their visual outcomes tend


      to be perhaps a bit better than what you would


      expect for a case of endophthalmitis.  In fact,


      there are some patients here who gained one or two


      lines of vision.




                How were these patients diagnosed, and


      were we able to identify the endophthalmitis


      relatively early?  This slide shows you exactly


      what happened.  Three patients were identified in


      their follow-up phone call at days three-four post


      injection.  Eleven patients presented to their


      physician's office with complaints, and this


      happened between days two and five.  Two patients


      came in and were diagnosed in a routine follow-up.


      The endophthalmitis cases I am describing here are




      the 12 in the first year and the ones that have


      occurred subsequent to that which I am going to


      talk about.




                We have been following the endophthalmitis


      issue very carefully and I would like to provide


      you with an update on where we are beyond the


      54-week time period.  As I just said, in the first


      year 0.16 percent of injections, or 1.3 percent of


      patients, developed endophthalmitis.  In the


      second, and now some patients have entered the


      third year of this trial, there have been five


      additional cases as of July 31st of this year, and


      there has been one case in our Phase II diabetic


      macular edema trial.  So, if you look at the total


      now, it is 18 cases of endophthalmitis with a


      denominator of over 14,500 injections, and the rate


      now is reduced somewhat to 0.12 percent per




                In the first half of this trial when we


      saw the case reports of endophthalmitis we convened


      an expert panel of ophthalmologists and retinal




      specialists who work in the endophthalmitis area


      and we decided that we needed to heighten the


      awareness of the need for strict adherence to an


      aseptic protocol when one is giving an


      intravitreous injection.  In fact, there was a


      letter sent to IRBs and a formal protocol


      modification mandating the use of a sterile drape,


      of a speculum, of the use of povidone-iodine.  When


      we did these things and we analyzed what the


      potential effect could be, what we saw was that


      prior to that protocol modification being adopted


      at all sites between August of 2001 and May of 2003


      the rate was 0.18 percent, and after that protocol


      modification the rate has now fallen to 0.03




                Can we ascribe the decrease in the rate to


      the change in the protocol?  Not necessarily.


      There was more than one variable that was changing


      here.  At the same time that we instituted this


      protocol modification and heightened awareness


      about the aseptic technique there was a dramatic


      uptake in the number of intravitreous injections




      being given for off-label use in diabetic macular


      edema with steroids, triamcinolone in particular.


      So, the knowledge base and the experience of retina


      physicians increased rather dramatically at the


      same time that we saw a drop in our rates.




                The visual outcome for the cataract cases


      is shown to you here.  For the one patient who lost


      7 lines of vision, it was ascribed to progression


      of macular degeneration.  All of these patients, in


      fact, had successful cataract surgery.




                The visual outcome of the retinal


      detachment cases is shown here.  All of these were


      successfully repaired and you can see the cases of


      rhegmatogenous detachment which most likely were


      injection related.  The visual outcomes were quite






                Intraocular pressure was examined.  As I


      said earlier, it is not surprising if one injects


      90 mcL into a 4 mL closed space that you will see a




      transient rise in pressure.  In fact, in


      ophthalmology it is common with almost all


      procedures that pressure spikes tend to occur.


      Well, they occurred here and the transient rise in


      mean intraocular pressure at the first prespecified


      measurement, 30 minutes, was 2-4 mm across the


      treatment arms.


                It is important to note that the mean


      intraocular pressure returned to pre-injection


      levels one week following the injection, which was


      the next visit, and that 90 percent of patients,


      approximately 90 percent of patients, never had a


      spike above the prespecified threshold of 35 mm and


      any patient who did have a spike was not allowed to


      leave the physician's office till the pressure was


      below 30 mm.


                Very importantly, there was no evidence of


      a persistent increase in intraocular pressure over


      one year.  The drug did not seem to alter the


      outflow of the eye in any way.  In those patients


      who did have a spike, the question was if you had a


      spike was it because somehow the drug was altering




      the outflow mechanisms, and if that was the case


      you would expect to see an increased incidence


      during the course of the trial as it progressed.


      As the data show you here, that is not the case.


      It doesn't appear to increase over time and, in


      fact, may have been dropping slightly.




                This slide simply shows the mean


      intraocular pressure values over time for all three


      treatment arms and sham, again giving us some


      confidence that the drug is not inducing a rise in


      chronic IOP.




                We have a safety update for you regarding


      angiography.  Colored photographs and angiograms


      were looked at in the independent reading center at


      the University of Wisconsin.  We have looked at up


      to 97 percent now of our month 18 angiograms and 92


      percent of our two-year angiograms to get a sense


      of is there any evidence of cumulative toxicity.


      The results are that there is no evidence


      whatsoever of alterations in the normal retinal or




      choroidal vasculature as a function of the drug


      being in the eye now for up to two years, nothing


      that deviated from the natural history of


      age-related macular degeneration and no alterations


      in the normal vessels.




                The safety update, which was just


      concluded in the past week by the independent data


      monitoring committee, has reviewed 100 percent of


      the patients through month 18 of this trial and 97


      percent through month 24, and there have been no


      deviations from sort of the pattern of adverse


      events, the ones that we saw in the first year of


      the trial.  There have been no new safety concerns


      except perhaps for a slight increase in the number


      of retinal detachments.  There were 6 that were


      reported in the second year of this trial.




                To summarize the non-ocular safety, there


      was a very low discontinuation rate due to adverse


      events.  It was one percent and it was balanced in


      the treated and the sham arms.  Non-ocular serious




      adverse events appeared to be similar in rate and


      character between pegaptanib and sham, and the


      mortality rate, as you saw, for the 77 year-old


      population was similar between pegaptanib and sham.




                As regards ocular safety, I think what we


      can conclude is that the majority of the ocular


      adverse events were judged to be procedure related.


      They were transient and mild in character and


      largely self-limiting.  There was a low


      discontinuation rate due to ocular adverse events


      and the serious adverse events were infrequent.


      They were rarely associated with severe vision loss


      and were mostly procedure related.  Finally, there


      were mild transient and predictable, manageable


      increases in intraocular pressure but no evidence


      of a long-term rise in intraocular pressure.




                At this point Prof. Don D'Amico, who is a


      practicing retinal specialist at the Massachusetts


      Eye and Ear Infirmary, will come and discuss the


      risk/benefit profile for pegaptanib.




                    Pegaptanib Benefit/Risk Profile


                DR. D'AMICO:  Thank you, Dr. Adamis.  Dr.


      Dunbar, members of the advisory committee, ladies


      and gentlemen, with your permission I would like to


      introduce myself a little more fully and my


      perspectives so that you can have the clearest


      context in which to place my remarks.




                With regard to this study, while it was in


      progress I was invited to be a member of the safety


      committee and later became its chair.  At the


      conclusion of the study I was asked to be a member


      of the scientific advisory board.  I perform a


      virtually identical role for the Alcon Corporation,


      chairing their safety committee in the evaluation


      of their anecortave product.  I also advise them on


      surgical themes and instrumentation as well.


      Finally, I am a consultant to the Iridex


      Corporation serving as a member on the safety


      committee for the transpupillary thermotherapy


      trials and their PTAMD or laser for drusen trial.


      I hold no equity in any of these companies nor any




      of their competitors.




                I would like to also share four


      perspectives that will inevitably influence my


      remarks and may be helpful to you also in your


      evaluations.  First, of course, I was a member of


      the pegaptanib safety committee.  Secondly, I have


      had a career-long laboratory, as well as clinical,


      interest in endophthalmitis and the effects of


      administration of intravitreal medications.  I am,


      as introduced, an academic in the field of retinal


      diseases and therapy.  But perhaps most importantly


      and most germane is that I have a very active


      retinal practice at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear


      Infirmary and care for many patients with macular






                As has been said, neovascular AMD is quite


      a source of human suffering.  At the 20/40 level of


      visual acuity driving privileges frequently become


      impossible for a patient.  At 20/80 or worse


      difficulty is even present in trying to read large




      print.  And, 20/200 or worse is a commonly accepted


      level of definition of legal blindness at which it


      is difficult to recognize faces and independent


      function is threatened.




                How extant is this problem in the world


      today?  In a very careful meta-analysis of the most


      comprehensive studies recently reported by the Eye


      Diseases Prevalence Research Group, they looked at


      studies in the United States, Western Europe and


      Australia over an 11-year period.




                Based on their analysis, it is the leading


      causes of blindness in U.S. adults in patients aged


      40 years or older.  You see that slightly over half


      are due to age-related macular degeneration.




                They then applied their model to the U.S.


      Census data for both 2000 and projected to the


      future.  In a morning filled with numbers, I will


      spare you all the numbers here, but using a


      definition of 20/200 or worse as blind and 20/40 or




      worse as visually impaired, there are 3.3 million


      Americans with visual impairment today.  In the


      future there will be approximately 5.5 million


      American with visual impairment at some level,


      again slightly over half, due to age-related


      macular degeneration.  So, it is clearly a problem.




                As such, it merits our highest attention


      as physicians, researchers, etc. to try to find


      treatments and even cures.  This slide is color


      coded and it lists the candidate therapies for


      neovascular subfoveal age-related macular


      degeneration.  Therapies which have demonstrated


      effectiveness in replicate clinical trials are


      shown in yellow.  We have laser photocoagulation,


      photodynamic therapy with Visudyne and the data you


      have just heard on pegaptanib.  The great majority


      of interventions are listed in white, which


      indicates ongoing study with various degrees of


      promise, and it includes surgical options, as you


      see here and a variety of other laser treatments,


      as well as other pharmaceuticals, many of which are




      nearing the end of their clinical trials.  There


      are also some abandoned therapies that were


      ineffective and combination strategies, as you see


      in the lower right, are becoming of increasing






                Looking at the established therapies,


      there are two.  One is photocoagulation with


      thermal laser which has been effective in


      extrafoveal, juxtafoveal and subfoveal lesions.


      However, in subfoveal lesions this therapy has been


      abandoned due to the immediate destruction of


      central vision following treatment and is no longer


      in clinical use. Photodynamic therapy with Visudyne


      is approved for subfoveal predominantly classic






                In addition, evolving clinical practice,


      in a hope to provide improved care for patients


      with macular degeneration, has led to a new


      accommodation therapy which has become widespread.


      That is the combination of a PDT treatment with




      Visudyne in association with an intravitreous


      induction of triamcinolone in the peri-PDT period.


      This treatment has had some very promising early


      pilot results but the literature is quite minimal


      at present.  Nevertheless, it has become a common


      treatment in clinical practice.




                Intravitreous injections are quite common


      in my world as a retinal specialist.  They were


      employed and were actually the pathway to great


      success in the therapy of endophthalmitis, and are


      still continued widely in use for that indication.


      We also utilize intravitreal injection as a


      treatment of retinal detachment, as well as


      administering agents for CMV retinitis.  However,


      there has been great expanded use recently in


      office practice of intravitreal injections as


      regards the use of triamcinolone acetodine for


      diabetic macular edema, retinal vein occlusions,


      uveitis, as I have just mentioned, in association


      with photodynamic therapy.






                Pegaptanib represents the potential for a


      new approach, a pharmacotherapy, and what are the


      advantages of pharmacotherapy?  They are both


      general and specific.  In general, pharmacotherapy


      offers the prospect of treatment at a molecular


      level with improved targeting of the disease


      process and, more importantly, limitation of the


      collateral damage that invariably occurs with


      larger scale interventions such as surgery or




                Pegaptanib quite specifically is based on


      very extensive basic science into the most widely


      accepted, central disease processes in AMD, namely


      neovascularization and leakage, with consistency


      across multiple experimental models and studies.




                As a member of the safety committee, we


      looked for three specific areas in great detail.


      One, were there any potential systemic side effects


      from receiving an anti-VEGF medication?  Secondly,


      were there intraocular drug-related side effects


      from this VEGF medication?  Thirdly, were there any




      mechanical side effects or complications from the


      intravitreal injection procedure itself?




                We did find serious ocular adverse events


      related to the injection procedure.  As you have


      heard, there were 12 cases of endophthalmitis.


      This incidence rate is quite comparable to that in


      published series for intravitreal injection with


      the other forms of intravitreal injection therapy


      that I have mentioned previously.  One of these


      patients had severe visual loss.  Nine of the


      patients continued in the study and elected to


      continue receiving study medication.  Finally,


      after protocol modifications, the incidence is


      clearly trending downward.


                There were five cases of retinal


      detachment, which were repaired and some were


      related to the underlying macular degeneration


      itself.  Traumatic cataract was seen in five cases


      and all were surgically repaired without sequelae.




                So, in these 22 serious ocular events, we




      considered them in the context of 7,545


      intravitreous injections performed in 1,190


      patients by 117 centers worldwide, and many of


      those centers had more than one injector.  We felt


      that this denominator indicated substantial safety


      for this procedure.


                We also found no evidence of systemic side


      effects, no evidence of ocular drug-related side


      effects, and the majority of other adverse events


      were mild and transient within the eye.  The


      serious ocular adverse events were infrequent and


      manageable.  So, we concluded that there was a very


      favorable safety profile that, in addition, may be


      further improved by education and additional






                If we look at severe vision loss, again to


      understand the context of these adverse events, if


      a patient presented to the trial and received sham,


      that is, usual care, there was a 22 percent risk


      per year of suffering severe visual loss.  When


      they were enrolled in the pegaptanib group that




      risk was reduced to 9.5 percent per year.




                In the endophthalmitis, retinal detachment


      and cataract serious ocular events that we saw, the


      risk of severe vision loss, that is 6 or more lines


      of vision, was 0.1 percent, indicating substantial


      order of magnitude less risk from endophthalmitis


      than from the real problem here which is the


      macular degeneration itself.




                Regarding efficacy, you have heard a


      detailed presentation and I will just summarize.


      There was significant reduction in moderate and


      severe vision loss compared with sham.  There was


      promotion of vision stability and gain in a


      proportion of patients.  There was efficacy with


      broad-based entry criteria including a range of


      subfoveal neovascular AMD lesions.  And, the


      benefit of intravitreous pegaptanib therapy was


      early and sustained.




                As we have seen, in this slide baseline




      visual acuity is on the left.  Sham is indicated in


      purple and pegaptanib in grey.  At 54 weeks there


      is a definite shift in the 0.3 pegaptanib group to


      preservation of better vision on the left of this


      chart compared to the visual acuities observed with






                I am not a biostatistician but I will try,


      for myself and for all of us, to place these


      results in some kind of a wider context.  What


      could this mean?  No one knows exactly how many new


      subfoveal neovascular lesions occur a year, but


      120,000 per year of new treatment-eligible patients


      is probably a reasonable estimate.  If those


      patients were to behave similar to the gathered


      group enrolled in this trial, we could make some


      statements, and here they are:


                Pegaptanib potentially prevents severe


      vision loss, that is a loss of 6 or more lines of


      vision, in 15,000 additional patients per year in


      the United States compared with usual care, based


      on a 57 percent reduction in the rate of severe




      vision loss with pegaptanib.




                Secondly, reaching a level of 20/200 or


      worse within the treated eye, we could call that


      blindness in the treated eye.  Pegaptanib


      potentially prevents treated-eye blindness in an


      additional 22,800 patients per year in the U.S.,


      again compared with usual care, based on a 38


      percent reduction in the rate of treated-eye


      blindness with pegaptanib.




                In conclusion, from the perspectives


      available to me and now available to you, I have


      concluded that pegaptanib will have a significant


      impact on AMD in regard to both individual patients


      with AMD lesions that would become amenable to


      treatment and, secondly, in its effects on visual


      function and its preservation in the aging U.S.




                The positive results in this trial


      indicate the beginning, and not the limit, of


      pharmacotherapy for AMD.  I agree with the




      sponsor's recommendations that the benefits of


      pegaptanib therapy for AMD strongly outweigh the


      risks.  Thank you.


                          Committee Discussion


                DR. DUNBAR:  Thank you to the sponsor and


      Drs. Guyer, Adamis and D'Amico.  At this point I


      would like to open the floor for discussion and


      questions for the sponsor from the committee


      members, and ask that you will speak your name into


      the microphone as you ask each question.  Are there


      any questions from the committee members?  Dr.




                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Yes, I don't know much


      about the disease and the patients that were


      recruited for the two trials so, please, bear with


      me.  Could patients have AMD in both eyes?  I mean,


      roughly what proportion of patients that were in


      the trials had that situation?


                DR. GUYER:  In general, for neovascular


      age-related macular degeneration usually one eye


      becomes active at a time.  If the patient lives


      long enough, they often will get it in the second




      eye.  In this particular trial the investigator


      would choose--in a very few number of cases where


      there would be active disease that was eligible for


      the trial, the doctor would make that decision.  If


      we look at slide D-82--




                --here we can see some of the baseline


      characteristics.  In two-thirds of the patients


      this was the worse eye that was treated.  Again, no


      patient was treated in both eyes at the same time.


      But in the lifetime of a patient there could be


      some overlapping times where they have an active


      lesion and the second one becomes active.  Some


      patients are fortunate enough not to get it in


      their second eye but, unfortunately, if they live


      long enough many will.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Pulido?


                DR. PULIDO:  A superb presentation; very


      interesting results.  Just two questions.  Number


      one, glaucoma was not an exclusion criterion in the


      study.  So, some of the patients had glaucoma and




      AMD.  Do you have any data as to the effect of


      chronic injections on the small subgroup of


      patients that had glaucoma?


                DR. GUYER:  I will let Tony answer that.


                DR. ADAMIS:  We were interested in that


      question as well.  Slide OS-31.




                We looked specifically at patients with a


      history of ocular hypertension and/or glaucoma, and


      then followed their pressures throughout the entire


      54 weeks.  What we saw was that there was no change


      in their intraocular pressure as a function of




                DR. PULIDO:  The other question probably


      is to you as well.  There are some recent


      articles--here is one from Nature, May: VEGF


      delivery with retrograde transported Lentivector


      prolongs survival in a mouse ALS model.  Here is


      another one: mural protection of ischemic brain by


      VEGF is critically dependent on proper dosage.


