Division of Intramural Research (DIR)
Kathryn C. Zoon, Ph.D., Director
The list below includes contact information for DIR principal investigators and senior staff in the DIR Office of the Director. Contact information for staff not listed here may be found in the NIH Enterprise Directory and/or the HHS Employee Directory. The phone number for the DIR Office of the Director is 301-496-3006.
View list of abbreviations
Name |
Bldg./Rm. |
Phone # |
E-mail |
Barillas-Mury, Carolina, Ph.D. Investigator, LMVR |
TW3/ 2E20 |
301-496-3066 |
cbarillas@niaid.nih.gov |
Baron, Gerald, Ph.D. Investigator, LPVD |
RML/ 5000 |
406-363-9460 |
gb126z@nih.gov |
Barron, Karyl S., M.D. Deputy Director, DIR |
33/ 2N09D |
301-402-2208 |
kb18p@nih.gov |
Barry III, Clifton E., Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LCID |
33/ 2W20D |
301-435-7509 |
clifton_barry@nih.gov |
Belkaid, Yasmine, Ph.D. Investigator, LPD |
4/ B128 |
301-451-8686 |
ybelkaid@niaid.nih.gov |
Bennett, John E., M.D. Director, Infectious Diseases Training Program Senior Investigator, LCID |
10/ 11C304A |
301-496-3461 |
jb46y@nih.gov |
Bennink, Jack R., Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LVD |
4/ 201 |
301-402-4603 |
jb62m@nih.gov |
Berger, Edward A., Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LVD |
4/ 237 |
301-496-2481 |
edward_berger@nih.gov |
Bloom, Marshall, M.D. Associate Director for Rocky Mountain Laboratories, DIR |
RML/ 2103 |
406-363-9275 |
mbloom@niaid.nih.gov |
Bolland, Silvia, Ph.D. Investigator, LIG |
TW II/ 202D |
301-496-9589 |
sbolland@niaid.nih.gov |
Bosio, Catharine, Ph.D. Investigator, LCIP |
RML 2207 |
406-363-9425 |
bosioc@niaid.nih.gov |
Bouamr, Fadila, Ph.D. Investigator, LMM |
4/ 337 |
301-496-4012 |
fb106u@nih.gov |
Brenchley, Jason, Ph.D. Investigator, LMM |
4/ 305 |
301-594-8620 |
jbrenchl@niaid.nih.gov |
Caldwell, Harlan D., Ph.D. Laboratory Chief, LICP |
406-363-9333 |
hcaldwell@niaid.nih.gov |
Caughey, Byron, Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LPVD |
406-363-9264 |
bcaughey@niaid.nih.gov |
Celli, Jean, Ph.D. Investigator, LICP |
RML/ 1000 |
406-375-9713 |
jcelli@niaid.nih.gov |
Chanock, Robert, M.D. Senior Investigator, LID |
50/ 6134 |
301-496-2024 |
rchanock@niaid.nih.gov |
Chesebro, Bruce W., M.D. Laboratory Chief, LPVD |
406-363-9354 |
bchesebro@nih.gov |
Cohen, Jeffrey I., M.D. Senior Investigator, LCID |
10/ 11N228 |
301-496-5265 |
jcohen@niaid.nih.gov |
Collins, Peter, Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LID |
50/ 6503 |
301-594-1590 |
pcollins@niaid.nih.gov |
Coligan, John E., Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LAD |
TW II/ 205 |
301-496-8247 |
jc51u@nih.gov |
Connors, Mark, M.D. Senior Clinical Investigator, LIR |
10/ 11B09 |
301-496-8057 |
mconnors@niaid.nih.gov |
Coronado, Lisa, M.B.A. Associate Director for Science Management |
33/ 2N09K |
301-433-4655 |
coronadl@niaid.nih.gov |
Datta, Sandip, M.D. Clinical Investigator, LCID |
10-CRC/ B3-4141 |
301-451-9019 |
dattas@niaid.nih.gov |
Davey, Richard T., M.D. Senior Clinical Investigator, LIR |
