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 Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
 Chronic Wasting Disease
 Basic Research
 Cross-Species Transmission
 Therapeutic Approaches

Prion Diseases

Cross-Species Transmission

At RML, studies are ongoing to understand the mechanisms by which TSE infections cross species. Experiments have demonstrated that species once thought to be resistant to certain TSE strains can be life-long carriers of the infection without ever becoming sick. RML scientists also are investigating whether CWD can be transmitted from deer or elk to other species after eating brain matter from deer or elk that are infected with CWD. That knowledge would provide valuable insight into whether this disease could possibly be transmitted to humans.

See Also

  • Breakthrough in Detecting Prion Infections
  • Prion Therapy Inhibits Infection in Mice
  • Prion Disease News Releases
  • View a video explaining NIAID scientist Byron Caughey's research on developing a better test for the proteins responsible for mad cow disease (Windows Media Player Format, SMIL captioned, 3 MB, Credit: ScienCentral, Inc.)
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    See Also

  • Breakthrough in Detecting Prion Infections
  • Prion Therapy Inhibits Infection in Mice
  • Prion Disease News Releases
  • View a video explaining NIAID scientist Byron Caughey's research on developing a better test for the proteins responsible for mad cow disease (Windows Media Player Format, SMIL captioned, 3 MB, Credit: ScienCentral, Inc.)
    How do I view captions in Windows Media Player? (PDF)
  • Related Links

    View a list of links for more information about prion diseases.