      Here is another one.  So, we have gone under the


      assumption that VEGF and VEGF 165 is specifically a




      cytokine for angiogenesis, but there is more data


      to show that there is an independent effect


      directly on neural tissue, separate from its


      angiogenic effect.  ERG was not a part of this


      trial.  You did some ERGs on some dogs, from what I


      saw here.  I don't know how many, how long, etc.


                So, considering the neuroprotective


      effect, from your data--it is wonderful--that the


      angiogenesis is important, critical to take care of


      this significant problem in patients.  But my


      concern is the long-term chronic dosaging


      considering that there is an independent effect of


      VEGF as a neuroprotective agent.


                DR. ADAMIS:  As always happens in science,


      what seems very straightforward becomes more


      complex, and what you quote is absolutely correct.


      I think that is Peter Carmeliet's paper in Nature.


      But what has been learned in about the last five


      years is that neural cells have VEGF receptors and


      VEGF may be neuroprotective for certain tissues.


      Certainly, in the ALS model that is the most


      convincing story to date.  Whether the effect is




      direct or not is still being debated in the


      scientific world, but it may well be direct because


      of the VEGF receptor on the neural cells.


                We were interested in this as well.  Even


      before we got into the scientific question as part


      of our preclinical safety testing, there was a


      9-month dog study where the dogs received 3 mg


      injections every 2 weeks bilaterally.  Then they


      had ERGs done and there were no abnormalities seen


      there.  So, that gives us a little bit of comfort


      but, more importantly, recently we examined this


      issue and looked specifically at the isoform story.


      We presented a paper at ARVO last spring where we


      showed that in a model of retinal ischemia if one


      gives a pan-isoform, non-selective VEGF inhibitor,


      you can in fact induce some neural apoptosis.  But


      when we gave pegaptanib in the exact same setting


      there was no induced apoptosis.  So, again getting


      at this thesis, the important thing with pegaptanib


      I think is that you are sparing some VEGF to allow


      it to have its physiological or perhaps these


      rescue functions that can occur in the eye.  So,




      that gave us an additional measure of comfort that


      we are not going to have neural toxicity.


                DR. PULIDO:  But the question still arises


      have you done long-term ERG studies on these




                DR. ADAMIS:  Oh, I am sorry, no, we have


      not done those in these patients.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Mr. Kresel?


                MR. KRESEL:  My disclaimer is that I am


      not a statistician and so I am not sure if this is


      even an appropriate way to ask this but I am going


      to ask it anyway.  You did a great job of looking


      at endophthalmitis which, you know, obviously is


      one of the things that people have concern about,


      and referred to a decrease in patients that was


      only five cases in years two and three.  My


      question is how many patients continued therapy


      that far?  So, did the number of patients decrease


      and, therefore, the percent not go down?  Because


      what we saw is a cumulative number that, of course,


      did go down.


                DR. ADAMIS:  It is a fair question.  The




      number of patients was decreased in the second


      year.  That is why the metric we used was on a per


      injection basis.  That accounts for any loss of


      patients and those were the rates that I presented


      to you today.  So, on that basis it does go down.


      Slide 129.




                Just to show you the data, you can see


      that prior to the amendment on a per injection


      basis it was 0.18 percent, and then post the


      amendment it was 0.03 percent but with that


      additional confounding variable of a lot of


      off-label steroid injections going on.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Gates?


                DR. GATES:  In the context of the cases of


      endophthalmitis, could you expand on the initial


      injection technique versus some of the changes that


      you made secondarily?  Because draping oftentimes


      means different things to different people.


                DR. ADAMIS:  Correct.  The details of the


      injection procedure are on a slide but let me see


      if I can recite them from memory for you, the




      changes.  There was a requirement for the


      installation of an antibiotic drop or dilated


      povidone-iodine prior to the amendment.  Then,


      after the amendment the drape that was specified is


      a clear plastic one that adheres around the lids


      and the lashes, and then the placement of the


      speculum, and then also asking for a


      povidone-iodine flush to be done, and then patients


      received postoperative antibiotics.  So, what we


      tried to instill there was a sense of uniformity in


      the procedure.  There was more latitude prior to


      that.  Those were the changes, to the best of my


      memory, that were instituted.


                DR. DUNBAR:  We have more than one-year


      data, but would you anticipate that the patients


      will continue every six-week intravitreal


      injections for the rest of their lives?


                DR. ADAMIS:  That is an important


      question.  It is one of the questions we ask in the


      second year of the design.  We want to know,


      obviously, about the safety in the second year and


      then an important question was do people need to be




      on this for the second year.  So, the trial design


      is one of randomized discontinuation to try to get


      to an answer as regards that very important


      question, do people need another nine injections?


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Lehmer?


                DR. LEHMER:  I noticed in the data that


      most of the p values were significant, at least in


      the graphs and the tables, for the 0.3 mg and the 1


      mg doses, and for the higher dose there was less


      incidence, at least in the tables and graphs, of


      statistically significant levels.  Are there any


      conclusions you have drawn about that?  Is more not


      better, etc.?


                DR. GUYER:  It is a great question and


      obviously one we spent a great deal of time


      analyzing.  There really is no definite answer to


      why the 3 mg, as you mentioned, perhaps appeared


      not to do as well.  Slide E-51, please.




                There is one possible explanation that we


      have looked at.  This shows the mean change in


      vision over time for each individual trial.  On the




      left is study 1004, on the right is study 1003.


      What you can see is that in one of the trials,


      1004, this is the 3 mg dose, this is the 0.3 mg and


      1 mg dose, going head-to-head pretty throughout.


      Of course, here is the usual care sham.  It seemed


      that the 3 mg dose in one of the trials didn't seem


      to do quite as well as the other two active


      treatments--still doing better than the sham.  In


      1003 you can see that actually all three doses


      seemed to do equivalently.


                So, one possibility is, you know, six


      different events, three doses, two trials, one out


      of six times by chance, it is possible that the 3


      mg dose didn't do as well.  Of course, as you


      mentioned, all of these clinical parameters,


      secondary parameters, etc., are all dependent on


      the other.  That is one explanation.


                The thing that we do know, however, is


      that the 0.3 mg dose, which represents the lowest


      efficacious studied dose, clearly hit the primary


      endpoint in replicate trials and showed consistent


      behavior throughout the trials.  Because of safety




      issues, theoretical safety issues, we believe that


      the 0.3 mg dose has met the requirements to be an


      effective treatment here.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Miller?


                DR. MILLER:  Thank you.  In terms of the


      number of patients that have been in the trials,


      are you comfortable or is the model sufficient


      enough to tell us that there are no adverse risks


      related to the population?  For example, with Vioxx


      we now know that after a period of time there are


      now people that are coming up with cancer, that it


      is causing cancer in some of them.  Have you given


      it to enough patients so that you would know if


      there were rare cases where other problems would be




                DR. ADAMIS:  The population studied was


      large in that it was 1,200 patients, large for an


      ophthalmology trial.  But for very rare events, and


      this is a problem faced with all clinical trials,


      that show up in patients on the order of one in


      every 10,000 or so, you just don't have the power


      in these types of trials to detect in a very




      air-tight manner those signals.


                That being said, with the power we have,


      and we do have some significant power according to


      the guidelines Dr. Chambers talked about earlier,


      we were happy to see with all three doses that


      there wasn't any evidence of toxicity, either


      systemically or in the eye, related to the drug.


      But we will never know with absolute certainty for


      those very, very rare events.


                DR. MILLER:  Thank you.


                DR. GUYER:  Also as Dr. Chambers


      mentioned, Dr. Miller, the fact that we had a


      higher dose, 10 times higher than the dose that we


      believe is the correct dose, gives us some comfort


      that a dose 10 times higher has been studied in


      many patients.  So, that gives us more comfort than


      in many other trials.


                DR. MILLER:  Thank you.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Ms. Knudson?


                MS. KNUDSON:  I was just curious about the


      necessity for pregnancy tests and two forms of


      birth control when your animal data indicated no




      problems and you are dealing with a very elderly


      population.  What was the necessity for this?


                DR. ADAMIS:  That is the miracle of modern


      medicine.  There are people over age 50 having


      babies.  It happens rarely but, you know, in this


      case one can't be overly cautious so that was the


      reason for that.


                MS. KNUDSON:  Two forms of birth control?


                DR. ADAMIS:  That is the standard protocol


      in clinical trials.




                MS. KNUDSON:  Did you pay for them?


                DR. ADAMIS:  I don't know.  I will find






                DR. DUNBAR:  Are there any additional


      questions?  Dr. Steidl?


                DR. STEIDL:  Thank you for a superb


      presentation.  I think I understand some of the


      rationale behind the 15-letter vision loss, the


      primary endpoint.  I understand the comparison to


      PDT.  Most of my patients, when I say "you have




      only lost two lines of vision; this is a success,"


      you know, they are not too happy with that, nor to


      they agree with me.


                I guess one of the things that I really


      wanted to know, there was, I guess as far as I


      could see, only one paragraph devoted to quality of


      life.  Of course, if a patient has one bad eye they


      may notice more in the treated eye than if the


      other eye is 20/20, but I am just curious what your


      feelings are, your comfort is with this.  As


      physicians, we often think it is good for the


      patient but, you know, in terms of the patient's


      perspective on this what have you gotten from your




                DR. ADAMIS:  Sure.  First, I would also


      mention that this difference, as we mentioned


      earlier, is against a usual care control and


      actually provides for approximately three-quarters


      of patients the only positive one-year data.  So,


      we think that that is very, very important, in


      addition to the fact that the primary endpoint was


      supported by every secondary visual angiographic




      endpoint that we saw.  So, that gives us great


      confidence in our endpoint.  Slide number Q-2,






                We agree that it is very important to look


      at quality of life measurements, and we did using


      the NEI-VFQ25 which, as many of know, is a


      validated measure.  It was only measured in one of


      the trials, in trial 1004 which was the North


      America trial.  Because validated foreign language


      versions were not consistently available we did it


      in just the one trial.  For that reason, we were


      significantly under-powered.  We could not pool the


      data.  The results were not statistically


      significant but there were trends that favored


      pegaptanib treatment.  As I said, it was


      under-powered really to detect the small but


      potentially meaningful differences between groups.


      Slide Q-3.




                We can see some of these differences.  It


      is important to mention that a 5 or more difference




      in the LS mean is considered potentially to be


      meaningful.  So, anything between 0 and 5 is


      probably not meaningful.  What you can see here are


      5 data points that hit that 5 level for the 0.3 mg


      dose, and this has to do with color vision,


      peripheral vision, distance vision, social


      functioning and role limitations.  So, these strong


      trends, despite a very under-powered sample, give


      us some confidence that the QOL, very much as the


      angiography and the other secondary visual


      endpoints, also supports the primary endpoint, and


      we are getting significant benefit for these


      patients, not, as you say, just measuring on an eye


      chart, but actually benefit that is important to


      them in the real world to help them get around.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Thank you very much.  At this


      point we will take a 15-minute break and begin


      again at 10:30.


                [Brief recess]


                DR. DUNBAR:  We will begin the agency


      presentation by Dr. Jennifer Harris.


                            FDA Presentation




                DR. HARRIS:  Good morning.




                I am Dr. Harris and I was the primary


      medical reviewer for Macugen.




                I am not going to repeat everything that


      the sponsor has presented to you; I am just going


      to try and bring up the salient points to try and


      give you an idea of how we went through the


      application and what we thought was important to


      present this morning.


                I will go briefly over the study design;


      the efficacy results for each individual study so


      you can see what replicated itself and what did not


      replicate itself; conclusions about the efficacy; a


      safety overview of the combined study, the pooled


      study overview.  There are a couple of specific


      safety concerns that we want to talk about a little


      bit more and the sponsor discussed a little bit


      this morning but we just wanted to go over those


      again.  Then conclusions about the safety and then


      we are going to briefly go through the questions




      that we are going to pose to the advisory committee


      and, of course, you will see them again after






                Again, there were two Phase III studies,


      1003 which was an international study, and 1004


      that was done predominantly in North America.




                Both trials were randomized,


      double-masked, sham-controlled as you have heard,


      dose-ranging, multicenter trials.  Within the


      trials patients received intravitreous injections


      of either 0.3, mg, 1 mg or 3 mg every 6 weeks for


      54 weeks.  These trials were actually 2 years in


      duration.  The data that we will be looking at


      today is only from the first year of the trial.  At


      the 54-week time period these patients were






                This is just a little schematic, just to


      show you where we are.  We are at week 54 and this


      is the data that you will be seeing.  The two-year




      data is probably sometime soon I think, this month


      or next month.  This is not the data you will see






                Subjects that were enrolled in these


      trials were over the age of 50.  They had subfoveal


      choroidal neovascularization secondary to AMD.  The


      total lesion size was less than 12 disc areas, and


      greater than 50 percent of the lesions had to be


      active CNV.  The best corrected visual acuity had


      to be between 20/40 and 20/320.  These patients, as


      you have heard, were allowed to have PDT before


      entering into the trial and they were also allowed


      to have PDT during the trial.  Prior to the trial


      they could not have had anymore than one prior


      photodynamic therapy treatment, and the patients


      could not have had any previous subfoveal laser






                The primary efficacy endpoint, again, was


      a proportion of patients who lost less than 15


      lines of visual acuity from baseline at 54 weeks. 




      Those are considered responders.  Secondary


      efficacy endpoints were the proportion of patients


      gaining greater than 15 letters of vision,


      proportion of patients gaining more than zero


      letters of vision, and a mean change in visual






                Just to give you an idea of the subject


      disposition, there are approximately 612 patients


      in the 1003 study that were randomized to


      treatment.  Approximately 53 percent of these


      patients discontinued.  As you can see, it was


      pretty well distributed.  The treatment groups were


      consistent, with approximately 10 percent or so of


      patients discontinuing in each of the treatment






                For the second study, 1004, we see the


      same thing.  The distribution of patients enrolled


      was approximately the same in each treatment group,


      including sham and, again approximately 10 percent


      or so of the patients discontinued therapy.






                I am showing you this, not that I think


      that you can probably read it but just to give you


      an idea of who was enrolled and to show you really


      that the groups were well balanced.  They were very


      well balanced between all three active treatment


      arms, including the sham.  The demographics of


      patients that were enrolled in the 1003 trial were


      consistent with patients who actually had the




                I also wanted you to note down at the


      bottom that patients with all subtypes of


      neovascular AMD were enrolled.  There was a


      substantial number of patients with predominantly


      classic and occult lesions that were enrolled in


      the trial.




                The same thing can be seen for study 1004


      where the groups, again, were well balanced, were


      representative of the population in which the


      disease was seen and, again, all three subtypes of


      neovascular AMD were represented.






                Now I will go into the efficacy results.


      Before we go to the efficacy results I want to just


      put up this slide to show you how corrections were


      made in the p value.  As we went into the Phase III


      trials we did not go into these trials with one


      optimal dose and, therefore, you know if you have


      one optimal dose, one time point, you look at the


      0.05 value and you can determine whether the drug


      works or not.  We went into the Phase III trials


      and we had three different doses so we had to find


      a way to correct for that.  A decision was made to


      use the Hochberg procedure to actually control for


      these multiple comparisons.


                With the Hochberg procedure, each of the


      treatment groups was compared to sham and if all


      three of the p values were less than 0.05, then we


      were considered to have three active doses.  If


      not, if two of the p values were less than 0.025,


      then we had two active doses.  Or, if one of the p


      values was less than 0.0167, then we had one active


      dose.  If none of these criteria were met, then we




      had no active doses.  So, as you go through the


      results you may see some 0.05 or even 0.025 and


      that may or may not mean that that was actually


      statistically significant.




                This is the primary efficacy result for


      study EOP1004.  As you will see, at month 12 for


      the 0.3 mg dose there was approximately 67 percent


      treatment effect versus 53 percent of the sham


      group.  This was a statistically significant


      result, with a p value of 0.016.  Again, the actual


      treatment effect is about 14 percent over sham.


      The 1 mg group did show that there was a 67 percent


      treatment effect versus 53 in sham.  However, this


      did not meet our pre-required p value.




                For study 1003 we have similar results


      and, again, the 0.3 mg group shows approximately a


      73 percent treatment effect versus 60 percent of


      sham, with a p value of 0.01.  In this trial it was


      also seen that the 1 mg group was also


      statistically significant with a 75 percent




      treatment effect versus 60 percent.


                So, it appears that both the 0.3 mg and


      the 1 mg group have approximately a 15 percent


      treatment effect over sham, with the 0.3 mg


      replicating its results in both trials and the 1 mg


      dose did not replicate these results.




                You have seen this graph before.  This


      shows you what was happening to the patients'


      visual acuity in study 1004 throughout the first


      year of the study.  What we see is that all


      patients continued to lose vision in all treatment


      groups, including sham, throughout the first year


      of the study.  That being said, it does appear that


      the patients in the sham group lose vision at a


      higher rate than those in the other three active


      treatment groups.




                In study 1003 we see the same thing.  All


      patients continued to lose vision throughout the


      first year of study on active treatment and in


      sham, but those patients in the sham group appeared




      to lose vision at a faster rate than those in the


      Macugen treatment group.




                We have a chart similar to the sponsor's


      in that we looked at a subgroup analysis.  The


      reason why we do that is to make sure there isn't


      one particular group that is actually driving the


      results.  As we see in this chart for study 1004,


      if we look at all the subgroup analyses that were


      done, the type of AMD, color of the irises, the


      lesion size, baseline demographics and male/female,


      what we see is that for each subgroup analysis the


      0.3 mg group shows a higher response rate than the


      sham group in each of the subgroups.




                This was repeated in study 1003 where,


      again, the 0.3 mg group shows a higher response


      rate in all of the subgroup analyses over sham.