10/ 11C103 |
301-496-8029 |
rdavey@niaid.nih.gov |
DeLeo, Frank R., Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LHBP |
RML/ 6305 |
406-363-9448 |
fdeleo@niaid.nih.gov |
Desai, Sanjay, M.D., Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LMVR |
4/ B137 |
301-435-7552 |
sdesai@niaid.nih.gov |
Druey, Kirk M., M.D. Senior Investigator, LAD |
TW II/ 200E |
301-496-8875 |
kd6h@nih.gov |
Dwyer, Dennis M., Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LPD |
4/ B115 |
301-496-5969 |
dd6a@nih.gov |
Ehrenfeld, Elvera, Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LID |
50/ 6120 |
301-594-1654 |
ee26c@nih.gov |
Elkins, William R., D.V.M. Associate Director for Laboratory Animal Resources, DIR |
TW II/ 201D |
301-496-0560 |
relkins@niaid.nih.gov |
Emerson, Suzanne U., Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LID |
50/ 6537 |
301-496-6227 |
semerson@niaid.nih.gov |
Evans, Leonard, Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LPVD |
406-363-9374 |
levans@niaid.nih.gov |
Farber, Joshua, M.D. Senior Investigator, LMI |
10/ 11C104 |
301-402-4910 |
jf40t@nih.gov |
Farci, Patrizia, M.D. Senior Investigator, LID |
7/ 200 |
301-594-2325 |
pfarci@niaid.nih.gov |
Fauci, Anthony S., M.D. Director, NIAID Laboratory Chief, LIR |
10/ 11B13 |
301-496-1124 |
afauci@niaid.nih.gov |
Heinz Feldmann, M.D., Ph.D. Laboratory Chief, LV |
406-375-7410 |
feldmannh@niaid.nih.gov |
Fibison, Wendy J., Ph.D. Associate Director for Office of Training and Special Emphasis Programs, DIR |
15B1/ 1 |
301-496-6400 |
wfibison@niaid.nih.gov |
Fowlkes, B.J., Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LCMI |
4/ 407 |
301-496-5530 |
bf6c@nih.gov |
Gallin, John I., M.D. Director, NIH Clinical Center Senior Investigator, LHD |
10-CRC/ 6-2551 |
301-496-4114 |
jig@nih.gov |
Garboczi, David N., Ph.D. Investigator, LIG |
TW II/ 109 |
301-496-4773 |
dg154a@nih.gov |
Germain, Ronald N., M.D., Ph.D. Deputy Laboratory Chief, LI |
10/ 11D14 |
301-496-1904 |
rg14b@nih.gov |
Gherardini, Frank, Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LZP |
406-363-9474 |
fgherardini@niaid.nih.gov |
Goldman, Neil, Ph.D. Senior Associate Director for Scientific Operations and Planning |
33/ 2N09J |
301-402-5470 |
ngoldman@niaid.nih.gov |
Green, Kim Y., Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LID |
50/ 6315 |
301-594-1665 |
kgreen@niaid.nih.gov |
Grigg, Michael, Ph.D. Investigator, LPD |
4/ B128 |
301-496-3487 |
griggm@niaid.nih.gov |
Gwadz, Robert W., Ph.D. Assistant Laboratory Chief, LMVR |
TW III/ 2W-13B |
301-496-3687 |
rgwadz@niaid.nih.gov |
Hackstadt, T. W., Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LICP |
406-363-9308 |
thackstadt@niaid.nih.gov |
Hasenkrug, Kim, Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LPVD |
406-363-9310 |
khasenkrug@niaid.nih.gov |
Heinzen, Robert, Ph.D. Investigator, LICP |
406-375-9695 |
rheinzen@niaid.nih.gov |
Hinnebusch, B. Joseph, Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LZP |
RML/ 5205 |
406-363-9260 |
jhinnebusch@niaid.nih.gov |
