ARCHIVE - dated material.

Grain & oilseed milling (NAICS 3112 )
(Millions of dollars)
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001
Industry Data
Value of shipments 52,076 50,034 46,653 44,831 46,176 -6.8% -3.9% 3.0%
Value of shipments (1997 $) 52,076 56,442 56,941 54,471 55,349 0.9% -4.3% 1.6%
Total employment (thousands) 59.2 57.0 58.3 57.3 55.4 2.3% -1.7% -3.3%
Production workers (thousands) 44.1 42.1 43.0 42.7 41.2 2.1% -0.7% -3.5%
Capital expenditures 1565 1807 1576 1570 1481 -12.8% -0.4% -5.7%
Product Data
Value of shipments 46,887 46,006 42,386 39,667 40,873 -7.9% -6.4% 3.0%
Value of shipments (1997 $) 46,887 51,803 51,653 48,447 49,090 -0.3% -6.2% 1.3%
Trade Data
Value of exports 6825 6623 5557 5101 5551 5745 -16.1% -8.2% 8.8%
Value of imports 2403 2344 2208 2214 2047 2296 -5.8% 0.3% -7.5%
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce: Bureau of the Census; International Trade Administration (ITA).