                We also wanted to take a look at lesion


      size, basically because of the proposed mechanism


      of action of Macugen, and that is to inhibit




      endothelial cell growth.  So, we wanted to see


      whether that was, indeed, happening.  What we


      noticed was that actually the total lesion size for


      patients, as well as the total size of the CNV and


      the total leak size, continues to increase for all


      treatment groups.  Even in patients receiving


      Macugen, lesion size does increase but it does


      appear that it increases to a lesser degree in the


      0.3 mg group than in sham.  However, it is noted


      that it does increase in size.




                The same thing was seen in the 1003 study


      where, again, the total lesion size for all


      treatment groups did increase in size, however, for


      the 0.03 mg group it does seem to increase to a


      lesser degree than in the sham group.




                As you have heard, patients who entered


      the trial were allowed to get photodynamic therapy,


      which is an approved therapy for AMD.  So, our


      question became were we really seeing an effect of


      Macugen or were we just really seeing the effect of




      patients receiving an already approved therapy?


      So, we took a further look at this and the first


      chart you see here is the number of patients who


      actually got on-study photodynamic therapy


      treatment in study 1004.  We see that approximately


      the same amount of patients actually received


      photodynamic therapy in all treatment groups,


      including sham.


                Another thing that we did note is that


      while the protocol specified that only patients


      with predominantly classic should have been allowed


      to get photodynamic therapy, there were many people


      who had occult or minimally classic CNV who also


      received photodynamic therapy.




                The same thing was seen in study 1003


      where approximately the same amount of patients


      across the treatment groups received photodynamic


      therapy, with some occult patients and minimally


      classic patients, again, receiving photodynamic


      therapy.  What was also interesting was that the


      1003 study was an international study and you can




      see that there were approximately half as many


      patients who received PDT in the international


      study versus the American study.  That could be


      based on practice patterns across the ocean.




                We also wanted to look at not so much what


      percentage of patients got photodynamic therapy but


      were more patients in one group or the other


      receiving more treatments?  As we look at this


      chart for study 1004, we are looking at the total


      number of photodynamic therapy treatments.  We see


      that there is substantially less number of


      treatments that were given in the 0.3 mg group


      versus that given in the sham group.




                For study 1003 the results are similar.


      While there is not that big of a difference between


      wham and the 0.3 mg group, the point is that there


      were less photodynamic therapy treatments given in


      the 0.3 mg treated group.




                Lastly, we wanted to look at the results




      and say, well, it looks as though the same


      percentage of patients were receiving photodynamic


      therapy; it looks as though the same number of


      treatments were given.  Well, did that make any


      difference in terms of the responder analysis, the


      primary efficacy endpoint?


                So, what you are looking at here is the


      responder analysis at month 12 for four different


      groups, the first group being the group that


      received no photodynamic therapy either before the


      trial or during the trial.  The second one are


      those patients who only received pre-study PDT.


      The third is a group that received on-study


      photodynamic therapy only.  The fourth group are


      those patients who received pre-study and on-study


      photodynamic therapy.  The last line here is for


      reference so you remember what the primary efficacy


      results were for all patients that we just looked




                What we noted, which was good, is that the


      majority of the patients who entered the trial


      never had any confounding or problems with




      photodynamic therapy, and that their results


      actually were pretty consistent with the overall


      results.  In terms of the number of patients who


      received photodynamic therapy either before or


      during the trial, or both before and during the


      trial, those numbers were so small that we really


      can't make any conclusions about whether receiving


      photodynamic therapy before or during the trial has


      any effect on the efficacy results.




                Similar results were seen for study 1003,


      where we looked at the number of patients who


      actually received photodynamic therapy.  They are


      extremely small and no conclusions can be drawn


      from using concomitant PDT therapy.  The results


      for those patients who received no photodynamic


      therapy, again, were consistent with the overall


      efficacy results.




                We were curious, I mean, our primary


      efficacy endpoint is really those patients who lose


      less than 15 lines of vision.  We know, based on




      the disease process, that patients will continue to


      lose vision so those patients who lose less than 15


      lines, that is probably a good thing for them.  But


      we wanted to know was there any possibility that


      you could actually gain vision if you use this


      drug.  So, we looked at the number of patients who


      gained greater than 15 letters of vision.


                If you look at study 1004, actually there


      is a statistically significant increase in patients


      who actually gained vision in the 0.3 mg group and


      the 1 mg group as compared to sham.  However, those


      results were not replicated in the 1003 study where


      you see no statistically significant gain in






                So, in terms of our efficacy conclusions,


      we believe that Macugen 0.3 mg does reduce the risk


      of vision loss in patients with neovascular


      age-related macular degeneration.  But keep in mind


      that there is only approximately a 15 percent


      treatment effect over sham, and that there is no


      clinically meaningful increase in vision seen in




      patients during the first year of using Macugen.




                The sponsor has presented all of the


      safety results.  I am not going to go back through


      all of them.  I just want to say that we agree that


      similar events were seen in all treatment groups


      and no dose-dependent adverse events were seen.


      Most of the events, we think, were related to the


      act of giving an intraocular injection itself and


      no so much to the drug.  The majority of adverse


      events, things like eye pain, superficial punctate


      keratitis, floaters, iritis are those things that


      we commonly seen with intraocular injections of any






                But there are two safety concerns that we


      want to talk about a little bit more.  That is,


      endophthalmitis again and also a little bit about


      systemic VEGF inhibition and what that could mean.




                In the database we had there were 16 cases


      of endophthalmitis.  What we heard this morning is




      that actually there are 2 more cases.  I guess


      there is a total of 18 now.  Of those 16 cases, all


      of those 16 cases occurred in the pegaptanib sodium


      treated patients, and none of the cases were in the


      sham treated patients.  All 16 cases occurred


      within one week of injection.




                So, I took a look at what kind of


      organisms were actually coming out of the


      endophthalmitis samples.  We see that of the 16


      cases, the overwhelming majority are those types of


      organisms that are commonly seen around the lid or


      around the ocular area--coagulase negative Staph.,


      Staph. epi.  There were about 6 cases that were


      actually negative on the samples.  So, it stood to


      reason that maybe the problem was with the


      injection procedure and the sponsor did take a look


      at that and made some changes.




                The original procedure called for the


      patients to get 2-3 drops of 50 percent saline


      diluted, 10 percent povidone-iodine or they could




      receive 1 drop of topical antibiotic.




                An amendment was made in the protocol


      after I think 12 cases of endophthalmitis, and it


      was changed so that patients would undergo a more


      sterile preparation procedure, similar to most


      intraocular surgeries, and patients would be


      prepped and draped similar to intraocular surgery


      and patients would receive either pre-injection


      topical antibiotics for 3 days prior to injection


      or 5 percent povidone-iodine flush immediately


      prior to injection.




                So, what happened to the endophthalmitis


      cases?  Well, we saw in the database that actually


      13 of the 16 cases occurred before the protocol


      amendment.  Three of those 16 cases occurred within


      3 months after the protocol amendment.  This is


      actually wrong now because I guess there have been


      2 additional cases since that time.  Based on the


      data that we had, there had not been any new cases


      of endophthalmitis 3 months after the protocol was








                I just want to touch a little bit on


      systemic VEGF and what that could or could not mean


      in terms of this.  Obviously, having VEGF is a good


      thing in some instances and it is a bad thing.  It


      is a bad thing in the eye.  We want to inhibit that


      in cases like AMD.  But we want it in the systemic


      circulation, mainly because it plays an active role


      in cardiac angiogenesis.  This is important in


      collateral blood vessel formation in patients with


      myocardial ischemia.  It is also an important


      vasodilator and it helps to maintain coronary


      artery blood flow and helps maintain patency of


      coronary arteries.




                So, what we did is we looked at the whole


      database and we said, well, are there any events


      within the database, the adverse event database,


      that could possibly in any way be related to VEGF


      being inhibited in the systemic circulation?


                Of all the things that we came up with--




      arrhythmia; atrial fibrillation which could be an


      early indication of myocardial ischemia;


      bradycardia; chest pain; coronary artery disease,


      not just those cases where patients obviously came


      into the study with a known diagnosis but those


      patients who were diagnosed with coronary artery


      disease during the trial; and myocardial


      infarction--and we looked at the database and said,


      well, is there a problem?  Could we actually have


      these systemic anti-VEGF effects based on the


      intravitreal injections?  What you see here on the


      chart is that actually all the numbers are pretty


      small across all the groups, and there is no real


      indication that the intravitreal injection of


      pegaptanib will have any systemic anti-VEGF






                Just for completeness, in terms of the


      death rate, there were approximately 25 patients


      who did die during the study, approximately the


      same in each study, and the majority of causes were


      actually things like cardiovascular events,




      malignancies and they were pretty typical of the


      age of the population that we were studying.  So,


      we think those events were really due to the


      population and not actually to the drug.




                In terms of safety, similar events were


      seen in all treatment groups.  The most frequently


      occurring adverse events related to the intraocular


      injection itself and not to the drug.  The risk of


      endophthalmitis appears--and I have to emphasize


      "appears" since there may be more cases that we


      haven't seen--to be minimized by sterile technique


      and there does not appear to be an apparent


      increase in the risk associated with systemic


      anti-VEGF activity.




                We will just go over the questions


      briefly.  You are going to see the questions again


      this afternoon but just so you can start thinking


      about them.  The questions that we would like to


      have discussion about are, one, based on the


      inclusion and exclusion criteria, are there




      patients excluded from the studies that you believe


      need to be studied?


                Visual acuity measurements were conducted


      using the ETDRS scale at 2 meters.  The validity of


      the ETDRS scale was established based on ratings at


      4 meters.  Are the visual acuity findings


      sufficiently robust to overcome the potential bias


      introduced by visual acuity measurements taken at 2






                Has sufficient data been submitted to


      evaluate the efficacy and safety profile of


      pegaptanib sodium for the treatment of the


      neovascular form of AMD?  If not, what additional


      data are needed?


                Are additional analyses of the current


      data needed to understand the efficacy or safety of


      pegaptanib sodium for the treatment of the


      neovascular form of AMD?


                Has the concomitant use of PDT therapy


      with pegaptanib been explored sufficiently?  Are


      there concerns with using this predictive




      concomitantly with PDT?




                Do the route and/or frequency of


      administration of the drug raise any concerns that


      are not addressed by the studies?


                Endophthalmitis was observed in


      approximately 2 percent of patients in the studies.


      What is the optimal follow-up needed to minimize


      the impact of potential endophthalmitis cases?


                Are there any other adverse experiences


      that are of particular concern for this product?


                VEGF has been shown to be an important


      component in the development of collateral vessels


      in ischemic heart disease.  Inhibition of VEGF in


      the systemic circulation could present a


      theoretical increased risk of symptomatic


      cardiovascular disease in the target population of


      elderly patients with AMD.  Has the adverse event


      profile of the two randomized Phase III trials


      raised any concern over the possible systemic


      effects of this therapy?  Is there additional


      monitoring that should be in place for patients on




      pegaptanib sodium therapy?  Thank you.


                          Committee Discussion


                DR. DUNBAR:  At this point I would like to


      open the floor for questions for either the agency


      or for the company.  Dr. Pulido?


                DR. PULIDO:  Thank you.  Two questions,


      the first one is you said the treatment effect was


      15 percent.  That is because you took the 67 minus


      50.  Again, I am not a statistician; I am a


      clinician--shouldn't it be the difference divided


      by 50 to give you 25 percent as the treatment


      effect?  So, the delta of 15 over the baseline


      which is 50?


                DR. CHAMBERS:  There are obviously lots of


      different ways to look at it.  What we have been


      doing for ease of description is just to describe


      what the percentage difference is between the two


      different modes of therapy, and we thought that


      easiest to be described as just a 15 percent


      difference in the percentage of people who have


      lost 3 lines of vision.


                DR. PULIDO:  The other question I had, and




      maybe it would be better answered by the company,


      when one looks at the serum levels, is that the


      total amount of the drug that is being measured or


      is that the unbound free form that is being




                DR. ADAMIS:  It is the total level.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Lehmer?


                DR. LEHMER:  Are there known levels for


      VEGF or VEGF inhibition that are clinically


      significant from the cardiovascular current




                DR. ADAMIS:  The short answer is no in


      humans.  The longer answer is that the most


      sensitive signal of systemic VEGF inhibition is


      hypertension.  In the Avastin trials they picked it


      up in their colon cancer, the renal study, their


      lung cancer study, and some of those were much


      smaller studies than ours and there was no evidence


      of hypertension as a function of use of pegaptanib


      in our study.  So, I guess whatever that level


      is--and it hasn't been determined--we are probably


      well below that.




                DR. DUNBAR:  I have a question for the


      agency about the duration of use of the drug.  I


      would like to know who will decide when to stop


      therapy, the agency, the sponsor, or the patient's


      physician?  Is this something that will be


      specified by the agency in relationship to the drug


      approval process?  Would it be included in the


      labeling?  Or, is this something that we won't know


      for many years and would be addressed in further


      labeling decisions?


                DR. CHAMBERS:  The most accurate answer is


      that I think we will not know for a number of


      years.  The answer that everybody would like to


      know is probably best studied by a 10-15-year study


      of giving a particular product.  We obviously run


      into the difficulty of not having a therapy that is


      potentially valuable available during the time that


      we are doing that so we have chosen to take a path


      where, if everything else looks good--and I will


      repeat that decisions have not been made on this


      particular product and there are lots of other


      parameters that still need to be reviewed, but if




      this product otherwise looks fine we would


      potentially label it based on the information we


      have available.


                As you have heard, the sponsor presented


      that as of their latest data safety monitoring


      committee they have 90-some odd percent of the


      information for the two years.  To the extent that


      we have two-year data, we will list two-year data.


      If we don't, we will list one-year data and as more


      data becomes available we intend to amend the label


      to reflect what we know.


                DR. BULL:  I have one thing to add to


      that.  There is the opportunity for the committee


      to make recommendations if you are uncomfortable


      with the degree of follow-up, things such as Phase


      IV commitments.  I mean, there are a number of


      options that can be systematically required of the


      sponsor to do to look at the long term.


                DR. GUYER:  I think in answer to your


      question, also clinical judgment of the


      ophthalmologist will decide much of it until, as


      Dr. Chambers mentioned, we do have the answer from




      continuation of trials.  If a physician sees a


      patient that is, for example, scarred down and


      realizes there is no further benefit of treatment,


      we would expect that the physician would stop that


      treatment, whenever that is and.  Similarly, if the


      physician sees active bleeding going on they might


      continue it.  So, I think a lot of it will be in


      the clinical ophthalmologist's hands, at least in


      the beginning.


                DR. DUNBAR:  That was my concern, that a


      patient with a quiescent, scarred lesion was


      vulnerable, worried about their blindness and might


      subject themselves to very frequent injections for


      a long period of time.  Dr. Lehmer?


                DR. LEHMER:  We are certainly in the era


      of implantable sustained release drug delivery


      devices.  At what point time-wise, if therapy is


      determined to need to continue past a year or past


      two years, should a recommendation for conversion


      of this drug to an implantable device become




                DR. ADAMIS:  It is an area that we are




      very interested in, in the laboratory of the


      sponsor.  So, we are working on alternative


      formulations to see if we can get an extended


      release profile in implantables of that sort.  I


      think ultimately that may end up being an




                DR. DUNBAR:  Ms. Knudson?


                MS. KNUDSON:  I just don't seem to


      understand why the DSMB permitted the trial to


      continue with the sham arm when at every point it


      appears the sham arm is inferior to every drug dose


      that was given.  This is a disease, as I understand


      it, which continually advances and one should treat




                DR. ADAMIS:  Yes, the data safety and


      monitoring committee, their charge was to monitor


      for safety.  But the point you raise is a very


      important one.  So, in this randomized,


      discontinuation trial design we actually allow


      people who discontinue the drug and lose two lines


      of vision to go back on so patients are not forced,


      by and large except for a very small group, to stay




      on sham for two years.


                DR. DUNBAR:  I have a question for Dr.


      D'Amico.  I was interested in Dr. Harris'


      presentation that 6/16 endophthalmitis patients had


      sterile endophthalmitis.  I wonder, with your


      experience with endophthalmitis, if you could tell


      us do you think that these patients had infectious


      endophthalmitis that were culture negative, or do


      you think that that may be more of inflammatory




                DR. D'AMICO:  Yes, in the trial, looking


      for both of those things, that is inflammation


      after injection or specifically infections, we


      found really no evidence of a widespread


      inflammatory effect at all.  In studies of


      endophthalmitis in general, for example after


      cataract or other forms of ocular surgery,


      invariably large studies always find that


      approximately two-thirds will be culture positive


      and one-third are, inexplicably, culture negative.


      Now, what are those one-third?  Well, some of them


      will be organisms that have just not been




      successfully collected by the culture technique.


      Perhaps the specimen was too small;  perhaps the


      laboratory didn't plate it properly, or something


      of that nature.  Some of them may be fastidious


      organisms that are difficult to culture.  But


      clinically I think we treat those cases as presumed


      infectious.  The patients had acute presentations


      and they were invariably managed with TAP and


      antibiotic injection.  So, I think that they mirror


      my clinical experience with endophthalmitis cases,


      except somewhat for their outcomes which were


      surprisingly somewhat better.  They suggested


      somewhat better visual outcomes than we might see


      in clinical cases that, for example, would occur in


      another context, after cataract or something like


      that.  Have I answered your question?


                DR. DUNBAR:  Thank you.  Dr. Gates?


                DR. GATES:  Any conclusions as to that?


      Is it a smaller bacterial load perhaps with this




                DR. D'AMICO:  Well, it is a new


      phenomenon.  Certainly, these patients were




      extremely well followed and they included, you


      know, contact with the patient and education to


      inform patients about side effects, etc.  So, the


      patients were promptly detected, but it could be


      that the load that is introduced in an intravitreal


      injection is lower and, consequently, it has a less


      fulminating presentation, but I don't know.