Hirsch, Vanessa M., D.V.M., S.D. Senior Investigator, LMM |
4/ B1-41 |
301-496-0559 |
vhirsch@nih.gov |
Hohman, Robert J., Ph.D. Associate Director for Development of Research Technologies, DIR |
TW I/ 1004 |
301-594-8198 |
rhohman@niaid.nih.gov |
Holland, Steven M., M.D. Laboratory Chief, LCID Co-Director, Infectious Diseases Training Program |
10/ 11N103 |
301-402-7684 |
sholland@niaid.nih.gov |
Hoshino, Yasutaka, D.V.M. Senior Investigator, LID |
50/ 6308 |
301-594-1851 |
yhoshino@niaid.nih.gov |
Jackson, Sharon, M.D. Investigator, LHD |
10-CRC/ 5-3942 |
301-435-8540 |
sjackson@niaid.nih.gov |
Jain, Ashish, M.D. Investigator, LHD |
10-CRC/ 5-3950 |
301-594-5691 |
ajain@niaid.nih.gov |
Jeang, Kuan Teh, M.D., Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LMM |
4/ 303 |
301- 496-6680 |
kj7e@nih.gov |
Jin, Tian, Ph.D. Investigator, LIG |
TW II/ 211 |
301-496-9589 |
tjin@niaid.nih.gov |
Kapikian, Albert Z., M.D. Senior Investigator, LID |
50/ 6306 |
301-496-3371 |
ak18o@nih.gov |
Kehrl, John H., M.D. Senior Investigator, LIR |
10/ 11B08 |
301-402-4852 |
jk5y@nih.gov |
Kelsall, Brian, M.D. Senior Investigator, LMI |
10/ 11N214 |
301-496-7473 |
bkelsall@niaid.nih.gov |
Kozak, Christine A., Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LMM |
4/ 327 |
301-496-0972 |
ck21s@nih.gov |
Kristie, Thomas M., Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LVD |
4/ 129 |
301-496-3854 |
tk20d@nih.gov |
Kwon-Chung, Kyung, Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LCID |
10/ 11C120 |
301-496-1602 |
chung@nih.gov |
Lafont, Bernard, Ph.D. Investigator, LMM |
4/ 328 |
301-402-4072 |
blafont@niaid.nih.gov |
Lai, Ching-Juh, Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LID |
50/ 6349 |
301-594-2422 |
clai@niaid.nih.gov |
Lane, H. Clifford, M.D. Senior Investigator, LIR |
10/ 11C442 |
301-496-7196 |
cl17d@nih.gov |
Lenardo, Michael J., M.D. Senior Investigator, LI |
10/ 11D13 |
301-496-6754 |
ml8e@nih.gov |
Leppla, Stephen H., Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LBD |
33/ 1W20B |
301-594-2865 |
sleppla@niaid.nih.gov |
Leto, Thomas, Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LHD |
TW II/ 203 |
301-402-5120 |
tleto@niaid.nih.gov |
Lobanenkov, Victor V., Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LIP |
TW I/ 1417 |
301-435-1690 |
vl34x@nih.gov |
Lodmell, Donald, Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LPVD |
406-363-9360 |
dlodmell@niaid.nih.gov |
Long, Eric O., Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LIG |
TW II/ 207A |
301- 496-8266 |
el12b@nih.gov |
McBride, Alison, Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LVD |
4/ 137 |
301-496-1370 |
am70f@nih.gov |
McCutchan, Thomas F., Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LMVR |
TW III/ 3E-28C |
301-496-6149 |
tm3y@nih.gov |
Mage, Rose G., Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LI |
10/ 11D03 |
301-496-6113 |
rm3z@nih.gov |
Malech, Harry L., M.D. Laboratory Chief, LHD |
10-CRC |
301-480-6916 |
hmalech@nih.gov |
Margulies, David H., M.D., Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LI |
