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August 27, 2004  
Washington, DC - Chairman Susan Collins (R-ME) and Ranking Member Joseph Lieberman (D-CT) today received recommendations for reforming the country’s intelligence community from the Ranking Member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Senator John Rockefeller (D-WV). Senator Rockefeller submitted a letter to Senators Collins and Lieberman, in response to their request for input as they work to craft legislation to reorganize the Executive Branch.

“We value the expertise and insight that Senator Rockefeller offers as we continue with this very important task of reforming and strengthening our nation’s intelligence program to better defend against terrorism and other future threats,” said Senators Collins and Lieberman. “We appreciate his willingness to share with us the work that he has done as the lead Democrat on the Intelligence Committee. We look forward to working with Senator Rockefeller and others as we draft intelligence reform legislation to be considered by the full Senate.”

Senators Collins and Lieberman had asked Senator Rockefeller for input as the Senate Governmental Affairs Committee crafts legislation to restructure the federal government’s 15 intelligence agencies. They also invited Senator Rockefeller to participate in a Committee hearing that included testimony from three former Directors of Central Intelligence.

Senators Collins and Lieberman also sought and received intelligence reform recommendations from the Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman, Senator Pat Roberts (R-KS). In addition, Senators Collins and Lieberman requested input from the Chairmen and Ranking Members of the Appropriations, Armed Services, Budget, Commerce, Foreign Relations, Judiciary, Banking, Energy, and Finance Committees.

“We welcome the opinions and proposals of others who have expertise in this area as we proceed with this important undertaking,” the Senators said.

Senate leaders charged Senators Collins and Lieberman with the responsibility of examining the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission to create a new National Counterterrorism Center and National Intelligence Director and to produce legislation by October 1st.
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August 16 - Senator Collins Holds Hearing To Examine Proposal For New National Intelligence Director

August 4 - Collins, Lieberman Request Input From Colleagues

August 3 - Senator Collins Chairs Hearing To Examine Proposal To Create National Counterterrorism Center

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Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
340 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510