                I will raise it because someone will, it


      also may be that there is some interaction between


      a VEGF medication and a profound inflammatory


      infection in an eye.  But that remains completely


      speculative but it is something interesting, as a


      scientific point of view, for further research.


                DR. ADAMIS:  Just to follow on Dr.


      D'Amico's comments, there are data in the


      laboratory now that VEGF can be pro-inflammatory,


      and in models of ocular inflammation VEGF levels


      come up and it is associated with the vitritis and


      flare, and we have published, and others have, that


      if you block VEGF in that sort of instance you can


      decrease the inflammation as well as the leak.  So,


      it is speculation, as Dr. D'Amico said, but it is a




      plausible hypothesis that it may be having somewhat


      of an anti-inflammatory effect as well and you get


      less standard damage that occurs when neutrophils


      rush in in a case of endophthalmitis, but it is a




                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Chinchilli?


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Yes, I have a question


      for the agency.  In the briefing document you


      showed the results from the worst-case analyses.  I


      notice that in your presentation you really didn't


      discuss that.  Is there a reason you didn't present


      them today?  I mean, how do you feel about--well, I


      will tell you that I think you shouldn't do them


      but I was wondering why you didn't present them but


      they are in the briefing document, or am I reading


      too much into that?


                DR. CHAMBERS:  We do a large number of


      analyses, which are neither shown in the briefing


      document nor shown in the presentation, to try to


      look at the robustness of the findings.  We thought


      it instructive to give what potentially is a bottom


      lower limit and include it in the briefing document




      just to try and frame people's idea of what the


      magnitude could be of inclusion or exclusion of


      different findings, but since it does not


      necessarily represent an accurate finding we didn't


      think, from a time perspective, that it was worth


      continuing to present in a presentation.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Well, I think it is


      highly inaccurate.  I know you try to look at the


      bounds but I think they are highly inaccurate


      bounds.  Later today--I don't know if you want to


      get into this now, but I do have some


      recommendations about analyses, endpoints and


      things like that.  So, I don't have to get into


      that now.


                DR. CHAMBERS:  We don't disagree with you.


      We don't think either of the analyses are


      necessarily the most accurate; we could do


      something in between.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Is there additional


      discussion for the agency presentation at this


      point in time?


                [No response]




                Now we have a decision about our agenda


      because we have significantly more time with our


      morning session than we expected.  It is imperative


      that we start the open public hearing as it is


      scheduled at 1:00 p.m. so that the public can have


      their voice in this matter.  We have two options.


      One is that we can take a longer lunch period and


      then start the agenda for the afternoon as


      previously published.  Or, we can begin to answer


      some of the FDA questions now and start our lunch


      closer to the scheduled time and then have the


      public hearing at 1:00 p.m.


                So, let's begin to answer some of the FDA


      questions now and then we will, of course, begin


      the public hearing at 1:00 p.m.


                DR. CHAMBERS:  We would like to hear some


      general discussion as opposed to just going through


      the questions.  So, that may be a better use of


      some of the time this morning, just a general


      discussion of the different topics that are on


      there and then specifically go through questions






                DR. DUNBAR:  Then we will start with Dr.


      Chinchilli in terms of general discussion from the




                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Well, I mentioned this in


      my previous question and I would like to talk about


      the endpoint that is used and the analysis.  I


      don't quite understand why the analysis was done


      this way, and then looking at the briefing


      documents I see that this is the way the FDA


      recommends the analysis be done.  But there is


      interest in less than 15-letter loss.  I think it


      would be better to reverse the definition, to look


      at someone who fails, someone who is a treatment


      failure who has 15 or more letter loss and then


      look at the time to occurrence of that event.  This


      way you would better handle the dropouts and the


      censoring that occurs.


                Now, I realize the subjects in these


      particular studies come into the study every six


      weeks so you don't have a nice continuum for


      determining when this treatment failure takes


      place, but at least you can have more of a discrete




      failure time process.  It would just get away from


      looking at these extreme cases, the worst-case


      scenario that the agency likes to look at in terms


      of bounding the results.  It just seems to me that


      that would be a better approach to the analysis,


      that is, to reverse the definition and talk about


      treatment failure and look at time until treatment


      failure occurs, and doing time to event analyses.


      That would be a much more accurate analysis, I


      feel.  I don't know how the agency feels about that


      or if they would consider that.  I don't know if


      there is some reason I am missing that that is not


      a good approach.  And, maybe the company would like


      to comment on that as well.


                DR. CHAMBERS:  We are certainly open to


      looking at a number of different types of analyses


      and different ways of doing it.  The general


      recording of visual acuities has been every three


      months, not every six weeks.  Consequently, you


      have set fixed time points when you are getting the


      information.  So, time to event, when you are fixed


      at every three months, we have not thought as being




      particularly meaningful.


                Whether you look at it on either side of


      this coin, whether it be the people that improve or


      the people that fail, we have generally thought as


      being relatively similar.  There are certain biases


      that go in as far as the dropouts and which way


      they are treated.  Obviously, if you are assuming


      that somebody is going to drop out and they never


      get seen again, they don't get counted as a loss.


      That accounts for some of the reason for doing a


      number of the analyses that we do.


                But, as I said, we do a large number of


      different analyses looking at these things to try


      and look for the robustness of the findings.  In


      this particular case, any way you look at it you


      have very similar results.  So, we did not stress


      how it needed to be presented for this particular




                DR. CHINCHILLI:  I agree.  I mean, the


      dropouts in these two trials was between 10-12


      percent so that is not extreme.  But I think you


      are going to have trials where you may see more




      dropouts, a higher rate than that, and all these


      cases that you are proposing for analysis all


      involve some form of data imputation.  If you look


      at the treatment failure approach and time to event


      analysis, you know, you account for that censoring


      and you are not imputing data the way you do in the


      current methods.  You know, I think I am getting


      off the tangent here, but it just doesn't sit well


      with me the way the outcome is constructed and all


      these analyses are performed that involve some form


      of data imputation.  Again, I agree.  I don't think


      it makes a bit of difference with these two


      particular trials here but in general it is not


      really good methodology.


                DR. CHAMBERS:  We certainly are interested


      in additional comments you have along that,


      although I am not aware of any method that doesn't


      have some type of bias and some type of assumptions


      in the way it is presented, including the methods


      you are discussing.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Lehmer?


                DR. LEHMER:  I just want to make sure I




      understand correctly that, with regard to the


      analyses, the intent-to-treat is what has been


      presented, being the most inclusive; the


      per-protocol analysis being the most exclusive.  As


      I understand from the briefing, when the two were


      compared there were no significant differences and,


      therefore, that is why we are using the


      intent-to-treat because we want to be as inclusive


      as possible to get the safety data.  Is that a


      correct interpretation of why we are using the


      intent-to-treat analysis?


                DR. ADAMIS:  The safety data population is


      even a little bit larger.  Everybody was randomized


      and received one treatment.  The intent-to-treat


      was the folks who had one baseline vision as well.


                DR. GUYER: Can I have slide E-101, please?


      Maybe we can just summarize this.




                This shows the definition of the various


      populations that we looked at, and it shows that


      the all-randomized group were those that received


      an actual randomization number.  In this case it




      was 1,208 and that represents the largest


      number--as you said, one extreme.  The safety group


      received study drug, and that was 1,190, slightly


      fewer.  The intent-to-treat were patients, by the


      sponsor's definition, that received study drug and


      had an observed baseline vision.  That was 1,186.


      The per-protocol was all of the ITT patients that


      had an observed post-baseline vision and no major


      protocol violation.  So, as you mentioned, it is a


      much smaller group because they observed the


      protocol perfectly and also had an observed time


      point at week 54.  That brings you down to 1,144.


      Then you have a week 54 observed which are the


      actual patients who received the study drug and had


      a baseline vision and also a week 54 vision, and


      that is 1,085.




                Just to illustrate further maybe some of


      the differences, E-102 shows again, starting with


      the all-randomized where you start with 100 percent


      of your population, going down to week 54 where you


      get 92 percent of the data, at least for the 0.3








                Finally, if we go to slide E-103, this


      again shows just the two extremes, so to speak, the


      all-randomized with an LOCF, which is in the FDA


      briefing book, and the intent-to-treat where study


      medication and baseline visual acuity occurred,


      which is in our briefing book.  Very importantly,


      you can see that they are all the same.  Slide






                We can see that on the left we have the


      ITT population using an LOCF, which is in the


      sponsor's briefing book, and we have the


      all-randomized LOCF when there is a true ITT, in


      the FDA briefing book.  Then we have some of the


      extremes, the per-protocol observed and the week 54


      observed.  Then you can see that we have very


      robust data and that the sensitivity analysis and


      different analyses all show, for the 0.3 mg dose, a


      statistically significant change.  So, any way you


      look at it, either extreme, we see robustness of




      the data.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Pulido?


                DR. PULIDO:  Ms. Chairwoman, your question


      had been do we have general comments at this point,


      and I would just like to state that I think the


      data at this point looks very favorable.  I would


      say that my concerns about systemic complications,


      from the data, appear very small.


                My only concern is the long-term use and


      the fact that there is the second aspect of VEGF


      that only recently we are learning about, and I


      would like to see some long-term follow-up using


      ERGs and possibly visual fields in a small group of


      these patients to make sure that there are no


      long-term consequences of long-term use of this


      drug.  Otherwise, I am very impressed.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Are there any other general


      comments from committee members?  Dr. Steidl?


                DR. STEIDL:  You can correct my thinking


      if I am wrong here, but it looked as though the


      lesions continued in general to grow, maybe at a


      slower rate, in the treated group.  With the




      half-life of, I guess, about four days and


      effective vitreous concentrations that are weeks,


      it would seem with that trend that it is quite


      possible that this may be needed for a while beyond


      the study time period.  You know, somebody


      mentioned the 0.16 percent per injection in


      endophthalmitis rate.  If you multiply that times


      nine it gets pretty close to what was seen.  I


      don't know if it is valid to extrapolate that, but


      then if you start thinking about doubling the time


      and getting maybe to 3-4 percent, from my point of


      view, it is getting pretty scary.


                I don't tend to view those, from a retina


      point of view, as sterile endophthalmitis because


      in our lab we get a third to a half of clearly


      infectious cases that don't come back positive.  I


      am wondering if that seems like a logical


      assumption, that if this is to carry on we could


      assume that the endophthalmitis rate would grow




                DR. ADAMIS:  Yes, I think your


      interpretation of the data is correct and,




      obviously, the cumulative risk increases as a


      function of time.  What our goal is, and we take


      this responsibility seriously, is to make sure that


      the injection procedure, which may be a modifiable


      risk--that the risk gets down as low as possible.


      We were fortunate in the second year after the


      amendment to actually see that rate go down and,


      subsequent to the amendment that occurred last May,


      it is down to 0.03 percent per injection.


                The other aspect of it that is equally


      important is the visual outcome.  That is, if this


      event happens, are these patients being diagnosed


      rapidly and being treated appropriately, and then


      doing everything you can to preserve the vision as


      a function of getting the infection.  I think our


      investigators did a rather superb job in the sense


      that everybody was diagnosed within a week.


      Everybody got intravitreal antibiotics.  Over half


      of them had vitrectomies and you saw the visual


      outcomes.  I will tell you that the visual outcomes


      in the second year with the additional cases are


      the same, if not better, than what you saw in the




      data presented today.  But your thesis is correct


      that the more you use the drug, there obviously is


      an incremental risk over time that increases.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Pulido?


                DR. PULIDO:  So, yes, there is a risk of


      using intravitreal injections, but the alternative


      is the present forms of treatment or systemic


      medication that also increase the risk.  It is a


      small risk but I would rather take that risk than


      give something that has systemic effects.


                DR. ADAMIS:  A point well taken.  As Dr.


      D'Amico said, I mean, it is important to take it in


      the context of the potential benefit.  So, the


      reduction in severe vision loss is greater than 50


      percent and the severe vision loss we saw as a


      function of endophthalmitis was 0.1 percent.  On


      balance, at least in this first year, it looks like


      the benefit outweighs the risk.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Lehmer?


                DR. LEHMER:  I agree with Dr. Pulido.  The


      data are very impressive.  Along the lines of what


      should be looked at in the future--the PDT impact. 




      Obviously, we are not able to really assess that


      based on the numbers, but taking this information


      forward, seeing what are the clinicians going to do


      with this data, in other words, who do we apply PDT


      to, what kind of population--a patient comes in


      with macular degeneration, do we use Macugen?  Do


      we use PDT?  Do we use both?


                I suppose if patient recruitment were


      going to start now we would see a much larger


      percentage of the European community using PDT


      since it has been approved there and there has been


      some expanded use of PDT.  So, I guess as far as a


      future analysis--I don't know if that is already


      under way--I would like to see more data on the


      impact of PDT.


                DR. GUYER:  I think that is a very


      important point.  One of the things that was


      important to us when we designed this trial was to


      try to make it as much of a real-world trial as


      possible.  That is why we allowed photodynamic


      therapy in it.  Showing the data, we can't say a


      lot about combination use or anything like that,




      but I agree with you that certainly future trials


      will be able to address those issues and it is




                DR. DUNBAR:  Mr. Kresel?


                MR. KRESEL:  I guess being the pragmatic


      industry representative, I will ask the question


      the way I look at things, which is that we had a


      lot of discussion about endophthalmitis and I think


      you gave a really good answer as far as how the


      patients were treated and how they were followed


      up.  But they were in a clinical trial where, you


      know, they came back to see the physician at these


      intervals.  So, would you recommend in labeling


      that kind of a follow-up so that those patients are


      tracked and, in fact, appropriately diagnosed and




                DR. ADAMIS:  The optimal follow-up I think


      still remains to be determined.  One of the things


      we have done is we have given grants to specialists


      who are experts in this area to try to come up with


      a preferred practice recommendation.  The only


      thing we can say is what we did and what the




      results were.  I think it is still an open question


      as to which variables that we changed, and we


      changed multiple and, as I said, the steroid


      injections were taking place at the same time in


      another population--which of those factors is the


      most important still remains to be determined and I


      think a lot more work needs to be done in that




                So as regards to what we will recommend,


      it is still being decided.  Until we hear back from


      the experts we obviously will tell people what we


      have been doing and the results that were


      associated with that.


                DR. GUYER:  I also want to comment--many


      of the retina people in the room know this--but in


      the last three or four years there has been a


      tremendous experience in the retinal world with the


      use of off-label intravitreal steroids because


      there is such an unmet medical need not only for


      this disease, macular degeneration, but also for


      diabetic macular edema.  So, I actually think there


      was a tremendous learning curve for retinal




      physicians learning the best way to do intravitreal


      injections.  That occurred.  We talked about the


      protocol amendment and we hope that that had some


      effect.  But I think also equally important may be


      that the retinal doctors had a very, very good


      experience of the best way to practice intravitreal


      injection administration.


                As Tony mentioned, we did sponsor a


      roundtable to try to get the thought leaders


      together on the best way, and Dr. D'Amico was at


      that and maybe he would like to comment on a few of


      the findings from that that could help guide us.


                DR. D'AMICO:  Yes, under an educational


      grant a roundtable was convened to look at the


      growing use of intravitreal injections in


      ophthalmic practice, and to try to assemble the


      best available information on what we know about


      how to make this procedure as safe as possible.  In


      this roundtable there were experts from the point


      of view of infectious disease, from the point of


      view of vitreal-retinal surgeons, people who deal


      with antibiotic levels within the eye, and also




      substantial representatives across industry who


      have pharmaceuticals that are used by intravitreal


      injection.  While all I can tell you is that an


      article is in preparation that will be ultimately


      submitted to peer review literature, we have


      initial plans to submit that article to the journal


      Retina.  It includes things such as the premise of


      using povidone-iodine which emerged as an


      incredibly important central aspect of using a lid


      speculum.  We were finding that, in many casual


      surveys, people would do injections and allow the


      lid margins, etc. to contaminate the needle, and


      probably most importantly, to treat this as a


      sterile intraocular procedure.


                I was present.  I was asked to be a part


      of that committee and, if you wish, I have details


      about who was there, etc.  But I feel that this


      document will be very valuable in helping the


      evolution of the understanding of intravitreal


      technique.  So, it will become something that I


      think we can go forward with.  We can look at


      various modifications now to make this safer and






                But having participated in both the data


      safety committee and also this panel, I am quite


      convinced that the protocol modifications had a


      very real effect on reducing the incidence of


      endophthalmitis, and I am confident that incidence


      can be kept low and probably be even further


      reduced with appropriate education of both patients


      and physicians, as well as appropriate training.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Pulido?


                DR. PULIDO:  Dr. D'Amico, there was a


      recent article I believe in The American Journal of


      Ophthalmology.  It included people from Baskin


      Palmer, looking at the incidence of endophthalmitis


      following intravitreal triamcinolone injections,


      and the incidence was double that of this, wasn't




                DR. D'AMICO:  Correct.  You know, it could


      never have been known when these trials were begun,


      but intravitreal injections have become quite


      commonplace in retinal practice now with off-label


      use of triamcinolone and the incidence which has




      been reviewed shows that it is substantially


      higher.  Although I believe that that incidence, in


      fairness, is decreasing as physicians treat the


      injection technique with additional seriousness and


      care.  But, actually, a detailed review has been


      made available to this review committee and showed


      that the rate of endophthalmitis following


      intravitreal injection with pegaptanib was well


      within the range, and at the low end of the range,


      for intravitreal medication administration across


      the board.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Ms. Knudson?


                MS. KNUDSON:  The only thing that confuses


      me a little is that you say that no patients


      receiving the sham treatment had endophthalmitis.


      Doesn't it seem that it is the drug then that was


      causing it?


                DR. D'AMICO:  Well, the sham patients did


      not receive the penetration of the eye with the


      needle so that explains why it is that event which,


      presumably, allows bacteria to gain entry into the






                DR. DUNBAR:  Recently several of the


      comments reflected not so much concerns about the


      statistical significance of the efficacy of the


      drug but, rather, concerns for the future.