10/ 11D12 |
301-496-6429 |
dm2a@nih.gov |
Martin, Malcolm A., M.D. Laboratory Chief, LMM |
4/ 315 |
301-496-4012 |
mm54y@nih.gov |
Matzinger, Polly, Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LCMI |
4/ 111 |
301- 496-6440 |
pm22v@nih.gov |
Meier-Schellersheim, Martin, Ph.D. Investigator, LI |
4/ B211 |
301-443-1333 |
mms@niaid.nih.gov |
Metcalfe, Dean D., M.D. Laboratory Chief, LAD Director, Allergy/Immunology Training Program |
10/ 11C205 |
301-496-1267 |
dm15o@nih.gov |
Miller, Louis H., M.D. Branch Co-Chief, MVDB |
TW III/ 3E-32D |
301-435-2177 |
lmiller@niaid.nih.gov |
Morse, III, Herbert C., M.D. Laboratory Chief, LIP |
TW I/ 1421 |
301-496-6379 |
hm16c@nih.gov |
Muljo, Stefan A., Ph.D. Investigator, LI |
10/ 11N254 |
301-594-2116 |
muljos@niaid.nih.gov |
Moss, Bernard, M.D., Ph.D. Laboratory Chief, LVD |
4/ 229A |
301-496-9869 |
bm26f@nih.gov |
Murphy, Brian R., M.D. Laboratory Co-Chief, LID |
50/ 6517 |
301-594-1616 |
bm25f@nih.gov |
Murphy, Philip M., M.D. Laboratory Chief, LMI |
10/ 11N111 |
301-496-8616 |
pmurphy@niaid.nih.gov |
Nash, Theodore E., M.D. Senior Investigator, LPD |
4/ B101 |
301-496-6920 |
tn1r@nih.gov |
Neva, Franklin A., M.D. Emeritus Investigator, LPD |
4/ B1-27 |
301-496-2486 |
fneva@nih.gov |
Nutman, Thomas B., M.D. Assistant Laboratory Chief, LPD |
4/ B103 |
301-496-5399 |
tnutman@niaid.nih.gov |
Otto, Michael, Ph.D. Investigator, LHBP |
RML/ 5206 |
406-363-9283 |
motto@niaid.nih.gov |
Parnell, Michael J., D.V.M., Ph.D. Branch Chief, RMVB |
406-363-9238 |
mp24s@nih.gov |
Patton, John, Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LID |
50/ 6314 |
301-594-1615 |
jpatton@niaid.nih.gov |
Paul, William E., M.D. Laboratory Chief, LI |
10/ 11N311 |
301-496-5046 |
wp1k@nih.gov |
Pierce, Susan K., Ph.D. Laboratory Chief, LIG |
TW II/ 200B |
301-496-9589 |
sp217q@nih.gov |
Pierson, Theodore, Ph.D. Investigator, LVD |
4/ 126 |
301-451-7977 |
tp194d@nih.gov |
Pletnev, Alexander, Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LID |
50/ 6351 |
301-402-7754 |
apletnev@niaid.nih.gov |
Portis, John, M.D. Senior Investigator, LPVD |
406-363-9339 |
jportis@niaid.nih.gov |
Priola, Suzette, Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LPVD |
406-363-9319 |
spriola@niaid.nih.gov |
Prussin, Calman, M.D. Investigator, LAD |
10/ 11C314 |
301-496-1306 |
cprussin@niaid.nih.gov |
Purcell, Robert H., M.D. Laboratory Co-Chief, LID |
50/ 6523 |
301-496-6227 |
rp18p@nih.gov |
Quinn, Thomas, M.D., M.Sc. Assoc. Director for International Research |
410-955-3150 |
tquinn@niaid.nih.gov |
Rosa, Patricia, Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LZP |
406-363-9209 |
prosa@niaid.nih.gov |
Rosenberg, Helene, M.D., Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LAD |
10/ 11N104 |
301-496-2365 |
hrosenberg@niaid.nih.gov |
Sacks, David L., Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LPD |
4/ B112 |
301-496-0577 |
dsacks@niaid.nih.gov |
Saul, Allan, Ph.D. Senior Investigator |
TW I/ 1113 |
301-594-3701 |
asaul@niaid.nih.gov |
Schwan, Tom G., Ph.D. Laboratory Chief, LZP |
