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Shipbuilding and Ship Repair

Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Links


Shana Harbour (harbour.shana@epa.gov)
National Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Sector Point-of-Contact
(202) 566-2959

Sector Profile

The shipbuilding and ship repair sector builds and repairs ships, barges and other large vessels.

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Working with the Industry

The U.S. EPA Sector Strategies Program is working in partnership with the American Shipbuilding Association (ASA) and Shipbuilders Council of America (SCA) to promote environmental management systems (EMS), overcome regulatory barriers to performance improvement, and measure environmental progress in the shipbuilding & ship repair industry.

Read the Shipbuilding and Ship Repair chapter in the Sector Strategies Performance Report.

Promoting environmental management systems

Lean Production and Environmental Management Systems

The purpose of this report is to summarize research and findings on the relationship between lean production and environmental management systems in the shipbuilding and ship repair sector.

EMS Implementation Guide

In summer, 2003, Sector Strategies released the final version of the EMS Implementation Guide for the Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Industry. Created in partnership with ASA and SCA, the Guide describes an EMS that is based on the ISO 14001 standard and reflects EPA's National Environmental Performance Track emphasis on sustained compliance, pollution prevention, and information-sharing with the community. The Guide provides detailed information to shipyards interested in implementing an EMS and incorporates lessons learned and examples drawn from the experience of shipyards that participated in the SSP pilot.

Business Case for EMS Brochure

In October 2003, Sector Strategies released a brochure highlighting the benefits of EMS implementation at shipbuilding facilities. Environmental Management Systems: Systematically Improving your Performance was created in partnership with SCA, ASA, and nine shipyards that have already adopted EMSs.

EMS Training

Sector Strategies and SCA will co-sponsor EMS training sessions for shipyards. For more information, please contact SCA.

Overcoming regulatory or other barriers to performance improvement

Updating BMPs to Reduce Stormwater Metals Loadings

Sector Strategies is working with EPA Regions 4 and 6, Gulf state environmental agencies, and area shipyards to review and, where appropriate, upgrade BMPs for shipyard stormwater management. Enhanced BMPs will reduce and, in some cases, eliminate certain metal loadings in stormwater, diminishing the need for states to individually set numerical limits. The new BMPs will be demonstrated by participating shipyards in late 2003, then validated for use in permits nationwide by shipyards and their state regulators.

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