      Previously Dr. Bull mentioned that the committee


      can make Phase IV recommendations for plans for the


      future, for future studies.  What is the mechanism


      for this?  And, perhaps this is an appropriate time


      for the committee to discuss some of these future




                DR. BULL:  That would fundamentally fall


      under recommendations for additional studies.  If


      these are data deficiencies that you might see as


      impacting marketing of the product, it would argue


      against whether or not you feel the data is


      sufficient at this point in terms of the efficacy


      assessment.  If these are data needs that need to


      be obtained in a systematic way, they can certainly


      not hold up marketing of the product if you feel


      there is sufficient efficacy in terms of what you


      have seen.


                We realize this is an incomplete data set




      and I think that that needs to be kept in mind,


      given the earliness of where we are in this


      submission.  In fact, there are modules in the NDA


      that have not come in and have not been vetted by


      the agency yet.  So, I have to say that, you know,


      we haven't seen the data, as has been mentioned, in


      terms of the re-randomization.  There are a number


      of sort of outstanding assessments here that I


      think certainly have significant implications for


      further work.  But I think things that need to be


      looked at systematically certainly have the


      potential of being addressed in Phase IV.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Pulido?


                DR. PULIDO:  Just for clarification, that


      could be a postmarketing surveillance.  For


      instance, study ERG could be postmarketing,


      following marketing approval surveillance in that




                DR. BULL:  You mean is post-approval?


                DR. PULIDO:  Yes.


                DR. BULL:  Potentially but, again, as I


      said there is a huge caveat here that we are still




      very early in the review of this application and


      there are a number of other aspects, particularly


      from chemistry manufacturing issues, that will need


      to be addressed and other things that will impact


      the totality of our assessment of the data.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Chambers and then Mr.




                DR. CHAMBERS:  Let me just clarify, the


      range of different options includes additional


      Phase III trials, additional Phase IV clinical


      trials, as well as postmarketing commitments,


      postmarketing monitoring.  There is going to be a


      certain amount of postmarketing monitoring that


      automatically goes with any new drug product.  But


      what you are describing would probably more


      accurately be done as actual controlled clinical


      trials because you want, obviously, a baseline as


      well as continued follow-up in order to look for


      any potential changes.  That is probably better


      done with a control group and making sure you have


      everybody in your trial.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Mr. Kresel?




                MR. KRESEL:  I guess my question isn't


      really a question--well, it is but it is for the


      rest of the committee because it is not one for me


      to decide.  But if I were in the sponsor's shoes,


      and I have heard people commenting on how long can


      we use this drug and what are the consequences, I


      guess I would like to hear the committee weigh in


      on how much follow-up post-approval the committee


      thinks is appropriate, for planning purposes.  That


      is, you know, the sponsor is going to have two


      years of data pretty soon.  How much data does the


      rest of the committee think is appropriate to


      continue follow-up?


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Pulido?


                DR. PULIDO:  Trying to answer your


      question and Dr. Chambers' at the same time, I


      don't know whether it is necessary to do a


      randomized, controlled trial for the results of


      ERG.  One possibility is that there hasn't been any


      change whatsoever so that if you take the patients


      that already have been in the trial for a year and


      do ERGs in a small group of them and compare it




      even to the fellow eye and there is no difference,


      well, that tells you volumes.  That decreases the


      chances of having to go ahead and do another


      randomized, controlled trial and slow the


      acceptance of this drug into the marketplace.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Chambers?


                DR. CHAMBERS:  Let me just ask don't you


      think there is likely to be decreased ERG in


      patients that had macular degeneration compared to


      the other eye?


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Pulido?


                DR. PULIDO:  Not necessarily because


      macular degeneration is such a localized area that


      is involved that the ERG overall may not be


      affected.  We know that macular disease does not


      affect a large part of the ERG.  So, my only


      concern, again, is, is this affecting a broader


      area of the retina than what we are measuring by


      doing visual acuity measurements?  If that is not


      the case, I don't think we should delay it.


                DR. CHAMBERS:  I don't know that we are


      talking necessarily about delaying it, but I guess




      the question still in my mind is interpretation.


      If you don't see anything, yes, that is great.  If


      you do see something, is that necessarily the drug


      product or is that the disease going on?  And you


      don't know the answer to that.


                DR. PULIDO:  Then you would have to do the


      trial you were considering.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Taking a step back to Mr.


      Kresel's question, I would like to ask the other


      committee members if there is any sense among the


      committee to build a consensus of how long the


      company should study the drug for the future after


      this they finish this planned two-year period.  Not


      so much requesting additional data such as the


      visual field and ERG that Dr. Pulido mentioned, but


      just to continue the clinical trial, is there any


      sense among the committee?  Dr. Lehmer?


                DR. LEHMER:  In the PDT studies there was


      a physical endpoint of no leakage.  Is there a


      similar endpoint with regard to this study looking


      for that type of endpoint or stabilization of


      vision?  I think we have to have some kind of




      clinically meaningful endpoint on which to base the


      answer to that question of how long do we carry the


      study for and, therefore, how long do clinicians


      expect to carry on the treatment.


                DR. GUYER:  In the photodynamic studies


      there was  continued leakage.  When they decided to


      retreat they would do a fluorescein angiogram to


      determine that.  But over the course of the year,


      similar to what we have seen, there was still


      leakage occurring and that us the disease, and Tony


      can perhaps give us some hypothesis for why.


                So, for that reason, I think the two-year


      data will be very, very important in the sense that


      we will learn more about two years of therapy


      versus one year of therapy.  Until that data, as we


      mentioned earlier, I think what is nice about the


      eye is that you can look in and see the disease and


      a patient who has significant disease with large,


      scarred, poor vision obviously wouldn't be


      necessarily a good candidate to continue treatment.


      Someone that might not have any leakage, as you


      say, could be used as a clinical endpoint for




      perhaps stopping treatment, and people who are


      actively bleeding would continue.


                But it is important to say that really the


      only recommendation we can make is this clinically


      important finding is based on one year or 54 weeks


      of treatment.  So, we really can't say anything


      more and it would be dangerous to try to speculate


      that less treatment could give the same effects.


      So, we believe that clinical judgment would be


      very, very important in determining long-term




                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Pulido?


                DR. PULIDO:  The other thing that I think


      is important is the fact that even with one-year


      follow-up--what was the mortality rate in this


      group of patients?  Wasn't it 10 percent or




                DR. ADAMIS:  It was two percent in treated


      and sham alike.


                DR. PULIDO:  Right, so I mean you are


      already getting to a point where there is a certain


      mortality in these elderly patients.  To continue




      it more than two years, I think you are going to


      find a higher mortality rate and I don't know


      whether we are going to find more than what we are


      already finding.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Is there any additional


      discussion at this time?  If not, at this point


      let's break for lunch and we will reconvene at 1:00


      p.m. for the public discussion.


                [Whereupon, at 11:45 a.m., the proceedings


      were adjourned for lunch, to resume at 1:00 p.m.]




                 A F T E R N O N  P R O C E E D I N G S


                          Open Public Hearing


                DR. DUNBAR:  We are beginning the


      afternoon session of the Dermatologic and


      Ophthalmic Drugs Advisory Committee on Macugen with


      an open public hearing.


                Both the Food and Drug Administration, the


      FDA, and the public believe in a transparent


      process for information gathering and


      decision-making.  To ensure such transparency at


      the open public hearing session of the advisory


      committee meeting, FDA believes that it is


      important to understand the context of an


      individual's presentation.  For this reason, FDA


      encourages you, the open public hearing speaker, at


      the beginning of your written or oral statement, to


      advise the committee of any financial relationship


      that you may have with the sponsors of any products


      in the pharmaceutical category under discussion at


      today's meeting.  For example, this financial


      information may include the sponsor's payment of


      your travel, lodging, or other expenses in




      connection with your attendance at the meeting.


      Likewise, FDA encourages you at the beginning of


      your statement to advise the committee if you do


      not have any such financial relationships.  If you


      choose not to address this issue of financial


      relationships at the beginning of your statement,


      it will not preclude you from speaking.


                At this point of the open public hearing,


      I will ask speaker number one to please come to the


      podium.  Each speaker will have seven minutes to




                MR. GARRETT:  Hi.  My name is Dan Garrett


      and I am with Prevent Blindness America.  My


      organization paid for my own travel to come here


      today and I personally do not have a financial


      relationship with any of the companies pertaining


      to this drug.


                I mentioned I am with Prevent Blindness


      America.  We are the second oldest voluntary health


      agency in the country.  We represent organizations


      throughout the country that primarily focus their


      efforts on screening, training, advocating,




      researching and educating people on the importance


      of good vision care.  We also advocate for


      increased research funding and increased funding to


      the Centers for Disease Control in Washington, and


      we try to impact public policy as it relates to


      saving sight and vision loss.


                The reason I am here today is not to


      endorse this product but to encourage the committee


      to make the right decision as it relates to the


      science behind this drug.  It might suggest that


      this could prevent further vision loss for people


      with AMD.  That is why I am here today.  My


      organization does not endorse the product of


      discussion today.


                A few thoughts and figures, and I wasn't


      here earlier today so forgive me if these are


      repetitive.  It is important to point out that


      nearly 1.7 million Americans aged 40 and older have


      AMD, and if nothing is done by the year 2030 the


      number of blind and visually impaired could


      possibly double.  So, we are talking about a fairly


      significant population.  It is very important that




      this committee consider this drug because it has


      the potential to potentially stop vision loss.


      Unfortunately, there is not a miracle drug out


      there yet that prevents AMD but, hopefully, with


      all the science and research that is going on that


      will be in the near future for us.


                Another interesting statistic, and this


      could particularly hold for people with AMD because


      they are the ones that have most low vision, vision


      impairment is the cause of 18 percent of hip


      fractures, and most people that have AMD are living


      on their own and they have lost their central


      vision so it is very difficult for them to navigate


      their way around their home.  If only one in five


      of those hip fractures were prevented, more than


      440 million dollars could be saved annually so that


      is significant.  So, any type of AMD drug that


      could prevent further vision loss is certainly a


      welcomed addition to the marketplace for patients.


                My organization, again, advocates


      advancements in treatment of AMD, and I just want


      to say to the committee that I am sure you will




      make the right decision on behalf of all the older


      Americans in this country for the people that have


      AMD.  Anything that can prevent further vision loss


      should be welcomed.  That is all I have to say.


      Thank you.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Thank you.  At this point I


      will ask speaker number two to come to the podium.


                MS. HOFSTADTER:  Good afternoon.  I am


      Ellen and I am 81 years old.  I do not have any


      financial ties with the drug company except my stay


      in the hotel and my travel.


                I was diagnosed with AMD two years ago.  I


      belong to an HMO.  The HMO doctors checked me and


      told me "you can go home; there's nothing we can do


      for you."  But I didn't take no for an answer.  I


      called the Jewish Eye Clinic and asked if there was


      a doctor who could see me.  The girl says, yes, and


      in two weeks I have an appointment.  I got Dr.


      Schwartz.  I had an eye test, an angiogram and he


      looked my eye over and he said, "don't drive, but


      do not sell your car because we might can help






                So, I took some lasers, some Visudyne in


      my left eye but it didn't help.  So, my left eye is


      legally blind.  Then I was approached by Dr.


      Gonzalez who asked me if I would like to step into


      a clinical trial with Macugen shots.  Well, it was


      very heavy for me because when I was a young girl I


      was sent to Auschwitz and I was experimented on by


      the infamous Dr. Mengele.  So, I had really a


      choice to make.


                I didn't think long about it and I thought


      I want my sight.  So, I told them I would.  So, I


      got into the clinical trial and I got a Macugen


      shot in my right eye.  It sounds very scary but


      really 20 minutes of discomfort is a small price to


      pay.  After the third shot I gained my sight back


      to 20/20 and could read seven lines below.  I had


      altogether 12 shots and three weeks ago I had my


      lost one and my sight is 20/20 in one eye.


                And I really want to thank the researchers


      who worked so hard to find a drug like Macugen to


      help us for this dreadful disease.  Thank you.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Thank you.  Next I will ask




      speaker number three to come to the podium.


                MR. STEVENSON:  My name is Nick Stevenson.


      I am the president of the Association for Macular


      Diseases.  It is the only national support group


      that is solely concerned with both the practical


      and the emotional problems confronted by


      individuals and families endeavoring to cope with


      our particular type of eye disorder.  To do that,


      we publish a newsletter which advises our members


      what is going on in the world of research, what is


      not.  There is an increasing number of scams and


      frauds which are proliferating now not only in


      numbers but in funding as well, and we maintain a


      members hotline where members can always call in


      and we can act as a link between them, their


      problems and the problems that they may face.


                I, myself, have been legally blind from


      the wet type of macular degeneration for 26 years.


      I have no financial interest in this pharmaceutical


      company or actually any, except that they did pay


      my travel and expenses to come down here.  But what


      I would like very much to emphasize for all of you




      is something that many of you, I can understand,


      have already experienced, how difficult and


      understandably difficult it is for a fully-sighted


      person to fully appreciate the enormous subtraction


      from life that loss of vision represents, for some


      far more than for others but, nonetheless, it is


      not something that any of us foresaw in earlier


      years of our lives.  We may have thought of


      disasters overtaking us, such as being struck by an


      automobile or some disease attacking us in a way


      that we found ourselves to be vulnerable.  But the


      loss of vision is something that few of us have


      ever contemplated.  We felt that there was a


      warranty issued on our eyes and we had the full use


      of our eyes for as long as we needed them.  Then we


      find that we don't and an entirely different set of


      circumstances appears.


                Now, it must be admitted that macular


      degeneration varies widely in the degree of


      severity with which it affects individuals.  But


      for those with more severe type, such as this drug


      addresses, they have the problem of not recognizing




      the faces of their friends, or their enemies if


      they have them.  Also, they are not able to drive


      in a society where an automobile is as automatic a


      feature as a horse once was out West, or even


      almost an appendage of oneself--the automobile--is


      taken away.


                In addition to that, the inability to read


      to varying degree, whatever it might be, is also a


      very serious detraction from quality of life.  That


      blue sign over there; it is that entrance right


      there past the blue sign--of course, you can see


      it.  And does this bus go to Amherst?  Well, the


      drive is too busy to answer you so he nods and you


      don't see him nodding--these are not major events


      but they have a cumulative effect and what is very


      difficult for a great many of us to understand


      fully, because we don't choose to, is that macular


      degeneration is a progressive disease.  As the


      years go by; the eyes do get worse whether we have


      the dry type or whether we have the wet type.


                So, it seems to me high time that some


      action was taken to try to avert the further




      incidence of macular degeneration in its various


      forms for the people who follow behind us.  It has


      been said of older people that, as they think of


      their lives, the days grow longer and the years


      grow shorter.  So, as the years grow shorter, all


      of us hope that somewhere--like Dr. Jonas Salk


      finding the cure of polio back in 1954--something


      may appear that will give us some surcease from the


      anxiety, and the apprehensions, and the limitations


      of macular degeneration.  Thank you.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Thank you.  Now I will ask


      speaker number four to come to the podium.


                MR. AUGUSTO:  Good afternoon.  I am Carl


      Augusto, president and CEO of the American


      Foundation for the Blind, an organization that is


      dedicated to expanding the rights and opportunities


      of people who are bind or visually impaired in this


      country.  Like Helen Keller before me who devoted


      44 years of her life to the American Foundation for


      the Blind and its causes, I am always grateful to


      speak to governmental officials, corporate America


      and the general public on how we can improve the




      lives of people who are blind or visually impaired.


                In my 30-plus years working as a


      rehabilitation counselor and as an administrator in


      agencies serving the blind and visually impaired, I


      have seen first-hand the many difficulties faced by


      those who are losing their vision as a result of


      AMD, age-related macular degeneration.  After


      living most of one's life, relying heavily on the


      sense of sight, not seeing well enough or seeing at


      all can certainly turn the world upside down for


      those people and their families.  Add to that other


      physical ailments, physical disabilities, personal


      and social hardships that older people, many of


      them, experience the emotional and the functional


      adjustment to vision loss is very, very difficult.


                Ordinary daily activities become


      challenging, if not impossible.  If you can imagine


      not having the opportunity or not having the


      ability to read the morning newspaper, to drive to


      supermarket to get your groceries, to do your


      personal business, to read your personal mail, to


      cook for yourself--this is what is happening with




      so many people losing their vision in this country.


      Moreover, it is difficult to adjust emotionally and


      functionally to a certain level of visual loss if


      that vision worsens next month.


                One of the first clients that I had as a


      rehabilitation counselor was a gentleman suffering


      from age-related macular degeneration.  He was


      about 50 years old and his deterioration rate was


      steady over the course of time, and he was really


      overwhelmed by this.  His name was Jack.  Jack had


      lost confidence in his capabilities.  He felt that


      he couldn't do his job any longer.  And, one of the


      things he said to me was, "just when I think I'm


      beginning to adjust, I lose more vision and the


      despair sets in again."


                Well, his visual loss forced him to retire


      from his job long before he should have.  It was a


      financial hardship to his family.  He was staring


      at the walls every day and not feeling productive


      at home.  It took an emotional toll on the family.


      His wife couldn't handle it any longer and she left


      and now he was on my doorstep, wanting answers to




      how to live independently.


                I remember thinking that, gee, if I had


      seen him a little earlier, or if the progression of


      his sight loss was not as significant I might have


      been able to help him realize that he could do his


      job still using alternate techniques or technology.


      But he lost his vision much too quickly and he did


      give up.


                Now, my blindness is caused by a recessive


      gene disorder and it started when I was very young.


      When I was eight years old I started losing my


      vision and my loss was very gradual over the course


      of time.  I became totally blind at about age 45.


