Commission Actions for March 1999

March 30, 1999

March 25, 1999

  • Docket No. C-3858
    In the Matter of Allied Domecq Spirits & Wine Americas, Inc., and Allied Domecq Spirits & Wine USA, Inc., d.b.a. Hiram Walker.

March 24, 1999

March 23, 1999

  • Rules and Guides for Electronic Media:
    Announcement of May 14, 1999 Public Workshop on the Interpretation of Rules and Guides for Electronic Media, Procedure for Requesting to Participate, and Request for Submission of Advertisements

March 22, 1999

  • File No. 981 0261
    In the Matter of North Lake Tahoe Medical Group, Inc.
    • Agreement Containing Consent Order to Cease and Desist
    • Complaint
    • Analysis of Proposed Consent Order to Aid Public Comment
    • Statement of Chairman Pitofsky, Commissioner Anthony, and Commissioner Thompson
    • Statement of Commissioner Swindle, Concurring in Part and Dissenting in Part
    • News Release

March 19, 1999

March 18, 1999

  • FTC, et al. v. United Industries Corporation (Dist. Maryland)

March 17, 1999

March 16, 1999

  • File No. 992 3002
    In the Matter of Burlington Coat Factory Warehouse Corporation.

March 15, 1999

  • Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the State of Israel Regarding the Application of Their Competition Laws

March 11, 1999

March 10, 1999

  • Prepared Statement of the Federal Trade Commission On the Role of the Commission in Enforcing the Antitrust Laws to Protect Consumers in the Petroleum Industry
    Presented by William J. Baer, Director, Bureau of Competition, Before the Subcommittee on Energy and Power of the Committee on Commerce, United States House of Representatives
  • Prepared Statement of the Federal Trade Commission on "Agency Lockout on the Off-Label Use of EDTA Chelation Therapy"
    Presented by Jodie Bernstein, Director, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Before the Committee on Government Reform, United States House of Representatives

March 5, 1999

  • Prepared Statement of the Federal Trade Commission On "Financial Privacy"
    Presented by David Medine, Associate Director for Financial Practices, Before the Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States House of Representatives [PDF]
  • File No. 962 3147
    In the Matter of American College for Advancement in Medicine

March 3, 1999

March 2, 1999

Last Modified: Thursday, 25-Sep-2008 14:40:00 EDT