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articles contain audio/video (denoted by a *)


1.  Musharraf : Military Campaign During Ramadan Will Have Negative Fallout - 2001-11-08
2.  Pakistan Orders Taleban to Close Karachi Consulate - 2001-11-08
3.  Schroeder Urges Approval for Use of German Troops in Fight Against Terrorism - 2001-11-08
4.  Fresh U-S Air Raids on Taleban Positions in Afghanistan - 2001-11-08
5.  U-S Warplanes Hit Taleban Forces in Northern Afghanistan - 2001-11-08
6.  A major consignment of humanitarian aid sent by the United Nations to Afghanistan is held up at the Uzbekistan border. - 2001-11-08
7.  Japan Sending Warships to Support War on Terrorism - 2001-11-08
8.  Pakistani Militant Group Says U-S Raid Kills 85 Fighters - 2001-11-08


1.  Three Killed in Pakistani Police Clash With Taleban Supporters - 2001-11-09
2.  Bush Rallies Americans To Fight Terrorism - 2001-11-09
3.  Chirac Expects U-N to Quickly Pass Resolution for Post-Taleban Afghan Government - 2001-11-09
4.  Two Asylum-Seekers Drown After Jumping from Burning Boat Near Australia - 2001-11-09
5.  Three Japanese Warships Sail to Support War on Terrorism - 2001-11-09
6.  US Planes Pound Afghanistan; Opposition Claims Advance - 2001-11-09
7.  Anti-Taleban Forces Claim Entry to Mazar-e-Sharif, Report Unconfirmed - 2001-11-09
8.  Opposition: Mazar-e-Sharif Captured from Afghan Taleban - 2001-11-09
9.  Pentagon: More Humanitarian Aid in Afghanistan During Ramadan - 2001-11-09
10.  W-H-O Works to Prevent Epidemics in Afghanistan - 2001-11-09


1.  Report Says Bin Laden Has Nuclear and Chemical Weapons - 2001-11-10
2.  Afghanistan Opposition Captures Mazar-e-Sharif - 2001-11-10
3.  Al-Qaida Military Commander Says Bush Lies - 2001-11-10


1.  U-S Officials Concerned About bin Laden Weapons Claim - 2001-11-11
2.  Rumsfeld: Hundreds of Taleban and al-Qaida Killed in Afghanistan - 2001-11-11
3.  British Ground Troops 'Deployed in Afghanistan' - 2001-11-11
4.  Report: Afghan Chemical Weapons Sites Identified - 2001-11-11
5.  U-N Aid Shipments from Uzbekistan to Afghanistan Could Begin This Week - 2001-11-11
6.  Opposition Claims Sweeping Victories in Northern Afghanistan - 2001-11-11
7.  Afghan Opposition Claims Sweeping Victories - 2001-11-11
8.  U-S Bombs Suspected Terrorist Weapons Sites - 2001-11-11
9.  British Foreign Secretary: Military Action - 2001-11-11
10.  Afghan Opposition Asked to Respect Human Rights - 2001-11-11


1.  Afghan Northern Alliance Consolidates Control as Taleban Retreats - 2001-11-14
3.  U-N Council to Discuss Plan for an Interim Afghan Government - 2001-11-14
4.  British Troops Ready for Peacekeeping in Kabul, Mazar-e-Sharif - 2001-11-14
5.  U-N Sends Aid From Uzbekistan to Northern Afghanistan - 2001-11-14
6.  U-N Blames Northern Alliance for Seizing Humanitarian Aid - 2001-11-14
7.  Cheney, Blair: Taleban is Collapsing - 2001-11-14
8.  Cheney: U-S Led Afghan Campaign Starts Strong - 2001-11-14
9.  Al-Jazeera Reporter: Kabul Office Hit By U-S Bombs - 2001-11-14
10.  Taleban Claims its Leader and Osama bin Laden are Alive and Well - 2001-11-14
11.  Jalalabad Falls, While Kandahar Situation Unclear - 2001-11-14
12.  Diplomatic Efforts on Afghanistan's Future - 2001-11-14
13.  Former Afghan King To Broadcast Message - 2001-11-14


1.  Pentagon: Tightening the Noose in Afghanistan - 2001-11-15
2.  Diplomacy For post-Taleban Afghan Government - 2001-11-15
3.  U-S, Japan to Chair Afghan Reconstruction Meeting Next Week - 2001-11-15
4.  Information related to making weapons of mass destruction have been found in a building in Kabul after the collapse of Taleban control. - 2001-11-15