      Some days I think I haven't reached 45 yet but that


      is just a couple of years ago.  But that gave me an


      opportunity to learn the skills that I needed to


      function independently at home and on the job.  I


      had an opportunity to tackle the emotional hurdles


      that inevitably arise with severe vision loss, and


      I truly believe I live a life that is as normal and


      satisfying as anyone's.


                Now, AMD is the leading cause of severe




      visual loss in our country, and this visually


      impaired population will continue to increase as


      the baby-boomers reach old age.  Simply stated, we


      are outliving our eyes and delaying the effects of


      AMD or stopping the effects of AMD would give


      millions of people more time to adjust emotionally


      and functionally, to locate rehabilitation


      facilities, and to develop the skills that are so


      critical in helping them to function independently.


      If we can do this, any kind of slowing of the


      deterioration would be a blessing.


                There are services for people who are


      blind or visually impaired.  Low vision services


      that are delivered by specially trained eye care


      professionals enhance the remaining usefulness of


      your vision when you do have vision remaining.


      Other rehabilitation services are available from


      private and public agencies throughout the country


      to help you with personal management skills and


      also vocational skills.  And, assisted technology


      is revolutionizing the way blind and visually


      impaired people function.




                However, there are two problems.  Many


      people with age-related macular degeneration and


      other visual loss don't even have a clue that these


      programs are available and they may not be in their


      own communities.  Secondly, we don't have the


      funding in this country, federal or otherwise, to


      support sufficient services to meet the growing


      need for services for the increasing population of


      blind and visually impaired people.  So, anything


      we can do to reduce the numbers of this population


      would be helpful in that regard.


                In closing, blind and visually impaired


      people can live and work with dignity and success


      alongside their sighted peers.  People can adjust


      and learn new skills and also to live


      independently.  But many of them need time to


      develop.  Many of them are not adjusting when their


      vision continues to deteriorate, and without a


      chance to learn to cope with vision loss gradually,


      I am afraid that too many people will be like Jack


      and will give up on themselves before they realize


      that there is help out there that could help them. 




      Thank you.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Thank you.  Now I want to


      request that speaker number five come to the




                DR. ROSENTHAL:  I am Bruce Rosenthal,


      Chief of Low Vision Programs at Lighthouse


      International, New York City and Mount Sinai


      Hospital.  My organization paid my expenses.


      However, in the past I have had an unrestricted


      educational grant from Novartis for a booklet on


      vision function.


                Over 75 percent of the visually impaired


      patients I have examined for the past 30 years have


      a diagnosis of age-related macular degeneration.  I


      have been witness to how the devastating effects


      that progression severe vision loss, especially


      from the neovascular form of the disease, impact on


      an individual's day-to-day activities.  I have seen


      how severe vision loss affects an individual's


      quality of life, impacts on their independence,


      lowers their self-esteem, and results in


      depression.  In fact, clinical studies have shown




      that over 57 percent of people with retinal disease


      have depression.


                As a clinician, I am very concerned with


      retaining visual function.  Neovascular AMD has the


      effect of destroying vital components of visual


      function.  We are all familiar with visual acuity,


      as well as the importance of preserving it.  But


      other vital components of vision are also


      irreparably destroyed by the effects of AMD.  They


      include contrast sensitivity, and in lay terms that


      is how much a pattern must vary in contrast to be


      seen, and has become increasingly recognized as an


      important factor in influencing the quality of


      life.  We are also interested in retaining usable


      visual field, color perception and stereo-acuity,


      just to name a few.


                The medical advances, as we all know, that


      have taken place in the past 30 years have been few


      and far between.  However, thermal laser as well as


      PDT have really helped to slow the progression and


      maintain visual function, and one example that I


      will give to you as a clinician is that the early




      patients I was seeing with low vision would go from


      20/800 down to light perception.  My patients now


      usually fall in the end stage between 20/200 and


      20/400.  Yet, serious vision loss continues despite


      these interventions, as we know.


                As Carl Augusto mentioned, we seem to have


      an impact, however, with vision rehabilitation.  As


      a low vision clinician, I have seen that


      individuals with AMD who have access to the latest


      treatments benefit more from vision rehabilitation


      services as well.  These individuals have a greater


      success rate in the use of low vision optical


      prescriptive devices, absorptive lenses, as well as


      high tech and electronic aids.  These people can


      continue to be employed, travel independently,


      manage their own affairs, maintain their own


      residence and perhaps even drive.  Again, I


      recommend that you consider the treatment that will


      help preserve visual function and its benefits to




                DR. DUNBAR:  Thank you.  This concludes


      the five members of the public that have registered




      to speak at the open public hearing.  However,


      there are some additional members of the public


      that have approached us requesting to speak and,


      time permitting, they will be allowed to come to


      the podium and give two-minute presentations.  So,


      I will ask if there are any other members of the


      general public that wish to come forward at this


      time.  Thank you.  We have someone coming forward.


                DR. LISS:  I am Bob Liss.  I am an


      ophthalmologist in practice, retinal diseases, in


      Baltimore.  I congratulate the sponsors and


      certainly hope that this is approved.


                I did want to comment that I am concerned


      about the problem of endophthalmitis in terms of


      the fact that the drug is very broadly applicable


      drug that covers all subtypes of choroidal


      neovascularization so it will be used much more


      widely, and the people using it in the community,


      whether they are retinal specialists or


      ophthalmologists who are not retinal specialists,


      because of the more broad range of the indications,


      are selected different than the investigators.  The




      investigators, as much as the sponsors, have wanted


      to have a real-world test of the trials.  The


      investigators are trained extensively and


      controlled much better than the outside area.  So,


      I do think that control of complications,


      particularly endophthalmitis, is important.


                The second thing is a comment about the


      quality of life.  There was just a discussion about


      contrast sensitivity and visual fields, along with


      the early discussion about ERG and I think these


      types of things should be included in future


      evaluations.  Thank you.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Thank you.  Are there any


      additional members of the public that wish to come




                [No response]


                          Committee Discussion


                At this point then we will open up for


      general discussion among the committee members,


      taking into account the presentations we have heard


      from the public.  Are there any comments at this


      time?  Dr. Lehmer?




                DR. LEHMER:  I was going to mention


      earlier, and I was glad one of the public speakers,


      Mr. Rosenthal, mentioned about contrast


      sensitivity.  A lot of my patients who have the


      same level of visual acuity function very


      differently on similar behavioral tasks in the


      office and when we test their contrast sensitivity


      it varies greatly.  So, it seems like I would


      second the motion of including that as a measure.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Chambers?


                DR. CHAMBERS:  The agency certainly agrees


      they would like to be able to use contrast


      sensitivity as a measure and certainly believe it


      is a measure of visual function.  The difficulty


      with using contrast sensitivity in an assay is


      figuring out which contrast sensitivity is the most


      appropriate, and if you find a difference in one


      frequency versus a different frequency what does it


      mean?  If you have any guidance on which


      frequencies are more important than other


      frequencies, we would love to hear those comments.


                DR. DUNBAR:  I am interested in the




      comments about off-label use of the drug.  I think


      this is insightful because once the drug is


      available to doctors--for example, would a doctor


      perhaps instill it into the anterior chamber for a


      patient with rubeosis?  And, this is a conceivable


      possibility.  Do we know anything about endothelial


      cell toxicity?  This is a question actually for the




                DR. ADAMIS:  The question is an important


      one.  We did not look specifically at endothelial


      cell counts.  We didn't do any specular microscopy.


      All we can report is that over the 54-week period


      there did not appear to be an increased incidence


      of corneal edema.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Is there any preclinical data


      that might guide us about this question?


                DR. ADAMIS:  In the preclinical animal


      studies there was no finding of corneal edema as a


      function of the use, but in the animals as well, to


      my knowledge, specular microscopy was not done.


                DR. GUYER:  Just as far as a comment on


      other uses, the sponsor right now is presently




      looking at other important diseases in trials.  We


      finished our Phase II program of diabetic macular


      edema and actually, hopefully in the fall, we will


      be talking with the agency about putting together a


      Phase III program.  As you mentioned, there are a


      lot of conditions in the eye but today, you know,


      we are specifically talking about the indication


      for age-related macular degeneration.


                DR. DUNBAR:  As a pediatric


      ophthalmologist, I am interested in retinopathy


      prematurity.  Do you have any comments about its


      use in that situation?


                DR. ADAMIS:  Theoretically it is a drug


      that I think may prove useful in retinopathy


      prematurity but the data that I showed you is that,


      you know, VEGF is required for normal vessel


      formation and the conundrum has always been, well,


      how can you block the bad vessels and leave the


      good vessels alone?  But it look like by targeting


      165 we may be able to do that.  So, that is


      something we would consider doing in the context,


      obviously at some point in the future, as a




      clinical trial.  We wouldn't recommend off-label


      use at this point.


                DR. GUYER:  Also, in addition to


      retinopathy prematurity to look at in the future,


      and we mentioned the diabetic program also, we are


      also presently in a Phase II program for retinal


      vein occlusions and the macular edema that comes


      from that.  In fact, if we could just go to E-158


      for a second, it just lists a couple of the trials,


      if anyone is interested.




                In addition to the diabetic program, we


      presently are studying, as I said, retinal vein and


      also we have a small program with Emily Chiu, of


      the National Eye Institute, on von Hippel Lindau


      tumors because of the increased permeability of


      those lesions.  We are considering, but have not


      started yet, trials for pathological myopia and


      histoplasmosis where, again, choroidal


      neovascularization is associated; sickle cell


      retinopathy; iris neovascularization, as was


      earlier mentioned; and proliferative diabetic




      retinopathy.  Those are presently under




                DR. DUNBAR:  Are there additional comments


      from the committee at this time, especially


      pertaining to the public hearing?


                [No response]


                Now I would like to shift our emphasis


      once again to the general discussion that we began


      this morning and see if there are any other


      comments in general from the committee before we


      move on to the questions.  I will poll the


      committee members one by one.


                Dr. Chinchilli, do you have any additional




                DR. CHINCHILLI:  No, I do not.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Ms. Knudson?


                MS. KNUDSON:  No, I do not.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Steidl?


                DR. STEIDL:  No, I don't.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Pulido?


                DR. PULIDO:  No, I do not.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Lehmer?




                DR. LEHMER:  No, I don't.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Gates?


                DR. GATES:  None.


                DR. DUNBAR:  I have no additional


      comments.  Dr. Miller?


                DR. MILLER:  No.


                DR. DUNBAR:  And Mr. Kresel?


                MR. KRESEL:  No, I do not.




                DR. DUNBAR:  At this point then let's move


      on to a discussion of the individual questions


      posed by the FDA.  I will read the individual


      question and open up the question for general


      disease and at the end of the discussion poll each




                The first question reads, has sufficient


      data been submitted to evaluate the efficacy and


      safety profile of pegaptanib sodium?  Excuse me, I


      was operating from an older list.


                Back to question number one, based on the


      inclusion/exclusion criteria, are there patients


      excluded from the studies that you believe need to




      be studied?  Is there any general discussion about


      the inclusion and exclusion criteria?  I am going


      to go ahead an poll each member.  Dr. Chinchilli?


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  No, I don't have any




                DR. DUNBAR:  Ms. Knudson?


                MS. KNUDSON:  No, I don't have any


      additional comments.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Steidl?


                DR. CHAMBERS:  Can I interrupt?  Besides


      saying you don't have any comments, if you think it


      was appropriate--it is at least somebody saying you


      think they were appropriate as opposed to just no


      comments.  Thank you.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Let's start back again with


      Dr. Chinchilli.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Well, I am not that


      familiar with ophthalmological clinical trials, but


      the criteria seem appropriate to me.


                DR. DUNBAR:  And Ms. Knudson?


                MS. KNUDSON:  I think the criteria are


      appropriate and in terms of sufficient data, my




      only concern is what we have expressed before,


      long-term use.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Steidl?


                DR. STEIDL:  I don't believe that there


      were patients excluded that need to be studied.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Pulido?


                DR. PULIDO:  I agree with Dr. Chinchilli


      and the other members so far.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Lehmer?


                DR. LEHMER:  I agree that the criteria


      seem appropriate.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Gates?


                DR. GATES:  I am satisfied with the


      inclusion/exclusion criteria.


                DR. DUNBAR:  I concur with the rest of the


      committee.  Dr. Miller?


                DR. MILLER:  I concur.


                DR. DUNBAR:  And Mr. Kresel?


                MR. KRESEL:  I agree with what the rest of


      the committee has said.


                DR. DUNBAR:  We will move to question


      number two, visual acuity measurements were




      conducted using the ETDRS scale placed at 2 meters


      from the patient.  The validity of the ETDRS scale


      was established based on readings at 4 meters.  Are


      the visual acuity findings sufficiently robust to


      overcome the potential bias introduced by visual


      acuity measurements at 2 meters?  Dr. Chinchilli?


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  We haven't discussed this


      although it was mentioned by the agency.  You know,


      the fact that there is a control group, the sham


      group, and that you still see differences is


      encouraging.  The question is whether or not there


      is some sort of interaction.  I mean, would the


      sham group not have a bias when it is done from 2


      meters whereas the dosed groups would?  You know, I


      don't know if there is any logical explanation for


      something hypothetical like that happening.  It


      doesn't seem like a major issue but I would like to


      hear the ophthalmologists talk about this issue.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Then I will open this up for


      general discussion before polling each individual


      committee member.  Dr. Lehmer?


                DR. LEHMER:  I was just going to say I




      wanted to hear what the statisticians had to say


      because when we are talking about robustness of


      data, you know, I wouldn't know where to draw the


      line on are these numbers robust enough to overcome


      that difference.  But I hear what you are saying,


      that this is a comparison between groups that were


      tested under the same conditions so my assumption


      would be that the relative difference would still


      hold up whether it is 2 meters or 4 meters.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Chambers?


                DR. CHAMBERS:  I will just clarify a


      little bit.  There are some differences in other


      areas such as adverse events which might lead


      someone to recognize which group they were in even


      if they were not able to tell from the actual


      procedures, such as some of the floaters, such as


      some of the other many adverse reactions which may


      lead them to, either appropriately or


      inappropriately, believe they were in a group.  The


      concern is that there may be potential unmasking


      because of some of the adverse events that then may


      lead to differences, and the issue that there is




      more variability with measurements at 2 meters


      versus 4 meters, although we don't have good


      quantitation on what that is.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Pulido?


                DR. PULIDO:  So, Dr. Chambers, is this a


      possible way of getting around this problem?  I


      feel the data is good enough right now at 2 meters.


      Because there is a concern, could future studies be


      requested to be at 4 meters from the start for the


      small chance that there may be a problem?


                DR. CHAMBERS:  It is the agency's


      recommendation that they be at 4 meters to avoid


      the issue even coming up.  Were we talking about a


      single letter we probably wouldn't be asking this


      question either.  We would say, well, that is


      definitely within what the variation is.  You may


      choose to believe, well, it takes 16 meters before


      you even get one line; this is a three-line change


      so we think there is enough robustness in the


      findings and robustness in differences in visual


      acuities that, while we would have not like to have


      had it, it is still okay.  Or, you may say there




      just is no way to go and tell and the agency needs


      to deal with it as best they can.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Pulido?


                DR. PULIDO:  Though it would have been


      nice if it had been done at 4 meters, there appears


      to be enough robustness of the data that I accept


      it at 2 meters.  Is that a good paraphrase of the


      way you had said it?


                DR. CHAMBERS:  I did not want to put words


      in anyone's mouth.  I was trying to put out


      examples of the type of information we are looking


      for in comments.


                DR. PULIDO:  That would have been the way


      I would have said it without you having said it.




                DR. DUNBAR:  I have a question for the


      agency.  Was this an agreed upon aspect of the


      protocol prior to commencing the clinical trials,


      or was this a point that came up in the analysis


      later on?


                DR. CHAMBERS:  The agency, having had the


      ETDRS done under an IND, is fully aware of how the




      protocols were written for ETDRS and has always


      assumed that if someone wrote ETDRS that they meant


      that they would do visual acuities at 4 meters.  We


      have come to find out since that time that that is


      not the interpretation necessarily in the whole


      community and so there were clinical trials that


      were started using the charts but moving them to


      different distances and people continued to call it


      ETDRS even though it does not meet the technical


      protocol of ETDRS.  In this particular case we were


      aware of the difference after the trials had


      started.  To the extent we were aware of them


      before the trial start, to the extent that we were


      aware of them during the trials, we have made those


      comments but in some cases we are aware that there


      were trials that started before we were able to


      comment on it.  Then you would be caught with the


      equal question of do you change the protocol in


      midstream or do you run the protocol the way it was


      started, even if you would have preferred to do it


      a different way?


                I will let the sponsor comment on their




      own but it is my understanding the choice--and we


      do fully understand it--is to continue the


      protocol, at the point that you recognize there is


      a difference, the way it was written so that you


      don't raise further questions about, okay, you have


      changed the protocol.  What would have happened had


      you not changed the protocol?  So, we are left with


      the data that we have.  We obviously don't


      encourage it in the future but this is what we




                DR. DUNBAR:  I have a question for the


      sponsor.  Was every center done at 2 meters?  Were


      they all uniform throughout the protocols?


                DR. GUYER:  Could I have slide 14 up,






                First, yes, they were all standardized.  I


      think Dr. Chambers summarized very nicely in the


      morning the difficulties with 2 meters versus 4


      meters.  When we started the trial our thought


      process was, first, that historically other trials


      were done at 2 meters, most of the other trials




      were for this condition.  Part of the reason was


      that in order to be able to read all of the letters


      on the chart, some patients would not be able to do


      that at 4 meters.  So, our thought was we could get


      more patients to see at the baseline visions and at


      week 54 on the chart and not have to move up to 1




                But certainly the FDA has presented very,


      very good information why 4 meters should be


      considered as well.  There is no perfect testing


      distance.  I think Dr. Chambers also, on his slide,


      said it very well, that the key factor is if


      masking is good and if you have some kind of rigid


      way of making sure that the patient didn't lean or


      move, then 2 meters is certainly a good testing


      parameter.  The real potential biases at 2 meters


      have to do with two things.  One is accommodation


      which, obviously, in this population because of


      presbyopia is not an issue.  The second is the


      leaning that Dr. Chambers mentioned.


