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August 18, 2004  
Collins Continues to Work on Legislation to Create a NID
WASHINGTON, DC—Senator Susan Collins, who is a Member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and chairs the Governmental Affairs Committee which has been tasked with drafting legislation to address some of the recommendations of the 9-11 Commission, today questioned a panel, which included acting CIA Director John McLaughlin, about how much authority should be provided to a National Intelligence Director. Collins is working on legislation through the Governmental Affairs Committee, which will among other things create a National Intelligence Director.

In a question directed to Director McLaughlin during a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing earlier today, Senator Collins pointed out that one of the most startling findings of the 9-11 Commission is that in December of 1998, former CIA Director, George Tenet recognized that Al Qaida was an enormous threat to the US and called for additional resources to fight against this threat. However, he did not have sufficient authority to direct resources where he believed they were needed. In addition, Senator Collins has also expressed concern that it currently takes months for the CIA director to redirect funds in a manner he deems appropriate to meet the needs of the agency and our national security.

Specifically, Senator Collins asked McLaughlin whether he supports giving the National Intelligence Director the authority to oversee the budgets of the federal intelligence agencies, a proposal endorsed by the 9-11 Commission.

McLaughlin responded by telling Senator Collins that the Administration is examining numerous related proposals including full budget authority for the NID, but that he personally agreed that the NID should have greater authority.

Senator Collins supports providing the NID with greater authority over intelligence budgets than the current CIA director has.

“One of the most important recommendations made by the 9-11 Commission is to provide the new National Intelligence Director with sufficient authority to get the job done. Otherwise, we risk creating yet another layer of bureaucracy in the intelligence system,” said Senator Collins.

Senator Collins plans to have related legislation drafted in September and sent to the full Senate by October 1.
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August 2004 Press Releases
July   September   --   2003   2005  
August 27 - Senators Collins & Lieberman Receive Intelligence Reform Suggestions From Senator Rockefeller

August 27 - Senators Collins & Lieberman Statement On White House Executive Orders

August 27 - Study Requested By Senator Collins Finds “Tax Haven Contractors” More Likely To Enjoy Unfair Competitive Advantage When Bidding On Contracts

August 24 - Collins Appointed To Task Force Charged With Reforming Senate Oversight Of Intelligence & Homeland Security

August 23 - Collins & Lieberman Welcome Recommendations Regarding 9/11 Report

August 18 current Press Release

August 17 - 9/11 Families Testify At Hearing Chaired By Senator Collins

August 16 - Senator Collins Holds Hearing To Examine Proposal For New National Intelligence Director

August 4 - Collins, Lieberman Request Input From Colleagues

August 3 - Senator Collins Chairs Hearing To Examine Proposal To Create National Counterterrorism Center

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Washington, D.C. 20510