A Mini-Course in



James A. Duke
The Herbal Village
8210 Murphy Road
Fulton, Maryland 20759


Skipping Along The World Wide Web

Module 1: Introductory Botany

Module 2: Phytochemicals

Module 3: Formulations

Module 4: Aromathematic

Module 5: HDR (Herbalists' Desk Reference)

Module 6: American and Amerindian

Module 7: MICMAC

MODULE 8: Amazonian (Iberoamerican)

Module 9: African

Module 10: Arabic

Module 11: Ayurvedic

Module 12: Biblical

Module 13: Chinese

Module 14: Hawaiian

Module 15: Last and Least...Dangerous Herbs

Module 16: European

Module 17: Green Pharmacy

Module 18: Multiple Activities

Module 19: GRAS Botanicals

Your Instructor

Appendix 1: The Herbal Alternative

Appendix 2: Biting the Biocide Bullet

Coming Soon: Herbal Litigation

Coming Soon: Reading List (Books; Newsletters; Periodicals; Web Sites)

WARNING: This syllabus is offered as an informational compilation, none of which is intended for diagnosis or treatment of disease. As an ethnobotanist, James A. Duke does not diagnose or prescribe. He has compiled folk remedies from throughout the world and has sought chemical data that might support their applications. Physicians and other licensed practitioners are urged to be open to new information on the effectiveness of herbs that may suggest that an herbal alternative may be as good as a synthetic pharmaceutical option. Neither the Univeristy of Maryland, the University of Maryland Foundation Inc., nor the author of this syllabus recommends self diagnosis, self medication or use of unproven folk remedies. Dr. Duke does encourage unbiased scientific analyses that will result in less costly, more efficacious, and/or safer medicines.

Website created by
Michael Tims, Dept. of Plant Biology, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-5815