                Now, we have randomization which certainly


      helps.  So, we would hope that good randomization




      and masking should be equal between sides.  But we


      also have some very important quality control






                We had very vigorous training and


      monitoring of the visual acuity examiners before


      the trial and during the trial.  In fact, we had


      over 450 audits performed in all of the centers


      throughout the world.  And, one of the questions


      that was looked at was, was proper patient


      positioning, such as leaning, prevented by the


      acuity examiners?  You can see that in these 469


      audits, 98.3 percent of the examiners did use


      proper patient positioning, which comforts us that


      at least based upon this quality control we don't


      believe that the patients were leaning forward.


                We also have good evidence of proper


      masking.  All groups, the active groups as well as


      the shams, all got 8.5 of the 9 injections.  So,


      that suggests that masking was good.  Similarly for


      discontinuation rates and reasons, which you can


      see in the FDA briefing book.






                Actually, when we did a trial for macular


      degeneration a number of years ago we devised this


      measuring stick which also must be used at every


      examination.  Here you can see a visual acuity


      examiner to actually remind the visual acuity


      examiner always to be sure that the patient is at


      the right distance and that the patient doesn't


      lean forward.  This, I think combined with the


      quality control, helps us.


                Also, in Dr. Chambers' questions about


      masking and floaters, which is a very good


      question, we actually have looked to try to give us


      some comfort that there was no difference in the


      responder rate of patients who had floaters and


      didn't have floaters.




                This shows that whether the patients had


      floaters or didn't have floaters we see an active


      treatment effect for both.  So, we tried to look at


      the data from as many possibilities of potential


      unmasking and did not see anything.  So, we have




      some comfort I think by the quality control and by


      the good masking in the trial that 2 meters was


      probably not an issue.  But we certainly share with


      the agency that in future trials 4 meters are


      preferred.  We wish more study centers, as Dr.


      Chambers mentioned, had 4-meter testing which has


      also been part of our thought process, that it is


      difficult to get 117 centers with rooms that big.


      But we are working in other trials to do 4-meter


      testing after these discussions.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Thank you.  Are there any


      other general comments for discussion before


      individual polling of the committee members?  If


      not, I will ask each committee member to answer the


      question are the visual acuity findings


      sufficiently robust to overcome the potential bias


      introduced by visual acuity measurements at 2


      meters?  Dr. Chinchilli?


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Yes, I believe the data


      are reliable even though the measurements were


      taken at 2 meters.  I was comforted by some of


      these quality control issues that the sponsor




      addressed and was prepared to address.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Ms. Knudson?


                MS. KNUDSON:  I will echo what Dr.


      Chinchilli said.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Steidl?


                DR. STEIDL:  Yes, given the significance,


      the audits presented and randomization, I am


      comfortable with them.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Pulido?


                DR. PULIDO:  I am comfortable with the


      robustness of the data.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Lehmer?


                DR. LEHMER:  I am comfortable with the


      robustness of the data.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Gates?


                DR. GATES:  I am also satisfied.  In


      examining patients on a day-in and day-out basis I


      always ask them to lean forward for these different


      tasks, and with this randomization not picking on


      any particular segment of the patient population, I


      know some will and some won't even if they are


      physically able or not able.  So, with this




      randomization I am very satisfied with the




                DR. DUNBAR:  I concur with the other


      comments to this point.  Dr. Miller?


                DR. MILLER:  Based on what Dr. Chambers


      and also the sponsor has had to say, I concur.


                DR. DUNBAR:  And Mr. Kresel?


                MR. KRESEL:  I agree with the rest of the




                DR. DUNBAR:  We move to question number


      three, has sufficient data been submitted to


      evaluate the efficacy and safety profile of


      pegaptanib sodium for the treatment of the


      neovascular form of AMD?  If not, what additional


      data are needed?  I would like to open this for


      general comments and discussion.


                [No response]


                Then I will begin by polling Dr.




                DR. CHINCHILLI:  You have to start over


      there next time--I am kidding!  Well, based on the


      discussions we had this morning, it sounded to me




      as if some of the committee members want to see


      more data on long-term safety and use and


      continuation, you know, how long is it necessary to


      continue.  I mean, I have no idea how long of a


      period of time we need to have data to assess


      long-term efficacy and safety.  So, I am not going


      to make a judgment on that but it seemed like it


      was a concern to many of the committee members.


                DR. DUNBAR:  I will ask you to address


      each part of the question, the first being has


      sufficient data been submitted to evaluate efficacy


      and safety profile?


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Yes, I sort of glossed


      over that.  Yes, I believe it has.


                DR. DUNBAR:  You mentioned the additional


      data part as well.  Any further comments on that?


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  No, I don't have anything




                DR. DUNBAR:  Ms. Knudson?


                MS. KNUDSON:  I think from what I have


      read and heard that sufficient data is available,


      and additional data I would like to see is how long




      would a patient need to use this; how much safety


      is there after several years of use.  Those are my




                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Steidl?


                DR. STEIDL:  Well, there is a lot of


      additional data I would like to see but I don't


      think that additional data is required ultimately.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Pulido?


                DR. PULIDO:  Yes, I believe that


      sufficient data has been submitted to evaluate the


      efficacy and safety profile, and it appears to me


      very efficacious and safe.  I do believe that


      postmarketing surveillance for ERG, visual field


      and subsequent vision would be worthwhile in a


      subgroup of patients.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Lehmer?


                DR. LEHMER:  I feel that there is


      sufficient data to show the efficacy and safety


      within the parameters of the study, and would echo


      the comments of Dr. Pulido.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Gates?


                DR. GATES:  I also believe sufficient data




      has been submitted for efficacy and safety.


                DR. DUNBAR:  I concur with the comments of


      the rest of the committee about sufficient data for


      efficacy and safety, and I concur with Ms. Knudson


      that some type of postmarketing surveillance for


      long-term efficacy be continued.  Dr. Miller?


                DR. MILLER:  I concur with regard to the


      data for efficacy and safety, however, I am really


      concerned, as you have also mentioned, with regard


      to how long a patient should be taking this


      particular medication.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Mr. Kresel?


                MR. KRESEL:  I think sufficient data has


      been submitted to evaluate efficacy and safety for


      one year, and I will leave it to my ophthalmology


      colleagues to determine if longer-term data is




                DR. DUNBAR:  Question number four reads,


      are additional analyses of the current data needed


      to understand the efficacy or safety of pegaptanib


      sodium for the treatment of the neovascular form of


      AMD?  Dr. Chinchilli?




                DR. CHINCHILLI:  I mentioned this, this


      morning, about the time to treatment failure.  I


      don't think it is going to have an impact on this


      particular situation here but, you know, it would


      be interesting to see Kaplan-Meier survival curves.


      I think there was one point where the sponsor had


      flashed a slide up there and then took it off


      because they were addressing some other issue with


      that question.  But I think the agency in


      particular should consider this for future studies


      for future sponsors.  I mean, the disease is one


      that is progressive so you are going to reach the


      point where it has progressed to the point of


      concern which, everybody has been telling me, is


      greater or equal to 15-letter loss from baseline.


                So, I think it should be analyzed in that


      manner.  As I said, I don't think it is going to


      affect this particular situation with this


      particular drug.  So, I don't see the need for


      additional analyses now but I think the analyses I


      am proposing would be more accurate and not rely so


      much on data imputation.




                DR. DUNBAR:  I wonder if this can be the


      answer to our question about how long the drug


      should be taken.  It seems like this type of


      analysis might answer that question.  DR.


      CHINCHILLI:  That is possible, yes.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Pulido?


                DR. PULIDO:  Point of clarification, there


      is a question on board by Dr. Chinchilli.  I don't


      think it is going to make a difference.  I don't


      think it is going to change what we have found but


      since the question is out there to either the FDA


      or to the sponsor, do they have the answer to it?


                DR. DUNBAR:  Will you repeat the question?


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Do you have the


      Kaplan-Meier survival curves?


                DR. CHAMBERS:  We have not chosen to ask


      for it because we have information, not on this


      drug but on other drugs, that time-to-event is not


      indicative of what you see at year one and at year


      two.  So, we have not pushed for this type of


      analysis.  In fact, we believe that what you see at


      month three and month six is frequently in the




      wrong direction for what you see at one year and,


      consequently, have not asked for the time-to-event


      analysis because we see them reverse.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  But you can use the


      Kaplan-Meier survival curve to get a more accurate


      indication of what is happening at one year.  I


      agree if you think three months and six months is


      too early, but you can use the curve, the survival


      curve to get a better estimate of what is happening


      at one year because it accounts for all the


      censoring, the dropouts and the terminations that




                DR. CHAMBERS:  You are right, if we don't


      take people out as a single event and allow them to


      either come in or come back out as they go through


      that endpoint, I absolutely agree.  I am just going


      through the reason why we have not in the past used


      that because we did not want an answer that


      happened to be less--we didn't know exactly where


      the point is that is potentially confusing.  We


      know three and six is not.  We have not known about


      nine months.  In some cases with some drugs it




      hasn't made a difference.  With this particular


      drug you don't see reversals.  So, what you learn


      early on does appear to be continuing later on.


      That is just not true of every particular product


      so we have not known ahead of time when to use it


      and when not to.  But I absolutely understand what


      you are talking about.  We just have not looked at


      those particular analyses and I don't know if the


      sponsor has or has not.


                DR. GUYER:  We have.  Would you like us to


      show it?


                DR. CHAMBERS:  By all means.




                DR. GUYER:  This is the Kaplan-Meier


      estimate of the first observed loss of 15 letters


      of vision with ITT and, again, it is consistent


      with the other endpoints we showed you earlier


      today, that the active treatment groups at all of


      these data points with time show a treatment effect


      compared to the sham.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Pulido, do you have any


      other questions regarding this?




                DR. PULIDO:  No.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Chinchilli?


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  No, that is what I wanted


      to see.   DR. DUNBAR:  Okay.  In our


      polling we kind of moved back to a general


      discussion.  Dr. Chinchilli, you indicated that


      that satisfied your question?


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Yes, it did.  That was


      the additional analysis I would like to see but,


      again, I didn't expect to see anything different


      than that but it is still nice to see it, and that


      the sponsor had considered it.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Ms. Knudson?


                MS. KNUDSON:  I will pass on the question


      of analysis of the data.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Steidl, are there


      additional analyses you would like to see?


                DR. STEIDL:  No, my impression is that


      additional analyses won't change the efficacy and


      safety profile.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Pulido?


                DR. PULIDO:  No additional analyses are






                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Lehmer?


                DR. LEHMER:  I agree, no additional


      analyses are needed.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Gates?


                DR. GATES:  No additional analyses are




                DR. DUNBAR:  I concur.  Dr. Miller?


                DR. MILLER:  I concur.


                DR. DUNBAR:  And Mr. Kresel?


                MR. KRESEL:  I concur.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Moving to question number


      five, has the concomitant use of PDT therapy with


      pegaptanib been explored sufficiently?  Are there


      concerns with using this product concomitantly with


      PDT therapy?  I would like to open this for general


      discussion.  No additional general comments at this


      time?  If not, as I poll you individually just


      please try to address the two parts of this


      question.  Dr. Chinchilli?


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Well, I think it was a


      good idea to not make exclusions in the study for




      PDT therapy.  Given that situation, I thought the


      sponsor did a reasonable job of analysis to account


      for that.  So, I think, you know, that is a hard


      one to answer for a statistician.  It hasn't been


      explored sufficiently.  You know, we are never


      satisfied.  So--


                DR. PULIDO:  You have proven that already!




                DR. CHINCHILLI:  I don't think I will get


      invited back.  You are going to kick me back to my


      other committee, I know that.


                You know, the designs were reasonable.  In


      the inclusion criteria it was good to see that they


      included that since PDT therapy seems to be


      something that is important for this disease.  So,


      I think I have answered the first question.


                Are there concerns with using this product


      concomitantly with PDT therapy?  You know, given


      the circumstances and the way the trials were


      designed, I thought the sponsor showed that, given


      all those limitations, the sham group was the one


      that ended up having to have more PDT therapy,




      showing efficacy for the product.  It didn't seem


      like there were safety concerns.  I didn't see any


      issue.  Although the numbers were small, there


      didn't seem to be any safety issues when it was


      used concomitantly.  But, you know, the trials


      weren't designed specifically to look at that.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Ms. Knudson?


                MS. KNUDSON:  I am comfortable actually


      answering yes to the first and I have no problem


      with the second personally.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Steidl?


                DR. STEIDL:  I think it has been explored


      sufficiently and I don't have concerns about


      concomitant use.  I think we would all like to know


      ultimately if there is a synergistic effect.  That


      is what is ultimately going to be an issue.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Pulido?


                DR. PULIDO:  I agree with my esteemed


      colleague to my left.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Lehmer?


                DR. LEHMER:  I don't feel that the numbers


      involved were large enough but, again, the study




      was not designed to specifically look at answering


      this question.  So, with regard to the lack of


      difference between the groups, I guess within the


      small numbers that were shown I would have to say


      that there doesn't appear to be enough concern for


      further study of this.  So, I guess I would have to


      just caution about the fact that there are small


      numbers but the data that they do have don't raise


      a sufficient concern for me.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Gates?


                DR. GATES:  Yes to the first question; no,


      to the second.


                DR. DUNBAR:  I concur with the rest of the


      committee.  I think that it was comforting that


      both the agency and the sponsor numbers, even


      though they were small numbers, they agreed in the


      ways that they looked at this and so I concur.  Dr.




                DR. MILLER:  I concur but I was concerned


      about the small numbers but I will concur with


      everyone else.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Mr. Kresel?




                MR. KRESEL:  I think the design of the


      study tends to answer the question, and when you


      have an all-comer study, you know, you mimic


      real-world use and I think that answers at least


      the question of the safety of using the two


      products together.  It wasn't designed or intended


      to talk about any additional efficacy parameters so


      if people have questions about that they may want


      to look into that at a later date, but it certainly


      answers the question on the safety of using the two


      products together.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Question number six reads, do


      the route and/or frequency of administration of the


      drug raise any concerns that are not addressed by


      the studies?  Is there any general discussion about


      this question?


                [No response]


                Then we will move on to individual


      polling, starting with Dr. Chinchilli.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  I don't feel qualified to


      answer this.  I would like to hear the


      ophthalmologists respond to this.  Do I have to




      give an answer?


                DR. DUNBAR:  No.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Thank you.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Ms. Knudson?


                MS. KNUDSON:  Of course, I feel similarly


      to Dr. Chinchilli but I would like to say that if,


      indeed, this is the route and if, indeed, it is the


      amount of time between injections that patients


      will actually be going through, I wondered to


      myself whether people would be willing to come back


      that frequently for an invasive procedure.  Then I


      thought, well, these are highly motivated patients


      and they probably would be.  So, I am all right


      with this.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Steidl?


                DR. STEIDL:  Well, I guess maybe more so


      than others here I believe the route and the


      frequency are a big issue and do raise significant


      concerns but, in the spirit of the question, I do


      think they were raised by the studies and they were


      discussed by the company.  So.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Pulido?




                DR. PULIDO:  Just one question to the FDA,


      were less often injections evaluated, i.e., every


      three months?  And, can I ask the company if they


      have any data on less often injections?


                DR. ADAMIS:  Let me tell you briefly about


      what we are doing because we would like to limit


      the number of injections as much as possible.


      There is the ongoing 1006 study which is a


      pharmacokinetic study where we are looking at


      various doses, trying to determine what the


      relevant half-life in the vitreous is in people.


      Recall, when we designed the study we used the


      monkey half-life of four days.


                The other thing we are doing is we are


      determining in the laboratory the relevant


      inhibitory concentration when you administer this


      via intravitreous injection.


                Once we have those two pieces of data in


      hand, if there is evidence that we can dose less


      frequently or there is a more optimal way that is


      certainly something that the sponsor is willing to


      consider.  But right here, today, what we have is




      that the 0.3 at every six weeks appears to be safe


      and effective.


                DR. PULIDO:  In that case, as far as the


      route and frequency of administration, I think


      until new data shows it can be done less frequently


      the data is acceptable to me.  Again, I do have the


      long-term concerns that I have mentioned before


      because of the neurotrophic effect of VEGF.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Lehmer?


                DR. LEHMER:  I think the concerns have


      been addressed adequately.  I know with regard to


      injecting acyclovir agents for CMV retinitis it


      seemed we were jumping to implants fairly quickly


      and this population that was studied were highly


      motivated, possibly more highly motivated than


      patients who are not participating in a clinical


      trial.  So, there may be less enthusiasm or less


      compliance with coming in for every six-week


      injections but I think within the realm of the


      study I don't have any concerns.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Gates?


                DR. GATES:  No additional concerns.




                DR. DUNBAR:  I think it is interesting


      that in the study the sponsor has shown that they


      were able to retain well greater than 90 percent of


      their participants even when they were receiving


      between 8-9 injections.  So, yes, of course, there


      are concerns for anyone receiving multiple


      intraocular injections, however, to the best


      possible in a clinical trial situation, I think


      they have been addressed.  Dr. Miller?


                DR. MILLER:  Yes, I would agree that they


      have been addressed but, at the risk of being an N


      of 1 study myself, I am a motivated person and I am


      concerned that someone would have to go through the


      discomfort so many times.  So, I just wonder if


      there isn't a way of delivering it some other way,


      other than through an injection, but I am not an


      ophthalmologist.  Thank you.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Mr. Kresel?


