Steps to a Healthier You MyPyramid Portion Control Cooking Posters Weight Control Clips and Photos
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Products in Nutrition Month:

FREE Shopping List Handout

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This free color handout is a winner - how to read a Nutrition Facts Label plus a healthy shopping list AND tips to save money. Brought to you by Communicating Food for Health Newsletter''

Portion Control DVD

Our new portion control video DVD with matching handouts, leader guide and PowerPoint show will help consumers control portions for every meal. Our great tips and tricks make it all easy to remember. Plus your audience will learn that choosing the right foods is key.

The Label Says - Nutrition Facts Label Game

A new game by Food and Health Communications – show a food package with healthy-sounding claims and then see if the nutrition facts label backs up those claims - the audience has to find the "blunder" i.e. too much salt, fat, calories. The purpose is to help consumers learn to make better buying decisions by using the Nutrition Facts Label. The fun game format will make learning fun and practical using many of today’s popular packaged and frozen foods but with the brand name hidden – only the package claims shown. Each question offers points for a right answer – the game is played in teams.

MyPyramid Cooking and Food Demonstrations

MyPyramid Cooking Demo Kit: Teach your clients how to prepare easy and delicious healthful meals. Food and Health Communication's complete MyPyramid demonstration kit makes it easy for you - do a simple food tasting or a full blown cooking presentation. We will take you step by step through the process from planning to tasting, no sweat. Your class will love to learn with food.

Nutrition: Get the Facts

PowerPoint show on CD or as download with 39 slides to teach people that good nutrition is based on facts, not myths.

Nutrition Basic Package - Great for NNM

5 of our most popular posters for nutrition education: MyPyramid, Nutrition Facts Label, Healthy Plate, Portion Control and Do You Need to Lose PLUS handouts from all 5 lessons that are copy ready

Healthy Plate

Question - 2 plates have exactly the same amount of food. BUT one plate has a lot less calories. How can this be?

Whole Grain Shopper Express

MyPyramid suggests 3 servings of whole grains per day. Manufacturers are offering many whole grain choices including cookies, breads, cereals and donuts. This show will help everyone make the most healthful choice.

MyPyramid Education Materials

Use MyPyramid to teach individuals to get adequate nutrients in calories allotted. Poster, copy-ready handouts, leader/activity guides and PowerPoint Show with speaker's notes put you in action fast!

MyPyramid Posters

Use MyPyramid to teach individuals to get adequate nutrients in calories allotted. English, Spanish and Kids' Posters look great!

Be Fad Diet Free - NEW!!

Use these materials to teach people that fad diets are not the answer to long term weight control and better health.

MyPyramid Trivia Game - NEW!!

This fun game by Sarah Mohrman, RD, MA, and Food and Health Communications will teach individuals the most important messages of MyPyramid.

Do you need to lose weight?

BMI/Waist Facts (Includes tape measure)
This lesson helps individuals evaluate if they need to lose weight for better health.
There are 2 different methods shown: BMI and waist measurement.

Want to Lose Weight? Burn More Calories than You Consume!

This lesson teaches the basic facts about how to lose weight. It lists ways to cut calories as well as ways to burn more calories. It emphasizes small steps such as making a goal to lose 10% of body weight to start and offers best meal choices.

Portion Control: Don't Go Overboard

Many packages look like one portion but are actually 2 or 3. Restaurants serve very large portions. Easy ways to eyeball portions and be aware of food labeling will help everyone put portions back into control.

Food Label Lab: Dissecting the Truth About Food Labels

Show your clients how to make better food choices using the Nutrition Facts Label. Your audience will see case studies on servings per package – how many calories are really there? They will learn to decipher package claims and evaluate foods based on fiber, sodium and nutrient contents. Updated with trans-fat information and 2005 Dietary Guidelines.

Portion and Calorie Bingo

Portion and Calorie Bingo is a fun game that will help your clients watch their portion sizes. It will also help them become aware of better food choices. This game contains info from the 2005 Dietary Guidelines and MyPyramid.

2005 Dietary Guidelines

The 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans present detailed instructions for diet and lifestyle so individuals can manage their weight and improve their health. Our PowerPoint shows and handouts summarize and organize the information found in the guidelines into useful lessons.

Portion and Calorie Control Cruise

This presentation will take your audience on a fun cruise where they will stop at ports of call to learn lessons about portion control, serving sizes, energy density and more! The 2005 Dietary Guidelines call for more nutrient dense foods and this explains how!

Nutrition Facts Label

Display a beautiful color 18” X 24” Nutrition Facts Label poster (also available as color handouts/miniposters) with aqueous coating in your office, on bulletin boards or in classrooms. It features a label comparison lesson and dietary guidelines at the bottom.

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