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NIOSH Programs > Global Collaborations > NIOSH Research Projects

Global Collaborations

Activities: NIOSH Research Projects

NIOSH Projects in the Global Coordinating Centers Network Work Plan 2006-2010

Eleven NIOSH projects were submitted to the World Health Organization Global Network of Collaborating Centers Work Plan 2006-2010
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Projects were organized by relevant activity area and are listed below. They are also in the Activity Areas of the WHO Work Plan.

  • Evidence for action, and national policies and action plans
    • Best laboratory practices globally for analysis of crystalline silica.
  • Practical approaches to identify and reduce occupational risks
    • Development and implemention of Silica Control Tool Kits for priority exposure situations in the Americas region.
    • Demonstration and evaluation of control banding applications globally.
    • Road safety toolkits for organizations whose employees travel abroad within the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) region.
  • Education, training, and technical materials
    • Training programs and guidance materials for surveillance, diagnosis, and treatment of silica exposed workers globally.
    • Screening and surveillance of workers exposed to mineral dusts.
    • Protecting healthcare workers in international settings.
    • Young workers occupational safety and health curriculum.
  • Communication and Networking
    • International sharing of sector-based successful work practices that reduce occupational illness and injury through the National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA).
    • Global Silica information dissemination
    • Best practices globally for working with nanomaterials

NIOSH International Projects

NIOSH en Español Web site

NIOSH has developed an active NIOSH en Español Web site. Launched in 2001, the NIOSH en Espanol Web site consists mainly of Spanish-language versions of NIOSH documents and NIOSH-sponsored databases. The site also includes links to external sites with occupational safety and health information from other government agencies, universities, and international organizations that would be useful to Spanish-speaking workers and their employers. In 2006, the NIOSH Spanish-language pages had an average of 33,400 visitors per month.

Prevention of Falls in Hispanic Construction Workers: Evaluating the Pilot Insertion of Occupational Safety Information into a Televised Spanish Soap Opera (Telenovela)

The Spanish-language soap opera (telenovela) format will be used to communicate occupational safety and health (OSH) information to Spanish-speaking workers, employers, and their families, in order to reduce occupational injuries and fatalities among Hispanic construction workers.  This project will be implemented by a consortium consisting of The Center to Protect Workers’ Rights (CPWR), the NIOSH communications office, Telemundo Network LLC, and the Hollywood, Health & Society program of the Norman Lear Center at the University of Southern California.  This project addresses occupational safety and health needs at the US – Mexico border.

Project officer: Max Lum

National Agricultural Workers Survey 

The National Agricultural Workers survey collects project data from a random sample of all hired farm workers employed in crop agriculture.  The majority of these workers are Mexican immigrants; about 25% of which cross the US-Mexico border each year.  NIOSH has been collaborating with the Department of Labor (DOL) since 1999 to include some occupational health-related questions in this survey.  In 2005, a report of this data was completed and will be published as a NIOSH report in 2006.  It will also be reported in an article in the Journal of the American Public Health Association as part of a group of articles on the health and safety of immigrant workers in the US.

Project officer: Sherry Baron

Improving Immigrant Worker Safety and Health

In October 2004, a national meeting was held to develop recommendations for improved surveillance and interventions to address safety and health needs for immigrant workers in the US, most of whom are immigrants from Mexico. The materials presented at this meeting are currently being used to develop a NIOSH publication that presents data and case studies from around the US.  A series of articles are being prepared for the Journal of the American Public Health Association.  Additionally, NIOSH has funded 7 extramural environmental justice grants that are developing outreach and education programs for immigrant workers.  These include 6 projects which focus on Mexican immigrants including:

  • 3 projects centered on  farmworkers
    • 1 involving indigenous Mexican farmworkers in Oregon
    • 2 involving farmworkers in New York State and Washington State
  • 1 project focusing on day laborers in San Francisco
  • 1 project focusing on poultry workers in North Carolina
  • 1 project focusing on restaurant workers in New York City

Project officer: Sherry Baron

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NIOSH Program:

Global Collaborations

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