406-363-9250 |
tschwan@niaid.nih.gov |
Schwartz, Ronald H., M.D., Ph.D. Laboratory Chief, LCMI |
4/111 |
301-496-1257 |
rs34r@nih.gov |
Sher, Franklin A., Ph.D. Laboratory Chief, LPD |
50/ 6140 |
301-496-3535 |
lm23f@nih.gov |
Shevach, Ethan M., M.D. Senior Investigator, LI |
10/ 11N315 |
301-496-6449 |
es13a@nih.gov |
Siebenlist, Ulrich K., Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LIR |
10/ 11B16 |
301-496-8917 |
us3n@nih.gov |
Steele-Mortimer, Olivia, Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LICP |
406-363-9292 |
omortimer@niaid.nih.gov |
Strebel, Klaus A., Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LMM |
4/ 312 |
301-496-3132 |
ks10z@nih.gov |
Strober, Warren, M.D. Senior Investigator, LHD |
10-CRC/ 5-3940 |
301-496-6810 |
wstrober@niaid.nih.gov |
Su, Xinzhuan, Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LMVR |
TW III/3E-24B |
301-402-0876 |
xsu@niaid.nih.gov |
Subbarao, Kanta, M.D., M.P.H. Senior Investigator, LID |
50/ 6132 |
301-451-3839 |
ksubbarao@niaid.nih.gov |
Sun, Peter, Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LIG |
TW II/ 211 |
301-496-3230 |
psun@niaid.nih.gov |
Taubenberger, Jeffrey, M.D., Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LID |
33/ 3E19A.3 |
301-443-5960 |
taubenbergerj@niaid.nih.gov |
Valenzuela, Jesus, Ph.D. Investigator, LMVR |
TW3/ 2E22 |
301-402-1582 |
jvalenzuela@niaid.nih.gov |
Varma, Rajat, Ph.D. Investigator, LCMI |
4/ 431 |
301-402-1335 |
varmarajat@niaid.nih.gov |
Wellems, Thomas E., M.D., Ph.D. Laboratory Chief, LMVR |
TW III/ 3E-10A |
301-496-2487 |
twellems@niaid.nih.gov |
Wynn, Thomas A., Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LPD |
50/ 6154 |
301-496-4758 |
twynn@niaid.nih.gov |
Xiao, Tsan, Ph.D. Investigator, LI |
4/ 138 |
301-594-2096 |
xiaot@niaid.nih.gov |
Yewdell, Jonathan W., M.D., Ph.D. Senior Investigator, LVD |
4/ 211 |
301-402-4602 |
jy5v@nih.gov |
Zoon, Kathryn C., Ph.D. Director, DIR |
33/ 2N09G.2 |
301-496-3006 |
kzoon@niaid.nih.gov |
List of abbreviations
Comparative Medicine Branch |
Mark Hatfield Clinical Research Center |
Laboratory of Allergic Diseases |
Laboratory of Bacterial Diseases |
Laboratory of Clinical Infectious Diseases |
Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Immunology |
Laboratory of Human Bacterial Pathogenesis |
Laboratory of Host Defenses |
LI |
Laboratory of Immunology |
Laboratory of Intracellular Parasites |
Laboratory of Infectious Diseases |
Laboratory of Immunogenetics |
Laboratory of Immunopathology |
Laboratory of Immunoregulation |
Laboratory of Molecular Immunology |
Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology |
Laboratory of Malaria and Vector Research |
Laboratory of Parasitic Diseases |
Laboratory of Persistent Viral Diseases |
LV |
Laboratory of Virology |
Laboratory of Viral Diseases |
Laboratory of Zoonotic Pathogens |
Malaria Vaccine Development Branch |
Rocky Mountain Laboratories |
Rocky Mountain Veterinary Branch |
Research Technologies Branch |
TW |
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