                MR. KRESEL:  I agree with Dr. Dunbar.  I


      think certainly there is data for nine injections


      in the first year and there will be data very soon


      for 18 injections cumulatively.  How many




      injections a patient can endure over time


      cumulatively I don't know, but patients tend to


      vote with their feet and so in the end you find


      that out anyway.  So, I think that for now the data


      is adequate.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Question number seven reads,


      endophthalmitis was observed in approximately two


      percent of patients in these studies.  What is the


      optimal follow-up needed to minimize the impact of


      potential endophthalmitis cases?  Is there any


      general discussion about this before the individual




                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Well, I am not quite sure


      I understand the question.  I mean, are we talking


      about optimal follow-up in the individuals who have


      been diagnosed with endophthalmitis or are we


      talking about the general population?  I mean, it


      is not clear what the agency is asking.


                DR. CHAMBERS:  Let me clarify.  We are


      potentially talking about if we were to approve


      this product and attempt to label it.  Because this


      is an event that could occur, we are looking at how




      frequently we should be recommending people come


      back.  Endophthalmitis is more easily treated early


      rather than late.  Are there recommendations on how


      often people should come back to be observed?


      Obviously, in the first week is when the cases were


      observed.  Are there signs that we should be


      putting in the labeling that should be warning


      patients on things to look out for that should


      suggest that they see somebody earlier rather than


      later?  Basically, we are looking as much as


      possible for additional labeling comments.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Lehmer?


                DR. LEHMER:  It seemed to me that all the


      cases of endophthalmitis presented within one week.


      Was that correct?  It is always an issue if


      something is relatively infrequent, such as this,


      should everybody be screened, say, two days or


      three days afterwards?  It seems like when the


      potential risk is high, as it is in


      endophthalmitis, that it is worth doing that.


                DR. DUNBAR:  I think it was interesting


      that the sponsor designed their study so they had




      telephone follow-up at three days, and they did


      pick up a significant number of those cases through


      that telephone follow-up.  I was trying to compare


      this in my mind to, say, a cataract surgery where


      maybe a patient will be seen at day one and day


      seven and that is another procedure with the risk


      for endophthalmitis.  However, the extra precaution


      of the three-day follow-up seemed to provide


      benefit because their patients also did better in


      general than patients with endophthalmitis.  I


      wonder what the rest of the committee members think


      about this.


                DR. PULIDO:  I think that many were found


      at four days.  So, was it that they called at three


      days and that they noticed that they were having a


      problem and so they came back on day four?


                DR. DUNBAR:  Maybe the sponsor can comment


      on this.


                DR. ADAMIS:  If we could call up slide


      128, just to remind the audience?




                Three of them were picked up on their




      phone call at days three and four.  There were two


      questions we asked them:  "How are you feeling?


      And, "how is your vision?"  That is how they were




                Eleven, the majority, walked in on their


      own, went back to the doctor's office, between days


      two and five.  Then, the remaining two were during


      the one-week follow-up exam.  That is how everybody


      was diagnosed.  It was actually the one-week




                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Gates?


                DR. GATES:  Do you have an idea how many


      people you called and screened that were negative


      on that day-three phone call?


                DR. ADAMIS:  Everybody was supposed to get


      called so presumably everybody else was negative.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Are there any comments from


      the committee about the specific recommendation?


      Mr. Kresel?


                MR. KRESEL:  Going back to my earlier


      pragmatic approach because I do write labeling, it


      seems to me that probably somebody should have a




      recommendation and probably some patient


      educational material so that patients will


      understand what to look for and call their


      physician.  If 11 of them showed up in the office


      on their own, they were probably told by their


      investigator that if you have these particular


      problems you should call me.


                So, we probably should recommend some kind


      of patient education.  It seems like a rather


      simple, more pragmatic approach.  You are certainly


      not going to expect a busy office to be calling


      every patient all the time.  So, having patients


      understand what to look for and knowing when to


      call probably makes more sense.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Are there any specific


      recommendations of signs or symptoms that the


      committee wishes to have included in the labeling?


      For example, say, a patient had their family member


      read the labeling to them like patients sometimes


      are wont to do if they are not feeling well?  Any


      specific recommendations for the agency?  Dr.






                DR. STEIDL:  I don't have any because some


      endophthalmitis can present with a quiet looking


      eyes, some without pain.  I have a lot of patients


      walk in, not realizing that they have lost


      significant vision.  And, maybe this is a


      particular type of population and maybe with the


      right education you can prevent that to some


      degree, but I think if we rely on the patient it is


      dangerous.  As far as specific recommendations, I


      don't know, you have a sudden enough


      endophthalmitis on day one or day four--it can


      happen any time.  So.  Phone calls I guess in lieu


      of everyday exams might be reasonable.  I am not


      really sure.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Should the labeling mirror


      the study design with visits at one day, a phone


      call at three days and visit at one week?  Or,


      should the labeling provide--you were mentioning


      there was a patient education component, there is a


      physician examination component, and it seems like


      to protect patients the labeling should reflect


      both of these, as was designed in the study.  Dr.






                DR. LEHMER:  The comments have been made


      that the outcomes of these endophthalmitis cases


      were very good compared to, say, postoperative


      endophthalmitis after cataract surgery and maybe


      that is because of the rigorous follow-up and maybe


      that should be the new standard.  I know there is


      no FDA label saying everybody should get examined


      one day after cataract surgery, but I suppose it


      would be easier to make it a standard if the


      recommendation to change the protocol was to make


      it a more surgical approach, meaning a sterile


      field.  Then perhaps a recommendation for a


      follow-up should also be more along those


      lines--this is a surgical procedure and a day-one


      check or phone call and a week-one check would be




                DR. PULIDO:  I disagree.  The volume of


      patients would be extraordinary on day one.  If we


      are going to increase the follow-up, I think


      following protocol and having a phone call at day


      three would be probably more acceptable to the




      patients.  For some of these patients it is hard to


      come back.  It is not as surgically invasive as


      other procedures.  I don't recall right off the top


      of my head how many came back at day one with


      endophthalmitis in this group but I think it was


      only one.  To pick up one case, you would have


      tremendous hardship for these patients.  I think if


      you want to go that route, a phone call at day


      three and then follow-up at week one would be much


      better both for the patient and for the volume of




                DR. DUNBAR:  I would like to recommend


      that the sponsor and the agency work together to


      include education in the label, such as to return


      if symptoms of redness, pain and vision loss--very


      brief endophthalmitis education and to incorporate


      some agreed upon follow-up schedule.  Are there any


      other general comments?


                DR. MILLER:  I would disagree with that.


      I think that. I think we need to remember that some


      people don't always have someone there to read for


      them.  So, if there is a way of getting the




      information to them and making sure that they know


      what to look for before it happens, that would be




                DR. DUNBAR:  If there is no more general


      discussion let's resume the individual polling.


      Dr. Chinchilli, have I already begun with you?


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Sure, you did!  It sounds


      like some sort of form of education is necessary or


      follow-up by the ophthalmologist's office.  So, I


      really don't know what to recommend but obviously


      this is of major concern so some form of follow-up


      or education is necessary and I just can't make a




                DR. DUNBAR:  Ms. Knudson?


                MS. KNUDSON:  I think it is quite clearly


      physician and patient education material that needs


      to be developed.  And, if patients can't read or


      don't have someone to read to them, they could have


      an audio tape which would describe what they need.


      That is not very expensive to do and it would be


      very simple.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Steidl?




                DR. STEIDL:  I agree with Dr. Pulido that


      probably more than one exam in a week is going to


      become prohibitive.  I think a phone call is


      reasonable.  The materials that we have for


      Visudyne are useful, and I think that, you know,


      when Visudyne was just coming out there were a lot


      of these meetings that explained to doctors how to


      manage their patients and I think this has to be


      impressed on them, how this needs to be done for


      patient education.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Pulido?


                DR. PULIDO:  I agree with Dr. Steidl.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Lehmer?


                DR. LEHMER:  I would still advocate the


      one day.  I don't know many of our cataract surgery


      colleagues who have given up examining their postop


      patients one day afterwards.  I think part of the


      message we might be sending by having a phone call


      be the only thing between treatment day and one


      week postop is that perhaps this is a fairly benign


      procedure, and knowing that a lot of surgical


      procedures are being considered by optometrists




      these days we have to realize what kind of message


      we may be sending with our labeling.  But I would


      agree that at a least a phone call on day three and


      an exam one week later is necessary.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Pulido?


                DR. PULIDO:  Again, maybe I am missing


      something, Dr. Lehmer, but there was one case that


      I see here of endophthalmitis, in the chart on page


      47, on day one.  So, we are going to not pick up


      the vast majority of cases by seeing the patient on


      day one.  What is it that we are going to pick up


      on day one?


                DR. LEHMER:  Well, that is true of this


      population, which is not thousands of patients.  We


      would, therefore, pick up several patients over the


      population of the United States that would be


      patients receiving this treatment.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Gates?


                DR. GATES:  I recommend the phone call at


      day three with the specifics on redness,


      sensitivity, vision deterioration and pain to be in


      that phone call, so to speak, as a protocol.  I




      also concur with the one week postop visit.  I


      think that is a good compromise between the two


      positions and I think that is appropriate with the


      standard of care of other intraocular surgeries.


                DR. DUNBAR:  I would like to recommend


      that very specifically patient education be


      addressed with the same sentence that Dr. Gates


      said, redness, pain, loss of vision, and that


      physician education with follow-up at least at the


      three-day and seven-day time periods be suggested.


      Dr. Miller?


                DR. MILLER:  I would like to strongly


      recommend that we have the patient education


      component as you have discussed.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Mr. Kresel?


                MR. KRESEL:  I think a combination of


      patient and physician education and follow-up


      visits is necessary.  I will leave the timing to


      the ophthalmologist.  But I would point out that


      finding one case in a thousand is not an


      insignificant number.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Question number eight reads,




      are there adverse experiences that are of


      particular concern for this product?  We will start


      with general discussion.  In the absence of any


      comments, we will move to individual polling with


      Dr. Chinchilli.


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Well, I didn't see any in


      the safety tables provided, other than the


      endophthalmitis--anything that looked drastically


      different from the sham group.  So, I don't see


      anything to comment on for that one.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Ms. Knudson?


                MS. KNUDSON:  I agree with Dr. Chinchilli.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Steidl?


                DR. STEIDL:  I guess I have stated my case


      about endophthalmitis and, in fact, Dr. Liss'


      points, who came up and spoke, were well taken that


      although I think Visudyne has been well managed I


      think there are a lot of ophthalmologists who might


      consider doing this, people who don't normally do


      this type of thing in the community, particularly


      if there is a lot of hype about it.  People are


      coming to their office, saying do you do this? 




      And, they have to say they don't.  I am just


      concerned about the risk in the hands of people who


      are not commonly doing this.  But in general I


      think the adverse experiences have been well


      discussed and addressed by the company.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Pulido?


                DR. PULIDO:  I guess the only other one


      that would be of concern is the retinal detachment


      and, again, patient education regarding signs and


      symptoms of retinal detachment would be worthwhile.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Lehmer?


                DR. LEHMER:  I don't have any additional


      concerns.                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Gates?


                DR. GATES:  No concerns.


                DR. DUNBAR:  In echoing the previous


      comments, I was interested to read that the retinal


      detachment patients seemed like they were high risk


      patients for retinal detachments, patients with


      lattice degeneration or multiple small holes.  I am


      wondering if there should be a precautionary


      statement in the label addressing this.  It seems


      like common knowledge among ophthalmologists,




      however, those patients certainly are at an


      increased risk for any retinal detachment and


      disturbing the vitreous in those cases could tip


      them over the edge.  Dr. Miller?


                DR. MILLER:  Yes, I have a concern that


      was I guess an echo of what was mentioned earlier


      about potential individuals who don't do the


      procedure every day or who might not be as


      knowledgeable.  How would we address that for the


      patients' benefit?  Is there something that the


      agency or the sponsor can do to address that issue?


      I am asking Dr. Steidl.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Steidl?


                DR. STEIDL:  Well, I am probably not the


      right one to answer that, but these things do tend


      over time to work themselves out to some degree.  I


      just think that by anticipating the problem in the


      way it is presented, marketed and the information


      is disseminated to the doctors who are going to do


      this initially we can, to some extent, circumvent


      some of these problems but I think you can't


      completely.  So, I don't really have an answer.




                DR. DUNBAR:  If only the federal


      government could instill personal ethics in every


      doctor in the United States!  Mr. Kresel?


                DR. KRESEL:  A comment on that, I am sure


      the sponsor will be doing all kinds of educational


      programs because it is to their advantage to have


      the drug used properly and have patients be


      successful on it.  So, I am sure there will be all


      kinds of training programs out there.  I don't have


      any additional concerns.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Question nine reads, vascular


      endothelial growth factor, VEGF, has been shown to


      be an important component in the development of


      collateral vessels in ischemic heart disease.


      Inhibition of VEGF in the systemic circulation


      could present a theoretical increased risk of


      symptomatic cardiovascular disease in the target


      population of elderly patients with AMD.


                (a), Has the adverse event profile of the


      two randomized Phase III trials raised any concern


      over the possible systemic effects of this therapy?


                (b), Is there additional monitoring that




      should be in place for patients on pegaptanib


      sodium therapy?  Is there any general discussion on


      this two-part question?


                [No response]


                Returning to the individual polling with


      Dr. Chinchilli?


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  Well, with respect to


      part (a), I think it is prudent to be concerned


      about possible systemic effects.  Obviously, with


      the one-year data we were shown there wasn't any


      evidence of that, but there certainly can be


      cumulative effects over time so, again, I think


      what we described in one of the earlier questions


      in terms of having long-term follow-up and


      long-term data, you know, that certainly should be


      monitored in terms of there being some systemic




                DR. DUNBAR:  How long do you think it


      should be monitored?


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  I have no idea.  I don't


      know.  In my experience with other diseases,


      administered locally and not systemically, it was




      important to do that as well with those other


      situations, to monitor systemically because there


      could be buildup; there could be transference into


      systemic compartments.  So, I would say it needs to


      be done but I am not an expert.  I can't really


      comment on how long that should be followed.


                Then, in terms of part (b), I have sort of


      touched on that but I really don't know what else


      to say, what additional monitoring there should be.


                DR. DUNBAR:  The sponsor mentioned that


      the earliest indication of some systemic effect may


      be blood pressure.  Should there be labeling that


      says the patient should be monitored for blood


      pressure effects of the medicine?


                DR. CHINCHILLI:  That sounds reasonable.


                DR. PULIDO:  On the other hand, this is a


      population that is hugely at risk for having


      elevated blood pressure, and to stop a medication


      that may be helping their vision with the


      off-chance that the blood pressure elevation was


      from the medication and not their normal disease


      and normal lifetime I don't think is appropriate. 




      So, I think the amount in the systemic circulation


      is so small that something like that would just not


      be very reasonable.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Are there any additional


      generalized comments before we resume the


      individual polling?


                [No response]


                Ms. Knudson?


                MS. KNUDSON:  I would just go back to my


      concern for long-term monitoring.  I would find out


      more about the effects of the drug and the effects


      on the people who are taking it.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Steidl?


                DR. STEIDL:  My answer to (a) is it does


      not raise concerns.  I think the systemic profile


      looks reasonably safe and has been well studied.


      And, I don't think that additional monitoring, from


      my point of view, is needed with regard to the


      whole issue of approval but there are a lot of


      things I would love to see--again, is there an


      additive effect of PDT; quality of life issues; ERG


      data.  If that can be added in any form at some




      point, it would be useful.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Pulido?


                DR. PULIDO:  Has the adverse event profile


      raised any concerns?  No.  Is there additional


      monitoring that should be in place for patients?


      Just what I have mentioned prior.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Lehmer?


                DR. LEHMER:  My answer to part (a) is no,


      and I agree with Dr. Pulido on part (b).


                DR. DUNBAR:  Dr. Gates?


                DR. GATES:  No systemic concerns, and no


      on the second part also.


                DR. DUNBAR:  I concur that there are no


      systemic concerns, and additional monitoring for


      any specific things like blood pressure or liver


      enzymes or kidney function tests should be


      monitored.  The items mentioned by the previous


      committee members I think would be useful.  Dr.




                DR. MILLER:  No to part (a).  The second


      part, just the long-term follow-up with regard to


      the patients.




                DR. DUNBAR:  Mr. Kresel?


                MR. KRESEL:  No to part (a) and just


      long-term follow-up on (b).


                DR. DUNBAR:  This concludes the individual


      questions for the advisory committee.  At this


      point in time, are there any other generalized


      comments from any member of the advisory committee?


                [No response]


                Are there any additional comments that the


      agency wishes to make?


                DR. SELEN:  Arzu Selen.  One comment I


      would like to make is about the systemic


      bioavailability.  I believe that there has been


      some discussion on this and, yes, indeed, there


      isn't a lot of drug circulating the systemic


      circulation.  Nevertheless, given such a huge


      molecule, there is some bioavailability from


      intravitreal administration.  Even though levels


      are low, it is still detectable.  I guess I have to


      compliment the company on the quality and quantity


      of the pharmacokinetic data they have submitted.


      Based on this, it looks like the drug in humans has




      a half-life somewhere around 10 days, and also


      ranges from 2-19 days in individuals.  So, you


      know, there is considerable amount of drug


      remaining after a single dose.  Nevertheless, the


      levels that you are looking at are at 0.3 mg and


      the dose was studied at 3 mg.


                So, given that, it seems to me that there


      is a big margin there but, at the same time, there


      is also some evidence of non-linearity.  So, taking


      all of that together, I think the part that comes


      into play is the clinical results and that was what


      Dr. Harris presented and that review did not show


      any big flags.  But I think it is still an


      important thing to perhaps continue looking at and,


      you know, not just to overlook at this time anyway.


      Thank you.


                DR. DUNBAR:  Thank you.  Are there any


      additional comments from the agency?


                [No response]


                Then, at this time I would like to thank


      each and every one of you for coming today to


      discuss Macugen, and this will be the conclusion of




      the advisory committee for today.


                [Whereupon, at 2:35 p.m., the proceedings


      were adjourned.]


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