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The tables have been revised and updated. The 1997 Census of Manufactures (C/M) data are incorporated. Revised 1997 industry shipments and total employment from the "Core Business Statistics Series, Table 1" replace the inital data from the 1997 C/M. The product data are for 1987 through 1996, 1997 product data on a SIC basis are not available.

These tables will not be updated again. Starting with the 1997 Census of Manufactures the Census Bureau has shifted to a new classification structure, the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). The Bureau provided 1997 industry data on both a SIC and NAICS basis, but will not continue to provide SIC data. Future data tables will use the NAICS structure. If you want data on a NAICS basis click here

The value of shipments shown in these tables is expressed both in "current" and "constant" dollars. Current dollars show the value of the goods produced in the particular year referred to. Constant dollars, sometimes referred to as real dollars, show the value of a year's output in the prices of a base year so you can accurately compare real changes in output levels over time. In these tables the base year is 1992. ITA uses Producer Price Indexes from the Bureau of Labor Statistics at the product class level to deflate the current dollar shipments.

The tables distinguish between industry and product shipments. Shipments data are collected separately for individual factories, or establishments, and not at the company level. Most factories make a variety of products. For statistical purposes, each establishment is classified in the industry identified with its major product. For instance, the total output of a plant may consist of 80 percent tires and 20 percent hose and belting. In this case, the total output of the plant would be credited to the tire industry. The total output of all plants so classified would make up the "industry shipments" of the tire industry. The value of tires shipped by all establishments manufacturing tires is aggregated to derive "product shipments."

Trade data shown in the tables were tabulated following the Bureau of the Census latest SIC based trade concordance (with the exception of a few industries) to approximate the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) industry groupings. Exports are limited to domestic exports and are valued "free alongside ship" or f.a.s. Imports are restricted to goods imported for consumption and are on a customs value basis.

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